Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 806: 806 I was a goddess in ancient times (13)

Chapter 806, 806, I was a goddess in the ancient times (13)

Their tribes, starting with a historical record, no one surpasses a five-level fighter.

Only the first-class city will have five or more fighters and even eight-level fighters.

Therefore, when there were six fighters in the Chennan team, the entire tribe was shocked, and the patriarchs were also very scared.

The patriarchs originally thought that Ye Haohua would be as surprised as they were when they heard the news.

I did not expect them to be calmer than one.

Ye Haohua still bowed his head and said something to Chu Yun. The patriarch could still hear what they were saying, "cotton" and "burning bricks". What they could not understand.

They are telling the woman of the tribe and the men, and all the cows, horses and horses brought back by him.

When I heard the patriarch, I knew that Chu Yun and Ye Haohua would not say such boring things. He turned his head and pulled his mouth. "Forgot to say that they are also the lowest level six fighters."

"What...what?" The patriarch and the pomelo can't help but want to lick their ears and want to see if they are auditory or not.

"Yeah, I broke through the six-level fighters more than half a month ago," he said, the second person who arrived at the sixth-level warrior behind Ye Haohua. When he said it, he looked at the fennel a little bit. "Anise is better than us. There are Yun Daren and Ye Daren personally teaching that they are already seven-level fighters. Why didn't you just say that you have reached the seven-level fighter?"

One month, only one month, the fen has reached the seven-level fighter from the fifth-level fighter.

Others also have one or two levels of growth.

Basically, they have reached the six-level fighters. This is only a month's time, so that they can believe more, Ye Haohua and Chu Yun are the people sent by God to save them.

"What if they want to go or not?" Ani took a look.

I scratched my head and looked at you with a reasonable look. "You are right, they are in trouble if they don't want to leave, or don't say it well, are you reaching the eight-level fighter?"

"It's still a little bit worse. It's estimated that I have to wait for half a month. Ye Daren said that my qualifications are poor, and that's right." Aneping sighed and squeezed her fist. "I will work hard."

The two of you said one sentence, but I don’t know, the patriarchs have completely smashed them.

Seventh-level fighters?

Can you break through the eight-level fighters right away?

They were not very convinced, but they were very arrogant, and they were eager to give them performances on the open space, or else they were extremely fast, or they could lift a few hundred pounds of stones in one hand...

These people, who were very frustrated because of Chen Nan’s departure, are now excited and carnival because of the powerful power of these people.

"Aniseed adults, this is for you!" Pomelo people are excited, and then know that the fennel is already a seven-level fighter.

Call him directly as an anise.

The fennel bowed his head and saw the black leg of the pomelo on the hand, and silenced. "Thank you, I don't want it."

"We have already eaten, these lamb legs naturally want to give us the greatest warrior." The patriarch and others did not agree, even pulled down two other leg of lamb, let people send Ye Haohua and Chu Yun.

"Don't! Don't," Fanna couldn't imagine that Ye Haohua saw the black-legged lamb leg. "We have already eaten it when we returned to the Horde, not hungry."

Pomelo thought it was true, nodded, and then happy to share the leg of the lamb with the people of the same family.

This night, the campfire did not go out.

Ye Haohua and Chu Yun did not participate. The two studied the problems of primitive social development and made several plans.

Early the next morning, when Ye Haohua jumped from the tree, he saw the people of the Icefield tribe.

"Ye Daren." The people of the Bingyuan tribe got up very early. They were cleaning up the wreckage and saw Ye Haohua get up. They greeted her very respectfully and very politely.

Ye Haohua touched his chin and felt strange.

Her priest was yesterday Chu Yungang said, according to the truth, these people should not accept so fast.

Why is it so respectful after a night?

Ye Haohua still didn't want to understand that there was a chaos in front, which seemed to be the sound of fighting.

There are people applauding next to them.

"What happened?" Ye Haohua came and saw that he was fighting with people, but he did not use all his strength, simply fighting with others.

When I saw Ye Haohua, the people in the tribe immediately gave her a way.

Chu Yun stood beside her, and it was hard to say a word. "They got a night of six-level fighters, and other warriors in the tribe were jealous of him."

Ye Haohua finally understood why the attitude of the people in the tribe suddenly changed.

The two are talking, the patriarch is also coming. He has not looked at Ye Haohua’s gaze today, but he is full of awe. "The high priest, we will soon build a wooden house, although Chen Nan did not teach us. But we should almost cover it..."

Yesterday Chen Nan, they removed the wooden boards and wooden stakes.

The patriarch decided to let people reassemble and build.

"You don't have to build a wooden house," Ye Haohua shook his head and followed some of his fingers. "They will bring four hundred people back today, and there are some plants and materials. You keep a few people in the tribe, and everyone else goes with me. a place."

"Four hundred people?" The patriarch blinked.

"The four hundred people were rescued by the big man and the high priest. They are all flute-faced songs not far from our tribe. I am going to go back at this time. I will come back at night." I thought about it and continued, " You should not be too surprised by the patriarch, and there will be more and more people in our tribe in the future."

After that, after the fennel and Ye Yuhua confirmed what they were going to bring, they left the tribe.

In the tribe, the patriarch and the pomelo reacted to the fact that they had not built the wooden house again, and they were scared by the four hundred people said by the fen.

When Ye Haohua left with a team, he reacted.


On the other side, Chen Nan has already found another building tribe.

It is not far from the Icefield tribe. Chuyin sees a ridiculous piece of land and hates the earth: "So good tribes are really cheaper."

He followed the Chu Yin, heard the words, and said with a smile: "Miss Chu, without you, who else will help them to heal, the patriarchs will ask you to go back in a few days."

The carving on one side suddenly opened. "No, they will be treated."

(End of this chapter)

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