Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 807: 807 I was a goddess in the ancient times (14) three more

Chapter 807 807 I was a goddess in the ancient times (14) three more

When I heard the embarrassment, Chu Yin reluctantly recovered a little mood.

However, the words of the carving made Chu Yin’s eyes slightly pick up, and she looked at the carvings and blinked slightly. “Who?”

Chen Nan on one side also looks at the carving.

"That leaves." The carving is very clear about the strength of the tribe. Chu Yun is not so brainless, and will drive away the old priest and Chu Yin for no reason.

When the curious expression on Chu Yin’s face heard the name, it disappeared without a trace. Chen Nan also withdrew his gaze and continued to draw pictures on the ground, allowing people to build wooden houses according to his ideas.

"It turned out to be her." Chu Yin waved his hand and didn't care much. When she left, she looked at Ye Haohua's thighs with scarred scars. If she had treatment, she should have been half a month ago. All right.

The corner of the mouth is slightly ticked. "Chen Nan, let's first let people cut trees."

Nothing to care about the icefield tribe.

Both want to quickly build a tribe.


On this side, Ye Haohua has taken people to where she found clay.

"Cloud Master, what should the High Priest do?" He did not pick up with the fen, but as the leader of the rest of the Horde.

Seeing Ye Haohua’s mysterious secret and leading the way, he whispered, “Don’t we build a wooden house?”

Chu Yunye is not sure what Ye Haohua is going to do. In fact, there are too many weird ideas in her mind.

But looking at the soil under his feet, he probably got some clarity. "Take you build a house."

When he heard Chu Yun’s words, Ye Haohua looked at Chu Yun with a brow.

Chu Yun looked at her: "When did you find the clay?"

"I saw it on the first day," Ye Haohua nodded. "We first dig a hole to make a kiln brick. It is very close to taking out the iron ore. It is really unaccustomed to have no knife."

When they heard that Ye Haohua was going to dig a hole, these people immediately looked for things to dig holes.

They didn't have many people. They didn't do much on the first day. The depth of the tunnel was not enough. But at night, they were back, and they brought a lot of green plants and two hundred big men from the Xiaoshan tribe.

Ye Yuhua teaches several women to roast meat with cumin and peppers, and teach them how to lick meat without being black, and instantly fleshy.

"We have come to the right place." The head of a former Hanshan tribe did not lift the head.

Chu Yun went back in the afternoon, and Ye Yuhua stared at them to burn bricks and taught them to smelt iron.

Chu Yun is going back to deal with the tribe, planning the scope of the tribe, making regulations, and then continuing to take people out to hunt around, both of them are too busy.

A month later.

The Icefield tribe expanded to more than a thousand people, and the first brick house was built in the tribe. Ye Haohua hung a sign of the Chamber.

The first brick house came out, and the brick house behind it was easier.

Everyone has a very high level of enthusiasm. I have never seen such a house that can shelter from the wind. It is just a small bungalow. The family does not live very much. The primitive people are very strong.

Coupled with so many people in the tribe, even the children help and clay.

In less than half a month, each family has its own house.

Cotton Ye Haohua also found it, but although she understands everything, she still doesn't understand weaving. She can only describe the principle of the loom and let the women in the tribe study it.

"High Priest," she said with Chu Yun, saying that there was a trap in the wall outside the city of Icefield, and he came in with a big iron pot. "Is this a big iron pot you said?"

Ye Haohua: "...Yes." But she is not letting them do the sword first or something?

"Great, so can you eat the soup you said and the cooking tonight? I will get the kitchen!"

Ye Weihua: "..."

Chu Yun also shook his head and then spoke. "I stared at them and made swords."

His former swords were all made by the soldiers. Although he did not know how to turn iron oxide into iron, he would teach them to cast swords and iron.

Ye Haohua followed the memory and tried to make some paper.

This winter, the Icefield tribes were very comfortable. Although the cloth had not been researched yet, they put on the cotton cloth with cotton inside.

After more than half a year, the Icefield tribe successfully expanded to 2,000 people and began to become famous in a low-key manner.

The city walls were also built outside the city. The bottom of the city walls were built with huge stones. These stones were very heavy for the average person, but they did not have any weight for most of the tribes who reached the seven-level fighters.

"As you can see, we will make paper," said an old man. "If it weren't for the wolf tribe, our tribe would not want to trust you. I hope that you can give us a place to live, you will need it very much. Our paper, with us joining, the strength of your tribe will also become stronger..."

Chu Yun did not look at the paper he took.

These people are playing with the things in their hands and don't care much about him.

Ye Haohua holds the paper in his hand, which is very rough and somewhat inferior.

"High priest, Yun Daren, I am also at level 7! I am also at level 7!" One outside excitedly broke through the wooden door and excitedly looked at the people in the conference room.

As he spoke, he also slammed the huge stones in his hand to the ground.

The fennel couldn’t help but turn a blind eye. "You who have broken through to the seventh grade in two months or not say it is a shame."

The man heard the words and shyly bowed his head. "I know that my qualifications are not good, and I will work harder to refuel. One day, one day, I will become a nine-level fighter like the anisie! High priest, Yun Daren, I continue to train!" ”

(End of this chapter)

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