Chapter 890 890 Weapons (4) Four

When I heard this sentence, Ye Haohua was sitting at the table, poured himself a cup of tea, and while drinking, he turned over the book that Ye’s father left him.

The expression on my face was very calm.

The milk lady said, she found that Ye Haohua was drinking water and stood immediately. "Miss, this tea is still in the morning, it has already been cold. Now it is autumn, can't drink cold..."

When the milk girl picks up the teapot, she has to change a cup of hot water. Halfway through it, she suddenly pauses.

No, this tea... how is it hot?

Although the palace is luxurious, but the identity is particularly obvious, especially the prince has not looked at Ye Haohua for three days, and the people on the house will take a small slap in the face.

In this broken yard, except for the two who looked at them at the beginning, there was no one to come here. How could someone give Ye Haohua heat exchange water?

The milkmaid is still wondering, but Ye Haohua interrupted her. "Mother, what have you just said?"

It was said by Ye Yuhua that the milkmaid suddenly remembered something and immediately forgot the tea. He said, "Miss, oh oh, you know, oh yeah is in the capital! The prince who often holds you when he was a child, still There are two young ladies who are in the old man’s house!"

When the nurse talked about this, her eyes were red.

There was a point in ancient times and the news was very backward.

Ye Haohua and her two female maidens, it is a miracle to be able to live in peace. They know that there is still a family of lords, but the news that they want the hall to be in the sky is not so simple.

Even Shen and Liu Yan both of them have only recently found Ye Haohua.

If it is in the normal situation, even if it is in the same capital, the milk mother is afraid that she will not be able to find a grandfather's family for another ten years.

So many people in the world are surnamed Shen, even if they know that they are silent, the milk maid can’t see the old man himself. How dare to confirm that he is a master?

At this moment, the lord actually found them first. How can the milk lady not be excited?

Especially after staying in the palace.

"Oh." Ye Yuhua turned over the memory. This old man also saw the original owner, but the original Lord was worried about it, and the food that the palace gave her was so good, so the original spirit was not good.

I did not promise to see you at all.

Hey, a man, can’t come to the backyard of Wangfu to see Wang’s little sister?

So until the original Lord died, neither of them had seen it.

Only the original master's sister had seen the original Lord several times, but the two were somewhat alienated, and the original Lord Jingcheng followed her father to run around to find materials.

Ye Yuyu was left in the capital because of his poor health. It is very normal for the two to have a gap.

However, after the death of the original Lord, only the lord had to open the post-mortem or even because of this contradiction with the Wangfu, and finally returned to Jiangnan with the original ranking.

Cheng Yan did not pay attention to the original owner, and he took it with the master.

"Miss, why aren't you excited?" The milkmaid wiped a tear and saw that Ye Haohua didn't move, only flipping through the book, some strange.

“Nothing.” Ye Haohua thought about the final step of quenching steel. If it is modern, there are so many chemicals very simple.

It’s just that this is ancient, and Ye Haohua lacks a lot of things. She needs a little bit of production.

If she can go to the Yejia workshop, she will probably have a plan.

When the milk lady was young at the time, Ye Haohua had already forgotten the lord, so there was not much reaction. "Miss, don't read these books, Wang Ye is waiting for you to go to the old man's house!"

Shen’s family is sure to go there. Ye Yuhua, who is known from Ye Xiaohua’s memory, does not seem to be bad. Everything is quietly designed with Cheng Yan.

This sister...

"Miss Miss loves to read books. The master said that she is faster than you to learn. When he was seven years old, he played a dagger. It is not good, otherwise she is very suitable for learning refining," said the nurse, but helpless. Shaking his head, "She is a god-giving meal, but she is also a talented person. I don’t know how the second lady is raised now?"

Ye Haohua did not answer the words of the mother.

Just put the book together, put it in the mahogany box, and then use a new lock.

This lock has no key, and the production is very delicate. It is in the Ye family books. When Ye Haohua was practicing the sword, he created such a lock by the way.

A lock is a cube with a side length of almost three centimeters. It needs to be opened by a specific method. There is only one way to uncover it.

If you don't know, you will become a pile of scrap iron if you want to break the horse.

The first time I learned about this lock, Ye Haohua only had admiration for the wisdom of the ancients.

This kind of craft has been lost in modern times. The National Museum has wooden boxes that are locked from the tomb and locked with such locks. Unfortunately, scientists have been studying for a long time and can’t open it. There are even rumors that this is aliens. Something underneath.

Ye Haohua is now able to master this technology and cherish it.

"This... This is the old man who once gave the lady the exquisite lock?" After all, the milkmaid stayed at Ye's house for twenty years and was Mrs. Ye's confidant. Naturally, she knew a lot.

Seeing the lock that Ye Haohua took out, she took a long while to return to God. "Miss, you... Where are you from here?"

After all, it is the Ye family, and the milk girl is also very familiar with the Ye family weapons. At first glance, it is a new Linglong lock.

She has not seen this lock for five years since her death.

Once again, the milky eyes are a little red.

"When I was no one during the day, I secretly went to the iron shop," Ye Haohua put the box under the bed. "It’s just that I haven’t reached the level of embarrassment yet, and I need to practice again to fully understand the Linglong lock."

Now she is still not good at learning, only to get 50% of the heat.

After Ye Haohua finished, the mother did not move for a long time.

Ye Haohua, who had already walked outside, had to stop and raise his eyebrows against the door frame. "Mother? What happened to you? Don't go home?"

The milkmaid is still staying in the state where Ye Yuhua said to make an exquisite lock.

"Little... Miss, you just said... Are you making an exquisite lock?"

"There is no exquisite lock, this is just a semi-finished product, let's go."

The mother's eyes burst into tears, and immediately squatted on the floor with their hands together. "Master, madam, you see no, Miss can make an exquisite lock! Ye Jia... Ye Family has a successor!"

After the baby was crying and crying, she was very relaxed on her face. She saw the ability of Ye Haohua but she had a heart.

The two went to the front hall, and Cheng Yan had been waiting impatiently at the gate. The tone was very bad. "How is it so slow?"

The milk girl knows that Cheng Yan was married to Ye Haohua for Ye Haohua's refining ability.

"Wang Ye, just Miss, made..."

(End of this chapter)

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