Chapter 891 891 Weapons (5) Five

Since Ye Haohua has married a person who is a Wangfu in this life, let Wang Ye know that Ye Haohua’s ability is helpful to Ye Haohua.

The milk mother believes that such a Ye Haohua can't restore Ye's past heyday, and it won't go bad.

The most lacking of the Dayong Dynasty at the moment is the gods.

When I was with my wife, the wife and the bride-in-law mentioned it. The most complicated thing in the Ye family’s weapons was the Linglong lock. When the Ye family was the most prosperous, who could make the Linglong lock to take over the Ye family.

Although Ye Father can create an exquisite lock, when he can make an exquisite lock, he is already twenty-one years old. At present, Ye Haohua is only 18 years old.

Since she can make an exquisite lock, she will be able to make a **** soldier within five years.

When you don't say it right, it's not a bad idea to get a title on the side.

Therefore, the milkmaid will have to tell Wang Ye the good news for the first time.

"Mother, don't you say that I am lying? I want to show the sword I made!" Ye Haohua directly interrupted the words of the nurse.

Cheng Yan does not actually care what Ye Haohua did.

Ye Haohua in his eyes, all the whereabouts put me in his own hands, he just waited impatiently, and asked casually.

When he heard Ye Haohua's words, he couldn't help but look at Ye Haohua. He didn't show anything on his face, but his heart was shaking his head.

Ye Haohua’s method of forging a sword is indeed better than that of a general craftsman, but for Ye’s heirs, she proposed it too ordinary.

With Ye Ye for so many years, there has been no progress. I think that here, Cheng Yan’s heart naturally has a contempt for Ye Haohua.

However, the true talent is being tortured.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yan's face sank and turned and left.

He did not have any interest in the milkmaid.

The group went directly to the Shen family.

Cheng Yan took a step forward, and Ye Haohua sat in the carriage behind him. Today, he went to Shen, and Cheng Yan did not have harsh Ye Hao.

After all, the palace is still in the palace.

The bridegroom climbed to the carriage behind Ye Haohua. "Miss, how did you just let me finish the words? Don't you know that as long as you know that you can make an exquisite lock, you don't know how many times you are in the palace!"

Don't say that the next person in the palace will not be embarrassed to her, even if Wang Hao will give Ye Haohua some face.

Ye Haohua can't tell the truth to the nurse, just shake her head. "Mother, I know what I am doing."

The milkmaid knows that Ye Haohua’s personality has changed somewhat recently.

When she heard Ye Haohua say so, she opened her mouth and finally said nothing.

After half an hour, I arrived at Shen.

Shen Shen and Mrs. Shen had been waiting for the door, and the silence was not there. Ye Yiyu did not see it. Cheng Yan certainly would not wait for Ye Haohua. Presumably Cheng Yan was going in and looking for silence.

When Shen Shen saw Ye Haohua, he stunned.

Mrs. Shen is still shaking her fingers and touching Ye Haohua’s face. "Like, it’s like... you are shaking the moon, it’s just a mold!"

Shake the moon is the birth mother of the original Lord.

"Come in," Shen's father saw the clothes worn by Ye Haohua, and he couldn't help but feel sad. "He told me how you have been through these five years."

Shen Shen and Mrs. Shen brought Ye Haohua into it.

Shen Shen and Shen Shayue also lost their parents in the early years. Shen Shen used his own power to make his business bigger. When he was swaying and marrying, he was really red.

When Shen’s marriage came in, Shen’s family was still not developed. When Shen’s father went out to do business, the family only had a swaying month and lived with Mrs. Shen, and Mrs. Shen took Shen Yang’s sister as a sister.

After Shen Yang and Ye’s father died, Mrs. Shen was sick for a month, until she arrived, she became better.

At the moment, I saw Ye Haohua, who had just carved out a mold with Shen Yang, and they were very excited.

"What about the young master?" Shen Shen went in and let people go to find silence. "Let him come out to meet the cousin of Yuhua!"

"Master, the young master is not feeling well, he will not come out to see the guests." The housekeeper lowered his head.

The milk girl looked at the butler but was surprised.

Ye Hao Hua Chao looked over there and found the housekeeper Shen Shen from the memory. This turned out to be the housekeeper of Yefu.

At the moment, this fear is to take over the entire Yefu people.

"What guest? That is his cousin!" Shen Fu directly took the case.

He also wants to say a word, but when he sees Ye Haohua, he immediately swallows the words behind him, and a gentle smile on his face. "Hey, let your mother take you to see Daiyu, and my uncle will handle something first."

Ye Haohua knows that the uncle should be dealing with the palace.

According to this embarrassment to the original Lord, I am afraid that he will not be willing to do his niece in the palace.

Mrs. Shen did not immediately take Ye Haohua to see Ye Yuyu, but first brought Ye Haohua to her room and gave her a new brocade dress.

It’s just that Ye Haohua is too thin now, and she looks even thinner when she wears it, but her mental outlook is much better.

"It seems that my size is correct. This size is the size when the moon is not married." Mrs. Shen said her eyes were red again.

Then immediately laughed and took Ye Haohua to see Ye Yuyu.

I didn't think that the uncomfortable silence was followed by Cheng Yan.

The two men are like each other, and Ye Haohua is a two-year-old Yu Ye, and the appearance of Ye Yuyu is not bad.

At that time, the mothers of the two men shook the name of the capital, and Ye Yuyu was one or two points worse than the shaking of the moon, whether it was appearance or temperament.

Ye Yuhua is very similar to Shen Yangyue, especially the temperament of Ye Yuhua is more obvious.

Suddenly, his relationship with his aunt was very good, so when he saw Ye Haohua, he also stunned, but just then, and then reacted instantly.

Ye Xiaohua walked with Ye's father from an early age, and Ye Haoyu was actually not as deep as half of her sisters.

When I saw Ye Haohua, Ye Yuyu was also very surprised. "Sister? You...what have you been in these years?"

She held Ye Haohua's hand in both hands and chatted with Ye Haohua.

Seeing the deep feelings of the two sisters, Mrs. Shen was also very happy, leaving time for the two sisters, and then gave a cold look to the silence, indicating that he was quietly following himself.

When Ye Haohua touched the hand of Ye Yuyu, she knew that Ye Haoyu’s body was broken, and the medical skills of this era were difficult to heal.

But Ye Haohua has a way, which is complicated.

She has a number in her heart.

"Miss watch, Lao Ye lets you go to the front hall." The butler whispered outside.

Ye Haohua thanked him for going out.

Halfway through, I remembered the sandalwood in the room of Ye Yuyu. Sandalwood was not a problem, but Ye Yuyu had a disease. This sandalwood had a great influence on her.

Go to the courtyard door and have a footstep.

“Miss watch looks good,” the housekeeper’s voice screamed slowly. “But you don’t want to be too deep with her. She stayed outside for five years and her hands are blind. I don’t know how to do it all these years. What's up, in short - the old lady and the young master, you must fight hard."

(End of this chapter)

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