Chapter 892 892 Weapons (6) Six

"Housekeeper," Ye Yuyu's voice is warm and gentle. "You know that I don't care about this. Of course, I have always liked her very little."

When Ye Yuyu first swept to Ye Haohua, although she was a little surprised, it was not very panic.

She has her own card, and... As for the thickness of Ye Haohua’s hand, she is used to living. In these years, she is still cherished and educated.

It’s not good for Ye Yihua to look at life. I don’t know if she has touched the four books and five classics.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Ye Yuyu.

The housekeeper looked at Ye Yuyu, and couldn’t help but sigh and sigh. "Miss, I don’t care if I say it. When she comes back today, the lady’s thoughts are on her. When I came out, I heard the master talking to the prince. Say her marriage. If she sees your marriage at a glance, do you say who the lady will be? You will refer to the old lady in the days to come."

"You are a soft heart. You know that people don't know what to do. She doesn't know well. When she has complaints, we can't prevent it. You don't have to contact her. I only have a young lady in my eyes..."

Ye Haohua stood at the gate of the hospital for a minute, then returned to the original road and did not go in again.

Shen Shen didn't know what to talk to Cheng Yan, and his look was very bad. However, when he saw Ye Haohua, he tried to hide it and let Ye Haohua see it.

However, Ye Haohua is not the one who knows nothing in their eyes, but she did not find the strangeness in the air, and finished the meal very calmly.

Ye Haohua returned to Yefu after staying at Shen's house for a day. At this time, the blacksmith shop finally contacted her.

It is a piece of paper placed on her desk.

Ye Haohua saw the name of the payment and burned the paper.

The blacksmith shop was not chosen by her at random, but she observed a blacksmith shop linked to the court that was chosen one day.

That is the blacksmith's shop of the Eight Emperors.

It is impossible for the **** soldiers she made to win the royal family. In this case, it is better to leak into their eyes at the beginning.

There are also Ye Jia’s workshops in the hands of the Eight Emperors. This is why she is not elected.

But now that she saw the name of the Eight Emperors, she couldn't help but scream.

The identity of this little sister is really in the way.

Eight emperors, Cheng Yunfei.

The emperor is now his favorite son.

"Miss, what are you talking about?" The milkmaid is very happy now, not listening.

Ye Haohua said, "You go out to help me see people, I study the exquisite lock."

Linglong lock is an important treasure of Ye Family, and the milkmaid immediately went out and watched outside.

Only after the curtain, there was a shadow.

Ye Haohua glanced at each other's appearance, and her face was very dark. She coughed and explained that it was like this when she came.

This point Cheng Yunfei sent people to check, and things were clear, especially when they knew that the two men were using Ye Haohua’s blood idea, they almost did not go straight to kill the two, let them not think about it later. Dare to think about it.

But after a long time, he almost estimated that Ye Haohua had a goal every time, so he did not immediately do anything.

"I heard that the emperor is going to start the action workshop. You take me to see it." Ye Hao Hua Li interrupted his cranky thoughts.

Although Cheng Yunfei's face is still very bad, he even wants to find something for Cheng Yan, but in the end he took Ye Haohua to the Yejia workshop.

After going to the Yejia workshop, Ye Haohua contacted the contents of the book and understood the principles of the workshop thoroughly, once again sighing the wisdom of the ancients.

Randomly returned to the palace, and made a very delicate exquisite lock overnight.

She handed it directly to Cheng Yunfei. Cheng Yunfei did not say anything. She took her a ticket of 50,000 yuan the next day.

It’s just that overnight.

At this time, Ye Haohua stayed in his own small yard and drummed some things in the room. If Cheng Yunfei’s subordinates are here, he will be shocked.

Because Ye Yuhua reduced the workshop to a few dozen times and built it in her yard.

From this time, the milkmaid discovered that there are more and more things in the yard. What is the famous "Shuiyunyanzhi" in the capital, ice silk silk cloth... These are not things that can be bought in Beijing.

I heard that some of the palace gods are hard to get.

The milkmaid was surprised at first. Later, she felt that she should have been sent by Shen. She began to tell Ye Haohua that Shen’s family was really good for her.

However, Shen Jia did send things over. On the first day, Shen Fu sent Ye Haohua two things, saying that it was a dowry.

As long as there is a piece of Ye Xiyu in the back, Mrs. Shen will definitely send people to Ye Haohua.

On this day, Shen’s father came to the palace with silence, and Ye Haohua came back for the first time.

Compared to before, her face was much better, and she also had some meat on her body. She was no longer so skinny, and the whole person was more watery.

Seeing her like this, Cheng Yan brows slightly invisible wrinkles.

Ye Yuyu came along with Shen Ran. She had a matter of arms today and talked with Cheng Yan, so she came early.

After the meal, Shen Fu talked with Cheng Yan, but the expression was still not good when he went out of the study.

Ye Yuyu is still quiet and the two are talking about something.

When Ye Yuhua looked over, the two stopped in an instant, and they did not say it very tacitly.

Suddenly seeing Ye Haohua and his aunt more and more like, the decision in the heart is somewhat uncertain.

He looked at Ye Haohua's face, and his heart was a bit tangled.

"Hey, my sister," Ye Yiyu didn't care about Ye Haohua. If you think about the stewardship, then look at the attitude of changing day by day. Shen's father now only has Ye Haohua. "Today, Wang Ye invited me to restore Ye Jia. You have to go see the workshop together?"

Shen Shen looked up strangely. "Inviting you to restore the Yejia workshop, you... can you..."

Ye Haoyu has been working in the past few years to help Cheng Yan to do things. They are all underground, and there are not many people who know them. Even Shen Shen does not know.

Now that I saw such a surprised look, Ye Xiaoyu smiled. "Sorry, hey, you have been so long."

Shen Shen was very surprised to nod. "Good, good, I haven't let your mother-in-law disappoint!"

A group of people went to the workshop to see, Ye Haohua followed, and the milky mother whispered. "Miss, Miss II is really amazing. I heard that she is a famous talented woman in Beijing. Everything is poetry and songs. Now even the workshop will be restored. But without you, you can succeed in making exquisite locks, except you and your great-grandfather, the third person who made the exquisite lock!"

God knows how excited the milkmaid is. If there is no Ye Yuhua, she must have felt that Ye Yuyu is very powerful. But Zhu Yu is in front. The milk lady thinks that Ye Yuyu is very powerful, but she is not surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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