After hesitating for a while, Kuzuya Kota finally accepted it, because he knew there was no evidence yet, and a lock seed was nothing. Of course, he was also curious about the battle between the armored knights that Sid mentioned.

Seeing the two accept his gifts, Sid continued:

"This lock seed is newly developed. I wish you all a happy time!"

After saying that, he left in a very casual manner.

Wang Luo, who was in the audience, left the audience immediately after seeing Sid leave. Just now, when he saw the lock seed that Sid gave to Ge Ye and Kota, he suddenly thought that the motorcycle transformed from the lock seed could freely travel through Helheim.

If he got a lock seed like that, he could travel freely to Helheim. By then, he could have as many fruits as he wanted in Helheim. Thinking of this, Wang Luo didn't even have the mood to continue watching.

Wang Luo knew the subsequent plot. The two would eventually enter Helheim.

After leaving the audience, Wang Luo quietly followed Sid.


Sid was walking on the road when he suddenly felt like he was being followed. He stopped and looked behind him, but saw nothing.


He shook his head and thought to himself,"Am I overthinking?" Then he walked forward calmly.


Wang Luo, who was not far behind him, let out a breath.

"I didn't expect this guy to be so sensitive."

Thinking of this, Wang Luo felt that he should change his strategy. He did not continue to follow Sid, but took a detour to get in front of him.

He ambushed in an empty place and waited quietly for Sid to come. This was the closest way to the World Tree.

"It seems that I really thought too much!"

Sid did not take the usual route but deliberately took a detour. If someone followed him, they would definitely be able to see it.

Because Wang Luo had already ambushed him in front of him, Sid certainly did not find anything unusual.

After dispelling his doubts, Sid sorted out his mentality and prepared to return to the World Tree.

"Finally here, it seems that my tracking skills are still not good enough!"

After waiting for so long for Sid to come over, Wang Luo could only think of one reason, that is, he was indeed exposed just now, but fortunately he was smart enough to ambush him in front of him.

Because Wang Luo saw that the route Sid took just now was towards the World Tree, so this scene happened

"Watch the fight!"

Sid just passed by the place where Wang Luo was ambushing, Wang Luo suddenly jumped up, raised his knife and chopped Sid on the back of the neck.


Sid just heard a voice and suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and then he knew nothing.

Looking at Sid lying on the ground, Wang Luo clapped his hands in satisfaction. It wouldn't have been so troublesome because there were too many people on the road.

He wanted to go to a deserted place with him and then do it, but this guy was too vigilant, so he had to do it this way.

He squatted down and looked through Sid's bag.

""Hey, I didn't expect this guy to have so many goodies."

Wang Luo found two Zhan Ji drivers and several A-level locks in Sid's bag, but the most important lock was the one that was given to Ge Ye Hongtai and the others just now. There was only one left.

"It's OK, at least it's better than nothing!"

Wang Luo packed up all the things and took them away without hesitation.

"Mm, it hurts!"

Sid woke up soon after Wang Luo left. In fact, Wang Luo didn't use much strength. Now his strength has reached a high level. Even 10% of his strength is not something Sid, a mortal, can bear.

"What happened to me just now?"

Sid thought doubtfully, holding his aching neck.

"Oh, someone seemed to have attacked me just now, no!"

Thinking of the last voice he heard before he fainted, Sid finally remembered that someone seemed to have attacked him just now. Then he remembered the things he had with him. Those things might not be so important in the future, but now they are important props for the World Tree experiment.

"It's over. How can I explain this to Professor Gui Hu and Ling Ma?"

After checking his bag, he found that everything was gone. He would definitely be scolded by his boss when he returned.

Wang Luo didn't know Sid's embarrassing situation. Of course, he wouldn't care even if he knew. Wang Luo took out the lock and used it. A motorcycle appeared in front of him. The front of the car was in the shape of a rose, but it was white and the body looked more handsome.

"Let's go!"

Wang Luo got on his motorcycle. He wanted to go into Helm's underworld to take a look.

"Ge Ye Hongtai and the others haven't come out yet!"

Wang Luo thought to himself.


Start, set off, a series of actions in one go. Speaking of which, he hadn't ridden a motorcycle for a long time.

After the speed increased, petals appeared in front of his eyes, and then the space not far away bloomed like a flower.

Without hesitation, Wang Luo sped up and rushed in.

After a moment of blindness, Wang Luo saw a forest with no boundaries.

"Come in!"

Putting away the motorcycle, Wang Luo put the lock back into the system space.

"Oh my god, this is really heaven!"

The densely packed fruits in front of him attracted Wang Luo's saliva. For others, this fruit might be taboo, but for Wang Luo, it is the supreme delicacy. It tastes good and can improve strength. Who can resist such a good thing?

He reached out and picked a fruit and then peeled off the skin. The crystal clear flesh made Wang Luo impatient.

Slowly brought the flesh to his mouth, just when Wang Luo was about to bite it, a voice suddenly scared Wang Luo.

"Stop, you can't eat it!"

"Oh my god, who is it?"

Wang Luo's hand trembled and the fruit fell to the ground.

"What a pity, what a pity!"

Looking at the fruit pulp falling on the ground, Wang Luo felt a little distressed. He was also a little angry at the owner of the voice just now. He raised his head and was about to say something to him, but the owner of the voice spoke first.

"Hey, do you know that the fruits in this forest cannot be eaten? Do you know what the consequences will be? And where did you come from?"

Wang Luo was stunned when he heard this voice, and then he understood

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