"Ge Ye Hong Tai!

The person who appeared in front of Wang Luo was Ge Ye Hong Tai.

"What a fate, we met in such a big forest!"

"Ge Ye Hong Tai, do you still recognize me?"

Knowing the identity of the person coming, Wang Luo turned his face to Ge Ye Hong Tai.

"You, you……"

Ge Ye Hong Tai was a little shocked when he saw Wang Luo's face. He didn't expect to meet Wang Luo here.

"Wang, Wang Luo, why are you here!"

Ge Ye Hongtai still has a deep impression of Wang Luo. He did not run away when facing Invase before. He thinks Wang Luo is a real man.

"That's right!"

After being shocked, he remembered Wang Luo's dangerous move just now.

"Wang Luo, do you know that you almost died just now?"

"What's wrong?"

Wang Luo looked at Ge Yehongtai and asked knowingly. Of course, Ge Yehongtai didn't know.

"Did you know that the fruits in this forest cannot be eaten?……"

Just when he said this, Ge Ye Hong Tai suddenly looked at Wang Luo with astonishment.

"Kota, is it okay for me to call you that? You just said what would happen after eating it."

He took another bite of the fruit.

"You, you……"

Ge Ye Hongtai pointed at Wang Luo and couldn't utter a word for a long time.


After finishing the last bite, Wang Luo held his stomach and shouted in comfort.

After a short period of buffering, Ge Ye Hongtai finally recovered.

"Wang Luo, you don't have any questions, right? Oh my god, what did I see just now? Am I wrong? The fruits in this forest are edible."

He looked at a fruit hanging on the tree, and it looked like he wanted to try it too.

"Oh my god, this guy is out of his mind, isn't he?"

Seeing Ge Yehongtai picking a fruit and trying to eat it, Wang Luo quickly stopped him.

"Let go, let go!"

How could Ge Ye Hongtai be Wang Luo's opponent? He could only compete with Wang Luo after he transformed.

"What's wrong?"

Ge Ye Hongtai looked at Wang Luo with a confused face. Didn't he just want to eat a fruit? Didn't you eat it just now?

"I said,"Crack! What did you want to do just now?""What? You don't want to, crack! You're dead."

Wang Luo said to Ge Ye Hongtai while eating, but this look was really unconvincing.


Kuzuba Kota's face is full of black lines

"Brother, you still have the nerve to say that to me!"


"Wang Luo, why did you take my fruit? There are so many here!"

"Oh my god!"

Suddenly Wang Luo was knocked down by Ge Yehongtai's words.

"I said, didn't you just say that this fruit can't be eaten? Why do you want to eat it more than I do?"

"I was just guessing. I thought since this is the lair of Invase, these fruits must be inedible."

"If that's the case, why do you still want to eat? Aren't you afraid you'll die?"

Wang Luo looked at Ge Yehongtai and said

"I told you it was just my guess. Just now I saw you eating so happily, so I wondered if I guessed wrong."


After hearing Ge Ye Hongtai's explanation, Wang Luo was stunned for a moment. After a long time, he finally did it himself.

"Don't look at me, I have a way to remove the toxins from these fruits, but if you eat them, it's over!"

After hearing that it was him who caused the trouble, Wang Luo hurried to explain, otherwise the show of Gaim could end early.

"So that's how it is!"

Ge Ye Hongtai was puzzled when he heard Wang Luo's words, and even had an expression of"I don't believe it".

Wang Luo suddenly had a headache when he saw this, but fortunately Ge Ye Hongtai no longer wanted to eat the fruit, but Wang Luo didn't know whether it was true or not. What

Ge Ye Hongtai thought was:

Although he didn't quite believe it, he didn't want to continue eating the fruit. He thought that what Wang Luo said was true.

If something really happened after he ate it, his sister would be heartbroken, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

After settling this matter, the two chatted for a while.

"By the way, Wang Luo, how did you get in? Did you see Crack?"

Wang Luo knew that Crack referred to the"space crack connecting the underworld forest of Helm and the real world."

Of course, Wang Luo did not tell Ge Ye Hongtai the truth. Could it be that he said,"I robbed the lock seed merchant and stole his lock seeds, so I was able to get in?""

"That's right, I was wandering around when I suddenly found a crack, and I came in out of curiosity."While the two were still talking, there was a"rustling!" sound around them, as if something was moving.


The sound became louder and louder until both of them noticed the movement.

"Something is coming, it could be Invase!"

Kumeba Kota said solemnly. He knew that there were no other animals in this forest except Invase. Of course, he did not rule out the possibility of Qiwen Jiedou who came in with him before, but it was obvious that Qiwen Jiedou could not make so many noises alone.

Wang Luo also knew that it could be Invase, but he also thought of another possibility, which was the"World Tree". The World Tree had an experimental place in this forest.

However, Wang Luo felt that the possibility of Invase was greater.

When the source of the sound got closer, it was indeed Invase, but the number was a bit too much.

"There are so many Invases, this is hard to deal with!"

Kouye Kota looked at the Invases around him, who were beyond his tolerance, and felt a headache for a moment.

If he was the only one, he could easily escape, but now there was another Wang Luo, which made him not know what to do for a moment.

"Wang Luo, stay with me, let’s find a chance to break out!"

""Transformation" said Kuzuha Kota as he completed the transformation

""Squeak! Squeak!"

Invase doesn't have such high IQ. Without a leader, Invase is just a bunch of lunatics. They will attack any other species they see.

""Hey, go to hell!"

Kuzuya Kota used his weapon to force back an Invase, and another one rushed out from the side.

"This is just endless."

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