"Kazali-kun, it seems that you have failed. Even your coin has been taken away again." Maki said lightly.

At this moment, the doll on his shoulder has changed into a new skirt. If the top of the head is not so bald, it may look much better.

"Humph, next time, I will make them look good!" Kazali's face was also a little embarrassed, and he said stubbornly.

Maki glanced at him and remembered what Mavis said at the beginning.

It seems that we really can't pin our hopes on this guy.

"It may be a bit difficult for you alone. I think I should find you a helper." Maki suggested.

"Helper? Do you mean Wufan?" Kazali frowned.

Now he can only think of that guy.

Mazel and Gamer have long been trapped in Mavis's "illusion".

"No, come with me, you will understand when you see it." Maki sighed.

Are we going back again?

That sad place...


On the other hand, Wu Fan, who hadn't made trouble for a long time, finally found a suitable target this time.

Speaking of which, Wu Fan is the only one who is still diligently making traditional Desire Devourers.

The others are either playing sloppy or studying hybrids.

At this time, in a kendo hall, a girl lost in the training just now.

She washed her face in the bathroom, looked at herself in the mirror, and silently vowed in her heart: "I don't want to lose again! I want to become stronger!"

"Oh? This guy's desire is very good, it seems that he can make a good guy." Wu Fan sneered.

After a while, when the girl Shiratori Lihui was training, Wu Fan in human form appeared behind her.

"Um, who are you?" Lihui asked.

"I'll liberate your desire!" As he said that, Wu Fan turned back into a monster and put the coin into her body.

"Uh..." The girl cried out in pain, and then a blank Desire Devourer appeared.

After the blank body came out, it moved non-stop into the dojo and began to attack the students and teachers inside.

Fortunately, Eiji arrived in time.

While the two sides were fighting, Li Hui ran out with a wooden sword, trying to stop the monster that emerged from the body from attacking her teacher again.

But she was knocked unconscious by the Desire Devourer.

While Eiji went to check on the fainted girl, the Desire Devourer escaped.

"Thank you very much for saving me. It seems that I have held you back." In the hospital, the girl who woke up bowed and apologized.

She also knew that she had just done something stupid in a hurry.

"No need to apologize, are you okay?" The kind-hearted Eiji naturally would not blame the girl.

"I'm fine. That, may I ask, was the monster just now born from my desire?"

"Yes." Eiji nodded.

"Is it because I want to become stronger? It's all my fault." Li Hui smiled bitterly.

"Don't say that..." Eiji was about to speak, but was interrupted.

"So that's it. In order to make the host the strongest, you have to kill other strong people besides the host, right? It fits the logic of the Desire Devourer!" Mavis suddenly appeared and said.

"Eh?" ×2

"Mr. Mavis?" Eiji was a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

"Oh, because this Desire Devourer is very interesting this time, I came to see it. And I have some relationship with this little girl's teacher." Mavis pouted at Lihui.

Lihui hurriedly lowered her head.

"Don't talk about this for now, you should hurry up and find the Desire Devourer. That guy is almost grown up." Mavis took out a tablet with a picture of the Desire Devourer sent back by a little eagle.

"Okay! Thank you, Mavis-san. Please take care of the child!"

After Eiji left, Mavis looked at Lihui with a half-smile and said, "Want to talk?"


When Eiji arrived, the target had transformed from a blank body into a rhinoceros beetle monster.

He immediately transformed and fought with it.

But Eiji found something wrong while fighting.

A green light suddenly appeared on the rhinoceros beetle monster, and then a stag beetle monster emerged from the light again.

"Hey hey hey? Anku, did you see that? That guy gave birth to a child!" Eiji pointed at the two monsters and shouted in disbelief.

This scene was really too unbelievable!


"This, is that my desire? "

I don't know when Mavis and Rie also arrived at the scene.

Mavis was busy setting up the camera.

Isn't it interesting?

Isn't this a perfect example of Kabuto giving birth to Gundou?

When he goes to Kabuto's world one day, he will definitely show this scene to that show-off Tendō!

When he heard Rie's question, Mavis also raised his head and said: "Yes, the rhinoceros beetle monster was born based on your desire to "become stronger", and the latter one was born from the desire hidden deep in your heart to "hope that the teacher is around." "

The former's desire was misinterpreted as "eliminating all students and teachers except himself", and the latter became "destroying the teacher's wedding scene".

Rie was silent for a while, and then she said: "The teacher said, 'If you participate in the national competition, I will have to give up my wedding. ' Although I knew it was a joke, I was still very happy at that time! "

Mavis adjusted the camera and turned to look at the girl.

She continued: "In fact, I was planning to bury this feeling in my heart, and I already wanted to wish them well..."

"Burying it instead of giving up means that you still have this desire, so it will be released and become what it is now. The harder the desire is suppressed, the stronger the power will be when it bursts out in the end!"

Looking at Eiji who was being beaten by two monsters below, Mavis still chatted with the girl calmly. (Eiji: Mr. Mavis, why are you just watching! Mavis: OMO)

"Am I too despicable like this?" Rie looked a little helpless.

"Puff!" Mavis couldn't help laughing.

"Huh?" Rie was a little puzzled.

Mavis rubbed the girl's short hair hard.

"There's nothing wrong with liking someone! It's normal to have these thoughts, even if you really want to ruin the teacher's wedding, but you didn't do anything, right? It's not against the law to think about it! The person you like is getting married, so it's understandable to feel a little resentful. "

"But..." Li Hui looked at the battlefield below.

"That was done by a nasty guy, and it has nothing to do with you."

A lust-eating monster is actually a monster created by distorting other people's wishes. It is similar to the alien demon god in Den-O. In order to realize their wishes, they can always come up with some messy methods.

"Really...?" After being comforted by him, Li Hui felt much better.

"Do you want to tell your teacher your true thoughts in person?" Mavis threw another bomb.

"But, but!" The girl blushed.

"Even if you know you will be rejected, you will definitely be unwilling if you don't say it in person, right?" Mavis stared into her eyes, as if he wanted to see through her.

"I, I want to go!" The girl hesitated for a while, and then made up her mind.

"That's right~ Here you go! "Mavis conjured up a beautiful dress and handed it to her.

"Excuse me, what is this?"

"You didn't plan to attend the wedding, did you? So you definitely didn't prepare a dress. This is for you."

"Thank you!"

The girl looked at the dress happily, and Mavis ignored her and continued to look at the battle below.

"Oh my! It seems that an unexpected guy has come!"

Eiji was a little overwhelmed by the two Desire Devourers.

Just when Anku wanted to give him the linked coins, an energy bombardment from a distance directly blasted the Rhinoceros Beetle Desire Devourer into a sky full of coins.

The Stag Beetle Desire Devourer saw that the situation was not good and took advantage of the smoke produced by the explosion to escape from here.

"Who is it?" Anku looked over.

I saw an armored knight in green, black and gray standing in front of me, with a cannon hanging on his chest.

"It's over, one ran away, sorry, I have to chase it first, I'll introduce myself properly next time we meet. "After saying that, he left here.

Leaving behind the inexplicable duo.

"Danqi is here..."

Since the battle is over, there is no point in staying here.

So Mavis also left here with Lihui.

Two days later, at the wedding scene.

Even though she had seen him many times, looking at that familiar face, Mavis would still sigh.

Some people are kendo teachers on the surface, but their real identity is adventure red!

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