"Old, teacher! I actually have always liked you!" Before the wedding, Li Hui confessed to her teacher Asheng with a blushing face under the gaze of everyone in the room.

Others watched this scene with a smile, and did not stop or blame.

The girl's sincere heart should not be malicious.

Asheng was stunned for a moment, and finally smiled heartily: "Is that so? Thank you for your love, you are a very good student!"

Although he did not directly refuse, the meaning of his words was obviously that there was only a teacher-student relationship between the two.

"Is that so? I understand! I will definitely participate in the national competition according to the teacher's requirements!" Li Hui, who got the answer, was not frustrated at all, but smiled with relief.

Mr. Mavis was right. It doesn't matter if you are rejected. At least you won't regret it for the rest of your life.

In another room, the bride was putting on makeup, and the person putting on makeup was none other than Metzler!

Metzler's desire is "love"!

Love does not only include love between men and women, parental love and friendship love are also a kind of love.

Therefore, in order to experience different kinds of love, Metzl would try to make friends in her spare time.

This time, the bride, Miko, was her first friend, and now they are good friends.

Because of this relationship, Mavis has met her and Asheng many times.

"Is that all right?" Mavis asked.

"Ah, thank you so much, Mr. Mavis! Although Asheng is a little slow in this regard and didn't see Lihui's mood, I can see it very clearly." Miko smiled slightly.

Because they are both women, she understands Lihui's feelings and doesn't want the girl to have regrets, so she asks Mavis for help and tries to untie the other party's knot.

It was originally a piece of cake, and it was a friend's commission, plus this time the Desire Devourer was really interesting, so Mavis agreed.

Things naturally went smoothly, and the girl expressed her feelings. Although the ending was already doomed, it didn't matter.

Everyone's youth has their own white moonlight.

Although the other person may not be the one who will accompany you for the rest of your life.

But the throbbing feeling is enough to be remembered for a lifetime!

"Okay! Now that you are dressed up beautifully, Miko, you should go to the wedding. This is the most important day!" Metzl said happily.

"Thank you, Metzl!"

When the group walked out of the room, they happened to see Lihui who was also walking towards this side.

She first pulled Mavis to a corner and asked anxiously: "Mr. Mavis, will that monster..."

"Shh!" Mavis put her index finger on her lips: "Don't say such things on such a festive day."


"Don't worry, there will be no accidents at this wedding today! I said!"

This venue has been shrouded by the power of Mavis, and nothing that does not belong to humans will run in.

As for dealing with them, leave it to Oz and Danqi.

At the same time, a Gachapon Knight who was fighting with the Stag Beetle Devourer sneezed.

"Who is scolding me? But forget it. I don't know why this guy has been getting weaker and weaker since just now. I'm so lucky to have picked up a head for nothing!"

Danqi threw a cell coin into his belt and twisted the device on the right side of the belt. The next moment, a drill appeared in his right hand.

The power of the stag beetle devourer began to decline after Lihui's desire gradually disappeared, so Danqi easily defeated it.

Danqi took out the coin from the slot, canceled the transformation, and turned back into a middle-aged man who looked about 30 years old (how old is Uncle Ida? It shouldn't be 40.)

"Yoshi! One step closer to the goal!" Ida Ming carried the iron bucket with coins and left here.

Mavis and others who didn't know that the devourer had been solved were concentrating on attending the wedding.

Watching the couple on the stage swear, exchange rings, and kiss, Mazel held Mavis's hand and felt a little envious.

"It's great, getting married..."

She covered her chest, where her core coin was getting slightly hot.

Hong Shang once said that desire is the driving force of human evolution. Only when the desire is satisfied at a certain stage will people want more!

This sentence also applies to greedy people.

Unfortunately, the greedy people in the past had endless desires but could not get certain satisfaction at all, so their power could only reach the level of "complete resurrection" of nine coins at most.

But with the help of Mavis, Mazel and others whose desires were satisfied also embarked on the road of evolution again.

ThisIt is much more promising than Kazali's evolution method of absorbing coins of different systems.

"I will also give you a grand wedding." Mavis promised with a smile.

"Then I'll be waiting~ But maybe I have to wait a little longer, after all, I don't know how many brides there will be by then." Mazel glanced at him with a frown.

And Rie, who was standing aside, had a question mark on her face.

Brides... can there be many?


On the other side, Maki Kiyoto, who returned to the ancestral home of the Maki family, brought Kazali to the basement.

There is a sarcophagus here.

"The ancestor once brought back a body from a ruin in Europe, and it has been stored underground ever since." Maki said lightly while looking at the doll.

Mavis will definitely complain here...

Dr. Emotion, your family used to be tomb robbers, no wonder you are so rich. (It's also a second setting, after all, the doctor's house is quite luxurious)

"Oh? Interesting." Kazali in human form opened the coffin lid with a slap, revealing the true appearance inside.

Then, his pupils shrank, and he murmured in disbelief: "How is this possible...?"

The person lying inside was actually a bird-like monster with red and green as the main color scheme!

"Is this... Anku?"

"Yes, it seems that when Anku was sealed, his right hand and body were divided into two parts. And this body did not turn into a cell coin with the passage of time, and it even remains to this day!"

"Is this the helper you found for me? Even if it is Anku's body, it is a dead thing and can't do anything at all, right?" Kazali asked with a frown.

"Kazali-kun, do you know how the Greedy One was created?"

Without waiting for Kazali to answer, he continued: "The ancient king took out one of the 10 core coins from each system, making it missing and becoming the number "9", thus generating the desire to meet this requirement."

"This desire brought about amazing evolution and will, and as a result, the Greedy One was born."

"The same is true for Anku. Anku's arm was separated from his body, and his incomplete body, which was originally a dead object, also had a new consciousness due to the desire to "become complete"!"

"In other words, a new Anku appeared?" Kazali also understood what he meant, "Then how can it be awakened?"

"It needs a little help!" Maki took out the two red coins that he asked Hong Shang for in the name of "research"!

He placed the coins on the chest of "Anku".

"Anku's" body instinctively wanted to absorb the coins.

So under the attraction of the three coins in the body, the two coins slowly sank into it.

Accompanied by a burst of strong light, countless red feathers fell from the sky.

The bird-headed monster sat up from the coffin and spoke the first words after his birth.

"Where is 'I'?"

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