After fighting side by side with Danqi several times, Oz gradually got to know the uncle named Idaming.

Idaming is still working hard to earn huge medical expenses.

But the content of his work has changed from collecting cell coins to killing the Desire Devourer and training Goto Shintaro to become the new Danqi.

After all, Idaming and the Hongshang Foundation are at most an employment relationship. After removing the bullet from the back of his head, he will continue to go back to be his "combat doctor".

So Hongshang Mitsuo wants to train a Danqi belonging to the foundation.

As for Anku, because of Mavis, he also no longer desires cell coins.

Therefore, the two sides no longer compete for coins as in the original plot.

Anyway, for Eiji, as long as the monster is solved and others are saved, it doesn't matter who kills it.

He even occasionally cooperates with Idaming and gives him the head.

Idaming, who is already generous, also admires Eiji very much when he sees him being so sensible.


"Eh? Let me be Danqi's assistant?"

At the Hongshang Foundation, Goto, who was eating cake, was surprised to receive the new appointment from Hongshang Mitsuo.

"That's right, Goto-kun! Becoming an assistant not only brings you closer to your goal of saving the world, but also allows you to get corresponding training, right?"

"But I..." Goto was still a little hesitant.

"Goto-kun, I have seen your changes, and I am very pleased. But it's time to pick up your desire again!" Hongshang said seriously.

"I understand!" Goto bowed and accepted the appointment.

"Oh, Mr. Goto is gone, and I may be too busy in the future." Satonaka said it was a pity, but her face was full of smiles.

God knows how much she wants Goto to get out sooner?

The way he actively eats cake makes it feel like he is going to take away his job.

It's so abominable!

It's better to leave now. Although the amount of food will increase in the future, I don't have to worry about unemployment at last!

By the way, Mr. Mavis, is there any way for me to never get fat? Then I don't have to worry about eating too much!

Satonaka was a little imaginative.

Goto had a completely different idea. He admired Satonaka very much now.

Even though the cake made by the president tasted very good, and now Goto no longer resisted doing these things that he used to think were "useless".

But eating too much is really greasy!

After eating for so many days, he already felt like vomiting when he smelled the cream.

Satonaka could actually hold on for so long, which made Goto look at her with a new eye.

"Hahaha, it's really sparasi! Goto-kun, I hope you can realize your wish! Happy birthday to you...!"

It started again...

Satonaka and Goto sighed helplessly in their hearts.


In the evening...

Goto met Ida Akira in front of a small oden stall.

"Oh! You are the assistant that the president mentioned, right? My name is Ida Akira, please teach me! Come and have some food." Ida Akira greeted him warmly.

"Excuse me." Goto no longer had the arrogance of the past, and sat down calmly to show off.

"Oh? Very good! Why do I remember that the doctor said you are a weird guy? Do you know the doctor? The guy with the strange doll." Ida vividly performed the sitting posture of "Kiyoko".

"That kind of self-esteem is useless, so I abandoned it." Goto shook his head and said.

After eating, the two came to an empty square.

"By the way, do you want to become a Danqi?"

"Of course I do, my dream has always been to protect the world." Goto said with a face full of longing.

"Hey~ Hey, Goto-chan, take this, try it?" Ida took out the Danqi buster and handed it to Goto.

"Ah? But my current accumulation is not enough..." Goto said that he was not good enough and chose to refuse.

"Hey, try firing a few shots!" Ida thrust it in directly.

Goto fired a shot doubtfully, and was blown away by the recoil as expected.

"You see, you can't control this weapon with your previous training method. Even if you want to become a Danqi now, you don't have the ability yet." Ida Ming advised a few words.

Goto looked up at the sky in silence.

After a long time, he managed to say, "But... Ida-san, I've always said that my training is not good enough..."

So you asked me to fire just to teach me a lesson?

But didn't I admit it a long time ago? I still...Not qualified to be a Danqi?

So why am I suffering this?

Goto felt very wronged and even wanted to cry.

"Ah? Really?" Ida Ming thought for a while and found that Goto-chan did say that just now, so he hurriedly ran up to help him up: "Sorry, sorry, I didn't hear it clearly. I thought you were going to say something, ahaha..."

"But I didn't expect that the user of Danqi would be such a person." Goto twisted his neck, with a slightly complaining tone.

Ida Ming made a standard kneeling posture, lowered his head slightly, and said: "It's not as you expected, I'm really sorry!"

Although he was apologizing, his tone was quite serious and funny.

"By the way, Mr. Ida, why did you become a Danqi?"

"Me? My goal is to make money. Make more than 4 million!" Ida scratched his head and said with some distress.

"That's not what I'm talking about. Mr. Mavis told me that you're a very powerful person, but he didn't tell me the specific reason, so I'll ask you directly. Can you tell me a little about your past?"

"Mavis? Is that Mr. Greedy? I didn't expect that he would be on our side, and he also knows something about me, which is really curious..." Ida was about to go off track again.


"Oh, private Marseille. But since Goto-chan wants to hear it, it's not something that can't be told."

So Ida Ming told Goto some of his past.

When Goto knew that he and the doctors formed a medical team to treat patients all over the world and were even called "combat doctors", there was already admiration in his eyes.

Isn't this what he has always wanted to do?

Do your best to protect the world and save those who need help.

He thought of his past self again...

It's really too lame!

"Hey~ Goto-chan, don't look at me like that, I'm shy too." Ida touched the back of his head and laughed.

"Mr. Ida, can I ask you something?"

"What do you say?"

"Mr. Mavis once asked me, 'If one day I can become a monster and better protect the world, would you be willing?' I have never had an answer. Can you give me some advice?"

"Well, Goto-chan, I can't answer this question from your perspective, because our wishes are similar but not exactly the same. But as a person who has been through it, I can tell you a little about my life experience." Ida patted Goto's shoulder and said.

"What is it?"

"Believe in yourself and do what you think is right!"

Goto carefully pondered this simple sentence, and finally nodded firmly: "I understand! Mr. Ida, please let me be your assistant and assist you in the future!"

"Haha! Give me more advice!"

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