Maki went home with Chiyoko-san and his defense was broken.

Looking at the face that was so similar to his sister, his memories that had been buried deep in his heart were also ruthlessly awakened.

He killed his sister with his own hands in the past!

Maki Kiyoto and his sister Maki Hitomi are very different in age.

Since Maki's parents died when he was a child, his sister has been raising him, so Maki has only talked to her and opened his heart to her since he was a child.

Hitomi is also a person who has a great influence on Maki's twisted personality.

At her parents' funeral, she instilled in Maki the idea that "just like a story ends, people end because of death."

Hitomi decided to leave Maki's house after getting married the day before her wedding.

Knowing that Maki could not communicate with others, she gave him a doll as a substitute after she left, and said to Maki: "Don't worry, you are better than anyone else."

Maki couldn't accept the fact that she left, so he set fire to her bedroom with a candlestick while she was sleeping on the eve of his wedding.

His purpose was to prevent her from leaving him and to realize her words "people can only have a good ending after death."

The hair of the doll "Kiyoko" was also burned at that time.

Maki Kiyoto sat on the ground for a long time, and then gradually recovered.

He took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Oh? Dr. Maki, I've been waiting for your news."

"Let's meet, tell me a time!"


Soon after, three middle-aged men in meticulous white suits and expressionless faces came to Maki's house.

"This is what you want!" One of them took out a silver-white box.

"I still don't understand why you plan to support me?"

"To collect data, and also to see your so-called ending." The leading male protagonist explained the reason concisely.

"Then wait and see, I'm sure you won't be disappointed." Maki replied lightly.

After the three left, Maki opened the box, and there were core coins of different colors neatly placed inside!

"Five of each? That's enough." Maki hid some of the coins.

Although if these five yellow coins were given to Kazali, it would be enough for him to be completely resurrected.

But today's incident also made him understand Kazali's recklessness. Only when he had the power to overwhelm him could he "cooperate" with him with confidence.

For this reason, he already had a plan in his mind.

He sent a message to Kazali to come to the villa.

"Doctor, I think you should have come to a conclusion, right? Do you want to join forces with me?" Seeing Maki sitting on the chair, Kazali smiled.

His words meant that he wanted Maki to completely give up the Hongshang Foundation.

"I came to the conclusion at the beginning, and the world must come to an end as soon as possible! While she is still gentle and beautiful, before she becomes ugly, give her a beautiful end!"

Maki took out a detonator from his pocket.

He had already placed the bomb in advance to blow up the laboratory of Hongshang Biological Research Institute!

"Ding!" He pressed it.

Kazali also smiled with satisfaction.

"Kazali-kun, since you are unwilling to absorb the core coins again, let them play their final role."

"What do you mean? Let me give up this power?" Kazali frowned.

"I have a better way. And now you only have four coins, I'm afraid you won't continue to absorb coins. It's better to wait until you are fully resurrected before continuing."

"How can I get the coins back without this power?"

Maki didn't say anything and took out four yellow coins.

"How is this possible?" Kazali said in shock.

His own coins are still in the hands of Anku and Mavis.

So where did Maki get these from?

"The Hongshang Foundation actually has the technology to make core coins. And there is an organization that once funded the foundation to develop the coin system and also obtained this technology. Now it seems that their progress is a little faster."

You know, the Hongshang Foundation still hasn't made a core coin.

"What is that organization...?"

"Consortium X!"

"Is that so... There won't be any problems with this coin?"

"You know whether there are any problems or not, Kazali-kun." Maki ignored his doubts.

Kazali hesitated for a few seconds, but still chose to absorb it, because his body had already developed a desire for the coin in front of him.

"That's the feeling! It actually works! Doctor, you should have more, right? Only one more! I can be completely resurrected with only the last one!" Kazali asked impatiently.

"I do have another one, but if you want it, just do what I say first." Maki stood up, went upstairs directly, and ignored him.

"Tsk! I see." Kazali snorted coldly.

He understood that this was Maki's "revenge" on him!


Half a day later, Eiji and Anku finally found the Desire Devourer again in a forest.

Eiji also used the linked coins given by Gamer without hesitation.

"This is Gamer's intention, so don't let it down!"

"Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!"

"Sai (rhinoceros)!" "Gorilla (gorilla)!" "Zou (elephant)!"

"SaGohZo! SaGohZo! (Rhinoceros-gorilla!)"

After the transformation, Eiji, like a real gorilla, kept beating his chest to release vibration waves, thereby forming a gravity field to block the actions of the Desire Devourer!

Seeing Eiji fighting the Desire Devourer, Anku suddenly said.

"I didn't expect to see you here again? Kazali! What conspiracy is this time?"

"It's simple, Anku! I want to take my coin back from you! "

Kazali thought that since he couldn't get the last coin from Maki, wouldn't it be better to rob Anku?

That guy wasn't there anyway, wouldn't it be easy for him to beat Anku with eight coins?

It just so happened that what Maki asked him to do could also intercept Oz.

But what Kazali didn't know was that "that guy" he mentioned had arrived at the scene a long time ago!

Mavis looked at the Desire Devourer who was fighting against Oz's "Rhinoceros-Elephant" team, and glanced at Kazali over there.

"It's really strange, Kazali's breath doesn't seem to be so "complex", but the strength is not inferior to before, but his coin is still with me and Anku." Mavis touched his chin and said curiously.

"And not only that, but the Desire Devourer can feel a lot of my power, it feels like..." Metzl also frowned, a little confused.

"Is your core coin right?" Mavis added for her.

"That's right! "

"So that's it. Kazali actually gave up the chance to evolve? Or did he find another way?" Mavis said that the development of things seemed a little unexpected.

And Eiji also used his ultimate move directly!

"Scanning Charge!"

Then he put his feet together, jumped to a high altitude, landed and stepped on the ground, thus generating gravity and attracting the Desire Devourer.

All things are attracted by the sky!

After attracting the enemy, Eiji used his head and fists to deal the final blow to it at the same time!

However, the Desire Devourer did not die immediately.

After receiving this blow, it staggered back a few steps and kept screaming.

Then its body burst into light of several different colors!

The Desire Devourer seemed to have turned into a magnet, and the coins that fell on the ground were attracted to it.

"What?" Eiji was a little surprised by its changes, so he planned to attack it again, but was blown aside by a gust of wind.

"Oz, there is nothing for you to do next! "

After stopping Eiji, Kazali began to separate a large number of cell coins from his body and sent them all to the Desire Devourer.

"How many coins did you prepare?"

"Who knows?" Kazali spread his hands.

In fact, before leaving, Maki also transferred a "collection" of the Hongshang Foundation and a large number of cell coins.

In his words, this is "severance pay"!

After swallowing these cell coins, the Desire Devourer's body size increased rapidly, and its posture began to change.

Soon, a monster tens of meters tall appeared in front of everyone!

Mavis looked at this big guy and felt a little familiar for some reason.

"What an ugly posture!" Metzl commented.

Mavis gave her a strange look.

I remember, isn't this what Metzl looked like after absorbing the runaway Gamer?

Ah this...

Is this considered scolding myself?

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