"As for this guy, it's not easy for Eiji to deal with him now." Mavis said helplessly.

"Is Darling going to take action?"

"No, I'm just a fun person, watching the fun, why should I take action?" Mavis waved his hand and said.

He is the one who is responsible, so it's better to leave these to Eiji.

"Besides, it's not that there is no way at all!" Mavis suddenly laughed evilly.

Because he saw the green figure hiding and observing in the dark on the other side!

"Hey, Wu Fan!" Mavis suddenly appeared behind Wu Fan and patted his shoulder.

Wu Fan was startled.

"Mavis, you guy..." Wu Fan's voice sounded a little bit gnashing.

"I know you're anxious, but don't worry. I'm here to borrow something from you. We've known each other for so long, you won't be unwilling, right?"

"What is it?"

Wu Fan wanted to say that although we've known each other for a long time, we've basically always been in a hostile state...

But he still chose to listen to Mavis patiently.

"Your coins. I remember you should have two 'stag beetle' coins on you, right? Lend me one?"

"That's impossible!" Wu Fan refused angrily.

"ε=(´ο`*))) Alas! Wu Fan, I don't really want to fight today. If I take action later, it won't be just one. You have to think about it! You should know my strength from Kazali, right?" Mavis "persuaded" earnestly.

"You!" Wu Fan was angry and helpless.

At the beginning, Kazali's six coins were beaten into pieces, not to mention that he only has five coins now.

"You're so cruel!" Wu Fan gave in and took out a green coin from his body, "Take it!"

"Thank you. Don't be so angry~ How about this, borrow one and return two?"

"Heh, I don't trust you!"

Mavis shook his head and didn't continue to argue with him. He turned back into a weirdo and blocked Kazali and Anku.

"Mavis? You're here!" Kazali looked at him fearfully and stopped attacking.

"Kazali, let's stop here today. You can't take the core coin with me here. Be quiet." After saying that, he didn't look at him again, but stretched out his hand to Anku.

"What for?" Anku was a little puzzled.

"Take the coins! Give me the two from Wu Fan."

"Tsk!" Anku didn't ask why and took them out directly.

Mavis weighed the three coins in his hand and shouted to Eiji: "Hey Eiji! Use this!"

Then he threw the coins out.

By the way, is this stealing Anku's job?

Forget it, it's okay to play occasionally (#^.^#)!

"Ah? Oh! Thank you, Mr. Mavis!" Eiji, who was at a loss for what to do with the huge monster in front of him, was stunned at first, and subconsciously took the coin.

"Eh? Green combination? What's the use?" Eiji was a little puzzled, but he trusted Mavis very much and his hands were not slow.

"Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!"

"Kuwagata (stag beetle)! Kamakiri (praying mantis)! Batta (locust)!

"Ga~taGataGataKiriBa! GataKiriBa! (stag beetle)"

Accompanied by a slightly noisy sound effect, Eiji used the second combination of the day.

The huge monster in the sky seemed to have heard the movement here, so it separated small octopus monsters from its body and attacked Eiji.

"Eiji, Wufan has the ability to split himself. ”

“Clones? Is that so?” Eiji thought and created 50 clones, which was the limit of this team.

“Wow, so powerful? Fifty directly?”

You should know that the fatigue of the clones is borne by the transformer alone. (Eiji: Mr. Mavis, you don’t seem to have said that!)

And the “Oz” on the ground began to use the mantis arm swords in their hands to continuously clean up the small octopuses, and from time to time they used the two horns on their heads to release green lightning to attack the monsters above their heads.

After cleaning up the monsters, Eiji and the clones used the scanning ring to scan the drive together.

“Scanning Charge!”

Then they all jumped up and used flying kicks.

“Knight Kick 50-person version! The budget is burning! "Mavis said it was really cool to watch the big scene.

As expected, the giant monster was blown up by the continuous special moves, and coins rained down from the sky.

Mavis ignored the ordinary cell coins and took away the pile of colorful core coins instead.

"It seemsToo many, right? "

There are five blue coins belonging to Metzl!

Gamel also has four, and the remaining two belong to Ufan.

"Well, take them all back first!" He took out the green coin and threw it to Ufan, who had not left yet. As for Kazali, he had already yo-yoed after Mavis warned him.

Ufan was a little confused.

What the hell? You really gave it to me!

"Mavis, you..."

"I'm not Kazali. I'm a very honest person."

"You're not bad. Thank you for this. "Wu Fan absorbed the two coins on the spot.

He also had six coins, and the only thing missing from his complete resurrection was the set in Eiji's hand.

Hearing Wu Fan's praise, Mavis smiled and said nothing.

I hope this guy can still say that when that day comes.

Not knowing that Mavis was already planning how to cheat him later, Wu Fan turned to Eiji and Anku and said, "Humph, Anku, Oz! This time, I won't do anything to you for Mavis's sake. I will definitely get my coins back next time!"

Wu Fan smiled as soon as he finished speaking.

He is also an honest man...

Anku rolled his eyes, indicating that he didn't want to bother with the reckless man.

Eiji's eyes rolled back and he fainted after he lifted his transformation.

Mavis raised his eyebrows, watching Anku skillfully help Eiji up from the ground, and teased, "Oh, it seems you are used to it!"

"Who do you think did it?"

"Haha! ”


“Hey, Doctor, I have done what you said. When are you going to give me the coins?”

“Don’t worry, Kazali-kun. Come and take a look at this first.” Maki pointed to a stone box and said.

“What is this?”

“This is one of the things that President Hong Shang brought back from Europe!” He opened the box.

Inside were ten purple core coins!

“This is… a core coin I have never seen before?” Kazali’s eyes widened.

“That’s right! This is a set of core coins that has not yet been released, ten complete coins! Under normal circumstances, only by taking away one of them, so that the other coins have the desire to become complete, can a greedy person be born! ”

“Normal situation?”

Kazali naturally knew the conditions for the birth of a greedy person.

But Maki’s “normal situation” is a bit intriguing!

Maki looked at the ten coins on the table quietly, and no one knew what he was thinking.

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