"My dear wife, come and see which two of these coins are yours." Mavis took out all the coins he had collected as soon as he got home.

Metzl selected an "electric eel" and a "killer whale" coin from the five blue coins.

"These two should be mine. I can feel that they are of the same origin as the coins in my body. The rest are so strange. Although the power contained is similar to what I have, I don't feel a sense of "closeness"."

"Well, these are probably reproduced with modern technology." Mavis picked up a coin and looked at it carefully.

For the time being, he can only think of one person other than Hongshang who can have this technology.

"Consortium... X?"

In Mavis' memory, this organization seems to have rarely appeared since the theatrical version of Creation Rider.

Didn't expect that he would run into it now?

"Do you want these?" He asked Metzl.

"Although my body is also eager to absorb them, I'd better put these unknown things aside for the time being." Metzl shook his head.

Mazel is not Kazali after all. She has emotions and she is more rational than desire. She will not use them without thinking.

"That's good, then you can absorb these two coins first, so you will have nine coins!" Mavis also agreed with her caution.

After all, he didn't know whether there were any disadvantages between artificial coins and coins made by alchemy, so it was better not to use them rashly.

"Okay." Mazel said and was about to leave the house.

"Where are you going?" Mavis was a little puzzled.

"Ah? The complete resurrection will make too much noise. It will be bad if it messes up the house."

Mavis smiled dumbly, "Don't worry, I'm here!"

Mazel also reacted. "That's right~ Darling is so powerful that I don't need to worry about him. Then I will start now?"


With the replenishment of the last two core coins, a blue light flashed, and Mazel unconsciously returned to the weird state.

Then circles of blue ripples continued to appear around her, spreading outward.

Mavis used her power to control these anomalies within a certain range to avoid damaging the furniture.

"The momentum is much stronger than before."

Metzl has also evolved during this period.

According to Hongshang's words, her "desire container" has been expanded.

Therefore, the power contained in the core coin in her body has now surpassed the past!

As for the two coins that have just returned, they also automatically synchronized the progress of the "predecessors".

So the momentum caused by her complete resurrection this time is far greater than that of ordinary greedy people (Ufan, Kazali: Don't deduct, thank you!).

"Oh~ It's really comfortable!" Metzl stretched.

At this time, Metzl's weird state also restored its original complete appearance.

The head is shaped like a killer whale, and the whole body is in the shape of an electric eel. The blue, black and silver armor, the body is equipped with a cape with octopus feet, the legs are also shaped like octopus, and the belt has an outer frame and golden gems.

However, she did not maintain this appearance for too long.

Now she has gradually gotten used to experiencing life as a human.

"Thank you, Darling!" Mazel stood on tiptoe, hugged Mavis's neck and gave him a passionate kiss.

"We don't need to talk about this." Mavis finally broke free and said helplessly.

"Hi~hi! Next is Jamel, right?"

"Yes, Jamel, come here!"

"Okay~" Jamel naturally came to the two of them obediently.

"Feel the two coins that make you feel the most 'familiar'."

"Hmm..." Jamel scratched his head, pointed to a "rhino" coin and another "elephant" coin and said: "These two!"

"Then take it!" Mavis rubbed his head and said.

Next, it was Gamel's turn to recover to his full form.

His momentum even surpassed that of Metzl, and it was obvious that he was also on the road to evolution.

Many people would think that Gamel and Eiji were similar, and they were the type without desires.

Actually, that's not the case.

Gamel did what he liked to do, whether it was eating, playing games, or following Metzl and Lingyuan like a child.

In other words, he was the one who was most loyal to his desires.

The desire-eating monster he created with himself as the host was called "Quick Formation", and it would directly become a fully grown form as long as a coin was inserted.

Because this was the specific embodiment of Gamel's "desire" at the time, it would not have the process of growing through the accumulation of desires.

SoIt is said that Gamel's evolution should be much earlier than Metzl's!

Perhaps he had already started to evolve during the ten years he spent with them eight hundred years ago!

At that time, Metzl did not understand what "love" was, and it was not until modern times that he finally took that step.

However, there is another reason that Mavis did not get the "White Tiger" coin at that time, so his power was far less than it is now, so the extent of their evolution is not very obvious.

"It's really great, Gamel..." Metzl showed a hint of pride.

That was the expression of seeing his own child become a useful person.

"Yes, it can be said that he is the one who is evolving every moment. Although the speed of evolution is much slower because of the relatively "small" desires, it will become extremely amazing as time accumulates!" Mavis said with some emotion.

Then he felt a little toothache again.

Damn, who is the one who "evolves infinitely"?

Soon, Gamel's evolution was also completed.

The complete Gamer's head is in the shape of a rhino and an elephant, and his whole body is covered with heavy armor in black, white and gray. There is a spiked gauntlet on his right arm, a cannon gauntlet on his left arm, a gorilla's back armor, and a belt with an outer frame and a golden gem.

Really handsome!

"Mavis~ I seem to have become so powerful!" Gamer looked at his body with some curiosity.

"I know, but you have to control your power, otherwise you will break things at home. You don't want to be without a game console, do you?"

Mavis was afraid that Gamer might accidentally turn the sofa, TV, etc. into coins.

Although it's not that he lacks this little money, he can also turn one into one, but it's very troublesome...

"Ah? Will it break the game console? I'll try my best!" Gamer suddenly became serious.

Everyone smiled.

"Okay, since you have been completely resurrected, to celebrate, let's go to Miss Chiyoko's restaurant for dinner tomorrow?" Mavis suggested.

"Okay, okay! I want to see what kind of expression Anku will have when the time comes!" Ling Yuan could already imagine the look of envy and jealousy on Anku's face.

"Haha, OK! Hmm?" Mavis glanced at her phone.

"What's wrong, brother?"

"Oh, an acquaintance asked me out for coffee. I'm going out for a while, remember to save dinner for me!"

"Got it!"

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