But Gao Li uses a completely different new magic system, which is equivalent to a card loophole and directly bypasses the restrictions!

When they all rushed outside, they were met by Gao Li and Zatanna who looked innocent.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect the barrier to be so fragile. I just wanted to test it first, but it broke accidentally..."

Gao Li apologized very sincerely, but unfortunately the effect was only ten or even nine points worse. Several magic masters used all their restraints to avoid beating the person.

"Xiao Zha, why did you find me?"

Gwani, the master of magic, recognized Zatanna at a glance and showed an expression of great headache.

"That's what I'm asking you! Why did you leave me and disappear without saying a word!"

Gwani suddenly had an even worse headache and rubbed his brows helplessly.

"There is a reason for this. I am trying to protect you! But now you are..."

"Okay, Gwani. Since your daughter has come to the door, it seems that you can't avoid her, so why not confess."

The middle-aged man in a trench coat next to him gently advised, so Gwani could only sigh.

"Okay... then you should come in first."

When everyone entered the house, they could see a sloppily dressed man in the living room who did not go out with them. It was Crispus Allen mentioned in the intelligence.

"This is Sage Oz, this is Boston the Dead, this is Dr. Fate Kent, this is the Phantom Stranger..."

Gwani introduced all the magic masters to Zatanna. Even if they are not magic masters, they are still famous super bosses in the magic world.

Then he looked at Gao Li with evil intentions, as if he was looking at a pig trying to grab his own cabbage.

"Who is your boy again?"

Chapter 29 Can you call yourself a young man if you are not angry?


"I'm Gowrie Wayne," Gowrie replied unceremoniously, "Isn't it unreasonable for me to be a guest when I clearly come to my home but don't know the name of the owner?"

Gwani was choked immediately. If Gao Li was really from the Wayne family, then what he said was true.

As we all know, although there are no lords in modern society, the Wayne family is better than lords in Gotham, and its dominant position can definitely be called the king of Gotham City.

Although Gao Li's existence is currently unknown to outsiders, since Zatanna didn't refute it, it's probably true.

"It turns out they are from the Wayne family, but I have never heard that anyone from the Wayne family can do magic."

Sage Aoqi laughed gently, and Gao Li reached out to stop hitting the smiling man, and did not continue to pester him.

"Since you have come to Gotham City, it seems that you still want to find our Gotham City police. I think I have the right to know what you are going to do, right?"

Several magic masters looked at each other, and the Phantom Stranger came forward and said: "Since you are also a magician, you must have heard of ghosts, right?"

"Ghost?" Gao Li pondered, "What kind of ghost do you mean? Then you should go to the cemetery to look for it."

Stranger shook his head and said: "It's not that kind of ghost. The ghost I'm referring to is the code name of a great existence."

"The ghost is the wrath of God, the incarnation of the Lord's wrath, but the ghost needs a host, and this generation of host is Crispus Allen."

"Him? The wrath of God?"

Gao Li glanced at Allen with extreme suspicion. It wasn't that he looked down on Allen, but now Allen was more like an alcoholic than the wrath of God.

Stranger explained: "He has just become the host not long ago, and the Lord's anger is not so easy to adapt to, so that's why he is like this."

The reason why the Stranger understands the ghost so well is because he and the ghost actually belong to the same camp of heaven, and are known as the "Three Body Original Sin" together with Pandora and the Questioner who opened the magic box.

The title "Stranger" may be unfamiliar, but the name "Judas" is world-famous and has almost become synonymous with traitor.

However, Judas is just a certain identity that the Stranger once had. He is more like God's little black hand, responsible for secretly doing things for heaven.

Zatanna didn't care about this, she just looked at Gwani.

"Father, you haven't explained why you suddenly left me and disappeared."

Gwani sighed: "You see that we are all looking for ghosts, you should understand that we have an extremely terrifying enemy to deal with."

"In order to prevent you from getting involved, I will stay away from you. I am using this method to protect you, Xiao Zha!"

Zatanna said excitedly: "Then can't you just tell me!? Do you know how much effort I have put in to find you!"

"No!" Gwani said seriously, "That is an unimaginable supreme existence. Even if you just mention His name, even write it, or convey a message about Him, it may be He noticed it!"

Zatanna was stunned for a moment, and it wasn't until Gao Li patted her shoulder that she came back to her senses.

"Although I don't know which unspeakable evil god you are talking about, no matter what you want to do, don't do it in Gotham City. You are not welcome here."

Gao Li said lightly that this is his city, and there are people he cares about living in it. He will never allow the greatest war to happen in Gotham City under any circumstances.

"Young man, don't worry, we are just looking for ghosts, not in Gotham..."

Dr. Fate was interrupted by Gwani's wave of his hand just as he was halfway through his explanation. His eyes were fixed on Gauri's hand on Zatanna's shoulder.

"Wayne boy, you'd better be polite in front of the seniors in the magic world... and take your hands off Xiaoza's shoulders!"


Gorry narrowed his eyes, feeling that the Infinity Ring was about to move.

"Gorry, don't..."

Zatanna held Gorry's hand pleadingly, she didn't want her good friend to conflict with her father.

However, this action made Gwani's blood pressure rise sharply.

Gory calmed down for Zatanna's sake, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "How about this? Since we've come to your door, why not let us participate in your plan directly? You can also tell us about the enemy."

Gwani snorted coldly, "Kid, I advise you not to be too angry. You don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is. This plan is not something you can participate in just because you want to!"

"The enemy we have to deal with can even destroy the universe. Even if we gather all these magic masters, we have no chance of winning. You are not qualified at all!"

"Can you be called a young man if you are not angry?" Gory said lightly, "After talking for a long time, you think I am not strong enough. That's very simple. Let's see the truth with our hands."

"Gwani! Father!"

Zatanna shouted anxiously, but Gwani smiled happily.

He had long wanted to find an excuse to beat Gory up!

"Xiao Za, don't stop us. I'm going to teach the junior a lesson today and show him some color!"

Dr. Fate and Sage Ochi looked at each other and sighed helplessly, while Stranger and Boston had no interest in this.

After all, there is no comparison between a magic master and an ordinary magician. The result of this duel can be known in advance without watching it.

Although Gowri broke the magic barrier just now, with their knowledge, they also vaguely guessed that some tricks were used, otherwise it would not be so silent.

If it was broken head-on with hard power, the momentum should be earth-shattering, not so silent, so this does not explain Gowri's combat power at all.

Not long after, the two were standing in the wilderness outside the cabin, staring at each other covetously.

"Descendant of Leonardo da Vinci, anti-speech magic, Gwani John Zatara."

Gwani is a magic master after all. Even if he is teaching a young man a lesson, he will introduce himself first according to etiquette.

"Learned from Shotaro Ishimori, Knight Magic, Gori Wayne."

Gori replied in a serious manner, which made Gwani stunned.

Not only him, but also several magic masters watching the battle were all confused. Who is Shotaro Ishimori?

Is there such a magician?

It is probably some unknown little character. After all, I have never heard of Knight Magic...

"Then be careful, kid!"

Just as Gwani was about to start fighting, he saw Gori twist his belt and the belt began to chant.

"Shabadoobi touch henshin~Shabadoobi touch henshin~" (Note 1)

Gwani: "?"

What the hell?

Before he finished wondering, Gori had already put the magician's ring on it, and the red magic circle appeared out of thin air!


PS1: I added a setting here for the standby sound. This is the pre-spell that must be chanted for the transformation magic, which is similar to the automatic chanting spell. This is to rationalize the standby sound. It will be written in the next chapter.

PS2: Thanks to "Shana灬" for the 500-point reward!

Chapter 30 I won't act anymore, let's show my cards


"Flame! Please! HuoHuoHuoHuoHuo!" (Fire! Please!)

The violent magic fluctuations rose up and turned into gorgeous vestments and armor covering Gao Li's body!

"This is...!"

The eyes of several magic masters lit up. It was a magic that they had never seen before!

"So that's it, the song at the beginning is a spell chant..."

The well-informed Sage Ochi muttered to himself, and it must be said that his vision is still very sharp.

At the beginning of the development of the wizard driver, Gao Li also felt that the standby sound was too noisy, but when he studied it in depth, he found that it really couldn't be removed.

Because the standby sound is the pre-spell of the knight's magic, it must be chanted!

If you just want to cast magic, you don't need this pre-spell, but if you want to cast transformation magic, you must chant this spell first.

If Gao Li doesn't let the driver chant automatically, he has to open the microphone himself, so of course Gao Li chooses to let the driver sing.

"Is it a magic warrior like Shazam?"

Gwani's expression became serious. As the god of magic, Thunder Shazam is well known for his strength, so he can't help but take it seriously.

"Stay away!"

The magic of repulsion came out of his mouth. After all, according to Gwani's idea, this kind of magic warrior will definitely rely on powerful speed to get close first, and then use terrible power to attack.

As expected, Gao Li was pushed away by a repulsive force just after he started, and his legs plowed two trenches on the ground.

"It's really a magic warrior! Ordinary people would have been blown away long ago, and it's impossible for them to be unscathed like him... But the strength is limited, not so amazing."

Gwani felt that he saw through everything and smiled with a sure victory.

Obviously, this young man cannot compare with the famous Shazam. As a magic warrior, he is more than one level lower. This is also understandable. Otherwise, wouldn't Shazam have wasted his time at such an old age?

Next, as long as you don't get close to him, you will definitely win!

"Stab away the ice blades!"

Gwani struck first, and countless sharp ice blades flew towards Gaoli like a rain of knives.

At this time, Gao Li also equipped the ring, and the cyan magic circle appeared in front of him as he waved his hand.

"Storm, please!"

A strong wind blew up from behind him, blowing away all the ice blades. The surrounding grass was pierced one after another, leaving large white traces.

But it's not over yet, the fiery red magic circle follows closely behind:

"Fire, Please!" (Fire)

With the power of the storm, the fire quickly surged and turned into a tsunami-like flame that rushed towards Gwani!

"Huh? So fast?"

Gwani was greatly surprised, but as a magic master he was experienced and sang softly without any panic.

"Come to Yanghai!"

Huge waves rose from the horizon, colliding with the fire storm, making a hissing sound as the steam splashed everywhere!

"not good……"

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