Several magic masters who were watching the battle took action at the same time, and a barrier was raised in front of the wooden house to protect it from the remaining power.

Gao Li and Gwani have been fighting each other for several rounds, each exchanging magic attacks. Fire, water, ice, snow, and lightning interweave in the air to form a spectacular picture.

Their magic not only attacks each other, but also affects the surrounding environment. The woods are set on fire, the valleys are frozen, and the grass is torn apart!

"This boy from the Wayne family is not simple," said Dr. Destiny Kent, who was amazed. "The speed of casting spells is so fast!"

"Indeed, among the magicians I have seen, his speed in activating magic ranks among the top five."

Sage Aoqi nodded in agreement. He rarely saw mages who could cast spells so fast that they could keep up with Irony Magic. After all, Irony Magic was almost the most simplified spell.

"It seems that his teacher Shotaro Ishimori is very powerful. It seems that he refined the spell and composed it with a special structure of 'magic name' plus 'please'... It is very difficult to do this, why? Never heard of his name?"

Stranger has the most extensive knowledge and is therefore the most troubled. He has lived for a long time and should not have any impression of such masters.

"Perhaps he is relatively low-key," Boston said for the first time. "Although this Wayne is not low-key, his strength cannot keep up with his high-profile. He is already at a disadvantage."

Kent nodded in agreement: "Yes, no matter how simplified his magic is, it cannot match the speed of irony magic. It also requires the activation of the ring and the additional chanting of 'Please'."

Gwani, who is also a master of magic, can naturally see clearly what Dr. Destiny can think of, and his heart is full of relaxation and joy.

"No way, right? How dare you fight with irony magic at this casting speed? Haven't you learned about our family's secrets from Xiao Zha?"

"It's no wonder. Young people are as energetic as you said. They dare to challenge the peak because they think they have unique magic of simplification. It's also a good thing for you to suffer losses early!"

Gwani even had the leisure to taunt him between attacks, but Gao Li shook his head and sighed.

"I wanted to save some face for you and fight you as an ordinary magician, but what I got in return was contempt..."

As Gao Li spoke, he put two more rings on his hands.

"In that case, I won't pretend anymore - who said I can only activate one magic at the same time?"


Gwani was suddenly startled when he saw three magic circles of different colors superimposing each other around Gaoli!

"Magma, please!" (Magma)

"Thunter, please!" (Thunder)

"Defend, Please!" (Defend)

The three major mantras sounded almost at the same time. The flame barrier first offset Gwani's attack, followed closely by the terrifying elemental baptism!

The earth suddenly cracked and erupted with terrifying magma. Countless bolts of lightning fell from the sky, forming a trap with the magma!

"It's actually multiple chants!?"

Gwani's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly chanted the irony magic, and then he was drowned in the earth-shattering power!

The sudden increase in attacks also made all the magic masters watching the battle startled. This Gauri Wayne... was clearly fighting against the magic masters, but he still dared to hide his clumsiness? !

But I have to say that this sudden move is really beautiful. If they were to play, they would probably be caught off guard.

"Can he cast spells at the same time? Does his magic mean..."

Sage Aoqi stared closely at the belt around Gao Li's waist. There was a black palm on it, which was probably the core of his magic, similar to a staff.

Dr. Destiny also thought of this, and his expression changed slightly: "If the palm has a special conceptual or symbolic meaning, I'm afraid he... can not only activate three magics at the same time!"

In magical rituals, the meanings represented by special objects are extremely important and often have very special structural meanings.

And Gao Li's magic is composed of palms and rings, so based on their common sense of magic -

It is very likely that the maximum number of spell castings will satisfy the number of five fingers!

Chapter 31 I want to throw some ashes in your eyes


Just as they thought, with in-depth research and the blessing of the Lord of Magic, Gao Li has reached the pinnacle of knight magic cultivation.

Therefore, not only was his magic power extremely powerful, but he also cast as many spells as the palm of his hand could fit. With a gentle touch of his left hand, his right hand was filled with five rings as if by magic.

"Let me show you my Five Escape and Continuous Bullets technique again!"

"Ahem... I accidentally became careless..."

At this time, Gwani had just appeared in the smoke and dust with a disgraced face. He finally managed to prevent it at the critical moment. He was secretly glad that he did not lose the face of the magic master, when he saw...

The even more exaggerated five magic arrays have covered the battlefield layer by layer!

"Metal, Please!" (Gold)

"Wood, Please!" (Wood)

"Water, please!" (water)

"Fire, Please!" (Fire)

"Earth, Please!" (Earth)

Gwani's expression suddenly changed wildly, this lunatic!

I saw five levels of mutually reinforcing elements circulating with each other, combining into a devastating storm of destruction, filling the entire space of one to two hundred meters in radius!

“Rumble, rumble—!”

There was only a terrifying roar sweeping across the sky and the earth, and even the wooden house protected by the barrier was crumbling!

"It's fucking outrageous that you can activate five levels of magic at the same time!"

Gwani's figure flashed and he had already teleported to several magic masters.

Facing the power of the Five Elements Continuous Bullet, even he would find it difficult to resist with irony magic alone.

Fortunately, the most powerful thing about irony magic is that it has enough freedom and activation speed, such as space movement and dodge, which is just a matter of words.

"Haha, are you feeling defeated now?" Sage Aoqi teased his old friend with a smile, "How does it feel to suffer a loss in the hands of your juniors?"

Gwani's old face darkened and he didn't want to pay attention to Sage Aoqi at all.

"Now you have learned a lesson. You understand that there are mountains outside the sky, right? There is actually a magic that is faster than your irony magic in the world. You have learned a lot."

Dr. Destiny didn't miss the rare opportunity to tease and immediately joined in.

When it comes to the release speed of a single magic, knight magic that requires a ring and a "Please" spell is not as good as irony magic.

But I can't stand the amount of magic Gao Li can release at the same time!

Even irony magic can only release one effect in one sentence. At this time, Gao Li had already stacked five magic spells together.

"Hmph, it's just relying on mindless numbers to create miracles. It has no technical content at all."

Although Gwani's back was dripping with cold sweat just now, he was still very tough in front of his daughter.

There is nothing you can do to lose face in front of your daughter!

"Just like the spatial movement I just made, it is a superior method to his knight's magic. No matter how powerful his magic is, so what? If it can't hit anyone, it's meaningless!"

Gwani frantically tried to increase his persuasiveness, while Zatanna hesitated beside him.

At this time, the raging fire of the five-escape bombs also stopped, and there was a huge deep pit surrounding Gao Li, but Gao Li himself was still unscathed.

" turns out that this is the effect of turning him into a magic warrior." Boston suddenly said with enlightenment, "The defense provided alone is enough for him to cast spells regardless of the aftermath."

"For example, irony magic can also perform ultra-high-power attacks, but it must be considered not to affect oneself. It is restricted to a certain extent, but knight magic can plow all around oneself unscrupulously."

Gwani's expression suddenly became even worse. Which side are you on? How can one extinguish one's own arrogance by increasing others' prestige?

"It doesn't matter!" Gwani emphasized again, "I have space magic! What is affected or not affected is meaningless to me!"

Having said that, he didn't want to give a few old friends another chance to hurt others, so he immediately activated his magic and teleported back to the battlefield.

"Boy, you're not bad, but you still can't touch a hair on my head. This is the gap in experience!"

Gao Li was speechless for a moment. Didn't you touch even a hair on my face...

"Ah, yes, yes... just say so. I'm tired of playing too. It's better to get to the finale quickly."

Gao Li responded perfunctorily, while changing a few more rings on his hand, and then suddenly raised the magician's sword and gun to shoot!

This was the first time Gao Li had used a new method, and Gwani had been frightened by Gao Li's previous concealment, and he did not choose to pick it up because he suspected it was a scam.

"He's coming from behind!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gwani disappeared on the spot, and Gao Li also activated his magic instantly.

"over there!"

Relying on the master of magic's keen perception of magic, Gao Li immediately caught the fluctuations in space, and the two magic arrays overlapped.

"Connect, please!"

"Just great magic touch go!"

"Super best! Kick Strike! Perfect!" (Super! Kick Strike! Perfect!)

Gao Li's feet were ignited with blazing fire, and he kicked towards the connecting magic circle with a backflip.

On the other side, Gwani had just finished his space movement and appeared. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, another connecting magic circle appeared in front of him!


Gwani was shocked, but he didn't even have time to say a word, because Gaoli's knight kick had already crossed the space!

Under Gwani's horrified eyes, the blazing flames passed him by, falling heavily behind him and exploding into a sky filled with smoke and dust!


The shock wave of the explosion directly threw him away. Gwani fell embarrassedly and rolled several times in the distance, opening his mouth and closing his eyes in pain.

"The victory has been decided."

Gao Lishi took off his ring and canceled the transformation.

At this time, Gwani gritted his teeth and stood up stubbornly, saying angrily: "Bastard! Do you really want to kill me!?"

"Why do you say that?" Gao Li spread his hands innocently, "If I really wanted to kill you, you could have turned into ashes and sprinkled them into other people's eyes."


Veins popped out on Gwani's forehead, and extremely rioting magic arose on his body. Zatanna quickly ran over and hugged him.

"Wait, Dad! Stop fighting!"

"Let go! I haven't even used half of my abilities yet!"

How can Gwani rely on him?

Losing in front of other people is another matter, but this time I lost miserably in front of my daughter. It was so embarrassing that I lost all face!

"I thought it wasn't a life-and-death fight, but just a lesson for the younger generation, so I held back, but this kid..."

"Dad!" Zatanna whispered, "Gory has held back for my sake! Otherwise..."

She recalled the shock of that day, and in order to keep it secret for Gory, she could only whisper vaguely:

"Otherwise, Gory's truly powerful magic, in terms of magic power, is more than ten times the strength of what he had just done!"

"Ten times, so what... ten... eh? Ten times!?"

Gwani gradually relaxed his struggle, looked at Zatanna's serious expression, and slowly opened his mouth.

PS: Thank you "Tai Qing Yuan Madness" for the 100-point reward! Thank you "Flying Knife" for the 600-point reward!

Chapter 32 The Ultimate Darkness, the Giant Ferocious Beast!


After actual combat, Gory found that he had underestimated the Knight's magic... or rather, he had underestimated the Knight's magic that he had personally performed.

If it were any other Knight Magician, even if he transformed into a Kamen Rider, it would be difficult to match the flexible and powerful anti-verbal magic with just the basic form.

Not to mention the magic master Gwani, he probably couldn't even beat Zatanna, and he had to use the enhanced form to have a chance of winning.

But Gao Li himself was different. First, he was the developer of Knight Magic, and his knowledge and cultivation had reached the pinnacle. Second, he was the master of Knight Magic, and his status was so high that he could control the magic at will.

With the double blessing, the strength of the magic he used alone was several times more than that of an ordinary Knight Magician!

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