Coupled with the simultaneous multi-chanting of up to five consecutive spells, he can even crush the irony magic in terms of casting speed, making it easy to match the magic master.

This is just the basic form of Kamen Rider Wizard. If the endless style is used, then Gauri can say something to the magic masters present——

"You guys come together, I'm going to fight ten of you!"

When Gao Li sighed, Gwani had already surrendered with a reluctant expression.

As for Gao Li just now, although he admitted that he was indeed very strong, as a majestic master of irony magic, Gwani would never be afraid.

But if the intensity is increased ten times...

Huh, victory or defeat is a common thing for a military man. Winning or losing is a trivial matter. It would be bad if the aftermath of the fight hurts my daughter!

Let’s let this guy go for now.

"What do you mean, do you really want Gauri Wayne to join?"

Sage Ochi came and asked, not that he cared if Gauri would join them.

It's not that Sage Aoqi despises Gaoli, but... in front of the enemy they are about to face, there is almost no difference between more Gaoli or less Gaoli.

Gwani was silent. After thinking for a few seconds with a complex expression, he sighed.

"Let us... talk alone first."

"That's fine, but if you want to default on your debt or something, don't put the blame on us."

Gwani's eyes widened. Do you think I would do this? ?

Heart hurts!

With an angry expression, Gwani waved to Gaoli.

"Boy, come here!"

Gao Lidang didn't see or hear it.

After blowing his beard and staring for a while, Gwani said to Zatanna with great reluctance: "Xiao Za, call your... little boyfriend... here!"

These words were said through extremely gritted teeth, making Zatanna's cheeks turn red.

"Dad! He and I are just ordinary friends!"

"Okay, okay, anyway, just call him over quickly."

When Gao Lizhen arrived in front of him, Gwani pondered for a moment, hesitated again and again, and then coughed casually.

"Ahem... My old friends just now agreed that you were too disrespectful to the seniors in the magic world, so they disagreed with you..."

Gao Li immediately turned to several magic masters and shouted: "Mr. Gwani said you..."

"Hey, wait, wait!" Gwani quickly grabbed him, "Okay, okay, I don't want you to join us!"

Gao Li looked back at him: "Why? Personal grudge?"


Gwani was silent for a long time and then said: "No, but it is indeed caused by personal love."

"I don't want Xiao Zha to get involved in it, and you are Xiao Zha's boyfriend... Well, my friend, if you die because of this, Xiao Zha will probably be sad and blame me."

Gao Li frowned and said, "Didn't Xiao Zha tell you my true strength? You can't even defeat me, but you dare to participate in it, so why do you think I might die because of it?"

This time, Gwani did not speak harshly. Instead, he completely put down his face and said sincerely:

"I admit that you are very powerful. I really have to lament that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. If Xiao Zha is entrusted to you, I can at least feel at ease, but..."

"Dad, I told you we are friends!"

Zatanna interjected in shame and annoyance: "And don't say things so Tuogu-like! If you really feel there is danger, then quit and don't go any further!"

Gwani said seriously: "If we can't stop the evil witch group, then even if I protect myself wisely, I won't be able to see tomorrow coming, not just me, but you and everyone in the world."

"Gauri Wayne may be as strong as you say, but this level of strength is just a drop in the bucket against our real enemy, and it will be useless if he comes another hundred or a thousand times!"

"So your speech is simply inconsistent," Gao Li said lightly, "Since so many of me are useless, will adding you be useful?"

"And you want to increase your chances of winning as much as possible without quitting, but you also want to prevent Xiao Zha and me from participating due to personal relationships, so you might as well listen to what other people have to say."

After that, Gao Li walked directly towards the magic masters in the distance.

He finally understood. He couldn't ask anything in Gwani. He talked nonsense for a long time and didn't even want to tell him who the real enemy was.

After all, Gwani had said before that just mentioning His name might be detected, so naturally he didn't want to reveal any information.

"You...! Hey!"

This made Gwani anxious and angry, so he could only chase after Zatanna.

"...That's the thing. You probably don't have as much personal feelings as Mr. Zatara. Why don't you just talk about who you want to fight against as agreed."

Doctor Fate, Sage Ochi and Dead Man Boston looked at each other, and considering the amazing cultivation that Gao Li had just shown, they all nodded in the end.

"Okay, then I'll say it." Dr. Destiny said, "To put it simply, we need to stop an ancient wizard group called the Evil Witch Group."

"The evil witch group wants to hold a ceremony to awaken the object of their worship - the ultimate darkness in the universe, the giant beast! It is said that the giant beast is..."

"Kent! Don't mention His name!"

Suddenly, the helmet Dr. Fate was wearing emitted a golden light, and another, thicker voice came from it.

"Zhou Cao, the helmet has become a spirit! What a change!"

Gao Li subconsciously pulled out the Ring of the Endless Magician, almost slaying the demon on the spot.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute..." Sage Ochi quickly stopped him, "This is Naboo, the God of Order, the source of Doctor Destiny's power."

He didn't want Alan's cabin to be blown up, and he didn't want Gao Li to offend Nabu God rashly. After all, he was the big brother of the Order God System!

No matter how strong Gao Li was as a magician, offending the real gods would never end well. Sage Ochi couldn't bear to see a young man with a promising future fall.

Kent also said: "Yes, you can understand that I am the messenger of Nabu God. When I use the power of order, I am 'Doctor Fate'."

"Oh... I understand."

Gori understood it simply, that is to say, Kent is the host, and the helmet spirit is the system. He can add some points to him, right?

Chapter 33 Lord of Order, God King Nabu


In fact, Nabu is far more than what Sage Ochi said. He is almost the leader of all pure human gods of law from ancient times to the present, and is also the current guardian of the human race.

For example, the core members of the Order God System established by Him are all advanced magic gods from human wizards, and they are transformed into eight sets of artifacts made of the ninth metal. The helmet artifact located in the position of "God King" is what Nabu resides in.

In short, God Nabu is more like the Supreme Magician in the DC world, and is also at the super-standard level of Ancient One.

Although God Nabu doesn't know what Gao Li understands, he feels uncomfortable for some reason, and the ring on his hand makes God Nabu feel uncomfortable for some reason.

"Kent, there is no need to let extra irrelevant people join. Those who are self-important after a little achievement in magic will only do harm."

Gao Li raised his eyebrows when he heard this. This god who suddenly appeared was obviously the first time they met, why did he sound disgusted with him?

This unprovoked malice is really inexplicable, and Gao Li certainly doesn't indulge Him.

"I have an objection to this. Since you are sure that you don't need any help to join, why didn't you dare to even mention the enemy's name just now?"

"What did you say?!"

The God of Nabu is not a good-tempered person. The helmet immediately flew off Kent's head, releasing a heavy divine power, and the air suddenly felt as heavy as lead!

Although he is the guardian of mankind, he also has his own selfishness, and he is used to being in a high position and can't listen to any offensive words.

"God of Nabu, please calm down!" Gwani hurriedly stood in the middle, "Young people are just quick to speak, please forgive me."

Doctor Fate and Sage Ochi were also sweating. If the God of Nabu really wanted to take action, they couldn't protect Gao Li at all!

Gao Li was also suffocated by the momentum, and felt stiff for a while.

It was just like a creature in nature facing its natural enemy, feeling the absolute gap in life level!

"Is this... the real God?"

This thought flashed through Gao Li's mind. It was almost a higher creature completely different from humans. I was really curious...

The next second, a magical power of the endless style was automatically stimulated and flowed from the ring to Gao Li's whole body.

Before becoming a god, Nabu was also a magician. Like Thunder Shazam, he was a standard human who cultivated into a magic god. Therefore, his divine power contained a great deal of magic power.

This caused the magic part in it to be invalidated first when it came into contact with the endless magic power, and then the order divine power was like a building without a lot of load-bearing walls, and began to collapse irreversibly!

Instantly, Gao Li felt refreshed again, his waist and legs were no longer sore, and he stood straight.

This also made Gao Li feel at ease. Magic power is indeed the most widely spread power, and a part of it is mixed almost everywhere.

"Get out of here!" Nabu said in a deep voice, "If you offend the true God, you must be killed!"

Gwani was so anxious that he was a little overwhelmed. Even he was not arrogant enough to think that he could compete with Nabu. At this time, Gowrie patted his shoulder and pulled Gwani behind him.

"Am I wrong? Or can't you listen to the truth? According to the masters, the giant beast may even destroy the universe. The importance of its relationship cannot tolerate any mistakes!"

Gowrie certainly didn't want to make an enemy, but since the giant beast would endanger the people he valued and himself, he had to figure it out. This was something he absolutely could not tolerate!

"Gowrie, you..."

Gwani looked at Gowrie with a normal face in surprise. Kent and Sage Ochi were also very surprised.

Not to mention them, even Stranger and Boston, who had always stayed out of it, couldn't help but look over!

This Gowrie Wayne was so resistant to the oppression of the power of the Lord of Order! ?

Especially for the magic masters who were close to him, Nabu did not target them, but the residual power of his aura alone made their hair stand on end.

"Boy, you are quite capable...?"

Nabu God also had a flash of confusion in his heart, but soon put it aside and snorted: "Of course I am not joking about this matter. It is precisely because I want to make sure there are no mistakes that I come to the ghost."

While speaking, under the stimulation of the power of order, the ghost's will also awakened from Allen's body.

With a flash of light, Allen has turned into a half-naked muscular man wearing a green cloak, and glanced at everyone present with great pride.

"I already know about the giant beast. You don't need to take action, I can easily suppress it by myself!"

Gori exclaimed when he heard it. God Nabu was already very arrogant, and now there is another one with a nose that is even more upturned!

"Ghost, are you really sure?" Stranger asked with a frown.

The ghost said proudly: "Who do you think I am? I am the wrath of God! There is no rival in front of the Lord's wrath!"

He has gone one step further than the god Nabu. Not to mention Gowri, he doesn't care about any ghost present at all. To him, they are all garbage, not even a bonus.

"Okay, it seems that you really don't need me. And after all, dealing with the giant beast is only the worst case. Before that, we just need to find and destroy the evil witch group."

Gowri took a deep breath and controlled his emotions.

It seems that the most famous ghosts and Nabu both treated him as nothing, but Gowri didn't have the bad habit of putting a cold face on a hot butt.

Gowani was relieved when he heard this: "It's a wise judgment. Take Zatanna away."

Gowri shook his head and said goodbye to Zatanna.

After they left the cabin, Zatanna was still worried and looked back every few steps, obviously worried about her father.

Seeing this, Gao Li comforted him, "Relax, they seem quite confident. You are not even a magic master. It is better to stay out of it for safety."

To be honest, if the magic masters had not gathered in Gotham at first, but in some other city, Gao Li would not even follow Zatanna.

Although he had the endless mode as a guarantee, he was not blindly arrogant... But the subsequent understanding of the giant beast forced Gao Li to go deeper.

After all, it is said that it can destroy the universe. Gao Li and the people and things he cares about can't avoid it anyway!

"Then..." Zatanna opened her mouth, "Are we just going to ignore it?"

"Who said I don't care? You can't put all your eggs in one basket. I won't put all my hopes on them. I have always been well prepared."

As Gao Li spoke, he took out a few magician rings from his pocket to cast a spell.

"Garuda, Please!"

"Unicorn, Please!"

"Kraken, Please!"

The three rings immediately turned into three little animals: red, blue, and yellow. They flew up to the sky, burrowed into the ground, and jumped into the sewer.

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