"What is this?" Zatanna asked curiously, "It's so cute."

Gao Li explained: "These are the familiars I summoned, Garuda, Unicorn and Kraken. They will help me search for traces of the evil witch group, covering the sea, land and air."

As long as the evil witch group is found and killed in advance, the crisis of the giant beast will naturally be solved!

Chapter 34 Looking for Superman, the God on Earth


After hearing what Gao Li said, Zatanna immediately understood that summoning a familiar was a routine operation for a mage.

"Is it enough to rely on just three of them? It must be very hard..."

"What you say makes sense, and the sooner the evil witch group is found, the better."

Gao Li nodded and took out another ring.

"Copy, Please!"

Under the cover of the magic circle, the second Gao Li appeared next to him, and then cast the spell again.

"Copy, please!"

"Copy, please!"

"Copy, please!"

In this way, two turned into four, four turned into eight, eight turned into sixteen...until hundreds of Gaoli crowded around the stunned Zatanna.

Trypophobia is about to occur!

Then a large group of Gaoli cast spells one after another, and each released a large number of familiars, causing the familiars to spread like a swarm of locusts.

"Well, that should be enough."

Gao Li was satisfied with the removal of the magic and became a human again.

Zatanna hesitated to speak: "Gaoli...you...uh, is your magic power okay?"

You must know that those clones just now are not phantoms, but entities that all have magic power and can use magic!

Thinking about the spell cast just now, Gao Li created thousands of temporary rings, summoned thousands of familiars, and injected thousands of magic powers into them!

This amount of magic power consumption is simply terrifying!

"Eh? What can happen to me?" Gao Li frowned and felt it, "But after you said that, I am really a little tired now."

Zatanna was dumbfounded, okay, she really deserves to be the second master of magic, her gold content is high.

"Then what are your plans next? Are you going back to the metropolis?"

Gao Li shook his head and said: "No, I plan to go to a small town in Kansas again. Do you want to come with me?"

Zatanna was stunned: "You can come together, what do you want to do?"

"Didn't I say it? I have always been well prepared and never pinned all my hopes on one thing... That was just to defeat the evil witch group in advance. I also want to prepare for the final outcome after the giant ferocious beast is really summoned. Prepare for bad situations.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Li felt a little weird... Why does his style look so like Batman?

Have you become a master?

"If the giant ferocious beast is as powerful as my father said, it would have been beyond the scope of human beings to deal with it. Only gods like Nabu and Ghost can handle it. What else can you do to prepare?"

"Isn't that a coincidence?" Gao Li smiled slightly. "It just so happens that I know there is a god on earth."

When the two of them stepped onto the land of Smallville Town, Zatanna was still curious.

"The human god you are talking about lives in such an ordinary town? If there really is such a god, then the magic masters should have come here long ago."

Gao Li was a little unsure and said: "After all, I haven't seen him in the metropolis, so I think he should still be here, but I don't know to what extent he has grown now."

Although Gao Li vaguely remembers that Superman's magic resistance seems to be very low, no matter what, Superman is one of the absolute protagonists of this world.

In other words, it has a bit of a "Child of Destiny" flavor. If there is really a crisis of annihilation, then Gao Li thinks that finding the "protagonist of the world" and tying him to a chariot will be somewhat useful, right?

And Superman is a clear alien Kryptonian. To be honest, Gao Li has always been interested in him - on a research level.

Just like boys can't resist the temptation of giant robots, which scientist can resist the temptation of exploring aliens?

Gao Li and Zatanna randomly found a tavern and went in. This kind of mixed-race place was always a good place to get information.

"Hi, do you know how to get to the Kent family in town? I mean the Kent family whose family owns a farm."

Gao Li randomly caught a bartender and started questioning him. The bartender's expression suddenly became wary.

"You are……?"

The more isolated a small rural place is, the more xenophobic the locals are, especially Gao Li who can tell he is a foreigner just by hearing his accent.

Zatanna rolled her eyes at Gao Li when she saw this, "Do you know how to ask? This is too abrupt, no wonder people are on guard."

After giving Gao Li a look that said, "It's my turn", Zatanna greeted him with a smile.

"We are friends of the Kent family. We wanted to come to visit him, but we were a little lost in an unfamiliar place, so..."

The bartender choked unceremoniously: "Then you won't call them to pick you up?"

Zatanna's smile froze on her face, Gao Li turned his head and his shoulders shook.

It was so dangerous that I almost laughed out loud.

"Actually, it's because we...uh..."

Zatanna was still racking her brains to patch it up, when she saw Gao Li's hand stretched out in front of her, holding a dozen hundred-dollar bills.

"Tell us and the money is yours."

It's not that he doesn't know how to ask questions, but he just doesn't think it's necessary at all.

What could be simpler than using the power of money to open a path?

As expected, the bartender's eyes widened and he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

The bartenders these days have a sharp eye and can spot the counterfeit money from those local gangsters who want to have sex for free, so naturally they can see that this dollar bill is extremely real.

Under the pressure of huge interests, the bartender's wariness was completely overcome, and he instantly pointed out the way to Kent Farm for Gao Li with the best service attitude.

"It's just..." At the end, the bartender hesitated and added a message, "There seem to be some strange rumors surrounding his son recently..."

"Oh? Tell me in detail, I'd love to hear it."

Gao Li flipped out another dozen bills, making the bartender smile.

"Of course I'm happy to help you, generous sir! I heard that his son recently dropped out of school, and it seems to be related to the accident of the school bus he was riding."

"Not long ago, their school bus had an accident and crashed directly into the lake. But strangely, no one was injured and everyone was safe."

Zatanna was puzzled: "Isn't that a good thing? How can you say it's a strange rumor?"

The bartender explained: "The rumors came from the students who were on the school bus at the time. They basically recalled that the school bus had completely sunk into the lake, and many people even drowned and lost consciousness."

"But for some unknown reason, the school bus was miraculously pushed back to the shore. A few students who were holding their breath said they vaguely saw Clark Kent going outside the bus and swimming around the back of the bus..."

"Oh, by the way, Clark is the kid from the Kent family. Anyway, Clark has never been to school since then. Many people think that he might be a water monster turned into a human. It's very weird anyway."

Clark Kent was exactly the person Gao Li was looking for. Zatanna had heard Gao Li talk about it before. When she heard that the real person appeared, her eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems that it was probably Clark who pushed the school bus back to the shore. He indeed has extraordinary abilities!

Chapter 35 FBI! Open the door!


On the way to Kent's farm, Zatanna and Gowrie get into a heated discussion.

"So how on earth are we going to speak then?"

"Hmm...FBI! Open the door?"

"What a mess...what should I do if there is a misunderstanding?"

"Then how about sending warmth from the community?"

"The Kents must know the residents of their community and wouldn't believe it."

"This won't work, and that won't work either. Then just send it to Dongfeng Express!"

Zatanna sighed: "Can you come up with a more serious idea?"

"What's wrong with pretending to be a courier?" Gao Li said dissatisfied, "Otherwise, if you don't know any hypnotic magic, you can just hypnotize me directly. Anyway, I don't have this kind of magic."

Zatanna rolled her eyes at him: "If you want to be a villain, you can do it yourself. I still have my own moral bottom line and will not hypnotize others indiscriminately."

Gao Li also rolled his eyes at her when he heard this. It was obvious that he was telling the truth. He really did not create a hypnotic magic ring.

He did have a sleep aid ring, but it could only make the magician himself fall asleep.

Seeing the Kent countryside in front of them, the two calmed down and walked to the door together to knock on the door.

"Hello, is anyone home?"

Soon a middle-aged man with bloodshot eyes opened the door. He was Clark's adoptive father.

He asked angrily: "Who are you and what are you doing?"

According to the information gathered by Gowrie, Jonathan Kent seemed to be very polite and kind to outsiders, but now he is so rude and unkempt. It seems that he is really troubled by some trouble.

"We are very interested in your farm and are willing to purchase it at a high price..."

"Not for sale, bye."

Seeing that Jonathan was about to close the door, Gao Li quickly stuck his foot in the crack of the door.

"I'm just joking... Actually, we are Clark Kent's friends. We want to go out with him to play. Is he at home?"

Jonathan's emotions suddenly became excited: "Coming for Clark again!? You bastards, don't disturb our lives anymore! Get out!"

After that, he forced Gao Li out of the door and closed the door with a bang.

Gao Li and Zatanna looked at each other. Zatanna shrugged and said, "You have a temperament that makes you either rich or noble at first glance. You don't look like a small town resident at all. It's no wonder that you see through it at a glance."

Gao Li scratched his head: "It seems that a lot of reporters and the like must have come after hearing the news and made the Kent family very upset, right? That's why he had such a big reaction."

As they spoke, the two of them retreated away from Kent's farm, intending to discuss what to do.

"Xiao Zha, I don't really want to use special methods on ordinary people, but I have to find someone anyway. Let's discuss it."

The key is that if he is misunderstood by the young Superman, the consequences will be serious.

Zatanna clapped her hands: "I have a plan. We won't use magic on the Kents, but we can use magic on ourselves. We just need to change our appearance and pretend to be the parents of the students to say thank you and visit!"

After all, he was a guest who came with thanks, so Jonathan wouldn't rush out with a black face and a bad voice, right?

"Good strategy! But I want to make some modifications." Gao Li gave her a thumbs up. "We might as well become a couple in our seventies. Even if he intentionally pushes, he will never dare to use force."

"It's better to say that he can push us, and then we just lie down on the ground, hehe... let's see what he does to us, can't he just kneel on the ground and beg us not to die? Ah, I mean, not yet You can only take us into your home to rest respectfully?"

Zatanna looked shocked and admired deeply.

"What a wonderful idea. It really has some of the demeanor of Constantine and other human beings. It is really red when you are close to red and black when you are close to ink!"

"Huh? Is this a compliment or a disservice to me?"

Gao Li scratched his chin and thought for a while, then simply smashed the jar.

"Putting aside the disdain, just tell me if it's useful!"

Zatanna had to hold her nose and admit that it did sound very effective. Gao Li immediately took out the two prepared rings, which were the "transformation" and "dress-up" magician rings.

After the light of the magic circle flashed, Gao Li and Zatanna had transformed into an elderly couple. Everyone looked as old and fragile as a dying candle, and they were so light that they could easily be pushed over.

"Remember, our trick is to knock him down at the first touch, never give him a chance to react, be fast! Accurate! Cruel! It's best if you use irony magic to disguise the bruises and swelling, or do some dubbing of broken bones..."

Zatanna's conscience almost couldn't bear to listen anymore. Fortunately, the two of them had already walked back to the door of Kent's house.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Who is it again?!"

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