Jonathan opened the door unhappily, and when he saw an elderly couple, he lowered his voice.

"Good afternoon, what can I do for you?"

Gory said in a trembling voice: "Good afternoon, Mr. Kent. I am Bruce's grandfather. Bruce was also on the school bus at the time. He said that Clark saved him, and we came to thank him."

Jonathan hesitated for a moment, as if thinking about how to organize his words.

"That should be his hallucination under the water, right? After all, Clark is just a child, how could he save him? You should go back."

"It's okay, it's okay for us to meet Clark in person. Bruce said Clark treated him very well at school. You won't reject the old man's pitiful wish, right?"

Gory was getting closer and closer. Looking at the skinny body, Jonathan didn't dare to push him, so he could only be forced into the entrance.

Helplessly, Jonathan said, "Clark is not at home now, you two should go back!"

Zatanna then offered help: "We are old and have no strength, can we rest for a while?"

Jonathan sighed and took the initiative to support Gori and Zatanna.

"Then I will help you two, I will pour you a cup of tea later, you can rest in the living room first."

After sitting on the sofa, looking at Jonathan's back as he poured tea, Gori whispered teasingly: "I didn't expect you to be so skilled?"

Zatanna blushed: "I can't help it, after all, I still have to get information from him, and I can still tell the priorities of things."

At this time, Martha Kent, who also looked very haggard, also came down from the second floor to help her husband entertain Gori and Zatanna.

After a while, the couple sat down with refreshments, and Gory asked at the right time: "I heard from Bruce that Clark dropped out of school, but he was not at home... Did he go out to play?"

Martha shook her head: "We don't know where Clark went. Recently he..."

At this point, Martha forced herself to hold back, but her eyes became obviously redder, and Jonathan also held her hand comfortingly.

This made Gory very curious. It seemed that the trouble was not only from the outside world. Could it be that Clark himself had problems?

Chapter 36 Evil Superman


The four of them chatted for a while, and Gory and Zatanna found a chance to say goodbye.

They spent most of their time chatting about family matters, and didn't talk too much about Clark. As the saying goes, too much is as bad as too little, and too obvious a tendency will only make the Kents vigilant.

However, Gory still got some useful information, that is, Clark's temperament suddenly changed for some reason recently, and even injured Jonathan.

"It sounds very different from the Superman I know. Is he in his rebellious teenage years?"

Gory fell into deep thought, while Zatanna was disappointed.

"If the God of the World is what the Kents say, then he is just a teenager with some superpowers and can't help at all."

Gory found it difficult to explain the special meaning of Superman to her. Zatanna probably didn't understand the term "son of destiny" either, so she could only shrug without comment.

"Since we're here, let's find him first."

Zatanna spread her hands and said, "You have a lot of money, you have the final say, what should we do next?"

Gory thought for a while and said, "I heard from the Kents that Clark used to be a good kid who only went between home and school."

"Then his main interpersonal relationships should be in school... Let's go to his school and see, maybe we can ask something from his friends."

"After all, some people go to secret bases when they are upset. They may not tell their parents, but they are likely to tell their good friends and brothers."

Zatanna looked at her watch and said, "It's getting late. If we don't go to school, it will probably be over. Let's go."

The two rushed to Smallwell Middle School where Clark was studying. Before they got close to the school gate, they could already feel something was wrong.

Because there was chaos ahead, not only could they see thick black smoke rising from a long distance, but they could also see a large number of students running out in panic!

"What's going on?" Zatanna asked in surprise, "Did a school shooting happen?"

This is also an American feature, which made Gory speechless.

"Xiao Za, you are not American, why do you react so American?"

Zatanna was even more speechless: "Who said I am not American? Although my father is Italian, I was born in San Francisco."

Although the two were chatting, they actually quickened their pace and arrived at the school in a short while.

At this time, they saw clearly that there was a raging fire on the campus, and the fire alarm was still ringing.

"Put out the fire first?" Zatanna asked Gory with her eyes.

Gao Li shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the energy fluctuations of these flames are very abnormal, it doesn't look like a natural fire. If you put out the fire abruptly, you might alert the enemy."

"The students and teachers should have all run away, you can use magic to rescue them, remember to avoid the source of the fire, and then we will go over quietly to take a look."

Zatanna was surprised and said, "You can even sense this? Aren't you just the Lord of Magic? How can you sense energy that is not magic?"

"Of course I can only sense magic power," Gao Li explained, "but I only need to spread the magic power and feel how they are affected by other energies, and then I can tell whether it is a natural fire or there is special energy."

Regarding Gao Li's operation, Zatanna could only say in her heart that it was awesome.

According to common sense, no magician would be able to achieve this kind of subtle sensing, but Gao Li seemed to be as simple as eating and drinking.

At the same time, Zatanna also accumulated a lot of magic power, took a deep breath and said:

"Outside the school, it was safe to arrive at the scene of the fire, and no one else was involved in the fire."

This large-scale operation of magic did not consume much of Zatanna's magic power. It seemed that almost everyone had successfully evacuated.

"Let's go, Pipizza!"

Gao Li closed his eyes and sensed it, then ran towards the source where the magic was most disturbed by the special energy, followed closely by the confused Zatanna.

In fact, after running for a short time, Gao Li's induction was no longer needed, because there was a lively fight ahead.

From a distance, it seemed like two figures were confronting each other.

One person is surrounded by a roaring flame, and another is holding a car with one hand.

"We found the real owner, let's observe in secret."

With the cooperation of the fire alarm bell, Gao Li took Zatanna and hid in the corner |OMO.

The two of them watched as the person lifting the car threw the car over, and the person on the other side instantly fired a fireball and intercepted it in mid-air. It immediately ignited the gasoline in the car and caused a big explosion!

"The man who can carry the cart should be Clark Kent, but I don't know who the person fighting him is?" Gao Li touched his chin in confusion.

Before Superman debuted, wasn't he just an ordinary young man from a small town? Have you ever fought against such a powerful enemy?

"No matter who he is, he is dangerous enough... Although his power is not as good as that of a magic master, it is not inferior to a magic master who specializes in fire spells. Clark, on the other hand, looks like he is just strong. He really doesn't need help. him?"

There was no need to wait for Gao Li's answer, and the truth soon told Zatanna the answer - the fire controller gathered a roaring fire dragon as tall as a person and rushed towards Clark. Not only did Clark not dodge, but he went straight forward!

With a "boom", the fire dragon was directly exploded on the spot, and the spreading shock wave also caused the fire controller to fall down in embarrassment.

"Hahaha... It's really unsightly. Coach Oaks, what about your superior attitude when you faced me before? Why aren't you arrogant this time?"

Clark laughed happily and mocked the disgraced Oakes.

"Why aren't you talking? Huh!? You must have never imagined that you would be forced to do this when you hit me last week! Hahahahaha! This is the end you deserve!"

Clark seemed to be talking more and more freely. With his emotions rising, even his eyes began to glow red and bright. With the disaster background behind him, he looked like a living demon!

This scene also stunned Gao Li and Zatanna. Zatanna murmured and asked: "Gao Li...are you sure it's okay to find him?"

"No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it can help us protect the world. Instead, it looks more like a demon king villain who wants to rule the world!"

But Gao Li also wanted to ask why!

If we say this is the rebellious period of youth, is it a bit too rebellious?

It is completely different from the Superman in Gao Li's impression, and can even be called two extremes!

"What the hell..." Gao Li thought in a daze, "Is it possible that I am not in the normal DC universe, but in a parallel world where Superman becomes a super villain!?"

It would be too bad if that were the case!

Chapter 37 Will you bleed?


At this time, Oaks finally couldn't help it. He never imagined that this student named Clark Kent would be so difficult to deal with.

He had beaten Clark last week. Clark was obviously very weak at that time, and he was almost knocked down by the wind. Why did he become so violent all of a sudden! ?

What Oaks didn't know was that it was the presence of kryptonite dust at the scene that made Clark paralyzed, leading to him beating him up.

"You will be beaten, and it's not all because you asked me not to participate in the rugby game! You actually came here to say such things to me in person, who do you think you are!? Are you not asking for a beating!"

Clark said angrily: "That's because you leaked test questions for students to cheat! This itself is against the rules! Even the principal said you were not allowed to participate, but you almost killed the principal!"

Oaks sneered: "It turns out it was your boy who saved the principal that day. I'll tell you how the old guy escaped from the burning car."

"I don't want to talk too much nonsense," Clark said with an arrogant look, "I will personally judge you and give you the death penalty for a trash like you!"

After hearing this, Oaks' expression immediately became tense, and he once again gathered a giant fireball.

However, this time Clark didn't even move. He just glared and shot two red lasers from his eyes, exploding the big fireball in the air!


The explosion at close range caused Oaks to be blown away, and he fell to the ground with blood vomiting from his mouth. It took him a long time to get up reluctantly.

"It seems that this is the end for you. After you die, go to hell and reflect. This is the punishment for offending me!"

After Clark finished speaking coldly, his eyes lit up red again, and he was about to shoot Oakes from the air.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I have something to say!"

Seeing that there was no other way, Gao Li had no choice but to bite the bullet and jump out.

Clark once saved the principal, proving that he still has a kind heart. Regardless of whether he will become a super villain in the future, at least it is not too late to intervene from now on.

If Clark was really allowed to kill someone personally, or in the name of a superior trial, it would be like opening a hole, and it would be difficult to correct Clark's behavior and thoughts.

Although Gowrie also disliked Oakes, he had to step forward even if it was just to prevent the young Superman from opening Pandora's Box.

Gao Li himself has killed evil people, but he has already matured mentally in his two lives and has clearly understood his beliefs and will. He is in no way comparable to a young boy who is still in the period of spiritual growth.

"Hmph...has the hiding little mouse finally appeared? You actually thought you could hide in front of me. My super eyesight and super hearing have discovered you from the very beginning!"

Clark crossed his arms and glanced at Gao Li contemptuously, wanting to hear what the rat in the gutter had to say.

"I'm not called Ah B... Well, no, I'm not that old yet. I'm just a dragonfly captain who never acts out of emotion and never misses any bad thing."

Gao Li sighed, not wanting to get angry with the mentally ill patient who lacked manners and lacked tutoring - Clark's mental state was obviously abnormal, and he seemed too unruly and arrogant no matter what.

"Actually, I don't have anything to say. I've just heard about the grievances and resentments between you. Oaks is indeed a real rotten person, but it's not worth staining your hands with blood for a scumbag..."

"It's an opportunity!"

Before Gao Li even finished speaking, Oaks's eyes lit up as if he had thought of some great idea. He instantly condensed a large amount of flames and threw them at Gao Li, completely engulfing him in the fireball!

Then Oaks hurriedly ran in the opposite direction, laughing: "Don't you like saving people? Then go and save him!"

He just wants to use Clark's ability to save people to escape!

However, the Clark here is no longer the Clark from last week. He just stared at this scene with cold eyes, without even the slightest idea of ​​​​rescuing.

"Hmph... This is your own fault. You dare to jump out and hinder me? You deserve to be burned alive!"

Clark didn't even intend to chase Oakes as he escaped.

Anyway, in the face of his super speed, Oakes can't escape no matter how far he runs. He will cruelly tease Oakes until he dies of despair just like a cat plays with a mouse!


Zatanna ran out with a scream and was about to use irony magic to put out the fire and save people.

However, at this time, the flames began to shrink inward strangely, and at the same time, a familiar driver chant came out.

"Flame! Please! HuoHuoHooHuoHuo!" (Fire! Please!)

I saw the blazing flames gathering at one point, finally revealing the red magic circle underneath, shrouding the unharmed Gao Li!

"If you want to hurt me with flames, you still have 20,000 years left."

Gao Li snorted coldly. It was naturally impossible for him to jump out unprepared. The magic power had already been accumulated in his body.

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