You can see the magic masters headed by them, moving quickly across the battlefield, and every attack is precise and deadly!

Although the power of the old Shazam wizard comes from the Six Gods, fortunately, before the destruction of the heaven, he stayed in the "Shazam" state in advance and did not exit, so the power of the Six Gods did not disappear.

In this state, old Shazam is even more powerful than Superman!

However, as time passed, the numerical superiority of the Dark Gods became apparent.

Although those top experts are powerful, they are not so powerful that they can ignore the numbers. After all, every opponent is a true god!

They came like a tide, making the mages quickly feel powerless. Although the strong men such as King Naboo and Old Shazam tried their best, they still could not change the decline of the battle.

"We must find a new breakthrough!" A trace of anxiety flashed in the eyes of the Naboo God King, "You and I will launch the strongest attack to break their formation!"


Old Shazam nodded, his eyes also filled with worry.

The two looked at each other, then raised their hands at the same time and began to chant complex magic spells.

As the spell was completed, a dazzling light bloomed on them!

Incomparably shining Egyptian crosses and chains appeared around the God King of Naboo, while old Shazam's hands released strong thunder and lightning waves.

Two powerful forces converged into a huge beam of light in the air, rushing towards the formation of the New God of Darkness like the wrath of the gods!

"Break it for me!"

The God King of Naboo and Lao Sha agreed and shouted in unison. The beam instantly burst out with astonishing power, tearing a huge gap in the formation of the New God of Darkness!

However, the new gods of darkness did not show signs of decline, but instead showed even more crazy attacks!

They seemed to be tireless, coming in one wave after another, and the terrifying attacks came like a tidal wave!

Faced with a large number of new gods, the magic world was ultimately unable to reverse the decline of the war.

Compared with them, the Justice League adopts a strategy that was formulated from the beginning - capture the thief first!

Although he was very sad and could not devote himself to the rescue, Bruce, who had the clearest mind, proposed that if Darkseid was not defeated as soon as possible, the casualties would only be more severe.

"In order to save time, I will try to take you to sneak directly from the mirror world to the core of the Apokolips battleship!"

After that, Bruce, who had already transformed into Kamen Rider Night Rider and killed the enemy, reached out to the card box again.

The next moment, the surrounding atmosphere changed, and the air began to surge, forming bursts of mist and strong winds surrounding Bruce!

All these changes stem from the card Bruce drew——

It was a card with a golden half-wing pattern. The blue cyclone in the background of the wings rotated as if it came alive, and Bruce's summoning machine also deformed.


As Bruce inserted the survival card, the armor on his body was shattered like a mirror, and he was replaced by Kamen Rider Night Rider Survivor form in an instant!

"Get ready to go..." Bruce took a deep breath, "We can't be merciful. Humanity has reached the point of life and death. We can't survive without fighting!"

Everyone in the Justice League nodded solemnly, and Bruce quickly took them all into the mirror world and rushed in the direction of Darkseid.

As long as you are in the mirror world for not too long, even ordinary humans can endure it for a short period of time, let alone superheroes with stronger physiques.

And their speed was very fast. In a short time, they took advantage of the mirror world and drove straight into the core of the Apokolips fleet!

The outside world can also be seen in the mirror world, and they have done reconnaissance on the road - there is no doubt that Darkseid is there!

The main ship of Apokolips where Darkseid is located is a huge dark fortress. Its interior is as deep as a maze, like a huge honeycomb, with intricate passages and cabins intertwined.

In the center is a majestic control tower, with the spire pointing directly to the core of the ship. Everything here is immersed in a deep dark red tone, like an ocean dyed red with blood.

In an instant, the heroes of the Justice League - Superman Clark, Wonder Woman Diana, Batman Bruce, Aquaman Arthur, Flash Barry and Cyborg Victor, they passed through the cracks in the mirror world, like gods descending from heaven. Appeared inside the main ship like soldiers!

Their appearance was like a bright light breaking through a mirror, instantly illuminating this dark space!


Clark's voice echoed inside the main ship like thunder, and his eyes flashed with golden light, which was the divine power from the sun.

Before the war started, even though time was very short, Clark still flew to outer space as fast as possible, absorbing as much sunlight as possible, and his strength increased a lot!


Clark took the lead in rushing towards Darkseid, and the cells in his hands were filled with energy to the point where they could almost emit dazzling light!

Following closely behind was Diana, holding the sacred Amazon Sword in her hand, the tip of the sword pointing straight ahead, as if it could cut through all darkness.

Arthur waved the trident in his hand, and the power of sea water and storm gathered around him; Barry surrounded Darkseid like lightning, creating a speed storm to trap him; and Cyborg seemed to transform into a huge steel fortress. Fire a huge amount of deadly energy beams!

"Final Vent!"

Bruce activated Kamen Rider Night Rider's survivor form's special move "Hast Break", and the "Wings of Wind Dark Intruder" turned into a drill and hit him!

Their attacks were as violent as a violent storm, and each blow contained the power to destroy the world, but Darkseid remained as motionless as a mountain.

Darkseid's palms were waved lightly, and he easily caught Clark's fists, turning Clark's thunder blow invisible.

"How can it be!?"

In a reaction that almost stopped time, Clark's pupils shrank in shock. This was a stronger attack than his usual full-out attack!

What Clark didn't see was that there was a hint of surprise in Darkseid's eyes.

Unexpectedly, the power that this Kryptonian burst out in an instant was actually stronger than the Kryptonian god in the heaven!

But no matter how strong he was, he was still not as good as Darkseid, so he temporarily diverted his attention and fixed Diana's sword light in the air.

Faced with Bruce's final arrival, the huge waves in the night, the Flash's speed force thunder and Victor's energy beam, Darkseid easily resolved them all!

It was clear that the Justice League had joined forces this time and launched a devastating attack, but Darkseid also showed extraordinary strength.

Although not all of them were carried out forcefully, and there were also some slight dodges and efforts, Darkseid's movements were elegant and calm, as if this terrifying siege was just a simple game to him.

However, even though their attacks were easily defeated by Darkseid, these six heroes did not flinch at all, and there was only determination in their hearts.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, the Justice League cannot give up resistance!

After all, this battle is related to the fate of all mankind, and they must not fail!

So, they once again tried their best to launch a second attack, showing off their respective strengths.

"Asshole! You..."

Kalibak had already arrived because of the momentum here, and was about to get angry and step forward to take action. His strength was no less than Superman, but he was stopped by Desard and Kindness Grandma who also arrived at the same time.

"Wait a minute... Let His Majesty vent his anger in person. It's His plaything."


Kalibak was stunned. Although he was Darkseid's son, he was never loved by Darkseid and was not even allowed to call Darkseid his father.

One of the reasons was that he had no vision, was reckless and impulsive, but after being reminded at this moment, Kalibak noticed Darkseid's expression - obviously, Darkseid had lost his patience.

Although Darkseid only fought against the Justice League for one round, he had already figured out the strength of the Justice League, so the toy "Justice League" lost its sense of mystery, and Darkseid, who was no longer interested, did not want to play with it.

Darkseid frowned slightly, and with a wave of his hand, a wave of dark energy swept across the entire main ship in an instant!

"Rumble, rumble...!"

Under the impact of this energy, the main ship of Apokolips began to shake violently, as if it would disintegrate at any time!

All the members of the Justice League who launched the offensive again were also swept away, and each suffered varying degrees of damage.

"Do you think you can hurt me just by doing this?" Darkseid's voice was cold and contemptuous, "I had some expectations for the Justice League before, but unfortunately you are actually just a group of ants."

"We are the Justice League. Even if we are as small as ants in your eyes, Mr. Wayne once said that many ants can kill an elephant!"

Clark's voice is firm and powerful, inspiring everyone as Superman, and his face is full of unyielding look.

After saying that, Clark burst out the energy in all the cells in his body with all his strength. His whole body seemed to emit a faint light, and he took the lead in flying towards Darkseid for the third time!

Behind him, the other members of the Justice League also used all their strength and launched their strongest attacks.


A huge explosion echoed inside the main ship, and fire and smoke intertwined into a chaotic scene!

Although the Justice League's potential burst this time was still unable to directly harm Darkseid, it successfully broke through his defense——

Darkseid could only barely protect himself, and could no longer allocate his strength to protect the battleship from damage!

Under the impact of this force, the main ship of Apokolips finally couldn't bear it and began to fall apart.

"This Kryptonian actually...!"

At this moment, Darkseid was even more surprised, and Clark refreshed his knowledge!

As we all know, the most powerful thing about Superman is not his strong combat power under normal conditions. In fact, there are many beings who can be on par with him, such as Kalibak, Thunder Shazam, etc.

There are not a few beings who can "outperform superhumans" in the true sense.

Therefore, the strongest point of Superman lies in his potential explosion at critical moments, the power of idealistic seed explosion!

Superman in his normal state roughly represents the limit of all powers in the universe, so Gao Li can extract the concept of "limit" from him, but there are also other strong men who have also reached the limit.

But once it involves the explosion of idealism, beings like Kamen Rider and Ultraman can often greatly exceed their own limits and reach new peaks in an instant!

Chapter 248 Darkseid’s shock!

Just now, when Clark attacked for the first time, it could only be said that it was the peak attack power that Superman could achieve after deliberately absorbing the energy of the sun, which was still within the scope of what could be done after regular operation.

And when he made up his mind for the third time and tried his best in desperate situation, Clark, after the explosion, reached the level that could threaten Darkseid!

This caused Darkseid to defend with all his strength to ensure that he would not be hurt, and he had no spare energy to protect other things except himself. The spreading residual power destroyed the Apocalypse main ship.

It's a pity that the joint attack of the Justice League seemed to be united together, but in fact there was still a subtle time difference, and it was impossible to really merge into the same attack and hit the same place.

In simple terms, this is like the ideal state is that the seven lights merge into one to evolve into a white light attack, but in fact, the seven-color attack of the seven lights hit Darkseid together without merging into white light.

So their attack could not be the last straw that broke the camel's back, and Clark, who failed to cooperate with the potential explosion, successfully injured Darkseid.

What's more regrettable is that the burst of idealistic power is described as "explosive" because its power can only last for a short moment, just like an explosion.

When Darkseid and all the members of the Justice League fell to the ground, Clark had gradually fallen back to his normal state.

"Hu... Hu... Hu..."

Clark was panting heavily. He had just fought with Darkseid in the air for many moves, but he was still stuck in a state of more threats than defense.

Even idealistic power requires a certain amount of energy. Just the explosive attack just now has reduced Clark's previously absorbed solar energy by nearly half!

"It's commendable," Darkseid had regained his composure, and even clapped his hands gently, "I have made many preparations before to ensure that there will be no accidents, so as to ensure that no one can be my opponent."

"If I had not made any preparations to improve my strength beforehand, I might have been injured by you just now, and you could have opened a breakthrough to victory - even if it was only a tiny possibility."

The Justice League was not happy with Darkseid's praise, because there is no such thing as if in the world.

Even if they wanted to do it again, they couldn't!

-After experiencing the Doomsday War, Barry understood that when facing an opponent of this level, he would be caught up and killed before he could reverse time.

Unless Barry did not appear on the battlefield, but hid in a safe place in advance, and started running against the flow of time and space when he saw that the situation was not good.

After all, Barry can be called the incarnation of the speed force, and the highest speed he can reach can even surpass the current Darkseid. Once he is accelerated enough, even Darkseid will not be able to catch up with him.

It's a pity... this is just "if".

It's not that the Justice League didn't think of this relatively safer plan beforehand, but once it did, another problem would arise.

Facing such a powerful Darkseid, what if the Justice League just lacked the combat power of the Flash and failed to defeat Darkseid?

Barry seems to be only fast, but in fact his resonance skill is very terrifying, and can even easily break the steel body of the Kryptonian.

In addition, they are not without a backup plan for reversing time and space-because Gori also has the ability to reverse time!

So they chose to send all members out to try to kill Darkseid with one blow!

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, even if Barry hides in other places and starts running early, Darkseid, who has noticed the change in time and space, can catch up with Barry and kill him for the first time.

Because there is no so-called "distance" in the long river of time after transcending the timeline.

Even if Barry is far away at the other end of the universe, as long as he and Darkseid are at a close time, Darkseid will see Barry as if he is right next to him after he jumps out of the long river of time!

Everything is so hopeless. Even if all the members of the Justice League still have the strength to fight again, the difference between the enemy and us is too great.

In addition to Darkseid, there are many powerful dark new gods who are eyeing them covetously. They just don't dare to offend Darkseid, so they don't attack these preys of Darkseid!

However, no matter what, the Justice League has only one choice.

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