——That is war!

As long as they haven't fallen completely, they will never give up!

"Fight... Fight until the last moment!"

Bruce stood up with gritted teeth and pulled out another advent card from the card box.

"Believe in Gorrie, believe that he will definitely come back!"

All the members of the Justice League nodded silently and looked at Darkseid.

The war started again!


In the depths of the universe, Gorrie's face showed a rare trace of anxiety.

As soon as the Apocalypse army descended, Gorrie immediately learned about it through the quantum communication technology set up in advance.

Now he is staring at the time while facing the huge and ugly orange fat snake in front of him.

That is the orange lantern beast representing "greed" - the lust python!

"You are the last lantern beast... Sorry, I'm in a hurry, so the means can only be rougher."

Gorrie said coldly, raising his hand to the grinning lust python.

In fact, from the light beasts that have been subdued, Gao Li also knows that the lust python is not a good thing. At this moment, he has no psychological burden to use force just like he did against the parallax monster.

"Human! The orange light energy is mine! All the emotional spectrum is mine! Don't even think about taking it away!"

As soon as the lust python roared, he saw the six-color emotional spectrum energy of red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple, which together formed a six-color chain and tied it firmly in place!

"What... you can actually fuse the emotional spectrum?!"

The lust python was really shocked, but facing the overwhelming power of the six lights, the lust python struggled to no avail.

This is even more terrible than the desperate situation faced by the parallax monster at the beginning!

But there is actually a slight difference. Gao Li first beat the parallax monster half to death before easily absorbing and suppressing it, while the lust python is in its prime and has the power to resist.

So Gao Li spent a little time-anyway, the result is doomed, even without the suppression of the six lights, the lust python can't be Gao Li's opponent.

Soon, the Desire Python received the same treatment as the Parallax Monster and was taken into Gao Li's body and imprisoned. Gao Li also took advantage of the opportunity to obtain the original orange light energy and became the Lord of the Orange Light!

In this way, Gao Li has become the Lord of the Seven Lights and obtained the highest authority of the seven-color emotional spectrum!

"Then there is no time to lose..."

Gao Li stretched out his hands, and there were seven rings of different colors on his seven fingers. As he moved his mind, the seven-color rings turned into light and flew out, gathering on Gao Li's right index finger.

The next moment, a ring with white light appeared!

"Seven lights merge into one, the power of white light!"

Gao Li took a deep breath, waved his hand, created a space wormhole with white light, stepped into it and arrived on the earth.

As soon as he arrived on the earth, Gao Li's huge power immediately scanned the global situation, and he couldn't help but take a breath.

The original 8 billion people in the world have now been killed to only tens of millions, and they are still on the verge of death, and are still decreasing rapidly!

It seems that Apokolips is going to kill all humans!

Darkseid's target is the anti-life equation on Earth. To him, the mere humans on Earth are worthless.

As for slaves, there are already countless races on Apokolips that have been plundered from other parallel universes. No more humans, no less humans.

When Gorrie looked at the battlefield between the Justice League and Darkseid, his expression sank, and he could not suppress the anger in his heart.

Darkseid was still standing proudly on the battlefield, and in front of him, besides countless ruins, there were all the members of the Justice League who fell to the ground!

Clark was the last to fall, but before he touched the ground, he had already lost his breath.

Even Superman was like this, not to mention the others, basically none of them still had vital signs!

All members died!

Gorrie did not expect that the battle situation would deteriorate to such an extent after a short delay. It seems that Darkseid is stronger than he expected!

Fortunately, Gao Li was not without a remedy. While he took a deep breath to calm down, he had already replaced the double-sided drive.

The Glittering Pterosaur and the Extreme Eagle both flew over and automatically plugged into the two ends of the drive. Gao Li opened the wormhole and took out the Speed ​​Force memory.




Between the flashing holy light and the soaring data stream, Gao Li transformed into a Kamen Rider, and then quickly inserted the Speed ​​Force memory into the kill slot.

"Speed! Maximum Drive!"

Just like Kamen Rider W's Gale Ace Extreme Form, the Extreme Memory can amplify multiple memories at the same time.

That's right, Gao Li is going to use the power of three memories at the same time!

"Hmm? It seems that the real master has appeared..."

On the other side, Darkseid was keenly aware of Gao Li's arrival when Gao Li was scanning the world.

In the intelligence gathering before attacking the Earth, Darkseid confirmed that the strongest person on Earth, the mysterious Lord of the Endless, was most likely the only supreme being that he needed to take seriously on this trip.

So Darkseid was of course very concerned about Gowrie's breath and whereabouts, and even chose this time to attack the Earth because he received news that the Lord of the Endless was in the universe instead of on Earth.

So as an excellent strategist, Darkseid acted with the best strategy, which was to avoid the Infinity Lord first and try to achieve results before He came back.

Now it seems that the Infinity Lord came back neither too early nor too late.

Then, time and space began to change slightly, and Darkseid immediately felt something.

"So that's it... Do you want to play such a trick? So naive."

Darkseid snorted coldly, and in an instant he appeared on the river of time.

Originally, those who have reached the highest strength almost have the ability to see the timeline, let alone Darkseid who is so strong?

It is easy for Him to go back and forth in and out of the timeline. As soon as he jumped out of the river of time, he immediately saw Gory running with the speed force.

Since both parties are at almost the same time point, Gory's "position" on the river of time is within reach for Darkseid!

This is why Darkseid lamented that the Infinity Lord was so naive. After all, with the power of the Infinity Lord, he should have figured it out long ago.

As long as Darkseid is there, the Infinity Lord will never be able to reverse time and space!

"Pay the price for your naive behavior!"

Darkseid exudes a suffocating dark breath, and the extremely terrifying and monstrous attack is condensed in an instant, roaring like a dragon and rushing towards Gorri!

This attack contains the power to destroy the world, as if it can devour all life and light!

The long dragon is like a blazing black flame torrent, sweeping everything, and all matter and energy are evaporated in an instant wherever it passes, and even the dimension of space is shattered in the distortion!

At first glance, the power emitted by Darkseid forms a huge vortex, and the residual power alone almost makes the timeline lose its original order and turn into chaos.

This is a blow that Darkseid has gone all out. He has never underestimated the Infinity Lord, and his attack is a sure kill!

However, facing this terrible attack, Gorri seemed unusually calm. He didn't even turn his head, as if he didn't care about the threat behind him.

When the attack was about to hit Gorri, his body suddenly burst into brilliant light, and then like a stubborn stone in the river, Darkseid's attack couldn't shake Gorri at all!

"How is it possible! Can he even withstand such a powerful force?!"

This scene shocked Darkseid, which was completely beyond his expectations, so that Darkseid couldn't believe his eyes.

It's not that Darkseid didn't know about Gorri's shining memory. As early as in the intelligence collected earlier, Darkseid knew that the Lord of the Infinite had an ability that was suspected to be immune to enemy attacks.

However, even so, in Darkseid's cognition, no one should be able to withstand his full-strength attack so easily!

This is different from the group of Kryptonians who were also shocked before. Since Krypton is a pure scientific civilization, Kryptonians can only sigh that this is unscientific, but Darkseid is a master of both science and magic, and Darkseid has understood almost all the power systems in the universe.

This is due to the countless parallel universes that Apocalypse has created over countless years, so Darkseid does not believe that any ability has the attribute of being absolutely invincible. Failure to break it would only be because the power is not enough!

However, the facts are in front of us.

Not only did Gorrie stand there unscathed, but he also continued to run at a faster speed!

In just a blink of an eye, the speed force memory reached the highest speed that Barry could reach under the amplification of the extreme memory. Neither Darkseid himself nor Darkseid's offensive could catch up with Gorrie!

Time began to be reversed unstoppably!

Chapter 249 The world is reconstructed here!

The sudden flash was like all the stars in the universe exploded instantly, making it impossible for people to look directly at it.

Then, everything was quiet, as if the world had fallen into silence at this moment.

Then, time began to flow backwards!

Those cities that had been destroyed for a long time and had long become dilapidated began to slowly recover under the influence of this force.

The broken glass windows were pieced back to their original state one by one, and the cracks on the walls seemed to be smoothed out bit by bit by an invisible big hand.

Even the destroyed high-rise buildings were rebuilt bit by bit like sand castles by skilled craftsmen, with bricks, steel bars, and concrete returned to their places one by one.

The dead people also began to revive one by one in this strange countercurrent.

Their bodies were like a movie played in reverse, standing up from the ashes, retreating to the moment of death, and then the light of life re-lit their eyes!

And Gorri, who had completed the task, also sank back into the timeline. Seeing this, Darkseid snorted coldly and did not chase Gorri, but returned to Earth.

But Gorri did not need Darkseid to chase him, because the place he returned to was also on Earth, waiting for Darkseid!

"Glitter! Maximum Drive!"

At the moment when Darkseid returned to the timeline, Gorri launched the maximum drive brazenly, and the Spear of Destiny aimed at Darkseid's head with an extremely terrifying momentum!

This attack was premeditated. The Spear of Destiny also has the characteristic of breaking through defense if the temperature conditions are not met. Even if it is as strong as Darkseid, he will not be spared if he does not find the pattern!


The shining light exploded out of thin air, and Darkseid's pupils suddenly shrank. He raised his hand without hesitation to block the attack path of the Spear of Destiny.

With a "sizzle" sound, Darkseid, who was like a blade piercing the flesh, was directly pierced deeply into the bones by the Spear of Destiny, even Superman after his potential burst!

That pinnacle of defense seemed to have no effect at all. The skin that was not even broken by Zeus's thunder was broken like paper in front of Gao Li!


"How is it possible!?"

"Your Majesty!!!"

The surrounding dark new gods were stunned by this sudden change. They simply couldn't imagine the scene they saw.

There was even a moment when they suspected that they were dreaming!

This was the first time Darkseid had been injured in nearly ten thousand years!

"Just like the intelligence, almost ignoring all defenses... Why does it have such an outrageous ability!?"

Darkseid felt that the Spear of Destiny continued to move forward without hindrance, as if his arm that resisted was useless, and he couldn't help but grit his teeth and swung his arm.

At the same time, Darkseid's head swung in the opposite direction, and the combined displacement of the two successfully made the Spear of Destiny pierce the air!

This is exactly the purpose of Darkseid's arm to resist. He is not doing useless work, and he has prepared in advance for the possibility that the resistance may be ineffective.

However, even if the flesh and bones of the arm are vulnerable to the Spear of Destiny, as long as the body of the Spear of Destiny penetrates, it is equivalent to being stuck with Darkseid's arm.

In this way, Darkseid can swing his arm to drive the Spear of Destiny to move.

Coupled with the movement of the head in the opposite direction, he finally successfully avoided Gorri's fatal blow!

"Tsk... Is this possible?"

Gorri also frowned slightly. Theoretically, even the body of the Spear of Destiny still has the characteristic of ignoring defense.

However, the sharpness of the shapes of different parts of the Spear of Destiny itself will not change.

The sharpness of the tip of the spear is definitely much greater than that of the body of the spear, so even if they can break through Darkseid's body, there will be some differences in the speed of breaking!

This gave Darkseid some room to maneuver, and without the momentary gap for Darkseid to reenter the timeline, and the advantage of Gorri's ambush, it would not be so easy to hit Darkseid next time!

"Interesting, you are even more powerful than I thought."

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