The surge of power knocked the demon out fiercely, and in the outside world, more and more Kamen Riders have joined the battle!

This scene happened all over the world, and almost all humans in the world have gained the power to transform into Kamen Riders - this is the power that Gao Li hopes they can have to control their own destiny in critical moments.

Why is it "almost"?

Because the execution of the power of reshaping is not so rigid, but will judge the situation very flexibly.

If the object itself has sufficient combat power, there is no need to consume extra reshaping power to create Kamen Rider equipment for it. This part of the reshaping power is better used to help others.

For example - Hal Jordan!

If Hal can transform into Green Lantern, then his strength will definitely be stronger than simply transforming into an ordinary Kamen Rider. Even with the Kamen Rider armor, it is just icing on the cake.

The question now is whether Hal can untie his knot!

If not, then he will still get the core ID and buckle. This is the insurance mechanism set by Gao Li.

"Damn it! Things have really deteriorated to this point!"

Hal also saw the demon-like army falling from the sky, as dense as locusts, about to fall into the seaside city he loved deeply.

Since seeing the tragic situation on Oa Star, Hal felt that he was trapped in a nightmare every moment, and always thought that the earth would become like that.

When that time comes, the people and things he loves will become completely different and no longer exist.

For this reason, he needs power to stop all this!

Speaking of power, Hal subconsciously looked at the Green Lantern Ring and the Green Lantern Furnace.

"But...even the Green Lantern Corps on Oa Star was defeated miserably. Can I, a Green Lantern who they think is unqualified, really play a role?"

Hal bit his lip. At this time, a lot of fighting sounds suddenly sounded outside the house, which made Hal look over in surprise.

Many masked and armored warriors bravely rushed out of their homes and fought with the demon-like army that landed!

This scene gave Hal a great shock, and he woke up like an electric shock.

No, what am I hesitating about?

Even those who had never had an adventure in the past and had never participated in the battle have already mustered their courage!

Although they all wore masks, Hal could guess from the place where they rushed out that those people were his familiar neighbors.

No matter how I was ridiculed and denied by the members of the Green Lantern Corps, at least at this moment, I became a Green Lantern again not to gain their recognition!

But to protect the coastal city! Protect the people I love!

So now is the moment when I need to show my courage the most!


As if sensing Hal's sudden awakening, the Green Lantern Ring responded to his courage and automatically flew over and put it on Hal's finger!

The next moment, Green Lantern Hal Jordan was resurrected, and the surface of his body flashed with pure green light energy comparable to the central energy battery level, echoing his infinite willpower!

With a "whoosh", Hal flew into the sky and directly faced the demon-like army!


Deep space.

Space and time suddenly twisted, and Gowrie and Darkseid appeared here.

"So that's it... Is it a trick like this to move the battlefield?"

Darkseid figured out what was going on in an instant. It was obvious that Gowrie didn't want the battle between them to destroy the earth, so he forced the battlefield to move to the uninhabited deep space of the universe.

The specific operation was also very simple. Facing such a powerful Darkseid, Gowrie was not sure that he could directly generate the coercive force of "changing Darkseid".

Then Gowrie chose to change the space they were in!

With the activation of the power of creation, Gowrie reshaped the nearby reality from "they are fighting on the earth" to "they are fighting in the universe"!

Therefore, it was not that they moved, but that the reality of the entire world was changed in place.

Gowrie smiled faintly: "Here, we can let go of our hands and feet and have a big battle. Isn't it what you expect?"

Darkseid raised his eyebrows thoughtfully and responded with Gowrie's slightly weird smile.

"Well... indeed, this situation is not bad, and it doesn't affect me. Let's get started."

The light in Darkseid's eyes was like a burning cold flame - that was the all-consuming Omega effect gathering in it!

Under the influence of this momentum, Darkseid's existence was like a dark flame, burning everything around him and destroying the will of all life!

"First try your weight, can you take this blow head-on!"

Darkseid let out a thunderous roar, and under the fluctuation of divine power, it was enough to transmit the sound in a vacuum.

The next moment, Darkseid's Omega ray shot out with an unprecedented maximum power!


The scarlet light was like a blazing meteor, or the end of destruction - Doomsday was shooting out of His eyes, breaking the tranquility of the universe and turning everything that was hit into nothingness!


The bell of creation rose out of thin air, and a huge light shield appeared in front of Gorri, blocking the Omega ray outside.

However, Gorri's light shield could not completely withstand Darkseid's power. The light shield began to tremble under the impact of the Omega rays and could break at any time.

"It seems that this is not enough... Then let's try my latest power."

Gaoli began to use the power of his white emotional spectrum, which is the power of the seven lights combined into one, and of course it can also shape creation.

However, the power of reshaping can also do this, and do it better, so it is obviously a waste to use the power of white light to do this.

Gao Li plans to use it differently!

With a flash of seven-colored light, a dazzling white ball of light appeared in Gao Li's hand. It was the condensed of his emotions and the strength of his heart.


Gao Li opened his eyes suddenly and shot the light ball in his hand towards Darkseid.

The ball of light is like a very fast cannonball, shooting straight at Darkseid. It doesn't look big, but it brings a very deadly threat!

"Is this... the emotional spectrum? White?"

A trace of surprise flashed across Darkseid's face when he saw this. He didn't expect Gao Li to be able to condense such a powerful force, which was stronger than any emotional spectrum user Darkseid knew!


The white light ball and the Omega ray collided in the air, triggering an unprecedented energy explosion!

Even the surrounding time and space were shaken by this power, the stars trembled and the void trembled!

However, in this fierce collision, Gao Li's white light ball was not destroyed - it penetrated the blockade of Omega rays and continued to fly towards Darkseid!

"The energy level of this strange emotional spectrum is so high that it can even completely cancel out the Omega Effect?!"

Darkseid was slightly surprised and gathered his strength to prepare for Gao Li's attack.

Immediately afterwards, the ball of light suddenly exploded, releasing a dazzling light!

The light is like the first ray of sunshine in the morning, warm and dazzling, and any life will feel like a spring breeze after seeing it.

——Except Darkseid, whom Gauri is targeting!

Just by being irradiated, Darkseid's skin felt slightly stinging, and he quickly exploded with extremely powerful dark power to fight.

Two huge forces met in the starry sky, as if even the universe was trembling!

When the light dissipated, Darkseid's figure stood in the universe, like an immortal mountain, unwavering.

The first confrontation between the two sides ended in a draw. Gauri and Darkseid's eyes intertwined, like two sharp blades cutting through space.

Around them, the space has been distorted, forming a special battlefield!

Just the residual power of their power is so terrifying, which shows how wise Gao Li was in removing the battlefield from the earth.

"Sure enough, you are probably the strongest opponent I have ever encountered." Darkseid said slowly, "I will not hold anything back, otherwise it will be an insult to you and me."

"Really? Come on then!"

Gao Li raised his hand, and magic flashing with the light of various elements was released, forming huge beams of light, trying to defeat Darkseid's dark power.

Darkseid roared and released the omega rays in his eyes, trying to completely destroy Gao Li.

The duel between the two was like the brightest stars in the universe colliding together, bursting out with dazzling light, and the huge forces intertwined to form a huge energy vortex, pulling the surrounding stars into it!

This is not an exaggeration, but it is truly to the point where it can easily affect many planets!


Darkseid stretched out his hand, and a wave of dark energy surged toward Gauri, trying to devour him.

The light around Gao Li formed a barrier, directly resisting Darkseid's dark invasion. And Gao Li would not just take a beating without fighting back. Not to be outdone, he cast a large amount of forbidden spell-level magic, and the light of destruction spurted out, colliding with the darkness!

Chapter 251 The end of the universe war!

Everything is shaking in the violent storm of this battle, and the spreading aftermath of the battle has even caused the galaxy to be affected!

Gao Li possesses a variety of high-level abilities, and there are almost no loopholes in their cooperation, but Darkseid does not flinch.

His dark energy became more and more violent, rushing towards Gaoli like a tide, like a furious beast, vowing to devour Gaoli completely!

The battle between the two became more and more fierce, as if even the universe was trembling!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Gauri's magic beam intertwined with Darkseid's Omega ray, bursting out with dazzling light, igniting the surrounding space.

This creates a lack of space and time, causing a void that annihilates everything to begin to appear in the universe, and spreads outward at a speed exceeding the speed of light, swallowing many stars along the way.

"This madman seems to have no regard for how much damage he will cause to the universe?"

Gauri knew that he had to find a way to stop Darkseid, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The magical energy all over his body burst out, forming a huge light to repel the darkness!

No matter how powerful the divine power is, there must be some magic power inside, which will be disintegrated by Gao Li.

Therefore, the endless magic power is intertwined with the dark divine power in the universe. It looks like it is constantly eating away at the dark divine power, but is forced back by the dark divine power from time to time, forming an earth-shattering picture.

"It's so strange... His divine power is obviously at a complete disadvantage in front of me, but why can he still hold on?"

Gao Li frowned slightly, feeling that there seemed to be something fishy about Darkseid's dark power.

After all, this behavior is so abnormal!

And the strangeness mixed in with it is of a very high level, so high that it can even offset the advantage caused by the status of the Lord of Magic!

Darkseid on the other side was also secretly shocked. Fortunately, he attacked the Heaven Realm first and seized and absorbed part of the anti-life equation from the gods, otherwise he would definitely fall into a disadvantage.

The restraint of the Lord of Magic on the divine power is even greater than Darkseid expected!

Neither side's assumptions about the battle situation reached the expected level, which caused their losses to become quite severe.

After all, at this level, the battle between Gorri and Darkseid is not only a contest of strength, but also a collision of wills, as fierce as a storm, and every confrontation is accompanied by thunderous power.


Darkseid waved the dark sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword cut through the void, leaving a series of dark cracks.


Gory waved his hand lightly, and a bright light burst out from his fingertips, colliding with the sword of darkness, bursting out with dazzling brilliance.

Their battle was also not limited to melee combat, but an all-round contest, reality and time and space were repeatedly shattered, and there were even attacks from the past or future from the timeline!

Gory used magic to create huge magic circles, trying to trap Darkseid, while Darkseid used powerful dark power to break the magic circles.

Reality was torn apart repeatedly, and space and time became distorted!

Every time reality was shattered, dark cracks were formed, swallowing all light and life like a black hole!

"What a horrible battle!"

"Is the universe going to be destroyed?"

"Can this still be considered a living thing?!"

"It's even more outrageous than the Supreme Battle!"

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