Their battle has become the focus of the entire universe. The terrifying residual power that can affect the movement of galaxies from countless light years away has directly attracted the attention of countless creatures and civilizations.

Among them are top-level cosmic civilizations and top-level strongmen who are also ranked at the highest level. They all use various methods to observe this side. They have almost never seen such a huge battle in their lives!

In the battle between Gorri and Darkseid, these civilizations and strongmen felt as if they saw the limit of power - they felt that this might be the highest limit of the multiverse, and it is even possible that they have touched the Great Almighty Universe to a certain extent!

After all, they asked themselves that they could not resist either side. Just the great battle between the two made people feel like they saw the end of the universe and the end of life!

Of course, to this extent, Gorri and Darkseid's consumption is undoubtedly unprecedented.

The momentum of both sides has been much weaker than at the beginning, and even the residual power in their bodies is in a sense not even comparable to that of ordinary gods.

"I didn't expect to fight you to this extent..."

Gory sighed sincerely. He has gathered many kinds of powerful forces in the Supreme Realm!

It is not a problem to easily beat any God King in the Heaven Realm. Even the God Kings of weaker God systems can't even last a few rounds in front of him, but they can't defeat Darkseid.

"You are also the biggest variable in my plan, Lord of the Endless."

Darkseid shook his head. He was actually shocked in his heart, which made it difficult to even disguise himself on the surface.

Just like what Gory thought, Darkseid also thought that he had prepared for so many years and gathered a lot of terrifying enhancements, so that he could even easily sweep across and suppress the Heaven Realm. Unexpectedly, he couldn't defeat the Lord of the Endless!

Whether in the past or in the future, Darkseid thought that he might never be as powerful as he is today. It was really because he had gathered too many favorable conditions!


New Genesis Star.

In the palace of the Father, the Father stood in front of the window and looked at the starry sky outside the planet.

There was a gleam of wisdom in his eyes, as if he could see through the secrets of the universe.

In fact, the Father was closely watching the battle between Darkseid and Gorri!

Darkseid was the Father's greatest enemy, so how could his every move not involve the Father's mind?

To be honest, although the Father was confident in his strength, he was really frightened when he saw Darkseid in the sky and sweeping the earth.

Darkseid is so strong! How could he be so strong! ?

Until he saw the Lord of Infinity take action, the Father was shocked again.

The Lord of Infinity is also so strong!

It's outrageous... As a master of magic power, he obviously doesn't rely on magic debts, but he can still be so strong? !

Before this, the Father thought that he was the top power in the Supreme High School and stood at the top of the universe. Now he found that it was just the peak of the universe in the conventional sense.

Whether it is Darkseid or the Lord of Infinity, they have surpassed that peak!

Fortunately, the fighting power of the Infinity Lord and Darkseid is equal, which leads to huge consumption of both sides. It can be clearly seen that the power of their moves has decreased a lot.

In the battle of life and death, there is no room for disguise. Darkseid was really damaged by the Infinity Lord!

"Not even as good as ordinary God Kings, but slightly comparable to those weak God Lords... Well, it's almost the most suitable state."

The Father thought secretly in his heart. He felt that today was the best opportunity in a thousand years - the best opportunity to eliminate his biggest enemy!

If he missed today, no matter how many billions of years passed, the Father estimated that Darkseid would not be as weak as he is now.

After all, looking at the past and the future, there may be only one amazing new star like the Infinity Lord.

Although Apokolips and New Genesis have signed a ceasefire agreement, the Father himself is very powerful. Against Darkseid who is so weak, even with the negative state of backlash of the oath, the Father is confident that he can defeat Darkseid!

Not to mention, the Father had no intention of going alone, but would take all the new gods of light from the new Genesis Star with him for the sake of safety!

On the other hand, Darkseid is now alone!

Well, the Father doesn't think there is any need to talk about morality when dealing with an evil person like Darkseid.

Of course, the Father could actually be safer and wait for Darkseid to win the game with the Infinite Lord before being the yellow bird. After all, Darkseid would definitely be more exhausted by then, and might even be seriously injured.

However, this involves the issue of face again - killing a Darkseid who has almost no power to resist cannot highlight the greatness of the Father's blatant betrayal of his oath, and cannot be a fig leaf for His betrayal of the contract.

However, a Darkseid who is barely at the threshold of the God King is obviously much more suitable. He has the confidence to defeat him strongly, and he will not appear too weak!

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Father turned around and said to the new gods of light behind him: "It's time, my children. The glory of the new founding star will reappear in the universe today!"


"I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"


The new gods responded in unison, and their voices echoed in the palace, full of determination and faith.

They knew that the Heavenly Father was ready to lead them to maintain the peace and order of the universe!

"Very good, let's go!"

With an order from Heavenly Father, the new legions of bright gods on the New Founding Star began to assemble.

Their armor reflected dazzling light in the starlight, and with the artifact and Mother Box in hand, they prepared for the coming battle.

The next moment, several new gods of light jointly used the Mother Box to create a huge sonic boom channel, allowing the army to pass directly to the cosmic battlefield between Gao Li and Darkseid!


On the other side, Gao Li and Darkseid executed a move very quickly, and the aftermath spread and actually detonated the core of a nearby planet.

However, the brilliance of the stars bursting out was obscured by a sudden burst of light.

That is the radiance from the new founding star!

It was as dazzling as the scorching sun, tearing apart the shackles of darkness, as if every corner of the universe was bathed in its brilliance.

In the center of this light, a majestic figure slowly emerged - he is Heavenly Father, the supreme ruler of the new founding star!

The Heavenly Father leads countless armies of new gods of light, announcing their arrival in an unrivaled manner.

"The gods obey!"

The voice of the Heavenly Father, coupled with the vibration of divine power, reverberated in the vacuum like thunder, shaking the hearts of every living being.

"Today, we will create a new order in this universe and make light the eternal theme!"

As the words of Heavenly Father fell, the army of the New Gods of Light surged like a tide. Their armors shone brightly, and the artifacts in their hands released dazzling beams of light, vowing to dye the entire universe with their colors!

"Hmph...Isaya, you are indeed here."

Seeing the army of the New God of Light surrounding Darkseid and Gao Li, Darkseid sneered without any surprise.

Isaya is the real name of Heavenly Father. Upon hearing this, Heavenly Father immediately said seriously: "Darkseid, it seems that you know that you have committed many crimes and already understand your fate?"

Darkseid snorted coldly: "No, it's because I have known your hypocritical nature for a long time, and I know that you will definitely take this opportunity to violate the contract and take action."

"Darkseid, your ambitions and atrocities have aroused the public indignation of the universe! Countless civilizations and races have been persecuted by you, and even a large number of parallel worlds cannot survive!"

Heavenly Father quickly spoke of Darkseid's crimes in a louder voice, rolling in like thunder and surging in the empty universe.

"So although I feel sad that I have to break my oath, I must do it! For the sake of light and justice, I am willing to make such a sacrifice! Just to erase you, the source of all evil!"

The voice of the Heavenly Father is filled with majesty and unquestionable power, as if it were the voice of all the planets in the universe.

Darkseid smiled coldly, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

"Isaya, do you think you can defeat me with just these weak new gods of light?"

His words were full of disdain and arrogance, as if he was mocking the other person's naivety.

The Heavenly Father was not angry, and his eyes shone with a deep light.

"Darkseid, strength does not lie in quantity, but in belief in justice. And the belief of our new god of light is enough to destroy all darkness!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Heavenly Father led the army of the New Gods of Light from the New Founding Star, penetrating the darkness like a ray of dawn and rushing straight towards Darkseid!

Regarding this sudden change, Gao Li felt quite subtle in his heart, and the Heavenly Father was also suspected of stealing people's heads... But if Darkseid could be killed, Gao Li didn't care.

However, seeing Heavenly Father, he immediately started to charge - probably to prevent Darkseid from continuing to ridicule his hypocrisy, but Gao Li secretly thought something was wrong!

Because Darkseid is too calm, even in the face of such a desperate situation, he still remains calm from the bottom of his heart. It seems that these new gods of light and even the Father are as worthless as dust.

Darkseid must have another killer move!


As soon as Gao Li made a statement to stop the army of the New God of Light, he saw Darkseid's body suddenly burst into flames.

"Isaya, you are still as stupid as ever... Since I have guessed that you will come and I have seen through your hypocrisy, how could I not prepare?"

"Rather, I'm waiting for you to come over!" Darkseid said with a ferocious smile, "I'm waiting for you to take the initiative to violate the contract, so that I won't suffer backlash when I kill you again!"

Even if Darkseid can resist the backlash, he still doesn't want to suffer any negative status. After all, the opponent is a powerful enemy like the Lord of Infinity, and the backlash may cause him to make a wrong move!

Chapter 252 New Genesis!


Heavenly Father was stunned when he saw this, but even he, Darkseid's old rival, couldn't think of any way to come back.

If Heavenly Father were in Darkseid's position, Heavenly Father would consider himself to be a dead man and there would be no chance of him surviving anyway.

After all, Darkseid is equivalent to dealing with Heavenly Father and all the New Gods of Light alone in a very weak state!

After much thought, Heavenly Father felt that Darkseid was bluffing.

Well, nothing to be afraid of at all!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!"

At this moment, Heavenly Father suddenly heard a large number of new gods of light around him, and they began to scream one after another.

Start with the weakest ones first, and then spread quickly like a plague!

In fact, they didn't want to scream at all, but the dissipated divine power caused the miserable howls of the new gods of light to spread outwards!

"what happened?!"

Heavenly Father was shocked, obviously he didn’t see any attack coming?

What exactly is going on? !

It is as if the New God of Light has been inevitably contaminated just by seeing Darkseid...or coming into contact with the existence information of "Darkseid"!

Immediately afterwards, Heavenly Father saw the flames all over Darkseid's body, and the Omega effect in his eyes was as bright as ever.

Then he suddenly shot out towards the Heavenly Father!


Just as Heavenly Father wanted to dodge, he felt a feeling of being locked in, and it was so strong that he could hardly resist.

The next moment, Heavenly Father was hit solidly by Omega rays!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

This time, it was the turn of the Heavenly Father to let out a thunderous wail. The majestic new god, the King of Light, was hit and his whole body was blackened and smoking, rolling around in space like a piece of cosmic garbage!

The second-in-command of the new founding star, Metron, the God of Knowledge, felt cold all over when he saw this and couldn't help but tremble.

Heavenly Father, the strongest among the New Gods of Light, was instantly killed by Darkseid in a single encounter!

Are you kidding me? !


Metron looked at Darkseid in horror, and the Mobius Chair sitting under his body quickly started to rotate.

The Mobius Chair claims to contain the knowledge of the entire universe, and may be able to figure out what happened to Darkseid...

"Loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n= folly, love=lies, life=death!”

"Self=Dark Side! Everything belongs to Darkseid!"

The moment Darkseid came into Metron's sight, a special formula was fed back by the Mobius Chair.

It seems that because Darkseid did not deliberately hide it, but actively opened it to the outside world, the Mobius Chair was able to find out the truth so quickly——

"Anti-Life Equation!!!"

Metron instantly let out a sharp scream, and then his eyes became lifeless, like a soulless puppet.

That's right, Darkseid doesn't need to hide intelligence at all, but rather needs to spread it.

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