"This is not the answer I asked for. Your answer only taught me contempt."

The scene disappeared at this moment, and the giant beast said to Gao Li again: "Then, through the ghost's attack on me, I felt a nature similar to mine."

"So I brought the ghost in, hoping to learn my identity from him, hoping that he could better answer my questions."

Just like the scene with the God King of Naboo, the giant beast also asked the ghost, but the ghost was as tough-talking and arrogant as ever.

"I'm here to defeat you, not to debate! I don't need to answer all your questions!"

This giant ferocious beast was speechless for a few seconds. How can you have the nerve to say that after being killed instantly?

The ghost had just finished talking reflexively, but he came to his senses belatedly and roared a little uncontrollably:

"If you really want to know, then I will tell you - you are just darkness that should be burned away by the spirit of vengeance, so that all living beings will fear the flames of vengeance and understand the consequences of disobeying the Lord's will!"

The giant ferocious beast said in disappointment: "Your answer only taught me arrogance, and it is still not the answer I want."

The words fell and the scene disappeared.

Only the giant ferocious beast and Gao Li were left staring at each other in the void.

"So... Lord of the Endless who is in charge of the knight's magic, please tell me, who am I?"

Gao Li pondered. This question was not easy to answer.

Different from Clark's well-known origin story before, Gao Li, who doesn't know much about the DC world, really doesn't know who the giant beast is, and has never even heard of the giant beast in his previous life.

But... just like netizens always like to discuss who is the strongest in a work, DC and Marvel are certainly not immune to this. Gao Li often sees such posts on the forum.

If the most powerful being in the Marvel Universe is O-A-A (THE ONE-ABOVE-ALL), then the most powerful being in the DC Universe is the complete Supreme God.

"The giant beast is called the ultimate darkness. It represents the ultimate darkness. It should be considered the strongest of the dark forces? And the giant beast just said that the power of ghosts gave him a feeling of a similar nature. The ghost is the wrath of God, and the power comes from the power of God..."

Gao Li thought quickly and felt that the two might be related.

One side is the strongest force of the dark camp, and the other side is the strongest force of the light camp, and religion especially likes to engage in some symmetrical designs of binary opposition——

"Maybe..." Gao Li said after considering, "Are you related to God? For example, you are the opposite or the other side of God. After all, light and darkness are always symmetrical."

This is an extremely disrespectful statement. No matter it is Naboo or the ghost, they would never dare to say this, because they really fear God.

It's a pity that this place is hell, and there are countless people who want to blaspheme God. The giant beast immediately said with regret:

"Such words have been answered by demons before."

Following the words of the giant beast, the scene of Etrigan being sucked in for the first time appeared.

Just listen to Etrigan shout loudly: "Giant beast, you are evil, darkness, and the opposite of God!"

The scene shattered in the next second, with comments from the giant ferocious beast attached.

"Even if this is right, it is just my fate. It does not answer my questions or explain who I really am."

"No, you misunderstood. I'm not talking about your fate."

Gao Li spread his hands, causing the giant ferocious beast to look over in surprise.

Just listen to Gao Li continue to explain: "I'm talking about your identity - you have already understood my knight magic and the corresponding magic system, right?"

"Yes," the giant ferocious beast responded, "It's very interesting and surprising. It has nothing to do with the "God Realm", the power of creation. It should be the knowledge you brought in from outside the Ten Thousand Heavens Instrument."

"Huh?" Gao Li was interrupted by his own curiosity and asked, "What is the 'God Realm', the power of creation, that you are talking about?"

The giant ferocious beast simply said: "That is one of the seven positive forces of creation. Both divine power and magic power are included in it. Then the magic power condensed itself into a physical incarnation named Hecate, which is the power of magic. Ancestor.”

Gao Li asked again: "Since there is a positive force of creation, is there also a reverse force of creation?"

"Yes, the seven positive forces of creation are collectively called [anti-crisis energy]. Just like the positive and negative poles, there are also seven negative forces of creation, which are collectively called [crisis energy]."

"These origins of the universe correspond in pairs, and there are a total of fourteen forces of creation, plus and minus. For example, the opposite of the 'World of Gods' is the 'Wind of Nothingness' that destroys all gods and demons."

Gao Li listened thoughtfully. The characteristics of this "Wind of Nothingness" sound a bit like the ability of Endless Style?

Chapter 51 God takes action!


"I have answered your doubts for you, can you please answer my questions now?"

The giant ferocious beast said gently again, but his tone already made people feel a little impatient.

Although there are very few opportunities to learn the secrets of the universe from such super-level beings, Gao Li also knows that he cannot just gather the giant ferocious beasts, he can only forcefully curb his curiosity first.

"Then let me continue..." Gao Li sorted out his thoughts, "Since you know the complete knight magic system, you should know what a phantom is."

"The birth of the phantom demon comes from the deepest despair, but look at me, there is no such despair at all, right?"

"Because the birth of a magician comes from the opposite hope, and with the help of hope, he overcomes despair and gains the power of magic!"

For a better explanation, Gao Li also released Diamond Yinglong from his body.

As soon as Ying Long came out, he saw the big eyes of the giant ferocious beast staring at him, and his wings almost softened.

Just now, he and Gao Li were just outside resisting the attack of the giant ferocious beast, but now they simply come into direct contact with the giant ferocious beast at close range! It’s really scary to death!

How on earth did that kid Gaoli provoke such a terrifying existence! ?

"Ahem... In short, the phantom is like a representative of despair, and the magician is like a representative of hope. We are opposite to each other, but we rely on each other, and we can even become one."

Gao Li felt that Ying Long's performance was a bit embarrassing, so he quickly coughed and took Ying Long away, and continued to explain to the giant beast.

"Therefore, I guess you have a similar relationship with God. Although it should be different from knight magic, there is a high probability that you are a 'phantom demon' similar to God."

The giant ferocious beast fell into deep thought, and after a while he asked: "Then how should I verify this?"

Gao Li shrugged and said: "It's very simple. We can try to push it back. As the ultimate darkness, you theoretically don't have any light power, right?"

The giant ferocious beast said: "Yes, otherwise the darkness would not be pure."

"Okay," Gao Li nodded. "Although we don't know what God has done and what method he used, we can verify it in our own way."

"Since you understand everything about knight magic, you naturally understand the principles of phantoms, so you only need to use your own dark power to create a phantom of your own."

"If my previous inference is correct, then the phantom demon that is the opposite of you will inevitably turn into the power of light that you should not have... or even the power of God! This way the verification can be completed!"

The darkness without any light created the light without any darkness - the giant ferocious beast immediately understood the idea.

"I understand, I'll give it a try."

The giant ferocious beast said slowly, showing seriousness and dignity for the first time.

The next moment, a deep and dark black ball began to condense in front of the giant beast. Just looking at it, Gao Li felt as if his vision was being pulled in a physical sense.

This abyss-like black ball is simply more terrifying than a black hole. Time, space, light... cannot escape its scope of influence. It is the original power of the giant ferocious beast!

"This is my core original power. Only in this way can I fully represent 'I'. Now it depends on whether 'I' can be transformed into the power of God out of nothing."

Even the giant ferocious beast that had always seemed neither happy nor sad felt an unprecedented "nervous" mood at this moment, staring closely at the dark power that had been manipulated by "phantom demon".

Gao Li also held his breath. Under the joint gaze of the two, the ball of darkness changed.

It is different from the manifestation of "darkness breaks through the shell and blooms into light" in Gao Li's imagination. It is more like representing the light bred from the darkness, and the reality is closer to Gao Li's inference.

——I saw that ball of darkness, almost in the blink of an eye, it instantly transformed into a ball of holy light!

At the same time, the extremely rich power of God filled the entire place, exuding an aura of incomparable sacredness and solemnity, making people unable to help but want to kneel down and worship.

If any archangel were present, they would be surprised to find that this power of God is actually purer and purer than what they have in their bodies!

It seems to be the purest power given by God himself!

"Is this really true!?"

Gao Li almost forgot to breathe, feeling that he might have touched a shocking secret in a certain multiverse.

Seeing the sphere of light composed of the power of God begin to deform, changing towards a fixed outline...

A sudden change occurred!


The whole hell began to shake violently, and a giant hand suddenly stretched out from directly above heaven!

"How can it be!?"

"That is……!"

The angels were all shocked and knelt on the ground in great respect.

The giant ferocious beast and Gao Li also raised their heads at the same time, looking at the giant palm stretched out towards them, and they all realized something.

——The target of that big hand is right here!

"Are you coming for the giant ferocious beast? Or are you coming for me? Could it be that you are coming for this new phantom?"

Gao Li's mind was spinning. If the target was him or the giant ferocious beast, why didn't he come earlier and then later? Why did he come just now?

"That's it, I understand everything."

At this moment, the giant ferocious beast suddenly said calmly.

Time slowed down at this moment, allowing the giant beast to have time to talk to Gao Li.

"Lord of the Endless, your idea is correct. Just like the phantom and the magician you gave as an example, light and darkness are inherently integrated. They are both antagonistic and indispensable to each other."

"Therefore, coexistence is the highest rule." The giant ferocious beast looked at the giant hand exuding light power and stretched out his own hand. "Thank you for teaching me this truth."

Following the movements of the giant ferocious beast, the Hell Mountain outside shook the ground, and a giant palm that was no less than a giant hand rose up from the ground.

There are two big hands that look like they can hold stars. One is dark and deep, rising from hell, and the other is white and sacred, descending from heaven.

"What happened...?!"

"Is the world going to be destroyed?!"

People who didn't know the truth were panicking. The series of changes were too unexpected.

Soon, under the witness of everything, the upper and lower palms finally touched.

There was no earth-shaking explosion, only a simple handshake.

Gori looked at this century handshake steadily, and a scene suddenly flashed through his mind.

Hmm? Nokia startup screen?

Just when he thought of this, an invisible impact came from the giant hand of the sky, flowing into his body along the arm of the giant beast.

With a "bang", the Holy Light Phantom Demon, which had not yet fully formed, was affected by something and exploded into a simple energy ball on the spot.

"Ah this..."

Gori was stunned, and felt a little pity in his heart.

Compared to the Phantom Demon born of despair and therefore evil by nature, I really want to see what the Phantom Demon born from light looks like!

"Lord of the Endless, I'm about to go back to the Lightless Sea to sleep."

The giant beast didn't react to this, but his voice was obviously more peaceful and gentle.

"Before that, I hope to give you a thank-you gift to express my gratitude."

PS: Thank you "Winter Little White Shoes" for the 2000 points reward!

Chapter 52 If we talk about scum, it's you!


Hmm? Thank-you gift?

Gao Li was suddenly surprised and happy. The thank-you gift given by the supreme existence of the giant beast... What kind of good thing would it be? !

However, Gao Li didn't show it too bluntly, but politely cared.

"Okay, okay... Are you okay, why do you suddenly want to sleep?"

The giant beast said: "I don't have any problems, I feel great. It's just that I was awakened by accident, and I should have been sleeping in the lightless sea."

The lightless sea is the lowest level of hell. The giant beast had been sleeping there before, which was considered his exclusive bedroom.

"Especially, I understand that there must be a balance between light and darkness. God will soon leave this universe. If I don't fall asleep, the proportion of darkness will crush the light."

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