Gao Li heard another shocking secret, God is leaving?

Wait, can God leave the universe at will? ? ?

"So, you are really related to God? Then why is the ghost who represents God's wrath so useless in front of you?"

The giant beast explained: "Because the ghost's power also comes from God's gift. He is the spirit of revenge and the agent of God's wrath."

"Therefore, the strength of the ghost depends on what God wants him to do, and he will give him the corresponding power. The ghost at this time is not in his prime."

Gao Li understood it. It turns out that the ghost is just a high-level worker?

The upper and lower limits of its strength are like the vice admirals or the seven warlords in One Piece. The strong ones can be as strong as the admirals and the four emperors, and the weak ones can be so weak that they can be killed by supernovas.

Then he heard the giant beast say: "This ball of original power is the only time I have used my full strength since I woke up."

"I have just wiped off all the power marks on it, so I will give it to you. It is now yours."

Gori's ecstasy was stuck in the middle before he could show it on his face, feeling neither up nor down.

This... What's the use of giving me a ball of energy?

It sounds very advanced, but if you think about it carefully, he has no use for it for the time being.

What Gao Li didn't know was that this ball of original power that had been reversed into the attribute of light was already the purest original power of God in the universe when God's body left.

And there is no other!

Even if he went to heaven to ask for God's power now, even if the angels drained Silver City and himself, it would be impossible to find a power closer to God than this.

"Then how should I carry it?" Gao Li asked sullenly.

The giant beast said: "You just need to put your own mark on this group of original power. Aren't you also a master of magic power?"

"As long as you put your power mark, you will be the master of this group of God's power, and you can store and take it out of your body at will."

After connecting to the Sea of ​​Laws before, Gao Li did learn how to use the power mark without a teacher, which is equivalent to the companion skill of the master of magic power.

After hearing this, Gao Li used endless magic power to stamp this group of energy, and it really became easy to use and could be easily stuffed into the body.

"Then I'll go back to the Lightless Sea to sleep first..."

The giant beast's voice became softer and softer, and then Gao Li suddenly thought of something.

"Hey wait wait wait, can you give me another gift?"

"Hmm?" the giant beast asked in a daze, "What other gift do you want?"

Gori said a little embarrassedly: "It was only when I put the power of origin into my body just now that I suddenly remembered that I actually had a problem that I hadn't solved."

"You also know that I came from outside Wantianyi, but when I want to leave Wantianyi and go back, only my soul can go. Do you have any way to let my soul carry magic power?"

The phantom demon originally resides in the spiritual world. In theory, Gao Li can study how to bring it over through the connection between the spiritual world and the soul.

However, that is an ordinary knight magician, and Gao Li is obviously not ordinary.

Because he has no magic power in his body, he should not be able to form a magic cycle with the phantom demon, so Gao Li took a trick to let the phantom demon integrate with his own magic power, so as to achieve the purpose of obtaining magic without circulation.

Gao Li was undoubtedly successful, and he took this opportunity to enter a higher level of magician evolution and obtained the power of the final form "Endless Style", but...

This also means that the phantom has been integrated with Gao Li Wayne's body, and can no longer be stuffed into the spiritual world and packed away!

Moreover, even if it is successfully brought back to the Marvel world, since Gao Li Parker's body has not been integrated with the magic of the phantom, he still cannot use magic.

"Let me think..."

The giant beast said in a muffled voice. He was almost omniscient and omnipotent. The moment this thought came up, he knew the most appropriate method.

"I created a secret technique on the spot that can directly infuse magic into the soul... But the soul is not suitable for carrying magic, and everyone's tolerance is different."

The giant beast said this truthfully. The most suitable place to store power such as magic or divine power is the body, or an instrument made of special metal.

The gods of the Order God System are all in the form of artifacts because their bodies cannot withstand the pressure of divine power, and their own souls cannot store much divine power, so they can only create artifacts to accommodate their souls and divine power.

In an instant, Gao Li felt that his mind had a lot of secret knowledge, and a lot of experience and skills, as if he had practiced this method for hundreds of years.

Damn! Is it an initiation? !

And he even created experience and skills out of thin air!

Before Gao Li finished exclaiming, the scene in front of him changed, and only the last words of the giant beast remained in his ears.

"Thank you again, Lord of the Endless... Then, good night."

As if it was a declaration, the sound waves rolled across the scene, and the giant beast began to sink towards the lightless sea.

Coming out with Gao Li, there were also Etrigan, the God King of Naboo, and the ghost who were swallowed before, and they were also unharmed.

However, the way they came out was different from Gao Li. Gao Li was directly transferred to the outer space by the giant beast, while the other three were spit out by the giant beast.

Anyone who is not blind can see this difference in treatment, of course, including the three people who were used as saliva by the giant beast before going to bed.

"Damn...what happened after I was sucked in?"

"Why did the giant beast go back inexplicably?"

"Why was that guy released safely, but I was spit out!?"

The ghost, Nabu, and Etrigan were all quite confused, especially the embarrassed ghost, who snorted coldly and fell asleep pretending to be dead, leaving the embarrassing scene to Alan who was at a loss.

Nabu, who was also embarrassed, followed suit and suddenly switched back to Doctor Kent of Fate, which amazed the demon Etrigan beside him.

You left the mess to your host just like that, and you are the ones who are worth talking about!

PS: Thank you "Rookie World Honored" for the 300 points of reward!

Chapter 53 I want to go back to Marvel!


At this time, all the people and gods who paid attention to this matter reacted belatedly.

Hey... the crisis of the giant beast seemed to end suddenly?

Although I don't know what happened, I was confused throughout the whole process, but——

It definitely has a lot to do with the Lord of Infinity!

After all, didn't you hear the last words of the giant beast before leaving, thanking the Lord of Endlessness?

Moreover, from the fact that he treated the Lord of Endlessness with great courtesy and ignored the other big guys, it was enough to see the gratitude of the giant beast to the Lord of Endlessness.

"The Lord of Endlessness... It was the Lord of Endlessness who saved the entire universe!"

"Long live the Lord of Endlessness! Long live the Lord of Endlessness!"

"The Lord of Endlessness is so powerful! Blessing!"

Gradually, those creatures who were still immersed in panic and despair in the past began to cheer for their survival.

After the giant beast disappeared, the only focus of the audience was on Gao Li.

This made Gao Li feel very bad. Now, due to the confrontation with the giant beast, his magic power is almost gone and he is in the weakest state.

If someone suddenly jumped out and attacked him at this time, Gao Li would probably really die here!

"Xiao Za Xiao Za, quickly ask your dad to summon me!"

Gori used telepathy to urgently call Zatanna, and used the last of his magic power to transform into a metal style of Kamen Rider Wizard that no one had ever seen.

"Dad, Dad! Come and help me!"

Zatanna on Earth hurriedly pulled Gwani away, not only pulling him to a deserted place, but also setting up an opaque soundproof barrier.

"Xiao Za, what's wrong with you?" Gwani asked in confusion, "I just experienced a magic riot, and my body is still very tired..."

"Dad, can you help me summon someone back from hell? Don't worry, it's a living person, not some evil spirit or devil."

"You have a friend in hell?" Gwani forced himself, "Then tell me, I'll help you move him back to the material world."

As long as it's a living person, it's not considered a resurrection that breaks the boundary between life and death, and Gwani believes that he can still do it with his own realm level.

Zatanna thought for a moment and said, "I can't tell you his name for now, but you can try using his nickname, and if that doesn't work, then use his full name."

Gwani said indifferently, "It doesn't matter. Irony magic is very free. As long as the name can accurately locate him, it's fine."

Zatanna took a deep breath, "Then I'll tell you, Dad, don't be afraid."

"Is it necessary to lay so much groundwork?" Even Gwani began to get a little impatient, "I'm a master of magic, I've received professional training, and I'm not afraid of anyone."

Zatanna: "It's the Lord of the Endless."


Gwani's legs subconsciously softened, and he fell on the lawn.


"It's the Lord of the Endless that the giant beast said," Zatanna hurried to help him up, "The Lord of the Endless is your savior!"

"The Lord of the Endless...ah? Ah???"

Gwani still couldn't close his mouth. His daughter knew the Lord of Magic?

The supreme being who was chatting and laughing with the giant beast! ?

This is like a beggar hearing that his daughter knows the leader of the world's most powerful country. The gap between the two is so big.

"Oh, anyway, Dad, just cast the spell quickly!"

Zatanna heard that Gowri was urging her so urgently, and could only helplessly urge Gwani.

Gwani stammered: " return to the prison from the great master of the hell, please."

Because he was too nervous, Gwani stumbled and read it wrong several times before he finally succeeded in casting the spell.

Gowri, who was in hell, disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already on the west coast of the United States.

Gwani's magic did not give a precise positioning, and it happened to land in the United States, proving that Gowri's luck was pretty good.

Since he was back on Earth, Gowri was like returning to the base camp, and the rest of the things were easy to handle.

While notifying the Feidian Group to pick him up, Gowri found a suite in a five-star hotel and started the lottery inside.

After all, he did such a great thing in hell, and the impact it caused is absolutely immeasurable!

So Gao Li opened the system with great expectations, and then his smile froze on his face.

"SS level!? Dog system! Get out of here! Did you embezzle my influence?!"

Gao Li was furious and pointed to the sky and cursed for a while, but it was a pity that this broken system had no intelligence and did not even have a sense of existence when it was not drawing.

Although SS level is also a very high-level reward, he saved the entire universe!

It is impossible that his influence is just this little bit, right?

After Gao Li calmed down again, he sorted out the cause and effect of the whole incident again.

Based on his experience of using the system for so many years, this system is like a rigid machine, and everything runs according to a fixed program.

This is actually an advantage in Gao Li's view, because he can use the feedback of the reward level to find out things that he has not noticed or does not know.

For example, in the previous terrorist attack, Gao Li got the first SSS-level reward in his life. Although he didn't know why at the time, he knew that an unprecedented big change must have occurred.

Sure enough, that night Gao Li learned that he had accidentally affected the absolute time point, which might lead to the destruction and collapse of the entire universe.

Of course, there is one thing that Gao Li doesn't know, that is, the future superhero "Shang-Chi" is likely to be stillborn, after all, the Ten Rings were disarmed by Gao Li in advance.

"It seems that the awakening of the giant beast has a huge impact, but maybe the development results will not be much different with or without me?"

Gory recalled that Constantine and the swamp monster suddenly intervened, causing him to fail to destroy the ritual of the evil witch group by just a few tenths of a second.

It was too coincidental, not too early or too late, just right.

And the ghost... According to the giant beast, God will give the ghost different degrees of God's power according to the situation based on the strength He thinks the ghost needs in this matter.

So how does God know how much power is needed for this matter?

"Even the ancient one can see the past and the future, so there is no reason why the so-called strongest God in the DC universe can't do it..."

Gory suddenly felt a chill on his back. Could it be that all this was arranged by God! ?

With or without his participation, the giant beast may finally realize the coexistence of light and darkness!

After thinking for a while with a sympathetic heart, Gory decided to draw a prize to change his mood. After all, it would be useless for him to worry about it now, so he might as well focus on improving his strength.

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