Gao Li's eyes lit up when he saw this. What he needed was what he got!

"Ah, I'm so tired and alone," Gao Li said with no acting skills or emotions, "and I have a lot of money. I'm so afraid that it will be robbed~"

The two black men who were approaching halfway: "?"

This kid seems a bit weird?

However, he has been a little short of money recently, so after hesitating for a while, the two decided to find a poor guy to supplement their income.

After a while, the two black men intercepted Gao Li one after the other. Gao Li also secretly added a few small magics to himself and looked at them with great expectation.

Come on! Today I will experience the self-defense of unlimited fighting!

"Boy, if you know what's good for you, cooperate and hand over all the valuables, otherwise... we don't know what tragedy will happen!"

The two showed their shining white teeth and grinned and pressed forward step by step.

At the same time, the two young men passing by the alley also changed their faces and heard this sentence.

"Everyone is in danger, but they are still robbing in broad daylight. It's outrageous!"

The thin young man said indignantly: "Bucky, we should go help him!"

The man called Bucky grabbed him and said: "Wait, Steve... The enemy is outnumbered, we can't expose ourselves casually, we must find the right time to save people!"

Steve: "Huh?"

Where is the enemy outnumbered? Did you not consider me as a fighting force at all?

PS: Sibei'er is a transliterated name, which is actually the word Sprite. At the same time, Sprite is also the English word for "Sprite", but there was no Sprite drink during World War II.

Chapter 56 A meal of several soul hall elders?


But Steve is still self-aware and forced himself not to ask this question.

But on second thought, Steve felt something was wrong.

"But even if I am not counted, you and the robbed man can just match them two by two, right?"

Bucky and Steve do have a great relationship, so good that they don't hide their words.

"Oh, that's because I have to free my hands to protect you at the same time, so the combat power is about the same as losing one person. After all, with your personality, you can't just watch, right? I know you too well."

Steve: "..."

"Bucky..." He said with a complicated expression, "I'm not a fool. If I find that I will drag you down, I will definitely..."


Bucky interrupted him and motioned Steve to look at the changes in the alley.

I don't know if it's an illusion, they always feel that...the man who was robbed has an excited look on his face?

Hmm? Is this the expression that should appear on the victim's face?

The suspected victim laughed impatiently: "Hehehe! No one will come to save you even if you scream your throat out!"

Bucky and Steve: "???"

No, did you get the lines wrong?

The two black men also looked stunned, and one of them punched him impatiently.

"What are you talking about...Ah!"

His fist was like hitting steel with all his strength, and it was instantly swollen and internally fractured!

Facing his screams, Gorri mercilessly punched him to the ground and kicked him several times.

"Enemy, f**k! Enemy, fight!"

The black guy next to him was stunned, and of course Bucky and Steve were also stunned.

It seems that they had completely thought of the wrong villain!

"You... you let my brother go! Otherwise I will be rude!"

The remaining black man was still kind and righteous, and tremblingly made a fist towards Gorri.

"Wow, you dare to protest?" Gorri raised his chin, "Not running away, but approaching me? Your friend, with his miserable condition like frog shit, clearly told you that I am invincible!"

At this point, Gorri changed the subject again.

"But considering your black iron spirit, I will try my best to let you accompany him with less pain."

Before the other party could react, Gorri knocked him out with a punch as fast as thunder, and kept his word and omitted the subsequent kicks.

Bucky and Steve were dumbfounded and thought they were dreaming.

Seeing that Gowry had already squatted down and started to search the pockets of the two people, Steve finally couldn't help but jump out to stop him.

"Stop! You are committing theft and robbery! Please stop here, otherwise any crime will be brought to justice!"

Gowry was lamenting that the two poor guys couldn't find a penny, and there was another victim.

"Huh? You are..."

Gowry squinted and identified him. Captain America was at least as famous as Iron Man. Although the muscles and body shape were very different, he still barely recognized him by face.

Isn't this Steve Rogers? He's so good after not seeing him for a few years?

"If you don't stop, we'll have to call the police!"

Gowry looked at the speaker again. It must be Captain America's best friend, the future Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes.

At this time, Steve and Bucky were undoubtedly very nervous, ready to fight with Gowry if they disagreed.

After all, they had seen clearly how strong this man was just now, and it was very likely that they could not defeat him even if they worked together.

But just like the two of them planned to save Gorri before, Steve and Bucky also have the courage and character to not fear evil!

Unexpectedly, after Gao Li stood up, he seemed more confident than them.

"Tell me to stop? Why should I stop? What is your position in asking me to stop? Are you also on the side of the criminal, accusing the victim of guilt, and want to become the criminal's accomplice?"

Steve and Bucky were stunned at the same time.

"Ah...? Why are we on the side of the criminal? It's clearly you..."

"That's right!" Gao Li interrupted him, "I was almost killed! There are two tall and strong black men with gang tattoos, but I am alone. It's obvious who is stronger and who is weaker, right?"

"Then at this time, I stopped their evil behavior, which is a legitimate defense of justice! But you stand up and accuse me of not asking for compensation. What are your intentions?!"

Steve and Bucky both opened their mouths, looking at the two black men who fell to the ground, and then at Gao Li, who was unharmed.

For a moment, I didn’t know how to refute Gao Li’s confusion of right and wrong!

Compared to the stupid Steve, Bucky was smarter and said immediately: "No matter what the reason is, didn't they faint in the end and you were not harmed at all?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Is your brain damaged by water? Do you want to think about the logic of what you said? Are the perpetrators too useless and failed to cause harm to the victims, so they are not considered perpetrators?"

Gao Li spoke with incomparable righteousness and sternness, as if the light of righteousness shrouded him.

"Do you know what attempted crime is? Do you know what attempted murder is? If I hadn't still had some strength, I don't know what would have happened today! Who will pay for my life then?"

"So it's reasonable for me to ask them for compensation! Since you don't want me to take it from them, why don't you give it to me? You talk so nicely, why not just pay it for them!"

Steve was unconvinced and said: "We are not at fault, why should we stand up for them? We just want to stop criminal behavior!"

Gao Li pointed at Steve: "Who says you are not wrong? Pointing at the victim is an act of psychological violence in itself! Now I am severely traumatized!"

"So I have the right to claim compensation from you and ask for the mental damages I deserve! Think about a poor person who was robbed, but you criticized him from the moral high ground. Is there any justice? Is there any royal law!?"

Steve was stunned when he heard this, and Bucky also felt that he couldn't deal with Gao Li, who came from the Internet age, so he had no choice but to take out his wallet.

"Okay, okay, we'll just pay you some money!"

Now he just wanted to end this matter quickly. Gao Li almost made the two of them faint. For a moment, they felt that they were the ones who were wrong.

Unexpectedly, after Gao Li took the banknotes, he pressed their shoulders again, intending to catch these two good men and pluck them until they were bald.

"Wait a minute, since I'm helping people, it's better to help them to the end. At this time, I'm poor and homeless. I really don't know what will happen if a person is hungry and anxious, especially a very skilled person..."

Steve and Bucky both looked over in disbelief. Good guy, you don't even act now, you just changed it into a threat, right?

Chapter 57 The law of victory has been determined!


Bucky snorted coldly: "Why are you penniless and destitute? Didn't I just give you money back?"

"That little money is only enough for food, but where is the hotel?" Gao Li said grimly, "You two, you don't want me to break into a house at night because I have no place to sleep, right?"

Steve couldn't help but said: "Then you will only be shot to death by the owner of the house! And we can also call the police to arrest you!"

Gao Li shrugged and said: "I'm just thinking about it now. It's not illegal to think about it in my heart. The police can't arrest me... And you see with my strength, how many people will be killed by me before the police arrive?" Where is the poisonous hand?"

"And all the reasons are because you are unwilling to help a poor homeless person, which means you are harming them! It is true that my skills may not be as good as firearms, and I may be shot to death..."

"But why? Isn't it because you didn't let me live in your house that I had to take risks? Alas, a poor young man died on the spot like this. Even if I am a ghost, I will come to thank you..."

"Okay, okay!" Steve couldn't stand the moral kidnapping that transcended the times. "Stop talking! I'll let you lay the floor in my house!"

"Steve!" Bucky exclaimed, "How is that possible? This guy is not a good person at first glance..."

Steve sighed: "After all, he looks like a teenager. I can't just let him go astray... Besides, he held back his hand when he hit the second person just now, so it shouldn't be too bad."

"Then you're pretty good, and you're pretty good at reading people."

Gao Li said with a smile. He mainly wanted to tease the two superheroes while they were still young and solve the housing problem for himself.

Seeing that Steve had made a decision, Bucky had no choice but to accept his fate.

"Okay, but you must never do evil again. Let's get to know each other. My name is Bucky Barnes, and his name is Steve Rogers. What about you?"

Gao Li said without hesitation: "My name is Legend Noa."

In order not to alarm the Supreme Mage and cause any trouble in future generations, Gao Li decided to temporarily use a pseudonym and a false image to operate in this era.

By the way, you can also get the blessing of the two legendary Ultramen in the mysterious field. Maybe you can win the prize in the future.

When we arrived at Steve's house, Steve pointed to the empty room.

"Although there is a vacant room, it is my mother's bedroom. She was a nurse and died of an infectious disease. If you don't mind, you can move in. If you mind, you can only sleep on the floor."

"By the way, there are also bedding... You can use what my father left behind, including clothes. He died in the First World War, so you can rest assured."

Hearing Steve's honesty, Gao Li felt a little embarrassed because of his previous prank.

He said seriously: "Thank you for your honesty and shelter. I'm really sorry for threatening you just now. I will pay you in the future."

Steve waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't degenerate and become a criminal."

Don't look at Steve's thin appearance, but he is in his twenties. In his opinion, Gao Li, who is only in his teens, is a bad youth who loves fighting, so he has such good skills.

In this chaotic era, everyone is having a hard time. Even highly educated people find it difficult to find a job, let alone a small thug like Gao Li.

So the remuneration Gao Li said was impossible for Steve. It was hard to say whether he could support himself in the future. It was better to live a down-to-earth life first.

Gao Li didn't know that Steve had so many inner dramas. After saying what he wanted to say and making himself feel relieved, Gao Li began to think about the next plan.

Before coming to the Marvel world, Gao Li had never thought about returning to the World War II period, so all the things he wanted to do before were disrupted.

"Speaking of the story of Captain America in the World War II era, there was a very important villain called... what was it called? Was it called Hydra?"

Gao Li recalled carefully for a while. It seemed to be a German Nazi organization?

Thinking about the origin of Captain America, a new idea came to Gao Li's mind.

"The first thing I need to do is to optimize and improve the technology of cyborgs, so that I can transform myself without side effects and change my appearance as much as possible."

"Secondly, I need to create a Kamen Rider system so that I can have sufficient self-protection capabilities. If I rely solely on magic power, the magic power will run out sooner or later."

To achieve the above two points, there is a common rigid demand.

- That is the most advanced technical support in the current era!

There is no way, whether you want to create a Kamen Rider or want to perform a transformation operation, you can't do without supporting facilities of sufficient level.

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