As the saying goes, it’s hard to make a meal without rice, just like if you want to make high-precision chips, you must have a top-notch photolithography machine as equipment.

It's like throwing Gao Li into the primitive era. No matter how solid his theory is, he still won't be able to develop the technology of the Kingdom of Light with his hands made of stone.

Even for a genius like Tony, at least there were raw materials for making missiles in the Middle East, so the Steel Suit MK1 was born.

But on the other hand, Gao Li is also confident that he can try what Tony can do, but this time it involves transforming himself, so the more perfect the conditions, the better.

After Gao Li figured this out, his future goals became clear.

"During World War II, there should be three main places that were suspected of meeting the conditions."

Gao Li thought quietly and listed the list one by one in his mind.

The first is the strategic scientific reserve of the United States. The technological level of the United States in the Marvel Universe at the same era is undoubtedly far superior to that of the United States in Gaoli's previous life, so it is likely to be able to meet Gaoli's needs.

The second one is Hydra. If Gao Li remembers correctly, the Cosmic Cube seems to be there, and Hydra has also developed laser guns and other cross-era weapons.

The third one is Wakanda. Gao Li doesn’t remember this place very clearly, but since it is the only movie with an all-black cast, he has some impression of it.

It seems African country that is closed to the outside world? And because of vibranium, it has science and technology that is many years ahead of the outside world.

The more Gao Li thought about it, the clearer his thinking became, and the formula for victory had been established!

"Let's use the United States as a springboard first, but how do I contact the Strategic Scientific Reserve?"

Gao Li thought for a while. Although he didn't know how to find the Strategic Science Reserve, he knew that there was someone who was related to the Strategic Science Reserve, and he was also very conspicuous.

"I didn't expect to be related to the Stark family again," Gao Li pinched his eyebrows, "The decision is made for you! Howard Stark!"

PS: I hesitated for a long time between "Noah Regedo" and "Regedo Noah". Both are neutral words that can be used as surnames and first names, but "Noah" is the Most of them have female first names, so they finally chose "Regedo" as their first name and "Noah" as their surname.

Chapter 58 World Tree Consortium


The next day, Gaoli used the money Bucky gave him to buy some raw materials such as syrup and soda ash, plus a few glass containers.

When Bucky came to visit Steve, what he saw was Gori making a glass of orange liquid.

"God, I didn't even know we had taken in a wizard. Is he trying to prepare some kind of poison?"

Bucky poked Steve with his elbow jokingly: "What, you provoked him, causing him to want to poison you with a potion?"

Steve said helplessly: "I don't know what he is going to do. It looks like a chemical experiment, but most of what he bought is ingredients..."

Bucky said amusedly: "You hurt his self-esteem yesterday, right? So he insisted on pretending to understand, as if he was very knowledgeable and could do chemical experiments, but he didn't know that all the ingredients he used were ingredients. Add more humor..."

Bucky was just halfway through his rant when Gao Li placed a glass bottle filled with orange liquid in front of him.

"This is a drink that is no worse than Coca-Cola in texture and taste. I named it Fanta. Do you want to try it?"

Fanta was originally a drink that was born in Germany after Coca-Cola withdrew from Germany due to World War II. It would be easy for Gauri's level to reproduce it in advance.

Bucky shrugged and said, "I'm not in the habit of drinking wizard potions. You..."

Before he could finish speaking, Gao Li gave up on him and handed Fanta to Steve.

"Forget it if you don't dare to drink. Steve, do you want to give it a try?"

Bucky is so stubborn. Who do you think dare not drink?

After all, it’s made from ingredients, so it can’t really turn into poison, right? Just drink!

He grabbed the Fanta and drank it in big gulps.

"Eh? Don't tell me, it tastes really good, no worse than Coke."

Bucky smacked his lips and looked at Gao Li in surprise.

I never thought that Reggio had this ability?


Steve was very curious and took another bottle of Fanta that Gao Li had mixed and drank it, nodding in agreement as well.

"It's very good!"

"As long as you think it's good," Gao Li said, "I will make a concentrated puree, and you can help me contact channels to blend it, and then sell it to the outside world. The price will be lower than Coke, and we will split it 50-50."

"The idea is good, but our scale is not as big as Coke. If the price is lower than Coke, we will hardly make any money after deducting costs such as labor and sharing."

Bucky's father was a fallen soldier, but his mother had done a lot of small businesses, so his family was better off than Steve, so he knew a lot about this.

However, as the group boss, Gao Li knew this better than him and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. How much money can I make from selling Fanta in the early stage? This is not what I am aiming for."

Bucky was a little confused, but he could also see that this was a great business opportunity. He nodded and said, "Okay, you come up with the secret recipe, so you have the final say. Anyway, you won't lose money based on the taste of Fanta."

The three quickly divided their work. Bucky used the channels left by his mother to contact small factories, while Steve relied on the contacts accumulated through his enthusiastic personality to sell products.

A few days later, a simple distribution network was launched. Many people fell in love with this novel and cheap drink after only one drink.

Coupled with Gao Liteng's marketing tactics such as tastings and fake queues, Fanta quickly became popular and soon became famous throughout Brooklyn!

You must know that under the economic conditions of Germany where the whole country is fighting, Fanta can sell three million bottles a year. It is not surprising at all to achieve such results.

As Gao Li expected, such a similar and threatening drink was immediately discovered by the keen Coca-Cola Company after it reached this scale.

When it comes to new, similar competing products on the market that are obviously of great commercial value, the first method adopted by Big Mac companies is not to suppress them, but to—


Grab it while it's still weak!

Your product is very good. It is so good that it can pose a threat to me, so it is very good. Such a good product will belong to my family later, and it will create greater glory for my family's financial report.

Sure enough, Coca-Cola Company immediately sent several groups of representatives to negotiate.

Although Feidian Group has a dedicated negotiation team, Gao Li is no stranger to this, at least he is much more proficient than the two Brooklyn boys who still feel dreamy.

Steve and Bucky, who had never expected Fanta to be so fierce, could only hide nearby like old haters who had never seen the market before, watching the verbal battle of wits between Gao Li and the representatives of the Coca-Cola Company. Brave.

After several rounds of wrangling, Gowrie finally sold Fanta to Coca-Cola at a very good price. Only then did Steve and Bucky figure out what "I was targeting" that Gowrie was referring to.

"Okay, I already have the money to start a company."

Although Steve and Bucky got half of the money, Gowrie did not accept their subsequent investment.

And having money means getting things done easily. Gao Li not only relied on money to solve the problem of illegal accounts, but also went through the process with ease and established the "World Tree Consortium".

However, Gao Li hired these two great guys with excellent personalities. When he had many things to do, he didn't have to go out of his way to find trustworthy people and could just leave them to them.

The first product of the World Tree Foundation is also the life artifact "Universal Glue" that has not yet been released. It only took Gao Li a short time to successfully reproduce it.

When negotiating with the Coca-Cola Company, Gowrie also won the distribution rights in Brooklyn and gained greater power than ordinary distributors. For example, he could add some gifts of his own.

Therefore, with the help of Coca-Cola's huge sales network, all Coca-Cola products in the Brooklyn area will come with a small amount of sample super glue, and the usage and company are clearly written on the super glue packaging.

Unsurprisingly, Super Glue has become a hit all over New York!

Such a useful thing can stick to almost anything, and it sticks extremely firmly. It has won the hearts of ordinary people.

As a result, the World Tree Foundation's reputation skyrocketed. Gao Li struck while the iron was hot and launched the second heavyweight product that impacted the world.

--Micro-wave oven!

This simple small appliance is easy for Gao Li to make, but it is also a convenient appliance that can benefit thousands of households.

Compared with the microwave oven where you just put it in and wait for the food to heat up by pressing a button, all other existing heating methods are weak.

Therefore, there is no doubt that microwave ovens are a blockbuster in the home appliance market, and it is natural that they will be a big hit!

With these two flagship products alone, the World Tree Foundation has enough capital to spread its sales across the country, and has a terrifying reputation that is well known to everyone.

Many behemoths such as the military industry are indeed much better than the World Tree Foundation in all aspects, but the industries they involve have nothing to do with ordinary people, and they are far less well-known than the World Tree Foundation that penetrates into every household.

And what Gao Li needs is exactly this fame!

Chapter 59 Disgusting! too disgusting!


The rapid and explosive expansion of the World Tree Foundation, taking advantage of the fact that its competitors did not react, took over the market in one fell swoop. In fact, it is already somewhat deformed and unbalanced, and there will definitely be many hidden dangers in the future.

But Gao Li doesn't care about this, and he doesn't really want to build a powerful new company - of course it can also bring him influence and wealth, but the World Tree Foundation is essentially Gao Li's first stepping stone.

Anyway, there are so many inventions that appeared after World War II that can change the world. Gao Li can easily create another Zaiya Group or Hongshang Foundation.

Just when the reputation of the World Tree Foundation was at its peak, Gao Li made a high-profile announcement——

He wants to hold a press conference!

The World Tree Foundation is going to enter the military industry!

Stark Industries' weapons are garbage, and he wants to expose and criticize them in public at a press conference!

When it comes to creating program effects and hot topics, no one can compare with Gao Li, who came from the era of information explosion and media.

He knows how to attract attention!

Each of these three pieces of news is sensational and breaking news.

The White House held the first press conference in history in 1913, but it was an official government and commercial companies rarely did this, let alone a very famous emerging company like World Tree.

But no matter how famous World Tree is, it is only famous in the field of civilian products, but it suddenly announced that it will get involved in the military industry that is beyond the reach of eight poles?

Moreover, he also targeted the Stark Group, the leader of the military industry, and bluntly called it garbage. What stood out was that he was arrogant, ignorant and fearless.

For a time, reporters across the country became excited.

The controversy caused by Gao Li is too great!

Even if it was just for fun, the people of the United States were all keeping a close eye on this biggest fun news of the year.

Black and red are both red!

"Huh? The World Tree Consortium declared war on Stark Industries?"

Howard Stark looked at today's newspaper in surprise, his face was extremely strange.

He had heard of the name of the World Tree, and those small products were indeed useful.

Although there was no technical content, it was indeed full of fantastic ideas.

It was one thing that Howard could do it easily, but it was another thing whether he could think of doing it before. Therefore, in his opinion, the president, Reijido Noah, was still somewhat capable and smart.

However, with such a level, it was okay to stir up the muddy water of the civilian market, but it was too presumptuous to want to touch the military industry! ?

"Is there anything wrong with Noah's brain? He has no self-awareness at all. Isn't this a complete case of hitting a rock with an egg?"

Howard frowned deeply. Just responding to Reijido's remarks, he felt that it was an insult to his IQ.

However, the entire American public was attracted by this big news, and most people were not aware of the technological gap between the civilian and military fields. If they really did not respond, everyone would think that Stark Industries was a coward.

After all, the size of the World Tree Consortium is there. Although it can't even touch the edge of Stark Industries in reality, it can rely on its bloated reputation that far exceeds its scale, which gives people the illusion that it can barely touch Stark Industries!

Therefore, it is not possible not to respond. Howard just figured this out and suddenly couldn't even eat the breakfast in front of him.

Disgusting! So disgusting!

This is Gao Li's real purpose. The development strength may not be comparable to Stark Industries for a long time, but the development of false reputation can make it extremely inflated with various means and methods!

The next day, all major newspapers published Stark Industries' response statement, written by Howard himself:

"... I have to say that I admire their courage. Maybe they think that 'super portable microwave' or 'high-capacity all-purpose glue' can make a difference on the battlefield."

"But I want to remind them that victory on the battlefield cannot rely solely on the brilliance of appearance, but also requires technical strength. The military industry is not just a gorgeous coat, but also requires deep accumulation and unremitting innovation."

"Here, I would like to give this civilian product company a wise saying: Even if a train is equipped with tracks, it cannot compete with a tank. Stark Group has always believed that only real military technology can be invincible in the gunpowder smell of war!"

Howard, who is also a star figure, confronted head-on, which immediately ignited the passion of the onlookers.

If only one party initiated the provocation and the other party was slow to respond, it would be too lacking in confrontation and the fun would not be so good.

And once both parties made it clear that they would fight on the ring, then in this era of lack of entertainment, it would undoubtedly be the best national entertainment program!

For this reason, whether in between work or after dinner, people would discuss this matter with great interest.

"It is simply an unrealistic fantasy for the World Tree Consortium to compete with the Stark Group in the military industry!"

"Yes, the Stark Group has always been a leader in the military industry, and their technology and equipment are top-notch."

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