However, as a scientist, even as gentle as Erskine, it is difficult to accept criticism of his masterpiece from the outside world, and he immediately frowned in displeasure.

"Are you worried that the serum will make people look like John Schmidt? Don't worry, I said it has been improved to perfection, so it will naturally not change the appearance."

No. 3 Gao Li said calmly: "Then I would like to ask Dr. Erskine, does the perfect super soldier serum still have the function of 'making the originally good character better and making the originally bad character worse'?"

Erskine was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Indeed, there are, but this is not a flaw. The Super Soldier Serum will enhance and strengthen everything about the user, including the above-mentioned personality."

This is the most essential function of the super soldier serum, so Erskine does not consider it a side effect and cannot eliminate it.

"No, that's the problem." No. 3 Gaoli explained, "Almost all human beings have good and evil. This is human nature, otherwise we wouldn't even be considered human."

"There are basically no absolute saints who have only good thoughts and no evil thoughts, and there are no absolute evil people who have only evil thoughts and no good thoughts. Maybe you want to give an example of a great evil person like John Schmidt in the world..."

"But when I talk about kindness, I don't just mean kindness, but all the character thoughts that are biased towards the concept of 'good'. Even John Schmidt must have a very small part of this aspect of character."

"For example, he is definitely better than ordinary subordinates towards his confidants; for example, although he is not very loyal, at least he is doing things for Hitler; for example, even though it is mainly to satisfy his own ambitions, he is not interested in the development of Hydra. I will definitely try my best..."

No. 3 Gaoli glanced at Erskine, who was deep in thought, and continued: "So do you understand, evil thoughts are vice versa. No matter how kind a person is, it is impossible for him to not have any thoughts that are biased towards 'evil'."

Erskine thought hard for a while and retorted: "But John Schmidt's 'good' part is logically enhanced, but he himself became even more evil than before after using the Super Soldier Serum! "

"Indeed, if a very kind person becomes a super soldier, his evil thoughts will increase, but his good thoughts will also increase, and he will continue to suppress his evil thoughts, just like the reverse situation of John Schmidt."

"However, how many people in the world are there who are extremely evil like him, and how many people are extremely kind in our imagination?" Gao Li, No. 3, pointed at himself, "At least I am not one of the two. I am just one of them. Ordinary people caught in the middle.”

"Ordinary people who do not have much difference in the ratio of good to evil account for an overwhelming number in human society. They may not necessarily be able to use their increased good thoughts to suppress their increased evil thoughts."

Gao Li's meaning is very simple. For example, an ordinary person's good thoughts are reflected in "giving a few dollars to beggars" and evil thoughts are reflected in "when they are completely offended or their lives are threatened, they can't help but hit people." "This is basically in line with the three views of ordinary people.

Once both good and evil are increased, the good thoughts will become "go bankrupt and give all the money to beggars", and the evil thoughts will become "when you are completely offended or your life is threatened, you can't help but kill someone."

Although good intentions usually have the upper hand, if you are completely offended or your life is threatened, you will instantly become a murderous and dangerous person!

Because when humans are extremely angry, evil thoughts will undoubtedly gain the upper hand!

This is also a side effect that Gao Li cannot tolerate. If it is used on himself, what is the difference between it and reforming and brainwashing his character?

It can be said that it is equivalent to distorting Gao Li's original will!

"So I suggest you give up the Super Soldier Serum. Before this problem can't be completely solved, it's best not to let the Super Soldier Serum leak out to any force."

Seeing that Erskine gradually figured it out and became extremely depressed, Gao Li could only pat him on the shoulder and give him advice.

"After all, people's hearts are the most unpredictable. There is no way to be 100% sure that the user of the serum is a saint. And if he deceived you through disguise, then the cunning and insidious character of his character will only become worse after being amplified by the serum!"

After Erskine was convinced, he began to help Gao Li push the optimization progress of the transformation technology.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed.

Including the early development time, Gao Li has been in the Marvel world for less than half a year.

Let’s look back at the original goal we wanted to achieve——

With the assistance of Hydra's various confidential information surrounding the Cube's research, Gauri successfully completed breakthroughs in energy and materials, and upgraded Kamen Rider G3 to Kamen Rider G3-X.

Of course, due to the limitations of the technological process, the G3-X armor does not have such high intelligent AI assistance, but even so it is very strong.

Compared with Kamen Rider G3, Kamen Rider G3-X not only has greatly improved punching and kicking power, but the wearer's body weight is also 15 kilograms lighter than the G3 armor.

On this basis, the strength and hardness of Kamen Rider G3-X are five times as much as the original. Although the wearer's fatigue index has increased by 30%, the combat time has become twice as long as that of G3 armor!

However, the increase in fatigue index means that it is more difficult for Gao Li to use the G3-X armor to fight. After all, he is a scientific researcher who lacks training.

Originally, when wearing the G3 armor, I would be out of breath from exhaustion, and my back would be sore after playing for a long time. The current G3-X armor is undoubtedly even worse.

Gao Li can only place his hope in the technology of repairing cards and transforming humans that he and Erskine cooperated with.

After Erskine joined, the progress was indeed rapid and the results were gratifying, but...

Facts have proved that even a genius such as Gao Li has no clue, and it is difficult for another genius to solve it.

This improvement plan has reached a deadlock, stuck in half and unable to move forward!

"Sure enough, it is still limited by the times. Even Hydra's facilities and equipment cannot meet all research and development needs."

Gao Li sat in his comfortable office of a senior Hydra official, looking up to the sky and sighing helplessly.

According to his and Erskine's research, the two major side effects of card repair technology - regular backlash and excessive changes to the original body, are both derived from the core concept of its technology.

That is, the advantages of other species are scaled up to the human scale in equal proportions, and then transplanted into the human body, thereby improving capabilities.

Since it is necessary to integrate other species, there will naturally be a backlash like a rejection reaction, which is more difficult to solve than the rejection reaction. It is also natural that it is no longer a pure human being and has too many transformation characteristics.

"I tried my best... The current technology has been improved to the point where it can improve a person's physique, but there will be no backlash at all. The body is basically the same as before. This is my limit."

Gao Li still remembered that when Erskine said these words to him, his eyes were covered with dense bloodshot eyes, with a pair of thick dark circles, and his hair was several times thinner than before.

"So the reality is that if you don't want to have those side effects, you have to limit the improvement within a certain range, that is, you can't modify it too much."

"Sorry, there is nothing you can do even if you squeeze me dry... At least under a certain extreme value, the security problem has been perfectly solved, then my mission is completed."

Gao Li also knew the truth, and was afraid that Erskine would die suddenly on the spot, so he quickly sent him back to sleep.

Nowadays, Gao Li, who is deeply trusted, can enter and leave the Hydra base freely. However, to be on the safe side, he still left a clone to pretend to be himself, while the original body changed his appearance and sneaked into the warehouse.

While Erskine is sleeping, Gao Li plans to have his first experience of transformation!

Compared with Showa's card repair and transformation technology, The First's card repair and transformation technology is obviously more modern. It does not even require a second person to operate, and the transformation surgery can be performed solely by mechanical automation.

With the joint improvement of two super geniuses, the effect is certainly extraordinary, and the whole process feels almost like a minimally invasive surgery.

After Gao Li got off the operating table, he thought he had had an illusory dream.

"Just from the appearance, the whole body is not much different from the past. It's better to get a comprehensive test."

Gao Li murmured to himself as he looked in the mirror. The only change he could see so far was that he had gained a little more muscle and his figure had become more symmetrical.

Half a day later, Erskine woke up and saw Gao Li looking at the data in front of the instrument.

"Hey, Regedo?"

"Good morning, Abraham." Gao Li greeted, "Want to come and see the results of the transformation together?"

Erskine took a while to react before he realized what he was doing.

"Oh, by the way, you are the first person planned to undergo the transformation surgery. Have you completed all the tests?"

Gao Li nodded: "Well, the normal functions of the heart, lungs, reproduction and other biological functions are intact as before, and they have even become much stronger. Some are too healthy."

"The boxing strength is 461 kilograms, the pulling force is 542 kilograms, the bench press with full equipment is 619 kilograms, and the 100-meter sprint is 9.37 seconds... It can be said that every aspect of my physical fitness has reached the peak of human beings."

Gao Li still refers to modern world records. In fact, a person with the best boxing power in the world may not be as good as an Olympic athlete in the 100-meter sprint, but Gao Li is a flawless hexagonal fighter!

This is because at the beginning of the improvement, Gao Li's concept was absolute balance without shortcomings, so he did not only integrate one kind of creature like the original technology.

The change Gao Li made was to extract all the advantages of various natural animals and merge them into himself!

In other words, exactly what the saying goes...the eyes of an eagle, the ears of a wolf, the speed of a leopard, the strength of a bear!

"It can actually reach this level? Although it is still not as good as the Super Soldier Serum, it has no impact on the character and thoughts!"

Erskine suddenly lost all sleep and came over excitedly, but Gao Li shook his head.

"It's too early to be surprised, Abraham. This transformation technology is far more powerful than that. I'll show it to you myself."

As he said that, Gao Li looked directly at Erskine. Just when Erskine was confused, he suddenly found that his pupils turned golden in an instant!

In an instant, Erskine's back instinctively felt cold. He had a natural reaction as if he was being targeted by an apex predator, and his body actually fell into a state of rigidity.

It wasn't until Gao Li stopped looking at him that Erskine slowly recovered, sweating profusely all over his body.

"What was that just now? I subconsciously felt that I was being watched by some wild beast, and my neck might be torn to death at any time!"

Erskine's words were not exaggerated. He felt as if there was a lion hidden in Gao Li's eyes just now!

"I named it the Immortal Golden Eye," Gao Li explained. "Once I light up the Golden Eye, my explosive power will soar and I can obtain twice the test data in a short period of time."

"In nature, human beings have the best endurance, but their explosive power is not as good as that of many beasts. This ability comes from the explosive power shared by animals!"


Erskin was stunned. That is... nearly one ton of punching force, more than one ton of pulling force and bench press, and 100 meters in five seconds?

This has officially surpassed humans and entered the realm of little superman!

After completing the transformation, Gorrie returned to Hydra and sat at his desk to ponder.

Obviously, Hydra has basically nothing to gain except the Cosmic Cube.

If Red Skull was a sheep, he would have been fleeced by Gorrie by now.

It's not bad to fleece fascism.

"Hydra's instruments and equipment can no longer meet my needs, so the next stage of the goal is..."

Gorrie turned half a circle in his chair and looked at a large world map on his back.

Africa, Wakanda!


"Huh? You want to lead a team to Africa to capture experimental subjects?"

Red Skull looked at the application in front of him and asked Gorrie with a little surprise.

"Yes, Mr. Schmidt, I want to capture a group of blacks for experiments."

Gory answered without blushing.

"You want to do human experiments?" Red Skull frowned, "Then Hydra can provide you with a lot of experimental subjects, why go to Africa to catch them?"

Gory pretended to be disdainful and said: "It's very simple, because those primitive blacks are more suitable as experimental subjects. In addition to being slaves, the most suitable place for them is to stay on the test bench."

"After all, black slaves are simple-minded and well-developed. The only thing worth praising is their strong bodies, so they can be used for experiments, and they are more durable as experimental subjects."

"You have to know that different individuals have different conditions, which will lead to inaccurate final data. Therefore, it is the best solution to do more experiments on the same individual as much as possible."

Gory is not afraid of Red Skull's suspicion, because-

As long as you behave more extreme than him, he will not doubt that you are not extreme enough!

Red Skull was convinced, and even felt that Regido's discrimination against blacks was a bit too extreme.

But on second thought, Red Skull thought it was normal.

Now is the era of World War II. Although slavery has been abolished, even in the United States, there are still many people who think that black people are not human beings at all, but slaves in human skin. What about a crazy scientist like Regido who doesn't take human life seriously?

As the leader of the Nazi organization, Red Skull is naturally a racist and nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, that group of blacks only has these few advantages left, but... why do you want to lead the team yourself this time? I can send my subordinates to do it for you."

"No, no, no, that way I won't be able to catch satisfactory experimental subjects." Gorri shook his finger, "Primitive livestock like black slaves must be tested on the spot to confirm that they meet the needs of my experiment."

"Otherwise, if you catch a lot of black slaves who don't meet the requirements, then they will be basically useless except for selling them in the slave market to make back their capital, or whipping them with whips for fun... If Hydra has a mine, they can be thrown into labor."

Red Skull was very satisfied with Gorri's attitude. As a noble cadre of the Nazi organization Hydra, he should have the idea that the Aryan race is supreme and other races are scum.

Among the scum, there are also different levels. For example, Hitler hated black people very much. In the isolation stage in Germany a few years ago, black people were treated worse than Jews.

They were deprived of their citizenship, could not join the Wehrmacht, could not become civil servants, did not have the right to vote, were expelled from the country or sent to prison, and even had to be forcibly sterilized.

Even the mixed-race children of blacks and other races were not spared by the Nazis. They were either deprived of their German citizenship or sent to scientific research institutions such as the "Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Human Genetics".

Therefore, Gowrie's statement that he wanted to use blacks as experimental subjects was simply a legitimate reason in the eyes of the Red Skull.

Later, when there were fewer blacks in Germany and they had no reproductive ability, they were not tormented so many times, but the remaining black children were still not allowed to join the Hitler Youth League, and black music and black culture were completely banned.

"Which African country are you going to catch blacks?"

Gowrie pointed at the world map on the wall and said, "Let's go to Wakanda."


The Red Skull recalled that it seemed to be the poorest and most backward agricultural country in Africa, and it was indeed a very suitable target.

Even if there was a big disturbance in the local area and a large number of people were killed or injured, it would not cause any waves.

"Okay, you lead the team yourself."

Red Skull immediately decided. He did not doubt that Regido had ulterior motives or wanted to take the opportunity to escape. First, Regido was one of the few people he trusted most at present. Second...

Regido was just a scientist after all. Without the power as strong as him, what could he do alone?

Those Hydra team members sent out, after all, obeyed Red Skull. With their surveillance and following, Regido could not turn the world upside down!

Gori, who was preparing to go out, did not expect it to be so smooth. He was deeply moved by Red Skull's trust in him.

Gori was determined to repay Red Skull as the most loyal subordinate. He even helped Hydra to fight against the world!

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