Well, let's start with Wakanda!


Due to Wakanda's isolationism, there is very little information about its domestic situation, but common sense such as the location of the capital has been circulated.

According to Gori's investigation, the capital of Wakanda is called "Bernin Zana". If you want to choose a city as a target, what is better than the capital?

After all, the capital is an important place in a country, and it is also a gathering place for politics, economy and talents. Everything Gori wants can be found here, and invading here is more likely to anger Wakanda!

From the map, next to Wakanda is an African country called "Mohanda".

Coincidentally, "Bernin Zana" is near the border of Wakanda, almost next to "Mohanda".

Therefore, Gori immediately made a decision to lead the team to sneak in from "Mohanda" and head straight for the capital of Wakanda!

Hydra's power is indeed impressive. With the highest level of support from the Red Skull, they easily sneaked in and hid in the forest outside "Bernin Zana".

It's not that Wakanda is seriously watered, but Wakanda has always deliberately shown weakness to the outside world, resulting in the image of an extremely poor and backward African country on the periphery of its territory.

Acting comes at a price. Wakanda's borders are basically undefended - of course, it is also because Wakanda is arrogant and self-righteous. It believes that the technology level is beyond the times and believes that the villains will not pose any threat to their developed cities.

Seeing that the plan is developing smoothly, Gao Li is also secretly excited.

"Hehe, my harem... Bah, the warehouse can finally accept new people~"

That's right, Gao Li is just coveting Wakanda's instruments and equipment!

Not to mention anything else, the matching AI chip of Kamen Rider G3-X alone cannot be manufactured due to the process technology.

You know, the AI ​​of Kamen Rider G3-X is too strong, so the wearer's body can't keep up, so it must be downgraded... Ordinary people's bodies can't bear its strength, but Gao Li can!

He is now barely a little superman. If he can perfectly cooperate with the command of AI, it is hard to imagine how terrifying the combat power of Kamen Rider G3-X will burst out!

PS: I have created a QQ group, group number "673414839", if you are interested, you can join it~

72. Chapter 72 Solo Wakanda! (Please order first!)



In the Hydra armored vehicle, Gao Li put his hands behind his back and lectured the Hydra soldiers in line.

"I am the Minister of Armament and Biology, Dr. Noah! I am here to supervise you! Senior cadres like me are your best big brothers!"

The Hydra soldiers felt a little subtle when they heard this. In fact, they are an elite force directly under the Red Skull, and the secret order they received is to secretly supervise Regido Noah.

This is completely the opposite...

Sure enough, he is just a scientific researcher, so simple that he doesn't even know that he is under surveillance.

"If you don't understand something, you can ask me!" Gao Li continued loudly, "I will tell you kindly! Do you understand?"

"I understand."

The Hydra soldiers answered in unison, but Gao Li shook his head in dissatisfaction.

"Can't hear! Didn't you eat?"

"I understand!"

This time they roared loudly, and Gao Li nodded in appreciation.

"Good! Very energetic!"

"Then next, I will show you two big treasures!"

After that, Gao Li opened the suitcase he carried with him and took out a silver pistol and a black square box.

"This pistol is a Victory Hyper Gun that I made based on the energy data of the Cosmic Cube weapon. It is as powerful as the laser rifle you are using now."

Gori said as he retreated to the corner with the gun, the whole process was smooth, natural and silent.

In fact, this Victory Hyper Gun is a special version of the Cosmic Cube. Rather than saying that the Victory Hyper Gun is specialized, it is better to say that its bullets are specialized, that is, the barrier bullets currently loaded.

The principle of the barrier bullet of the Victory Hyper Gun is to analyze a specific energy wavelength to create a barrier that can randomly reflect the energy of this wavelength.

Therefore, the energy data of the Cosmic Cube is of great help. Gao Li can create a special shield for himself to defend against the energy of the space gem!

"Dr. Noah, why did you develop this?" The captain of the Hydra team said with a smile, "Our laser rifles are enough."

"Of course, because this gun can not only kill people, but also protect the user."

Gori fired a shot before he finished speaking.

This surprised everyone, and they all subconsciously raised their weapons slightly.

But they soon discovered that the pistol had only shot out a translucent barrier in front of Gao Li.

"Next, I'm going to introduce the laser mother box," Gao Li pointed at the black box behind the barrier, "Although it's called that, it's just a bomb that uses the energy of the Cosmic Cube."


The team leader was stunned, and his mind instantly combined Gao Li's strange actions before and after, and his face changed immediately!

"Get down!!!"

As expected, Gao Li detonated the laser mother box as soon as he finished speaking!

In an instant, the blue energy of the Cosmic Cube violently scattered, like a Gatling gun firing lasers in all directions.

It was useless for the Hydra soldiers present to lie down. Those lasers shot the armored vehicles like sieves, and they were naturally riddled with wounds.

Only Gao Li, who was behind the barrier, was safe and sound, wiping his sweat and heaving a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the plan was successful in one go. I was a little nervous in the middle."

After getting rid of all the Hydra soldiers who followed, Gauri started his own invasion plan.

Knight magic has convenience in this regard that surpasses all technologies of this era. Gao Li copied several clones of himself and started taking action.

He first sneaked into a small village near the capital of Wakanda, selected a few black people, knocked them unconscious and removed authentication bracelets and other equipment, then asked the clones to disguise themselves as them and use the authentication bracelets to enter the city.

As soon as the Gaoli people entered "Berning Zana", they dispersed like wild horses and went to find out the information he wanted to know.

It can only be said that Wakanda deserves to have world-leading technology. Although it was during World War II, the scenery in the city was similar to that of the 21st century before Gowrie traveled through.

Gowrie mainly wanted to find the location of the research institution, and for this purpose he also added Hausa and Yoruba, which are two of the three main languages ​​​​of Wakanda.

He only needs to find the sentences to be used in advance, and then repeatedly strengthen the training, and in a short time he will be able to practice without an accent at all - of course only those sentences that have been prepared.

Even so, Gowrie is not a native Wakandan, and many habits are slightly different from the locals.

Coupled with his behavior of snooping around, it seemed very suspicious, and he soon attracted the attention of the Wakanda Intelligence Agency.

The name of Wakanda's intelligence agency is PRIDE, which means "proud". It is said to be more powerful than the Central Bureau of Investigation in the United States. Gauri is not a professional agent, so it is only a matter of time before they discover it.

After a while, one of the Gaoli clones was blocked in the alley.

"Please come with us, suspicious outsider."

Gao Li looked around calmly. There was a tall black man in the front and a strong black man in the back. They could be said to be men.

"What happens if I say no?"

"If you refuse, we can only use some violence to invite you over!"

The expressions of the two Intelligence Agency agents darkened, and their already dark faces turned even darker.

As if to prove that what they said was true, they even took out... two retractable high-tech spears that shone with green light!

Gao Li was stunned for a few seconds when he saw this, then smiled and shook his head.

"That's what I like about Wakanda. No matter how cutting-edge its development is, it still likes fighting with high-tech weapons."

This is a characteristic of Wakanda. All their people are martial and disdain the use of firearms. The first reaction when encountering an enemy is to fight in close combat.

And it just so happens that what Gao Li is least afraid of now is physical combat!

"Come on, let's see what it means for a magnetic field to rotate a million times!"

Gao Li boldly took off his shirt, and even though he was a clone, he still copied the superhuman physique of his original body!

The two detectives were startled. They didn't expect that this unknown outsider could be so martial and virtuous, and seemed to be very confident in his own abilities.

But when I was following him before, I could see that his steps and movements were extremely amateurish. They were all flawed, right?

Could it be that they made a mistake?

Both of them had extremely high professional qualities. Although they were puzzled, they still attacked without hesitation.

"Well done!"

Gao Li let out a long roar, grabbed the spears of the two men with his backhand at the limit of human reaction speed, and then pulled hard towards the center.


The two agents immediately felt an overwhelming force that they couldn't resist. Their bodies staggered and collided with each other. Just as they were shocked and wanted to retreat, they were met by a pair of burning golden eyes.

The eternal golden eye!

In an instant, the two of them could not help but recall the fear of being targeted by wolves, leopards, tigers and lions when they were training in the wild as children!

Before they could react, their field of vision was flooded by fists as big as sandbags. Suddenly their vision went black and they fainted in severe pain.

"Huh...even though I have no skills, I can still do miracles with great force."

Gao Li rubbed his wrists and looked into the distance.

He understood that he had been exposed, but fortunately...

The location of the Wakanda National Research Institute has been confirmed, so just go straight to Huanglong!

Gauri's plan was simple.

How to forcefully invade an important part of the country in the capital of a high-tech country?

The answer lies in space magic, which is currently unmatched by Wakanda's technology, and Kamen Rider G3-X's human sea tactics!

How Kamen Rider G3-X will fare against Black Panther? Gauri cannot yet make a conclusion, but he will definitely have a crushing advantage against any Wakandan other than Black Panther.

However, Gaoli has more than one G3-X armor. In addition to upgrading the original seven G3 armors to G3-X armor, Gaoli also took the time to build an extra G3-X armor as an emergency backup.

He is no longer the glorious Six Ultra Brothers.

He is now the eighth Ultra Ultra brother!

"Now that my physique has improved, what limits my use of the G3-X armor is no longer physical strength, but electricity... Although the battery life has been improved, if there is a fierce battle, the battery will drop rapidly."

Gao Li quickly went through his arrangements: "So the seven clones first transformed into Hydra cadres, then dressed up as Kamen Rider G3-X, and then attacked the institute from seven different directions."

"When the G3-X armor runs out of power, it will be sent back to the warehouse for charging using connection magic, and the clone that has been transformed will dissolve the magic on the spot and disappear. After charging, the clone in the warehouse will open the magic circle and send the armor back."

"At this time, other clones that are still active will receive the message and use copy magic to create clones, so that new transformers will be available, so that they can continue to fight in relays! Perfect!"

That's right, in addition to confiscating Wakanda's instruments and equipment, Gao Li's goal this time is to put the blame on Hydra.

A mature organization should learn to take the blame for loyal members!

In any case, it's Hydra who is backing him up, and it's Hydra who is supporting him.

Gao Li didn't lie, wasn't it Hydra that sent him to Wakanda?


So the seven Kamen Rider G3-Xs rushed to the research institute in a mighty manner, and successfully broke into the interior with the newly armed GA-04 Antares from the periphery.

Antares can launch a grappling hook connected to a solid titanium cable with a maximum range of 100 meters. Its strength can even temporarily bind a monster and block its movement.

At this time, Gao Li fixed the grappling hook on the surface of the building, so that he could move like Spider-Man and directly bypass the outer defense and firepower.

Of course, their whereabouts were immediately discovered, and the National Research Institute immediately sounded a shrill alarm!

"What? The National Research Institute was invaded?!"

The news was quickly reported to the highest administrative body of Wakanda, the Elders Tribal Council, just when they were holding an internal meeting.

Almost every elder looked unbelievable. It has been so many years... Wakanda has never encountered such an exaggerated enemy that invaded the hinterland!

But they were not vegetarians. They immediately reacted angrily and issued orders to the outside.

"Immediately send all Dora's guards to take down the foreign invaders!"

Every elder was shocked and angry. They didn't understand why someone would aim here.

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