"But this gave me new inspiration. How about creating some microcrystalline matrices on hardware to achieve directional guidance of energy flow and conversion of energy states. What do you think?"

Gao Li nodded in agreement: "I think it's okay. This will definitely strengthen the information exchange and interaction between the transformer and the energy of the universe."

"As long as the state of the cosmic energy can be perceived more intuitively, it will be more convenient for the console to dynamically reconstruct the cosmic energy, thereby achieving more precise realization and real-time adjustment!"

"The stability and flexibility of the console will be improved, and the Fourze drive will become able to accurately measure and analyze the cosmic energy field!"

One person and one bear discussed it enthusiastically for most of the night. For the first time, the Rockets felt the satisfaction and excitement of fully displaying their talents.

Geniuses are always lonely, and Rockets' experience makes him much more lonely than other geniuses.

He is an animal transformed by the Supreme Evolution. Due to an accident that the Supreme Evolution himself was not aware of, he gained an astonishing IQ, and his intelligence even surpassed that of the Supreme Evolution himself to some extent.

However, when I was with Supreme Evolution in the past, Supreme Evolution basically instilled knowledge into Rocket unilaterally in the early stage. When Rocket showed his talent for the first time, tragedy happened——

The Supreme Evolution couldn't accept a problem that it couldn't solve on its own, and was easily solved by Rocket!

In the end, under a series of tragedies, the Supreme Evolution killed Rocket's only three good friends, and Rocket also drove the spacecraft to escape in pain and sadness.

From then on, it was difficult for Rocket to truly trust anyone, and he did not want to establish a new relationship with anyone. It felt a bit like emotionally traumatized PTSD.

Therefore, Rocket has never experienced the joy and pleasure like just now!

The time for scientific research flies by quickly, and three or four months pass by in the blink of an eye.

Gao Li and the Rockets are completely addicted to it, obsessed with achieving the latest breakthrough every day.

However, Gao Li did not just develop Fourze drives. He also found time to build many Faiz systems - no way, Faiz systems are still disposable items and can only rely on the quantity.

This also made Gao Li feel lucky. If the system had directly given him a finished Faiz system, it would have been wiped out in an unexpected battle before he could analyze it.

But after mastering its core technology, it's another story. It's just a one-time use. Gao Li can make as many sets as he wants, and he uses the disposable belt as a permanent belt!

Of course, when two geniuses engage in research together, quarrels are inevitable.

In particular, Rocket's mouth is extremely mean, often doubling the concentration of gunpowder.

Gao Li even felt that his level of meanness was even worse than that of Tony!

"Although I am very happy that the Fourze drive has been successfully developed, the stupid theory you proposed makes me very unhappy."

"Oh I'm so sorry, I forgot your furry brain might not understand this theory, but don't worry, I won't argue with a raccoon."

"You hairless monkey, try calling me a raccoon again? I am me, I am Rocket, I am unique! After all, what is a raccoon!?"

"Okay, Little Bear Trash Can. To make it easier for you to understand, I'll repeat it again - switch No. 10, switch No. 20, switch No. 30 and switch No. 31 are key information nodes!"

Gao Li slapped the Fourze driver on the table with a "pop" and emphasized: "Although the information data between the switches are complementary, the corresponding nodes cannot be missing!"

"Bear Trash Can? Has this title gotten any better?"

Rocket scratched his head in confusion, but his attention quickly returned to the Fourze drive.

"Listen, at best, I can only be called a genius idiot on Earth - even if those switches are advanced switches, it doesn't mean that we can't combine the data of the other astronomical switches together!"

Immediately afterwards, he rambled on for more than two hours, and he could not stop until he ran out of saliva.

"Wait until I drink some water, then..."

"Okay, okay," Gao Li raised his hand to stop, "If you think they can still complement each other's data despite the lack of key nodes, just go ahead and give it a try. As the saying goes, practice makes true knowledge."

Rocket snorted: "Then just wait until you kneel down and lick Master Rocket's cleverness!"

Gao Li sneered back, but he already knew what the result would be.

Indeed, when the information data of the thirty-nine astronomical switches are combined with each other, the final cosmic switch No. 40 will be born, but four node switches must be used!

Otherwise there is absolutely no possibility of success!

...Having said that, that night while Rocket was asleep, Gao Li sneaked to the laboratory like a thief.

"If you think about it carefully, what the Rockets say seems to make a little bit of sense. It's better to try it in advance to avoid being slapped in the face later."

Gao Li secretly used the existing astronomical switch data to synthesize a silver switch that looked very different. He sneaked back without daring to test it on site.

After all, the news of the failed experiment was quite loud. It would be too embarrassing if there was some big explosion that alerted Rocket and came over to laugh.

The next day, while Gao Li was asleep, Rocket sneaked to the laboratory like a thief.

"If you think about it carefully, what Gao Li said seems to make some sense. It's better to try it in advance to save..."

"Hey, no, why should I be sneaky? I just want to synthesize the switch and hit him hard in the face!"

Rocket reacted belatedly and began to synthesize the astronomical switch with confidence.

Just like Gao Li, Rocket also got a silver switch that looked like a strange beast. After hesitating for a long time, he did not conduct a field test.

After all, Gao Li was half asleep now. Even if he succeeded in the end, it would be difficult to appreciate his 100% shocked face. It would be better to transform on the spot tomorrow.

Anyway, Rocket has enough confidence in himself!

The next day, Rocket specifically called Gao Li and took out a Fourze driver that was miniaturized to fit his body.

With the joint research of two super geniuses and more advanced alien knowledge, Gao Li and Rocket certainly did more than just develop a driver.

They even achieved the miniaturization of the console and the astronomical switch, allowing Rocket to use the Fourze driver to transform into Kamen Rider Fourze!

"Watch out, next, Master Rocket will transform into an unprecedented new form. Get ready to worship him!"

Rocket stood in the center of the laboratory, and Gao Li held a fire extinguisher beside him, expressing his response with action.

"3, 2, 1..."

As Rocket inserted the astronomical switches one by one, the Fourze driver also broadcast the mechanical countdown.


Rocket pushed the lever, and then...


The Fourze driver exploded on the spot!

Fortunately, it was only a small explosion, strictly speaking, it was a short circuit fire, and it was put out by Gao Li with a fire extinguisher before it even damaged the astronomical switch.

"How could this be?"

Rocket looked at the charred Fourze driver on one side in a daze. Although it was not difficult to repair the damage, it was difficult to repair the psychological trauma to him.

Not to mention Gao Li's gloating and smug mockery on the side: "Hehe, what did I say? I said no!"

Huh, it was a close call!

While attacking Rocket verbally, Gao Li secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, he did not take out the synthetic switch he made, otherwise he would probably be laughed at.

After all, what kind of person Rocket is, Gao Li is now very clear. He feels that after being with Rocket for a long time, his temper has become much worse, and his character seems to have been lowered by a level.

"This is unscientific..."

Rocket, who suffered a Waterloo, couldn't recover for a while, but fortunately, thanks to Gao Li's wicked firepower, he quickly recovered his vitality.

"Stop scolding, stop scolding! If you have the ability, go and make the advanced switch yourself!"

Gao Li choked for a while, but thought this was a good opportunity, and said: "In fact, I am not without ideas, but there is still a problem at present."

"We only rely on the facilities and equipment on the spacecraft for research, after all, there is a limit, why not find a planet with high-tech civilization to supplement it."

The facilities and equipment on the Lyra are by no means bad, at least they are more advanced than those of Wakanda, but Gao Li is not satisfied!

After all, it's not easy to come to outer space, how can we not see more high-tech of interstellar civilization?

However, Rocket refused without a second thought: "That would require a long jump, which would consume a lot of energy and money. You don't make money, so how would you know how hard it is to make money?"

This is exactly why Gao Li couldn't make a request with confidence. He scratched his hair in distress and asked: "Is there no planet with high-tech civilization nearby?"

"No..." Rocket was halfway through answering when he was suddenly stunned, "Wait, it seems that there are not none at all. It is true that Bist has heard that the technology level of Bist is very powerful..."

"But unfortunately, although Bist is quite close, it is not on my route. The place that Captain Rocket wants to go does not pass through Bist at all."


As soon as Rocket finished speaking, he saw Gao Li put his hand on his shoulder with a serious face, and said with emotion: "Actually... I have always had an unsolvable pain in my heart!"

"That's my cyborg body! I have been looking for opportunities to use more high-tech equipment so that I can no longer be the monster I am now! Are you willing to listen to my story?"

Monster appearance?

Rocket looked at Gao Li in confusion. Do people on Earth look very different from him?

"It's not impossible... It's not impossible? What do you want to say?"

Gao Li's eyes were profound: "The story starts with a young man named Hongo Takeshi..."

PS: Thank you "Talent Dispatcher of All Heavens" for the 588-point reward!

78. Chapter 78 The Real Kamen Rider



Under Gao Li's deception, Rocket was taken to the small bar built into the Laila to drink and chat.

Because of the sadness and pain in the past, Rocket learned to drink to relieve his sorrow at a young age, which is what the saying goes.

Of course, Gao Li's purpose is not simple.

Why is it easier to talk business at the wine table?

First, it is convenient to get closer, and second, as long as you find an opportunity to get someone drunk, it is easier to persuade them in a drunken state.

Rocket is young after all, how can he know the sinister intentions of adults?

"What I want to tell you is the story of a Kamen Rider, the original Kamen Rider, and he is Kamen Rider No. 1 Hongo Takeshi."

"Wait, why is it another Kamen Rider?" Rocket took a sip of wine, "The little iron man at the beginning was a Kamen Rider, and Fourze was also a Kamen Rider. How many Kamen Riders are there?"

Gori thought for a moment and said, "You can think of Kamen Rider as a name, or a title, or something like a profession, so there are many different Kamen Riders."

"They are different from each other, and even very different, but they often have some similarities... If you think about it this way, it might be more appropriate to call it a spirit."

Rocket said indifferently, "Huh? Is it so complicated? In my opinion, a driver is a driver. You can't be called a Kamen Rider before you can use the driver to transform, right?"

"That's not the case," Gao Li pondered, "even as long as you can transform, you can be called a Kamen Rider, but that's just a Kamen Rider in a broad sense."

"The real Kamen Rider was originally a retrograde in the fleeing crowd, a hero who silently protected mankind, but later there were also Kamen Riders who simply wanted to satisfy their own desires..."

"But in my opinion, they all have one thing in common - that is, to use their own power, even if they are broken into pieces, they will unswervingly carry out their beliefs to the end!"

Wanting to protect people, even at the cost of their own lives, this is a belief.

Wanting to achieve a goal, such as wanting to save important people, is also a kind of belief.

The life of Kamen Rider is a life of walking on the road of implementing his own ideas and concepts!

"... So, what does this have to do with what you want to say?" Rocket was silent for a while, and took another sip of wine, "Is that Takeshi Hongo also a cyborg?"

Gori nodded and said, "Yes, Takeshi Hongo is a locust cyborg, but before that, he was a pure human being, living a normal life every day, until..."

As the supreme commander of Shocker, Gori described Shocker's evil plan... Bah, as a righteous Kamen Rider, Gori described the evil plan of the evil old Shocker.

Holy Cut!

In short, although some unnecessary plots were simplified, Gori still talked for an hour or two, and Rocket successfully got drunk during this period.

"I know... In short, what you want to express is the sadness of cyborgs, right?"

Rocket burped, and it seemed that there were several shadows when he looked at Gori.

"Then... hiccup... okay... Captain Rocket will be merciful and take you to Planet Bist!"

"After all... hiccup... I was also... forced to transform... I can understand this feeling!"

Gori had never heard Rocket talk about his life experience, as if he was particularly reluctant to talk about it. At this time, he couldn't help but ask curiously: "So... who transformed you? Is there an organization similar to Shocker in the universe?"

Even in a drunken state, Rocket's face quickly became gloomy.

He swept the table hard, and bottles and jars fell all over the floor!

"The Supreme Evolution bastard! And... and killed my friend... woooo!"

Halfway through his vague speech, Rocket burst into tears on the spot, and the rest of his words were even more unclear.

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