Fortunately, he drank a lot. After crying for a while, he fell to the ground, his face covered with snot and tears, and fell asleep.


Gao Li was also stunned for a moment by Rocket's sudden emotional outburst, and murmured apologetically: "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"Ah! By the way, I want to pilot the Lyla to the Bister Star!"

At this time, the rocket suddenly bounced up, and the thoughts in his mind came and went like a broken machine.

Seeing him rushing towards the cab, Gao Li quickly hugged Rocket.

"No, no, no! Don't drive drunk! The flight is not regulated and your loved ones will burst into tears!"

When Rocket wakes up, it will be too late to regret.

"What? Did I also say that I was going to Bicester? It doesn't exist! It's not that I didn't!"

Rocket's first reaction was to lie and refuse to admit his fault. Fortunately, Gao Li knew him too well and had recorded the holographic image in advance.

"Then... hiccup... okay... Captain Rocket will be merciful and take you to Bister Star!"

"Then... hiccup... okay... Captain Rocket will be merciful and take you to Bister Star!"

Gowrie followed Rocket on repeat.


After being tortured like this for a long time, the Rockets finally compromised.

"Stop! That's enough! Don't let go! I'm going to the head office, right!?"

Rocket's face was distorted, and his little face was wrinkled.

Gauri smiled victoriously.

Hey, if you want to fight with me, it’s still 20,000 years too early!

Rocket grunted and entered the coordinates of the Bicester star on the star map, and the Lyra jumped in that direction as a whole.

When we arrived at our destination, what we saw was an overall greener planet. It looked much larger than the Earth, but it was equally beautiful.

"It is a habitable planet that is completely different from the earth. It seems that the proportion of land and ocean is not much different. It is really amazing..."

Gao Li sighed in his heart, and soon the Laila landed towards the gathering place where there were many life reactions.

But Gao Li, who was just in mid-air and gradually saw the ground clearly, was stunned.


"What's up?"

"Are you sure this is the Bicester Star?"

"What are you asking?" Rocket rolled his eyes, "Of course you are sure, otherwise would we be able to get here?"

"Then..." Gao Li pointed to the buildings on the ground, "Where are the high-rise buildings? How come they are all mud houses, thatched houses and wooden houses like primitive tribes?"

Could it be that they came to some aboriginal settlement?

Rocket said disdainfully: "So you are an earthling with a narrow vision. Who said that the embodiment of high technology should be high-rise buildings? This is the architectural style on Bister Star."

"Okay... okay..."

Gao Li nodded, and when the Laila descended close to the ground, many Bicester people came to watch. Gao Li finally couldn't hold himself any longer.

"Wait a minute! Are you lying to me? Bister Star is really a high-tech civilization???"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's not what's wrong, but look..." Gao Li pointed at the Bicester people, "The clothes they wear are similar to those of the indigenous people on Earth!"

The Bicester people all have animal characteristics on their bodies, such as animal ears and tails, or horns and wings. They are all different and varied, which is nothing.

But when Gao Li looked at their attire, almost all of them were barefoot and shirtless, with only a crotch-covering cloth hung around their waists. Those who wore more clothes had a cloth around their lower bodies, or wore strips of robes.

Looking at their bodies, most of them have all kinds of simple and mysterious tattoos. There are also pendants on their noses and ears, and the pendants are in the style of animal teeth and beads. Many people even have scars and scars all over their parts. The whole thing looks extremely wild and wild!

"The civilization of Bister Star is a tribal civilization, so this is normal. How can you define the level of science and technology in terms of civilization style?"

Rocket was still so confident that Gao Li couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

" much technological expectations can I have for a civilization that can't even make shoes?"

Rocket corrected: "The Bicester people are rough-skinned and fleshy, and barefooting is part of their culture! It's not that they can't make shoes, it's just that they don't have the need to make them!"

Gao Li felt convinced, raised his head and said, "Okay, I'm here anyway, so you can do whatever you want."

After the two tested that all the indicators of the extravehicular environment were suitable for their survival, they opened the door and walked out. At this time, several Bister aliens raised their spears and pointed them at them.

This gave Gao Li a sense of immediacy. Tribes, spears, high technology, barbaric style...

Hey, isn't this Wakanda?

Does the Marvel Universe really like to produce primitive tribes and high-tech civilizations? ?

"Relax, we are just here to purchase."

Rocket raised his hand and pressed it, but unfortunately they couldn't understand the Bist star's response at all.

"Where is your translator?" Gao Li asked, "Does it have a built-in Bicester language?"

Rocket shook his head: "No, I didn't plan to go to Bister Star."

Gao Li was immediately speechless. At this time, the Bicester star opposite brought two bowls of suspicious liquid, followed by an old priest with more jingling ornaments on his body.

"Does this mean we should drink it?"

Gauri and Rocket looked at each other.

"you drink?"

"I don't drink, you drink?"

"Why don't you drink? This may be a welcome gift from Bicester Star."

"I'm afraid this is some sleepy black tea. After drinking it, I won't be able to resist."

"What is sleepy black tea? Is it a specialty of Earth?"

"It doesn't matter. The key is that even if it's not sleepy black tea, it's deadly to see little people dancing after drinking it."

When the two of them were arguing fiercely, the Bisit people seemed to guess what they were thinking, and each drank a sip of the liquid in the bowl to show that it was harmless.

"Uh... you are quite sincere, but unfortunately I don't have the habit of sharing a bowl with men. I feel like I will drink their saliva..."

"Don't talk nonsense and drink it quickly! Didn't you come to Bisit by yourself?"

Rocket kicked Gao Li on the butt and took the bowl and drank it in big gulps.

Gao Li was helpless. While drinking, he muttered vaguely: "Maybe it's poisonous, but they have their own antidote..."

The liquid tasted like a mixture of various herbs. As soon as it went down his stomach, Gao Li felt that the incomprehensible discussions around him became understandable.

"Fuck? Drinking pharmaceutical language? What kind of biotechnology is this?"

Gao Li was shocked and began to believe that the Bisit people might really have an amazing level of science.

"Are you aliens? I haven't seen you for a long time. My name is Regusila. Would you like to come to my house and sit for a while?"

The sturdy man who handed the bowl invited enthusiastically, seeming very familiar.

"Or you can come to my house to play!"

"Come to my place! My house is quite big!"

"It's just that I'm not hunting today, and I'm also free!"

The onlookers around also shouted enthusiastically, and the degree of enthusiasm and hospitality made Gao Li start to have some social anxiety.

But Gao Li thought about it and realized that they really needed a guide on the Bist planet.

"Um, my name is Gao Li, and this is my friend Rocket. I'll trouble you, Regusila."

The old priest nodded to Regusila, and walked away with the staff-like stick, and the onlookers gradually dispersed.

Re Gusila led the way in front, and Gao Li followed behind. He changed to another language that Rocket could translate and whispered: "Rocket, what do you think? Is there something fishy here?"

"Don't look at how sincere and friendly they are. They will backstab us and sell us for money or rob us..."

Rocket said speechlessly: "You earthlings are too suspicious, right? According to the records of many interstellar travelers, the people of Bist are basically like this. They don't have any tricks, just like the little animals after they are full and satisfied."

"Ah, this... As the saying goes, you can't have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others. After all, this is my first interstellar travel. How can I know what pitfalls I will step on?"

Rocket threw a communicator to Gao Li and said: "There is a positioning device on it. If you are really scared, you can go back to the Leila. I modified the Leila with a stealth system. After it is turned on, I guarantee that no one from the Bist can see you."

"That's not necessary."

Gao Li put away the communicator, and thought that he still had many Kamen Rider systems as a foundation, and he immediately felt relieved.

Besides, if they really had any bad intentions towards him, they could have done it when they drank the medicine just now, why wait until now?

When they were heading to Re Gu Sila's home, a super-giant geometric spaceship with a blood-red main color and black lines was flying in the universe, with clear edges and corners. It was the headquarters spaceship of the Supreme Evolution, "Evolution Throne Yaleta".

In the throne room of "Yaleta", the Supreme Evolution with a gloomy face was listening to the report of his subordinates.

"My lord, there is an emergency. Our detection device on the Bist star detected the biological signal of 89P13."

"89P13 has been hiding for so long, has it finally shown its trace? This cunning little mouse..."

The Supreme Evolution narrowed his eyes, and anger and hatred flashed in his eyes.

A mere low-level animal that was transformed, and his creation, dared to show wisdom beyond the creator without authorization, and finally defected!

The most intolerable thing is that 89P13 scratched his face completely when escaping, causing the Supreme Evolution to be completely disfigured and have to wear a leather mask all day long!

"Use the army on Bist immediately and make sure to capture 89P13! I need its brain and find out what accident gave it the intelligence it shouldn't have!"

The Supreme Evolution ordered in a deep voice. He has created many civilizations and races so far. Some places even worship him as a god, and the Bist people are one of the unknown works of the Supreme Evolution!

79. Chapter 79 You are already dead!



The home of Re Gu Spurla was built like a cylindrical tent. When Gao Li got closer, he found that it was much thicker and stronger than he imagined.

And when it was on the Lyra, it looked small because it was flying in the air, but it actually occupied a very large area, much larger than an ordinary villa, and almost every household on the road was like this.

"Come in, come in, you're welcome."

Regushila opened the door. There was a small pond in the entrance, which reminded Gao Li of the disinfection pool he would step into before swimming.

Regushila then demonstrated how to use it himself, and it was almost the same as Gao Li had guessed.

Regushila waded through the small pond, which was just below his ankles, and when he walked onto the opposite floor, he left no trace of water.

"Does it have the property of quick drying? Does this pool have some device to keep it in liquid state?"

Gao Li was immediately very interested. He took another look and found that Regushila's feet became very clean after walking through the pool. The dirt and dust on the road disappeared, as if they were washed to the bottom of the pool by the liquid and would not float up.

"Interesting, this..."

Just as Gao Li was about to continue his research, he was tugged at the corner of his clothes by Rocket.

"Don't make people wait, it's too embarrassing!"

"Huh? Oh oh..."

Gao Li put away his curiosity with difficulty and waded through the pool and pulled Hot Bone Spur into the house.

There are three members of Regujila's family, including his wife Hua Ya and two sons, Yaya and Clawzhao, one older and one younger.

The two children were jumping around Gaoli and Rocket and sniffing everywhere, very much like two huskies.

"Is there anything you want to do when you come to Bister Star?"

Hot Bone Spur grabbed the two children by the back of their necks and threw them aside to prevent them from disturbing the guests.

"We want to buy some high-tech equipment. Do you know where I can buy it?"

Looking at the tattoos and piercings on their bodies, Gao Li felt that his question was extremely twisted.

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