Unexpectedly, Hot Bone Spur nodded and said, "Oh, after dinner at my house later, I will take you to buy it."

"Hey, is it really true?!"

Gao Li was secretly surprised. Although he didn't say it out loud, he was still a little afraid that Hot Bone Spur had misunderstood.

"Well... why don't you ask us what kind of equipment we want?" Gao Li said tactfully.

"That's right. I kind of took it for granted, because aliens generally prefer to come to us to buy weapons. They are easy to use, and they are often updated with new products."

Hot Bone Spur took the spear he had held earlier and shook his hand. The seemingly ordinary spear began to deform with a "swish".

The originally seemingly seamless main body bulges and changes like a mecha, the spearhead also lights up with deadly heat and flash, and is surrounded by runic codes like void projections.

Gao Li was amazed to see it, it was really high-tech!

"If you attack forward, you can shoot pointed laser bullets from the spearhead. Of course, if necessary, it can also be used as a one-time life-saving weapon. Throw it out in its entirety to exert missile-like power..."

Regu Spurla was still introducing enthusiastically. Gao Li listened politely and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, we want to buy scientific research equipment, not weapons... But it would be better if we can lend it to us for research later. "

"Haha, no problem, no problem, just take it and study it, I still have a spare and a spare."

Later, Regujila and Hua Ya enthusiastically entertained them to look at the photo album - it was a thick book, and holographic records would pop up every time they opened a page.

That night, Hua Ya cooked a large table of sumptuous meals. Fan Ya and Paw Claw were drooling as they watched, and Gao Li and Rocket smelled delicious.

After the meal officially started, Gao Li's eyes lit up as he ate.

It is a novel ingredient that I have never tasted before and a new cooking technique that I have never seen before, but it tastes really good!

At least judging from Gao Li's experience, the taste is not inferior to those restaurants on earth that have won Michelin stars.

After enjoying dinner, Regujila sat with them in the yard, each picked a fish bone to pick their teeth, and chatted.

While they were chatting, Hot Bone Spur suddenly let out a "huh" sound.

"Wow, those look like military lights. Why were they dispatched out of nowhere?"

The eyesight of the Bicester people is very good, which can be called a small telescope per person. Gao Li squinted for a long time before he found the light of the hot bone spur.

"You can actually recognize the lights of the army even in such darkness?"

"Yes, because it's very unique. We Bicsite people don't have an army, so we rarely see an army. We shouldn't admit our mistake."

"Ah?" Gao Li said in surprise, "Military power is very important. If it is not in the hands of the Bicester people, then in whose hands is it?"

Hot Bone Spur thought for a while and said: "When I was a child in school, the teacher seemed to have taught me. It is said that it was in the hands of a supreme adult, who seemed to be called the 'Supreme Evolution'..."

"What did you say!?"

Rocket, who had just wanted to lie down when he was full of food and wine, suddenly shot up from the place like a frightened bird, covered in hair!

"Huh? What's wrong?" Hot Bone Spur asked in confusion, "I said the big man who controls the army is called Supreme Evolution. I heard that our clan was created by him."

Rocket's pupils were out of focus and his whole body started to tremble.

By the way...that's right, the Supreme Evolution especially likes to experiment on animals, allowing them to evolve into humans over hundreds of millions of years!

No wonder all the Bicesters have various animal characteristics, he should have thought of this a long time ago!

"Hurry...run away..." he screamed subconsciously, "let's run away!"

The supreme evolution is like Rocket's nightmare!

"what happened?!"

Suddenly, Hot Bone Spur jumped up in disbelief, stretched out his hand, and the spear automatically flew into his palm.

Gao Li didn't care to talk to Rocket. With his modified eyesight, he could also see that a missile was flying towards him at a high speed!

"What the hell!?"

Gao Li hurriedly wanted to use connection magic to see if he could put the missile back in. Hot Bone Spur had already thrown the spear out at an extremely fast speed.

The spear automatically generated tail flames to propel itself, and the locking missile rushed straight over. The two collided in mid-air and caused an astonishing explosion!


The spreading shock wave swept across everything, even Gaoli was affected, and the scene was filled with smoke and dust.

"Rocket! Rocket? Hot bone spur pull? Are you okay!"

Gauri shouted to them while loading the Faiz drive he carried with him.


No one responded, so Gao Li clicked his tongue and could only take a big gulp of "Transformation Shot".

At the same time, he pressed the numbers one after another on his hand and inserted them directly into his belt!



The smoke and dust were illuminated by the flickering red light. Gao Li moved some collapsed walls and finally found Hot Bone Spur and his family.

At this time, Hua Ya was holding up a large shield to protect herself and her two children. Regujila was lying not far away with her head covered in blood, breathing heavily.

"Why... why did the army suddenly attack us?!"

Hot Bone Spur Lagang discovered that the missile was coming, and the huge sense of crisis forced him to instinctively fight back. Only now did he start to think about the reason.

Gao Li was silent for a few seconds, guessing that it might be because of the rocket, but he couldn't be completely sure.

"I'm not sure, but it's definitely not safe here. Just follow me and I'll escort you to a safe location first."

Having said that, Gao Li also knew that there might not be any safe place on Bister Star.

Since the Bicester Planet is controlled by the Supreme Evolution, the Hot Bone Spur family that hangs out with them is definitely the focus of the investigation. As long as they go on this planet, it makes no difference no matter where they go.

And from the covering strike they launched just now, it can be seen that they don't care about the life and death of the Rebone Spur family!

"Are you...Gori?"

Hot Bone Spur looked at the unfamiliar Kamen Rider and recognized Gao Li's voice.

Anyway, he was so dizzy from the explosion that he couldn't think too much, so he followed Gao Li with Hua Ya.

"Disarm! Repeat, disarm!"

At this time, many soldiers wearing flying machines flew over and surrounded them.

In the temporary command room, General Nadu, who was under the command of Supreme Evolution, slapped his deputy on the face.

"You idiot! What the Supreme Evolution Master wants is 89P13's brain. What if it is damaged by a missile!? Can you afford this responsibility!"

"Yes, I'm very sorry!"

The deputy lowered his head, not daring to refute at all.

"What an idiot to the extreme..." General Nadu stopped scolding him and instead directed the battle, "The entire army obeys the order and searches for traces of 89P13. Except for 89P13, all others will be killed without mercy!"

As the order was issued, the soldiers who had originally shouted to surrender their guns but not to kill, immediately raised their lethal weapons against Gao Li and others.

"Get behind the shield!"

Hua Ya yelled, and the shield automatically extended its edge light shield, covering Hot Bone Spur and the two children.

However, Gao Li rushed out of the coverage area. If he only took a beating, the defense would be broken sooner or later!

"Exceed Charge!"

Gao Li released the Red Blade Slash towards the sky, and the energy of the photon blood swept across, immediately involving more than a dozen soldiers!

But at the same time, Gao Li was also hit by several laser shots. Although the pain was obvious, luckily he was not able to completely break through the defense.

Gao Li gritted his teeth and endured it, then kicked a soldier away in the air.

"Rocket! Where are you? Rocket!"

In the distance, Rocket watched with trembling as Gao Li fought the enemy while shouting his name loudly.

His weight was the lightest, so he was carried the farthest away.

Hearing Gao Li's shouts, Rocket really wanted to go over and fight side by side, but for some reason his body just wouldn't obey.

His legs were as heavy as lead, and his usual fearless character seemed to have disappeared at this moment.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Don't think about it, run away!"

Two different thoughts collided with each other in Rocket's mind, and painful memories of being repeatedly dismantled, reassembled, and poured into drug trials filled his mind.

Although when escaping, Rocket burst out in grief and scratched the face of the Supreme Evolution, the courage driven by emotion can only last for a short time.

Only at the moment when he witnessed the death of his friend, Rocket's anger was unprecedented, causing him to temporarily lose all other emotions.

But things are different now. The brain will gradually forget the painful memories, and fear will gradually take over.

If Rocket was an adult, he might have fought with Gao Li, but now Rocket... is just a child after all.

"sorry Sorry……"

Rocket trembled and shed tears. When he came to his senses, he realized that his body had spontaneously moved further and further away from the battlefield.

This is like a switch. The first step to turn around and escape is often the hardest to take. Once you realize that you have actually started to escape, subsequent escapes will only become easier and easier.

"I...I just made a wise choice to protect myself...it was just a friend I have known for a few months...there is no need to sacrifice for this...it was the most correct thing for me to run away from danger..."

Rocket kept convincing himself in his heart, as if he wanted to give himself an acceptable reason.

Yes, he has an emergency stop device installed inside his body!

Once injured, no equipment can heal him, otherwise the whole body will automatically enter a state of destruction.

No matter how good the rocket technology is, the emergency stop device cannot be released without a password.

So he cannot be injured, injury means death, and he is right to do so!

The rocket escaped further and further, and soon returned to the Lyra.

Rocket activated the stealth system and drove the Lyla away from the place to prevent the supremely evolved army from receiving the intelligence that he had landed here before.

However, after the Lyra flew a certain distance, it did not fly out of the Bicester Star, but found a place to stop.

The invisibility system was still not released, and Rocket huddled in the corner alone, hugging his knees and remaining silent.

He didn't know why he hadn't piloted the spaceship to escape from Bicester Star. Rocket just felt that his mind was in chaos, and even he couldn't tell what he wanted to do and what he should do!

The battle on the battlefield has reached a fever pitch.

General Nadu looked at the monitor, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"Although it has been input into the database for massive comparisons, it is still not clear which planet's individual soldier technology it belongs to..."

The technician under his command carefully reported the report and immediately added:

"But according to the simulation, it will be completely defeated in one minute and twenty-seven seconds!"

General Nadu nodded and snorted, "I didn't expect an obstacle to appear halfway, but in front of my army, it's just a stronger little bug!"

Just as they simulated, Gao Li was completely at a disadvantage.

Seeing that Rocket couldn't shout for a long time, and the shields of Re Gu Spur and Hua Ya began to show signs of damage, Gao Li gritted his teeth.

"There's no way... Rocket may have gone to a safe place by himself. After all, it was only the aftermath of the explosion that affected him before, and he shouldn't have suffered any damage."

Thinking of this, Gao Li no longer used the basic form to prolong the battle. He had mainly done it to have time to find Rocket.

So General Nadu and the army on the battlefield saw that Gao Li took out a watch-like device, installed it on his wrist and inserted a memory stick!


80.Chapter 80 The shock of fifty times the speed of sound!



"Hmm? What is he going to do?"

General Nadu frowned and stared at Gao Li's changes.

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