Gathering the whole world's attention and the influence that may be passed down to future generations, it is worthy of an SS-level lottery!

Without further ado, Gao Li quickly used the lottery.

This time, he was in no mood to pray to the gods, but fortunately the lottery result was good.

"《Kamen Rider System Development Data Based on Tachyon Application》?"

Gao Li's eyes lit up and he quickly recognized what it was-

This is the technology of the Kamen Rider Kabuto world!

Before this, tachyons have always been a hypothetical particle that has never been discovered in theory, but Kamen Rider Kabuto's system can use tachyons at will to achieve super acceleration called "up-time".

In terms of speed, it is said to be no less than the accelerated form of Kamen Rider Faiz, but it does not exceed the accelerated mode.

Unless it is a further "super-up-time"!

"This... I might be very happy if it were normal times, but now... it can't improve my combat power too much, right?"

Gori frowned. At first glance, it was a new Kamen Rider system, but to be honest, for him who had mastered the technology of the accelerated form, it didn't make much difference.

Originally, Gao Li was planning to use this month to build more Kamen Rider Faiz drivers, but now he might just switch to researching and manufacturing Kabuto's knight system.

However, the greatest advantages that the two can bring out are not much different.

Even in terms of the time limit of the accelerated state, the two are similar. Even the "upgrade" has a mechanism that will overload and must exit after a certain time.

In fact, the accelerated form has an advantage over Kabuto - that is, the silver photon blood has abundant energy supply, allowing Gao Li to use the ultimate move crimson electric drill as a normal attack at will!

If it were Kabuto, it would be absolutely impossible to release more than a dozen knight kicks in a row in one "upgrade".

"Speaking of which... the basic forms of Kamen Rider technology so far correspond to the S-level."

"And the enhanced forms, such as the acceleration mode, correspond to the SS-level. If G3-X had not been developed by me, it would probably be SS-level in the subsequent draws."

"As for the SSS-level, looking at the situation of Kamen Rider Chronos, it roughly corresponds to the final form of Kamen Rider under normal circumstances, so the question is..."

This research and development data corresponds to the basic form of Kamen Rider Kabuto, why is it as high as SS-level?

After thinking for a while, Gao Li made an assumption.

First, Kamen Rider Kabuto's Kamen Rider series does not have an enhanced transitional form.

Secondly, Kamen Riders without enhanced transitional forms are generally very strong in their basic forms, or have their own unique skills.

For example, Kamen Rider Ryuki can enter the mirror world, and Kamen Rider Kabuto can use "up-time transformation". With these unique skills, they are enough to match the enhanced transitional forms of other Kamen Riders.

Therefore, this type of Kamen Rider has an SS-level level in the basic form alone!

"If you think about it this way, 'Up-Time' is not weaker than 'Acceleration Mode'. Although the output is a little worse, the endurance is much stronger."

Gao Li quickly analyzed the pros and cons. The output of Kamen Rider Faiz's acceleration form is really high, and the flying kick is fired continuously as if it is free.

However, the price is that the power is too high. Basically, after each transformation, it will not be used for a long time, otherwise it will face the risk of self-destruction.

Not only will it self-destruct, but the area within a radius of several kilometers will be contaminated by degraded photon blood, just like a nuclear bomb explosion.

However, Kamen Rider Kabuto's "Up-Time", although the single duration is similar to the acceleration form, he can perform "Up-Time" multiple times in one transformation.

This alone is very attractive to Gao Li!

It can only be said that these two SS-level technologies have their own advantages and disadvantages.

In the following time, Gao Li studied the development materials day and night.

As for whether the development can be completed within a month...

Gao Li never thought about this problem at all.

It's not whether you can do it, but you must do it!

"I'm a genius, I can definitely do it!"

Gao Li kept telling himself in his heart, just like hypnotizing himself repeatedly.

At this time, he realized that the character of Dan Lidou that he pretended to be in Tony's place at the beginning still had its advantages.

That is to have sufficient self-confidence and never doubt that he can't do it!

Facts have proved that Gao Li's talent is still terrifying when it is squeezed to the limit.

In less than half a month, Gao Li has studied the entire set of development materials and can use them skillfully.

In the next week, Gao Li produced the Kamen Rider Kabuto system and found a way to obtain the certification of the insect instrument.

"Finally completed..."

Gao Li's eyes were full of bloodshot, and he breathed slightly while holding the Kabuto Insect Instrument.

"Now, I really grasp the future in my hands!"

The next thing to do is to have a good sleep and conserve energy.

Then-kill back to Bist Star!

Although General Nadu failed to encircle Gao Li, the reason why they were able to move out so quickly was that they were originally stationed on Bist Star.

As a direct subordinate army of the Supreme Evolution, it is reasonable for them to have the coordinates of the Supreme Evolution's location, right?

That's right, Gao Li is going to fight back to the Bist Star, get the coordinates directly from the garrison, and then fight to the location of the Supreme Evolution!

S attribute explodes! Sleep!

The next day, a refreshed man appeared near the supremely evolved military base of the Divine Army.

"Sleep so good..."

Gao Li stretched, yawned and put on his belt.

"Now that I'm happy, I'm going to make the enemy unhappy right away!"

Gao Li smiled coldly, and the armored insect instrument automatically flew around him.

As Gao Li stretched out his hand toward the sky, the sun shone on the palm of his hand, and the armored insect instrument also reflected the brilliance of the sun and fell into his hand!


A low mechanical sound rose, and countless honeycomb-like light spots gathered on Gao Li's body, eventually forming a set of armor.

But Gao Li didn't stop. He gently lifted the insect horn of the Jia Dou Insect Instrument, and a rapid standby sound suddenly sounded!

Just like the announcement of his arrival, Gao Li stepped on this warning to the enemy and went straight to the gate of the base.

His unabashed behavior immediately attracted a large number of soldiers to surround him, pointing their guns at him and shouting:

"Identify yourself immediately or we will..."

Before they could finish speaking, Gao Li completely broke off the horns of the insect.

"Cast off!"

"Change Beetle!"

The armor on his body immediately bulged out like a deformed mecha, and then turned into parts and flew out in all directions!

With the super hardness and speed, each part turned into a terrifying kinetic energy shell, immediately setting off a bloody storm among the surrounding soldiers!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Some soldiers had broken bones and bones and fell to the ground screaming. Some soldiers simply died on the spot before they could react. A large number of people fell on the scene in the blink of an eye.

Ignoring the wailing soldiers, Gao Li gently patted the side buckle.

"Clock Up!"

With a "whoosh" sound, Gao Li disappeared on the spot without a trace.

Only the reinforcements who arrived later looked at each other, wondering where the enemy had gone.

Inside the base command room.

The video of what just happened has been played over and over again in the holographic image.

General Nadu's eyes were blood red and his expression looked furious.

"Another one! Another fucking one!"

What's going on now?

Why would anyone dare to step on his face? !

The key is to step on it as soon as it is stepped on, but he still has nothing to do with the opponent for the time being!

This is the most frustrating and irritating thing!

"It was that little bug before, but this time it's..."

General Nadu paused, and suddenly felt a little confused. He didn't know who this guy was.

Are they in the same group?

However, just looking at the appearance of the equipment and the triggering method, they are almost completely different. It is difficult to imagine that they come from the same place.

But they all have the same powerful speed!

"Perhaps the intruder became invisible instead of disappearing?"

The deputy asked cautiously, and General Nadu shook his head.

"I have considered this problem for a long time and asked technicians to do analysis. Through ultra-high magnification slow playback, we can confirm that it is too fast, too fast to be seen by the naked eye!"

The most irritating thing was his swaggering attitude, as if he was deliberately telling them——

Dad is here!

PS: Thanks to "Ethereal Hegang" for the 800-point reward!

84. Chapter 84 Clock Up! Rising time!



All martial arts in the world are invincible, except speed.

This principle is universal even in the interstellar era.

Just like Quicksilver in "Avengers 2", although he may not be able to defeat the Hulk and Thor, as long as he is not stupid, such as holding Thor's hammer, he can stand alone against the entire Avengers. In an invincible position.

This is the power of speed!

Not to mention the upgraded Kamen Rider Kaito, which was much faster than Quicksilver at that time.

"Damn it! Isn't there any way to restrict him?!"

General Nadu became more and more angry as he thought about it, and he hit the table hard.

The majestic army was helpless against a mere enemy. It was extremely frustrating!

General Nadu's staff looked at each other, and the chief of staff said: "Unless we can trap him in a small place, or imprison him, or create a range-covering blow that he cannot avoid..."

All of these are difficult to achieve. The latter will give the enemy enough time and speed to escape before they are launched. The former may be useful for other speed-type enemies, but...

Kamen Rider doesn't just have speed, he also has powerful attack power that can break through most obstacles!

Even if they can lure the enemy into a completely closed room, they can't stop the enemy from breaking through the wall.

"Now this new intruder looks different from the previous one. Maybe it will be easier to deal with?" The deputy boldly proposed a hypothesis.

General Nadu thought for a while and said: "It is also possible. Maybe he only has speed but not such strong strength."

The armored man covered in silver lines they encountered before could use a blood-red light cone with extremely high penetrating power.

No matter how strong their weapons are, they can't withstand even a single blow!

"Of course there is a possibility," General Nadu continued, "that is, this new type of individual equipment is not manufactured as much as the previous one."

"In other words, once the individual soldiers are armed to the limit, the invaders may be helpless! It was his biggest mistake to invade our base alone!"

General Nadu's conjecture was not groundless. First of all, they did not match any data in the database for Kamen Rider Faiz or Kamen Rider Kabuto.

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