This means that the two types of individual equipment have probably never been popularized or mass-produced on any planet. They should be the exclusive secret technology of a certain force, and generally speaking, the quantity will not be too large.

In fact, Gao Li found that the Faiz drive was used up on the battlefield, which also became an important basis for General Nadu's speculation.

Secondly, no matter what kind of mysterious technology this is, it must be impossible to use it continuously if it needs to be accelerated so fast, otherwise it will overheat and overload!

Unless this invention violates physics and physics does not exist, this situation will definitely occur.

The more General Nadu thought about it, the more he felt it made sense, and even his expression began to get excited.

"As long as the invaders reappear and the armor shows signs of overload or damage, we will..."

Unfortunately, before he could finish, the door of the command room made a loud "bang"!


Everyone looked over in surprise and saw that the steel door had been deformed, protruding into the shape of a fist.

"This, this is...!?"

Everyone's pupils shrank. No one in their base could make such a terrifying mark, so there was only one possibility left.

——It's an invader!

"Impossible! How could he get here so quickly?!"

General Nadu couldn't believe it. The command room was located in the core hinterland!

There were always heavy soldiers guarding the surrounding area, but they didn't hear any fighting momentum, nor did they receive any reports of encountering the enemy!


The door made a deafening sound again, this time it was a footprint.

Even the door frame began to deform a little, and this kick seemed to kick everyone's heart!

Everyone's heart was beating nervously, and General Nadu had already activated the call bell to summon troops to come to the rescue.


The third sound had become a muffled sound, causing all the people in the command room to tremble.

Facing the crushing violence, the door was completely dead and was kicked open directly!

"Here's Johnny~"

With a gloomy tone, Gao Li appeared from behind the broken door frame.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat, and some people couldn't help but scream!

However, after the initial panic, General Nadu felt a sense of humiliation for losing his identity. Anger quickly drove away the panic and calmed him down.

"Don't panic! The troops will be here soon. This guy must be at the end of his strength and can't use his acceleration ability at all!"

"Otherwise, we won't see him kicking the door in, and we will be killed by him before we can react!"

General Nadu spoke his famous reasoning like a famous detective, and the people around him suddenly realized it and stopped panicking.

It makes sense!

This seemingly terrifying way of entering, doesn't it mean that the intruder can no longer use that extreme speed?

"He can break in silently, he must have used the power of acceleration, otherwise he would have been discovered long ago!"

General Nadu became more and more certain as he spoke, and the fact must be so!

At this time, reinforcements also arrived one after another, which gave them more confidence.

In response, Gao Li just sighed softly.

"How stupid... I'm in a bad mood because my friend is dying. So is there a possibility--"

Gori said word by word: "It's not that I can't use it, but I didn't use it on purpose, just to taste your panic just now?"


General Nadu had just opened his mouth when Gao Li pressed his hand on the side button.

"Clock Up!"

Instantly, everything slowed down.

The acceleration principle of clock up is different from the acceleration mode. It is to greatly speed up the particles flowing around itself, making its own time flow faster, so as to achieve amazing speed.

In Gao Li's eyes, the reinforcements who surrounded him were raising their guns, and their fingers on the trigger were still not pulled.

In fact, they did have the intention to pull the trigger.

However-the few millimeters between the finger and the trigger became like a natural chasm that could not be crossed!


Gori walked into the almost solidified crowd of soldiers, and with a casual shot, a soldier immediately flew backwards in slow motion.

Even the blood in his body didn't have time to gush out, and the huge force hit the second person, the third person, the fourth person, the fifth person... and then slowed down to a level that would not hurt anyone's life.

During the time of these consecutive collisions, Gao Li had already shuttled between the troops and created countless flying people.

In the Knight System of Kamen Rider Kabuto, the automatic stop mechanism of time-up has two main purposes:

First, to prevent the wearer from causing physical burden; second, to prevent the Knight System from overheating and overloading.

The first point is the main reason. Therefore, after entering the time-up for a few seconds, the Knight System will judge according to the user's physical condition and automatically issue a "Clock Over" voice command to stop the time-up to prevent excessive burden.

In other words, if the physical fitness of the transformer is strong enough, then the duration of time-up determined by the Knight System will be far longer than that of ordinary Kamen Riders!

It is even possible to reach the overheating and overload limit of the Knight System before stopping!

This is exactly the case with the transformed Gao Li. Even without using the eternal golden eyes, his physical qualities can be regarded as the most perfect peak human in history, so the duration of the time-up transformation is greatly extended!

During this period of time, Gao Li is enough to clear the field and send all the reinforcements that have arrived to hell.

"Clock Over!" (Time-up ends!)

Gao Li reappeared, and the soldiers of the surrounding troops seemed to be mixed with the Platinum Star and the world in the time-stopped space, and they all flew away at the same time!

In just a breath, the command room became empty again.

Only the high-level officials of the base headed by General Nadu were left staring at each other, all dumbfounded.


What happened?

It seemed that in just a blink of an eye, the reinforcements they had high hopes for were completely wiped out!

"Do you understand now?"

Gao Li laughed amiably and raised the Kabuto Kunai gun in his hand.

After a few seconds of silence, one of the staff members finally fell to the ground unable to bear it.

"Please spare my life, sir!"

"I won't."

Gao Li shot him in the head, and had no interest in torturing those small fish and shrimps. He quickly killed all the people except his deputy and General Nadu.

——General Nadu and his deputy were very different from others just by looking at their military uniforms. They looked more luxurious and high-end, and were quite easy to identify.

"I... I..."

The deputy was so scared that his lips trembled and he couldn't even speak clearly.

Looking down again, his lower body was wet, and he had urinated directly!

Gao Li frowned, knocked him unconscious, and then kicked General Nadu to the ground.

"You heard it just now. I'm in a bad mood, so tell me some useful information to please me...such as the coordinates of the Supreme Evolution, the strength of the troops, the structure of the spacecraft, the firepower configuration, etc."

General Nadu trembled, but still said stubbornly: "Who would tell you such a small...ah ah ah ah!"

Gori broke his left little finger directly and continued: "I suggest you don't lie, because I will ask your deputy again later."

General Nadu trembled and said viciously: "The Supreme Evolution will definitely put you...ah ah ah ah!"

He screamed in pain because Gao Li broke his left thumb again.

"The more nonsense I listen to, the more irritable I will be. Of course, if I find out that you are lying, I will be extremely irritable. What will happen then?"

As Gao Li said, he broke General Nadu's right thumb.

General Nadu screamed in pain, and his snot and tears gushed out uncontrollably!

"Although you are not human, you have ten fingers and ten toes according to your body structure. You sound so confident, I guess you won't say it until you break them all?"

Goli whispered softly to himself, and at the same time broke the little finger of General Nadu's right hand.

"But it doesn't matter. Even if you break them all, they are not completely useless. In addition to the pain of fracture, there is another pain of being crushed, right?"

"After all your ten fingers and ten toes are broken, I will crush them one by one. Don't worry after I finish them all. You have a lot of bones in your body..."

Goli was like describing something that had nothing to do with him. In the process of telling the story, he broke seven of General Nadu's fingers.

In the middle of the story, General Nadu cried and cursed loudly, but later, General Nadu began to beg.

But Gaoli turned a deaf ear to him and stopped only after he broke all of General Nadu's fingers one by one.

"Sorry, I was a little angry just now, and I didn't get enough sleep recently, so I didn't hear what you said clearly... Do you want to say it again?"

"I guess it might be the information I want to know? If I guess wrong, I might be even more unhappy, which will cause me to not hear what you said later."

General Nadu was trembling all over, and his fear of Gao Li was far greater than his fear of the Supreme Evolution!


The guy in front of him is absolutely a devil!

Not only is the cruel torture method, but more importantly, the tone and attitude-it's like treating him as an experimental product in the laboratory, which can never be faked!

"I...I'll tell you..." General Nadu said weakly, "Don't torture me anymore...Kill me..."

Goli nodded with satisfaction. After he emptied the information known by General Nadu, Gao Li knocked General Nadu unconscious and woke up his deputy.

"Good morning, I guess with your rank, you must have gone back to the headquarters of the Supreme Evolution with this general many times, right? Can you tell me some information I want to know?"

Gori asked with a smile, and that smile made his deputy shudder.

In the following continuous wailing, Gao Li asked for all the information he wanted, and there was basically no difference between him and General Nadu.

After the authenticity and accuracy were verified, Gao Li gave them the death they wanted and stopped torturing them.

"Alas, if only they could know the unlocking code of the emergency stop device, but in the end they still had to go to the Supreme Evolution."

Gori returned to the Lyra and sighed tiredly.

Although his physical fitness was very strong, enough to maintain the time of upgrading far beyond the average Kamen Rider of the same series, he still accumulated a lot of fatigue after using it many times.

But after taking another look at the rocket on the treatment table, Gao Li regained his composure.

"Set the destination coordinates to the supremely evolved Evolutionary Throne Aretta. After a good rest, kill him seven in and seven out! But the rocket still has some time. Before passing by, I will make some preparations..."

According to the information Gao Li asked, the level of technology mastered by Supreme Evolution is not incredible. It would be a waste to only get the password to release the emergency stop device.

Gao Li wants to get more knowledge from him, and maybe even use it to make the transformation technology truly perfect!

85. Chapter 85 The shocking supreme evolution!



Evolution Throne Aretta.

This supremely evolved giant spaceship appears to be made up of multiple geometric bodies nested inside each other.

But the amazing thing is that whether the Supreme Evolution is too obsessed with biotechnology or because it is too arrogant and confident, almost no long-range weapons for external shooting are installed on the entire Yare Tower.

Of course, this does not mean that Aletta does not have a security system. Aletta's security relies entirely on the biological army-the Hell Legion.

Each of its members has an appearance just like in the Cthulhu mythology, a monster that combines biology and machinery, but this also gives them extraordinary strength.

Almost all members of the Hell Legion can seamlessly switch between space and surface dual-space operations. They all have the ability to fly and navigate, and their own power has also been greatly increased.

It can only be said that the Supreme Evolution is worthy of being the master of biology in the Marvel Universe. The Hell Legion he transformed may even surpass Thanos' Vanguard in terms of combat effectiveness!

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