When everything on Kurara Island was done, it was already dusk.

Shen Yun took the rescue plane and the recovered Gakuma wreckage back to the TPC Far East headquarters.

The Victory Team escorted Zejing back to the TPC headquarters first.

After Zejing returned to the headquarters, he immediately convened the TPC Supreme Staff Meeting.

He planned to strongly support the Pacific Rim Plan proposed by Shen Yun.

Regardless of whether other TPC branches agree or not, the TPC Far East headquarters will start building mechas as soon as possible.

After Shen Yun returned to the TPC headquarters, he took some Gakuma wreckage and began to extract the light energy particles remaining on the wreckage and store the extracted light energy particles.

Whether it is the Lampart light bullet, the Dilasium light flow, or the Zeperiod light.

The essence of these rays is converted from the light energy particles of Tiga.

These energy particles extracted from the monster wreckage can be called Zeperiod elements.

After Shen Yun extracted all the remaining Zaperion elements from the remains of the Gakuma, the sky outside the base had completely darkened.

"The next step is to test the performance of the Tiga armor. After the test, you can go home after work." Shen Yun moved his sore shoulders and took out the spark prism full of metallic texture again.

At this moment, his PDI suddenly rang.

After Shen Yun took out the PDI and connected it, Sawai's face appeared on the PDI screen.

"Director Sawai, it's so late, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Of course I have good news to tell you." Sawai smiled and said: "The Pacific Rim Plan you proposed was passed at the TPC Supreme Staff Meeting. The TPC Far East Headquarters will be used as a pilot to build a mecha first. If the performance of the mecha is outstanding, other branches will follow up immediately."

"This is indeed good news." Shen Yun smiled.

After ending the video communication with Sawai, Shen Yun immediately conducted various tests on the Tiga armor.

As for the test results, Shen Yun was very satisfied.

"Next, it's time to conduct actual combat. Kirieloids, don't let me down." Shen Yun stroked the glass on the transmission device and said softly.


In the following days, Shen Yun's days, which were originally leisurely, became busy.

With the technology tree of the Tiga world, it is not an easy task to build a mecha.

The preparation work required to build a mecha alone takes a long time.

Not to mention, these drawings have been modified by him and the alien technology he has learned has been applied.

It can be said that the energy system, transmission system, output system, skeleton system, joint system, and weapon system of the Pacific Rim mecha have all been applied by him to the alien technology in the Mebius world.

Except that the neural connection and the appearance of the armor have not changed much, it can basically be said to be another more powerful mecha wearing the skin of the Pacific Rim mecha.

It can be said that these alien technologies are much more advanced than some technologies in the Tiga world.

Therefore, before building the mecha, he had to explain the relevant theoretical knowledge to the scientists of the TPC Science Bureau.

However, scientists who can enter the TPC Science Bureau are basically geniuses.

They learn these theoretical knowledge very quickly.

"Dr. Shen, Director Sawai hopes that you can help the Victory Team investigate an explosion caused by the Kirieloids." A TPC logistics staff member found Shen Yun in the TPC Science Bureau and said.

"I know, I'll go there right away." Shen Yun nodded and replied.

After the TPC logistics staff saluted, he quickly left the Science Bureau.

Shen Yun packed up the scattered materials and walked quickly towards the Victory Team's command room.

As soon as he left the Science Bureau, he met Kashiwamura Reiko with two cups of coffee.

Seeing Shen Yun in such a hurry, she couldn't help but ask, "Dr. Shen, where are you going?"

"Director Zejing asked me to help the Victory Team investigate an explosion. I have sorted out all the information related to the mecha and put it on the table. I'll trouble Director Kashiwamura for the rest of the matter."

Before Shen Yun finished speaking, he had already walked away.

Kashiwamura Reiko looked at Shen Yun's hurriedly leaving back, and then glanced at the two cups of coffee in her hand. She sighed helplessly, poured out one of the cups, and walked into the Science Bureau while sipping the coffee.

Shen Yun quickly came to the Victory Team Command Room, and heard the voices of Shinjo and Horii as soon as he entered the door.

"It's not a bomb. There is no trace of explosion caused by a bomb!"

"What did you say? Commander, please answer!"

"I know." Hearing this, Zong Fang immediately looked at Ye Rui and said, "He said it was not caused by a bomb."

"I think it may be some kind of force exerted at a distance. Focus on monitoring the satellite channels and observe. I will apply to the Space Development Bureau immediately."

"I think it's best to explore underground first." Shen Yun walked to Ye Rui's side and called up the picture of the building explosion.

I saw a red light around the building, and then the top of the building suddenly exploded, and finally the screen went black.

"Underground? Why?" Ikuma Hui immediately looked at Shen Yun and asked puzzledly.

"This is the footage captured by the surveillance camera before the building exploded. From this footage, we can see that after the red light on the ground, the building was destroyed by flames. So I guess that the attack of the Kirieloids may come from underground." Shen Yun looked at Iruma Hui and explained.

"Nori!" Iruma Hui immediately looked at Nori.

"Understood!" Nori nodded and immediately started to operate.

"I'll help too." Shen Yun smiled, sat down in front of a computer, and started his operation.

Iruma Hui looked at the wreckage of the building on the big screen and thought about the Kirieloids.

This was not the first time she had encountered this so-called 'Kirieloid'.

That was when she was young, she heard a voice in New York in 1992.

Ten years later, she met a mysterious man who looked down at her on the subway steps and could not see his specific face...

Every time she came into contact with it, she could feel the fear all over her body.

In the conversation with Director Sawai at the time, Director Sawai also hinted that demons might exist.

And that mysterious existence now tries to call itself a 'Kiriloid'.

"Captain, I think you should take a break." Munakata looked at Iruma Hui and said.

"It's okay."

"It looks like this will take some time."

"Thank you." Iruma Hui nodded slightly, then quickly left the command room.

Shen Yun just glanced at it and continued to communicate with Nori.

"You can call the monitoring satellite to analyze the energy reaction before and after the explosion of the building, and then explore the underground based on this energy reaction. Maybe you can find the underground energy." Shen Yun said.

"You can give it a try!" Nori said after a little thought.

Nori immediately began to call the monitoring satellite and began to analyze it, and soon captured a weak energy reaction.

Through the same energy reaction to explore, the monitoring satellite immediately locked onto the huge energy surging underground.

"This direction is... K1 area!" Nori saw where the underground energy arrived, and his eyes widened and exclaimed.

"Team Nori, evacuate the citizens in the K1 area immediately!" Shen Yun said immediately.

"Yes!" Upon hearing this, Nori immediately issued an evacuation order for the KI area.

Shortly after the evacuation order was issued, the voice of Iruma Kei suddenly rang out in the command room.

"Where did the Kirieloids come from? We should introduce ourselves, isn't that basic courtesy?"

"This is the captain's voice!" Daiko looked surprised, and quickly looked at Nori and asked, "Where did the voice come from?"

"It came from the captain's room." Nori replied.

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