After Hui Jian came out of the commander's room, he walked straight to the captain's room.

She did feel a little tired.

As Hui Jian walked in the corridor, her eyes flashed, as if a figure flashed past.

Seeing this, she immediately chased after him.

There was no one in the corridor except her.

Is it an illusion?

It seemed like she really needed to take a break.

Hui Jian breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his room.

Entering the room, the first thing that catches the eye is the unchanged desk, with a photo placed on it.

This is a photo of her son Tomoe.

Hui Jian picked up the photo on the desk and a smile broke out on her face.

Suddenly, she heard a sound coming from the room. She turned around suddenly and asked:


A mysterious man in brown clothes sat on the chair behind Hui Zhongzhong. He smiled and said methodically in a voice she had heard several times: "Don't be so loud. I came here to tell you." A few words.”

"Are you from Kyriarod?"

"I am..." The man looked up into the sky with an almost dramatic expression and said with a smile: "I am a prophet. I am responsible for delivering information."

Hui Jian came to the desk and pressed the sound transmission button at the communication line terminal with a small and inadvertent movement.

The conversation in the captain's room was also transmitted to the commander's room.

"Where did the Kirialodians come from? You should introduce yourself. This is basic courtesy, isn't it?" Hui Jianzian crossed his arms and looked at the mysterious man who claimed to be a prophet and asked.

"As expected of the captain of the winning team, he has a great sense of humor."

Commander's room.

Munakata looked back at Dagu and Lina.

Dagu and Lina nodded, took out the Victory Hypa gun from their waists, and quickly left the commander's room and rushed towards the captain's room.

In the command room, the voice of the prophet continued.

"The Kyriarodians came to Earth very early!"

"Then why are you hiding? Are you a coward?" Hui Jian used sharp words to stimulate the mysterious man in front of him, hoping that the other party would reveal more information.

The prophet showed an impatient look, stood up from his chair, walked around the room, looked at Hui Jian and said:

"Please show respect to the Kirialodians first. First of all, start with you."

"Why are you looking for me?" Hui Jian was puzzled.

"There is not much time left. If you don't pay respect to the Kirialodians here on behalf of the human race on Earth now, the next step will be the K1 region."

"You can't do this!"

Perhaps to anger Hui Jian, he reached out and picked up the photo frame on the desk.

"The holy fire will burn away all filth, but there is a way to stop it. You can do it."

He turned around and stared at Jian Hui.

"Don't kid me!" Hui Jian glared at the prophet in front of her.

"Are you willing?" The prophet ignored Jian Hui's angry gaze and just asked himself: "Captain Jian Hui, are you willing to show respect to God Kirialod?"

Hui Jian did not answer.

"What a pity..." The prophet seemed to understand Hui Jian's choice and threw the photo frame in his hand to Hui Jian.

Hui Jian quickly reached out to take it, and the lights in the room became brighter.

When she looked again, the seer had disappeared into the room.

Upon seeing this, Jian Hui immediately chased him out of the room.

Outside the door, Dagu and Lina, who came from the commander's room, were holding the Victory Hypa gun and pointing the muzzle at the door of the captain's room.

"Where is that man?" Hui Jian looked at Dagu and Lina and asked immediately.

"Male?" Dagu looked confused.

"No one came out of your room." Lina replied.

"How is it possible?!" Hui just wanted to chase him, but he seemed to think of something. He immediately took out the PDI, contacted Ye Rui, and ordered: "Member Ye Rui, find the images of the K1 area and Issue an evacuation order immediately and send Shengli Feiyan No. 1."

"Yes!" Ye Rui responded, and then said: "However, the evacuation order for the K1 area has been issued in advance, and now most of the citizens in the K1 area have been evacuated."

"Is it released in advance?"

"Yes, the monitoring satellite detected a huge amount of energy flowing underground towards the K1 area, so an evacuation order was issued in advance." Ye Rui explained.

"Well done!" Hui Jian breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, Hui Jian returned to the command room with Dagu and Lina.

On the big screen in the command room, there is an image of the K1 area.

The K1 area is a bustling neighborhood in Tokyo metropolitan area.

Due to the emergency evacuation order, the originally lively and prosperous K1 area is now deserted.

At this moment, the K1 area on the big screen and the surrounding buildings on the street suddenly lit up with a red halo.

The next moment, the building below the street was suddenly engulfed in flames, accompanied by a powerful explosion.

This big explosion almost affected the entire neighborhood.

Xincheng and Horii, who were flying the Shengli Feiyan No. 1 to the K1 area, also witnessed the explosion of the building.

"Oh my god, it's so powerful!"

"Fortunately, the citizens in the K1 area have been evacuated in advance, and there were no major casualties. Otherwise, it would be unimaginable."

Shen Yun quietly looked at the burning ruins on the big screen in the command room with cold eyes.


Hui Jian looked at the burning ruins on the big screen in the command room and left the command room in silence.

When she returned to her room, she saw the photo frame that had fallen to the floor and was slightly cracked.

Seeing the photo frame on the ground, Hui Jian suddenly remembered that the prophet seemed to have picked up the photo frame with his hand.

Hui Jian hurriedly knelt down, picked up the photo frame, and held it in front of the camera embedded in the wall at the communication line terminal, and then shouted the command:

"Activate the system, Metropolitan Police Headquarters. Please check this fingerprint."

A red laser scanned the picture frame once held by the man who claimed to be a prophet.

"What kind of prophet..."

Soon, the fingerprints on the photo frame were checked, and the information about the owner of the fingerprints was also displayed.

"Itabashi Mitsuo..."

An hour later, Hui Jia changed into casual clothes and drove a car to the city center.

Hui Jian opened the PDI, which displayed the basic information of the person who claimed to be a prophet.

His residence shown on the map is the apartment in front of him.

Hui Jian got out of the car, pretended to be a social worker returning home from get off work, and quickly entered the apartment.

Arriving at the apartment and looking at the surname on the door plate, Jian Hui opened the apartment door with the master key and walked in.

The room was very quiet, and it didn't feel like anyone had lived here. It seemed to be the result of being vacant for a long time.

Hui Jian quickly walked to the communication terminal in the corner of the room, raised the PDI and said:

"Start the system, TPC code 00261, captain of the victory team, Hui Jian."

The top camera of the communication terminal lit up with a white light, and after confirming the PDI information, the metropolitan security system was activated.

"I want to know the whereabouts of the owner of this house."

The AI ​​synthesized voice immediately replied: "The name of the owner of the house is Mitsuo Itabashi, and his information has not been updated in three years."


"Mitsuo Itabashi stopped his life activities three years ago."

already dead? So who was the person she saw?

Whitton shuddered when he came between.

Soon, Hui Jian calmed down and sorted out her thoughts.

But why would the dead come to her?

Perhaps Mitsuo Itabashi is just a container?

In other words, the prophet controls the body of the dead.

But, who are the Kyriarodians?

While Hui was thinking, she suddenly felt something was wrong. She suddenly pulled out the Smith pistol from her waist and pointed it behind her.

There was no one behind her, only a blue human-shaped shadow floating in the air.

"It turns out you are a Kirialodian."

As soon as Ju Jian Hui finished speaking, the blue human-shaped shadow raised his hand and sent out an invisible shock wave, knocking the pistol out of Ju Jian Hui's hand.

One after another, shock waves continued to 'whip' Jian Hui's body, and even 'nailed' Jian Hui to the wall.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly echoed in the room, and a figure broke the door and broke into the room.

After this figure broke into the room, he raised his right arm without saying a word. There was a shield-like device on his right arm.

This is Zapelio's stabbing spear.

Chen Yun pointed the muzzle of Zaipeliao's spear at the Kirialodians floating in the air.

The next moment, a light blue light bullet shot out from the muzzle and hit the Kirialodians floating in the air.

The Kirialodians sensed the danger of this light bomb and quickly dodge.

The light bullet hit the wall of the apartment, instantly blasting a huge gap in the wall of the room.

Losing the control of the Kirialodians, Megumi's body fell from the wall to the ground.

"Captain Jima Hui, I remember that according to the rules of the Victory Team, it seems that one person is not allowed to act alone, right?"

Hui Jian looked up and saw a human-shaped armor in red, silver, blue and purple colors, with a metallic color all over the body that looked quite similar to Ultraman Tiga.

Hearing the familiar voice coming from inside the armor, Hui Jian was stunned for a moment.

"Are you...Dr. Shen?"

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