Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 288: Leader Shocker learns from his failure, Kamen Rider 4

"This time, Kamen Rider will no longer be a threat to Shuka." The leader of Shuka said with confidence.

After two previous failures, the leader of Xiuka learned from the experience, learned the lessons of the failure, and made corresponding changes.

In addition to stricter management and treatment of betrayers, the social welfare of ordinary people is not low in the current card repair system.

Moreover, the leader of Shuka has also strengthened the brainwashing of the children, and at the same time established the Shuka Youth Army to make the children proud to join the Shuka Youth Army, ensuring that there will not be a few children who overturn the rule of Shuka. Kind of thing.

Then, there is the treatment of the Kamen Riders by the leader of Shuka.

Doesn't it mean that as long as people still have memories, Kamen Rider can be resurrected no matter how many times?

Well, then instead of destroying these Kamen Riders, he will generously let all previous Kamen Riders be born, and then he will defeat and brainwash all these born Kamen Riders, and let them exist as Shuka Riders.

At that time, as long as the Shuka Knight is designated as a righteous person, the Kamen Rider who resisted Shuka will be designated as an evil person who betrayed Shuka.

In this way, Kamen Rider can no longer be resurrected through memories.

After all, the Kamen Riders are a group of evil guys who betrayed Shuka. (laugh)

Who would expect the evil Kamen Rider to be resurrected?

As for the Kamen Riders who resisted Shuka, they were just scabies.

It's enough to just send out the Shuka Knights to knock them down.

No matter who is killed, it will have no impact on the leader of Xiuka.

In addition, there is No. 3 who pretends to be a traitor and constantly lures the righteous Kamen Rider to the trap of "Knight Town".

This time, Xiuka's rule will be the most stable.

"Chief, do you have any mission for me?" Shen Yun asked, looking at the huge electronic brain in front of him.

"I need you to install the history-changing device into the electronic mind." The leader of Shuka said, and his huge electronic mind slowly unfolded, revealing the internal space.

"I understand." Shen Yun nodded, then turned to look at A2 who was following him, and said: "A2, go and bring the history changing device."

"Yes!" A2 nodded, quickly left the basement, returned to Shen Yun's laboratory, and brought over the history-changing device.

Shen Yun also followed the instructions of the card repair leader and installed the history-changing device into the space inside this huge electronic mind.

After completing the installation of the history-changing device, the surface of the unfolded electronic mind slowly closed, and the history-changing device was retracted into the interior of the electronic mind.

"In addition, I also need you to develop Shuka's ultimate weapon - Kamen Rider No. 4." The leader of Shuka said again.

"Kamen Rider No. 4?"

"Yes, this is the ultimate weapon used to deal with the Kamen Riders. Its performance exceeds No. 3 and is stronger than No. 3." The leader of Shuka said.

"I understand." Shen Yun nodded, and then asked: "Master leader, do you want to start now?"

"Of course, I will send someone to assist you." Leader Xiuka said calmly.

"Yes." Shen Yun bowed slightly.

Then, Shen Yun followed Tachibana Fujibei and left, and under the leadership of Tachibana Fujibei, he came to a laboratory and began to develop Kamen Rider 4.

At the same time, on the coast.

V3 and the Knights, who were brainwashed into Shuka Knights, blocked Shinnosuke Tomari and Kyouichiro Kuroi.

"Machine gun!" The knight held the handle of the machine gun arm and fired at Shinnosuke Tomari and Kyouichiro Kuroi below.

"Danger!" Kuroi Kyouichiro grabbed Tomarinosuke's shoulders and lay down behind Cetron.


V3 and the knight jumped from the roof, and after somersaulting forward, they landed on the ground.

V3 slowly stood up, pointed at Shinnosuke Tomari and Kyouichiro Kuroi, and said loudly and forcefully: "No matter what you do, Shuka will definitely win in the end." (Nan Beng)

Kuroi Kyouichiro got up from the ground, stretched out his hand to adjust his collar, and said: "Treat all knights other than us as enemies."

Tomari Shinosuke didn't reply, but his actions already showed his attitude.

"OK! Start Your Engine!"

"Stop playing tricks!"

Tomari Shinnosuke took out the gearshift chariot and inserted it into the gearshift bracelet worn on his left wrist.

The same typhoon belt as No. 1 and No. 2 appeared on Kyouichiro Kuroi's waist.

"Hen Shin!" Kuroi Kyouichiro assumed a transformation pose, and after pressing the buttons of the energy converters on both sides of the belt in sequence, he suddenly jumped up. It opened with a snap, revealing the windmill inside.

Under the high-speed rotation of the windmill, traces of the transformation surgery appeared on Kuroi Kyouichiro's face, and the internal structure of his body was constantly deforming. In just the blink of an eye, he transformed into Kamen Rider 3 in mid-air.

"Drive Type Speed!"

Tomari Shinosuke also transformed into Kamen Rider Drive under the red light effect.

And No. 3 also fell from mid-air and landed in front of Drive.

V3 pointed at No. 3 and said to himself: "Bet on No. 3's name and have a showdown with me." (Originally I didn't want to write this paragraph, but it's such a dark scene here)

After V3 finished speaking, he quickly rushed forward and kicked No. 3 with a flying kick.

The knights also approached Drive, and the four knights also fought together.

No. 3's fists and feet completely suppressed V3, leaving V3 to constantly dodge and parry.

After knocking V3 back with one punch, No. 3 jumped up, rolled sideways several times in mid-air, and then kicked V3 below.

"Rider Kick!"

"V3 Kick!" Seeing this, V3 jumped up and kicked No. 3 not to be outdone.

No. 3's knight kick and V3's knight kick collided in mid-air.

After just a moment of stalemate in mid-air, No. 3 knocked away V3, fell from mid-air, and squatted on the ground.

But V3 fell directly from the air and fell to the ground.

No. 3 stood up slowly, walked to V3, and kicked V3 in the face with a roundhouse kick, causing him to spin in a circle and fall to the ground.

No. 3 turned around, looked at V3 who had fallen to the ground, and said calmly: "I won." (V3 can change its name, let's call it Kamen Rider V. After all, No. 3 has already lost his name. Give it to someone else. What did this idiot Yonemura write?)

the other side.

After the Knight was kicked back by Drive, he immediately replaced the rope arm.

"Rope arm!" As soon as the knight stretched out his right arm, the rope arm immediately launched a rope with a hook at the end, wrapping it around Drive's body, making Drive unable to move.

Seeing this, No. 3 took two steps, then flew up and kicked the knight.

"Wow!" The knight screamed and was kicked backwards by No. 3. He hit the wall of the coastal factory and fell to the ground.

No. 3 looked at the knight who fell on the ground and couldn't get up, and mocked: "You dare to call me No. 4 at this level, don't laugh to death."

"You..." Drive was about to say something.

"Electric Chop!"

Several bolts of lightning suddenly struck at their feet, causing a large amount of sparks to fly.

Number 3 and Drive turned around and saw Stronger, Amazon and X walking towards them.

"X, Amazon, and Stronger?" No. 3 looked at the three Showa Knights walking towards them, and also assumed a fighting stance.

"Beep beep beep beep."

At this time, a motorcycle horn sound suddenly came from behind the three people.

X, Amazon, and Stronger looked back and saw a white Kamen Rider riding a motorcycle towards them.

When the three of them saw this, they quickly dodged to both sides.

Kamen Rider Mach passed between the three of them, and with a drift, the Pilot Mach stopped in front of Drive and No. 3.


As soon as the Mach came to a stop, Mach jumped up from the Mach, did a front flip in mid-air, and landed in front of X, Amazon, and Stronger, fighting with the three of them.

Seeing this, No. 3 also joined the battlefield and fought Kamen Rider X.

After Mach kicked Amazon and Stronger away, he immediately opened the box on the right side of his belt and pressed the propulsion switch above the driver. The energy inside the Mach driver also burned like a flame.

"Must kill! Full Throttle!"

After Mach closed the box, he rose into the air and repeated somersaults in mid-air. His body was surrounded by a colorful halo like flames ejected from the thrusters, and he somersaulted all the way to high altitude.

Finally, a flying kick surrounded by a brilliant colorful halo like the flames ejected from the propellers was launched towards Amazon and Stronger below.

Amazon and Stronger raised their arms to resist Mach's knight kick.

But after just blocking for a moment, the energy carried by Mach's knight kick exploded.

The violent explosion directly blew Amazon and Stronger away, and they fell to the ground, motionless.

On the other side, No. 3 also pushed X to the ground and punched him in the face one after another.

"That's enough! Stop! The winner has been decided." Seeing this, Drive also shouted quickly.

"No! If you don't beat them to pieces, it can't be considered a win." No. 3 punched X in the face one after another and said. (This is why the reputation of this theatrical version is so bad. This is completely treating the seniors as soldiers. This kind of plot is so disgusting)

"If you keep fighting, they will be beaten to death by you."

As soon as Drive said these words, No. 3's raised hand suddenly stopped in mid-air, and he couldn't help but picture No. 1 and No. 2 being beaten to death by him in his mind.

"Let's go, Gang." Drive looked at Mach and said.

Cetron and the three-type Tornado also drove behind Drive automatically. Drive turned around and ran to the front of Cetron's car, opened the door, got in, and drove away with Cetron.

No. 3 kicked X who was lying on the ground away, turned around and walked to the Type 3 Tornado, opened the car door and got in, then followed Cetron and left.

Xiuka Town, in a laboratory.

"According to this design, you will produce the artificial organs required for the transformation surgery within two days." Shen Yun handed the design of Kamen Rider No. 4 to the card repair scientists sent by the leader of the repair card to assist him. , ordered.

The design drawing of No. 4 is based on the design drawing of No. 3 and is the result of Shen Yun upgrading all aspects of its performance.

Whether in terms of strength, defense, or speed, No. 4's performance surpassed No. 3 in all aspects.

After all, the card repair leader wants a stronger reformer than No. 3.

Then he can only use his brain and come up with more technologically powerful artificial organs to develop No. 4.

For example, the artificial bone of No. 4 uses the same artificial bone structure as A2. This is a special structure that can disperse all attacks to the whole body.

With this special structure, even if No. 4 hits No. 3 with a knight kick, it will not cause any damage to the artificial organs inside the body, not to mention the protective clothing made of special materials that can absorb energy attacks and impacts.

This also includes the powerful energy and impact carried by knight punches and knight kicks.

Of course, such defensive capabilities do not mean that No. 4 will be invincible.

No matter how strong the defense is, there is always an upper limit. Once the impact No. 4 receives in a short period of time exceeds this upper limit, the organs will be damaged.

There is also the No. 4 artificial muscle. The No. 4 artificial muscle is an improvement on the No. 3 artificial muscle. The improved reinforced muscle fibers can allow the No. 4 to exert stronger strength than the No. 3.

Except for the differences in artificial muscles, artificial bones and protective clothing, the remaining configuration of No. 4 is basically the same as that of No. 3.

After Shen Yun handed over most of the artificial organs to the Xiuka scientists sent by the Xiuka leader to assist him, he himself began to make more sophisticated artificial organs.

Two days passed quickly, and the scientists who repaired the card also built all the artificial organs on the design drawings given to them by Shen Yun.

The next step is to select the body of the transformed person and then transform it.

The targets for transformation this time are directly selected from humans who are loyal to Xiuka.

In this timeline, Xiuka has ruled the world for more than forty years, so there is naturally no shortage of people who are loyal to Xiuka.

At this time, the floor of the laboratory suddenly shook, causing the chandelier in the laboratory to sway back and forth.

However, this sudden shock went away just as quickly as it came.

Soon, the shock subsided.

Shen Yun put the roster on the experimental table and said: "You come to pick the candidates for transforming people, and I'll go out and take a look."

After saying that, Shen Yun left the laboratory and walked to the corridor outside.

Not far away, the town of Xiuka has disappeared. A huge electronic mind and several huge machines similar to servers slowly rise from the ground.

"The plot has developed to this point..." Shen Yun said suddenly as he looked at the huge electronic mind slowly rising from the ground.

Next, it’s the Kamen Rider GP competition.

This Kamen Rider GP Competition is the only exciting aspect of this movie.

To be honest, the drama of this No. 3 theatrical version is really fascinating.

Although he still remembered the plot of the theater version No. 3, he still couldn't figure out what the card leader was playing.

You've already brainwashed all the Kamen Riders except for Kamen Rider, Tiao Ye, Sakurai Yuto, Minami Kotaro, and Tomono Shinosuke into Shuka Riders, and you even asked No. 3 to act and get these Isn't there something wrong with Kamen Rider's trust?

Can't we just push them across in one wave and defeat them all and brainwash them?

I have to put that show on.

As a result, the acting went on and on, but I was also included in the acting. The plot was really outrageous.

Yonemura's No. 3 is really a piece of shit. It's really bad, and the plot really has nothing to write about. I plan to end it quickly and then enter the theatrical version of No. 4. Although No. 4 is a spin-off of No. 3, 4 The reputation of No. 3 is much better than that of No. 3, because the screenwriter is finally not Yonemura.

There are also some bugs in the plot between No. 4 and No. 3. From the lines in the Easter egg at the end of the No. 3 theatrical version, it can be seen that Chi Zhi was killed just now because the leader of Shuka had premeditated it, but in No. 4, it became Shuka. The leader also didn’t expect that the scrapped history-changing device could still operate. This paragraph also confused me. Did the leader of the card repair plan have a plan in advance or was he just a blind cat who encountered a dead mouse?

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