Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 289 The Ultimate Fun Man Kamen Rider GP Tournament

Shocker Town.

Sakurai Yuto was deceived by No. 3's superb acting skills and broke into the town called Knight Town, which was actually Shocker City, and found Hongo's house. Under the leadership of Tachibana Tobei, he came to the underground base under Hongo's house.

"Is this the electronic brain that stores the souls of No. 1 and No. 2?" Sakurai Yuto looked at the electronic brain in front of him and asked.

Tachibana Tobei introduced: "It is the most advanced first-class technology product made with all the property of the Hongo family."

"But No. 1, why can't you see other Kamen Riders?" Sakurai Yuto asked.

"I'm not No. 1." The voice of the Shocker leader sounded in the underground base.


"I am the Great Shocker Leader." The Shocker leader said.

At the same time, a figure wearing a red robe and a red pointed hat was projected on both sides of the electronic brain.

This is the image of the Shocker leader.

"Besides, this is not a knight town, but Shocker City!"

As soon as the Shocker leader finished speaking, the underground base began to shake, and the electronic head with the Shocker emblem began to rise slowly.

"Hahaha!" Tachibana Tobei also sneered, smashed the lantern in his hand, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a leech chameleon monster, and slowly approached Sakurai Yuto.

Sakurai Yuto glanced at the slowly rising electronic head, turned his head and ran outside.

In this situation, anyone who is not a fool can understand that they have been fooled.

The guy No. 3 is indeed on Shocker's side.

"Stop!" The leech chameleon monster also chased after him.

Sakurai Yuto ran all the way outside and watched the electronic head and several servers slowly rise from the ground.

At this time, the villains of the Knights also walked slowly and surrounded Sakurai Yuto completely. Among the monsters, the most conspicuous one was No. 3, Kuroi Kyouichiro, who maintained a human appearance.

"Thank you for your hard work." Kuroi Kyouichiro looked at Sakurai Yuto and smiled faintly.

"I am such a fool. I actually believed you for a moment." Sakurai Yuto looked at Kuroi Kyouichiro with a gloomy face.

"Betrayal is the synonym of Kamen Rider. I have always been a Shocker Knight, sworn allegiance, and did not betray." Kuroi Kyouichiro said.

"Everything can be explained." Toma Shinnosuke's voice came from the side.

Toma Shinnosuke, who changed his clothes, walked to the side of Sakurai Yuto while looking at the villains in front of him.

"Force." Sakurai Yuto looked at Toma Shinnosuke.

"In other words, gathering Kamen Riders here to fight against Shocker is actually a trap to annihilate the righteous Kamen Riders in one fell swoop." Toma Shinnosuke said.

"If you know, why do you still show up?" The champion boy who changed into the uniform of the Shocker Boys asked.

"You are from that time..." Toma Shinnosuke was also a little surprised when he saw the boy who asked the question.

"And this guy, they are all important hostages." Genhachiro pushed Shijima Kiriko who was tied up with iron chains and walked over.


"Don't worry about me, even if Mr. Toma is alone, you have to continue to survive." Shijima Kiriko said.

"You lost, give up." Kuroi Kyouichiro said indifferently.

The villains of the past also slowly walked towards the two.

"I want to survive, so I have to move forward!" Tomo Jinnosuke raised his head and looked at the huge electronic brain in front of him, and asked: "Big leader, do you have the courage to accept my challenge?"

"Challenge?" Hearing this, Big Leader Shocker also became a little interested. He wanted to see what tricks this knight wanted to play.

"Let the Shocker Knight compete with me in racing." Tomo Jinnosuke said.

"What kind of game is this!" Black General said disdainfully.

"Just like your catchphrase, the one who can quickly control the machine is the strongest cyborg. Since you pay so much attention to speed, let's compete in speed!" Tomo Jinnosuke looked at the huge electronic brain that hosted the consciousness of the Shocker leader and said.

"Humph." Kuroi Kyoichiro sneered and said: "Didn't you lose to me?"

"You can't say you won unless you beat your opponent to a pulp." Tomo Jinnosuke used Kuroi Kyoichiro's words to refute.

"Hahahaha! Interesting! I accept!" The Shocker leader laughed and agreed.

In his opinion, the remaining knights were just grasshoppers after autumn, and they would not be able to jump for much longer. It was a good use of his remaining energy to let him watch an interesting knight GP competition for his entertainment.

"But the chief..." General Hei was about to say something, but was interrupted by the chief Shocker.

"It's easy to kill him here. But I want to watch the game." The chief Shocker said.

"But... if I win, you have to return the mist to me, and the smiling face of the child." Toma Shinnosuke said.

"Okay." The chief Shocker agreed and said, "Tomorrow's game, before that, you have to behave yourself."

The Shocker bones also ran to Sakurai Yuto and Toma Shinnosuke, held the two of them with knives, and escorted them into the Shocker cell.


Not far away, Shen Yun, who witnessed the whole process, was helpless and held his forehead.

The chief Shocker was just looking for fun.

He finally understood.

Why did they have to let No. 3 act as an actor to lure those righteous knights when they could have crushed them in one wave?

According to Chief Shocker's idea, it would be too boring to deal with these Knights of Justice in one go. Let No. 3 gain the trust of the Knights of Justice, then let No. 3 trick the Knights of Justice into the Shocker trap, and finally defeat and brainwash the Knights of Justice. How much fun is that?

Isn't this much more fun than crushing those knights?

What kind of person is this?

Relying on his immortality, he can do whatever he wants, right?

As a collection of evil spirit energy, Chief Shocker has no concept of death.

Even if you kill Chief Shocker, at most you will just let him sleep for a while.

As long as he absorbs enough evil spirit energy, Chief Shocker will wake up again and make a comeback.

Even if humans become extinct, Chief Shocker will not die.

As long as intelligent life similar to humans evolves on Earth again, Chief Shocker will wake up again, bringing despair and terror to intelligent life on Earth.

"But..." Shen Yun looked at Tomo Shinnosuke and Sakurai Yuto who were escorted by the Shocker Bone Fighters, and touched his chin, saying: "Knight GP Competition, this is indeed very interesting. If it were me, I would agree to it."

Shen Yun found that he seemed to be influenced by the Shocker leader and gradually turned to a fun person.

After seeing the end of the matter, Shen Yun also returned to the laboratory.

"Doctor, the candidates for the transformation operation have been selected." The Shocker scientist said.

"Well, the transformation operation will be carried out tomorrow, and the Sky Cyclone will be improved today." Shen Yun said casually.

Tomorrow he will go to see the fun, and it will not be too late to perform the transformation operation after watching the fun.




Sakurai Yuto and Tomo Shinnosuke were imprisoned in an empty prison with only two beds.

The two sat opposite each other. Sakurai Yuto looked at Toma Shinnosuke and asked in confusion: "You should know that Shocker will never keep his promise, right? Why did you propose a competition?"

"There are still things that can't be explained." Toma Shinnosuke said.

"Things that can't be explained?" Sakurai Yuto also had some doubts.

"Yeah." Toma Shinnosuke nodded and continued: "If Kuroi's purpose is to lead us here for Shocker, just to kill us, isn't it too troublesome?" (Why? I'm also looking for the reason.jpg)

"That is to say, Shocker's purpose is not to kill us?" Sakurai Yuto also understood what Toma Shinnosuke meant.

Toma Shinnosuke nodded and said: "I'm afraid the leader has a purpose that Kuroi doesn't even know."

"So, in order to reveal the truth, you proposed a competition?" Sakurai Yuto said suddenly.

"Yeah." Tomori Jinnosuke nodded, his face showing a bit of contemplation, and said: "And there is one more thing."

"What is it?"

Tomori Jinnosuke was silent for a while, and said: "Go to sleep first, everything will be decided tomorrow."

After that, Tomori Jinnosuke turned over and covered himself with a blanket, turned off the chandelier, and fell asleep.


Hey, don't talk halfway!

However, seeing Tomori Jinnosuke fall asleep, Sakurai Yuto could only fall asleep helplessly.


The next day.

Shen Yun came to the venue where the Knight GP Competition was held, sat in the best position, ready to watch the upcoming GP Competition.

The contestants also drove their own vehicles slowly to the stadium.

The beautiful Shocker girls also smiled and held signs with knight emblems, standing beside the knights.

There are many contestants in this GP competition, and the ones at the front are Drive's Setron and No. 3's Tri-Type Cyclone.

The racetrack was packed with Shocker Bones, who were waving Shocker flags to cheer for the Shocker Knights below.

Above their heads, there were two crosses, with Shijima Kiriko and Sakurai Yuto tied to them respectively.

Genhachiro and the three boys who had just won a place and joined the Shocker Boys Army were guarding the two.

The huge head that hosted the Shocker leader's consciousness also began to speak as the host: "Listen, stupid humans, the Kamen Rider GP Contest is about to begin. The ten-man team led by Shocker Knight's ace No. 3 will participate in the competition. Drive, who became famous for challenging our Shocker, let's see his tragic result. Which knight can win the fastest and strongest glory? Hahahaha, let's enjoy the Knight GP Contest."

As the Shocker leader spoke, the camera passed over the ten participating players one by one.

The people on the street also gathered in front of the display screen to watch the game.

As the signal light went out, the ten participating knights drove their respective vehicles out.

No. 3's Tri-Type Cyclone was in the lead, but before he ran far, he was overtaken by Drive's Setron from the side.

Seeing Drive running ahead of him, No. 3 also pressed a button on the dashboard.

Several missiles were launched from the body of the Tri-Type Cyclone and bombed around Setron. The continuous explosions directly forced Setron to stop in place.

The Tri-Type Cyclone also took the opportunity to overtake Setron and maintain its leading position.

Seeing the Tri-Type Cyclone overtaking, the Shuka bones on the field also cheered.

"What a knight's version of a violent motorcycle." Shen Yun was also amused.

This kind of prop competition reminded him of a racing stand-alone game he played when he was a child.

Of course, racing is not the key here, violence is the key.

Top of the field.

"Okay!" Xian Hachiro also clenched his fists excitedly and cheered.

"Too despicable!" Sakurai Yuto said angrily.

"Yes, this is against the rules." Kiriko Shishima turned to look at Genhachiro and said. (Wuzi’s black stockings here are really good)

"As long as you can win, that's fine, as long as you can win." Xian Hachiro said nonchalantly.

After Cetron was forced to a stop by the missile fired by the Type 3 Tornado, the other repair knights also overtook, causing Drive to fall to the last position.

"The end justifies the means?" Drive said to himself as he looked at the Shuka knights who had already run ahead.

Then, Drive stepped on the accelerator and caught up again.

No. 3, who was in the lead, looked at the Drive that had fallen to the end in the rearview mirror and chuckled: "The one who wins this race is the fastest and strongest knight."

Under Drive's relentless pursuit, Cetron was already close to Wizard, who was in ninth place.

Seeing Drive coming behind him, Wizard also pressed the handle on the right side, and changed the direction of the hand-like part of the waistband to the right.

Wizard placed the magic ring on his right hand on the hand-like part in the center of the drive, releasing the power of the right ring.

"Big Please!"

A red magic circle full of magic lines appeared beside Wizard. Wizard extended his left hand into the magic circle, and a huge arm appeared from the other side of the red magic circle, hitting the Drive driving behind him.

Drive quickly slowed down and kept flicking its tail, constantly avoiding the slaps of the Wizard's giant hand.

Seeing that his attack could not affect the Drive, the Wizard turned the handle of the waist drive again, and then placed his right hand on the black palm in the center of the drive again.

"Bind Please!"

The next moment, a red magic circle appeared in all four directions of Seth Lang, and a chain flew out from the red magic circle and wrapped around Seth Lang's car, slowing down Seth. Lang's speed.

"Tire Fuerul!"

Seeing this, Drive immediately activated the tire amplification, and several types of tires ejected from Cetron's rear wheels, cutting off all the chains wrapped around Cetron's body.

Drive accelerated and overtook Wizard, becoming ninth.

However, due to Wizard's interference, Drive was already far behind the other eight knights.

The eight leading knights have also entered the straight track. Under this straight track, the Slalom Sprinter driven by W also came from behind. With a single acceleration, it surpassed the other knights including No. 3 and came to level with Kaiwu. s position.

Looking at W and Kaiwu who were in the lead, No. 3 said coldly: "Even if it's a card repair knight, I won't show mercy."


The rear wheel of the Type 3 Tornado driven by No. 3 suddenly popped up a rotating rotor covered with sharp spikes.

No. 3 stepped on the accelerator, accelerated directly forward, and used the rotating bit of the rear wheel to blow out the tires of Kaiwu's Sakura Hurricane and W's Slalom Sprinter, causing the two cars to explode on the field.

Seeing this scene in front of them, the eyes of the three children who had just joined the Shuka Youth Army widened.

"Even the knights of Xiuka are attacking together?"

"Aren't they companions?"

Drive, who was catching up from behind, did nothing and moved up two places to seventh place.

Suddenly, a purple knight riding a motorcycle rushed from the outside world, entered the arena, and landed next to Cetron in the Drive.

"Be a bastard knight of human companions!" Che said stupidly, and planned to use the Chaser to hit Cetron.

At this time, on the track ahead, a man wearing a white jacket and white jeans walked slowly.

"That person is..."

"As long as there is light in this world, I will be resurrected!" Minami Kotaro said sonorously and forcefully.

After saying that, he spread the five fingers of his right hand and stretched it toward the sky, then slowly moved it down in front of him.

"Hen Shin!"

Minami Kotaro waved his right hand, clenched his fist and placed it on his waist, waved his left hand forward, and then clenched his fist in front of him.

His eyes also lit up with dazzling light spots like electric welding, and the solar sublimator also appeared on his waist.

The endless radiance of the sun turns into particles visible to the naked eye, radiating from the inside out.

Under the dazzling light, Minami Kotaro also transformed into Kamen Rider Black RX.

"I am the Son of the Sun, Kamen Rider Black RX!" RX said while also posing the classic Poss.

"Ledolon!" RX called out and jumped up.

A red sports car with fin-like spikes in the middle came from behind, and Ledoron's door opened upward, allowing the jumping RX to fall into the cockpit.

Ledoron just accelerated and got in between the foolishly driven Chaser and the Drive's Cetron.

"Your light has become my hope, leave it to me!" RX said.

"Yeah!" Drive nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and the speed increased rapidly, closing the gap with the other Shocker Knights.

After Drive left, the huge jaws stored in the front of the Ledron body unfolded, turned around and bit the Silence and his Rider Chaser, rubbing them against the wall.

At this time, Drive also caught up with Kabuto, who was in sixth place.

I am worthy of being able to explain the plot of Mimura's shit.

Today, when I was browsing Kamen Rider Bar to find settings, I saw a live broadcast post of Polar Fox. It seems that an Ultraman fan watched Polar Fox on the recommendation of a friend.

It was the first time for the other party to watch Rider. There were a lot of kkr in the post. It was so funny. It has been broadcasted to episode 45. I recommend you to watch it. The poster's name is: Melody of the Holy Moon

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