Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 97 Electronic Biohazard, Heading to the Universe

B132 floor, underground warehouse.

The pile of Giga parts reacted to the special electromagnetic waves generated by the power experiment of Mags power system.

The indicator lights on Giga's face lit up one by one, and his head, torso, and limbs actually sensed each other, combined together in the air, and revived in his original posture.

The movement of Giga's resurrection naturally could not be hidden from the members of the police bureau who had been monitoring the warehouse.

Seeing this scene, these members of the police bureau immediately jumped down from the corridor above and came to Shen Yun.

The warriors of the hunter team, such as Xibi and Jiujin, rushed over quickly and protected Shen Yun behind them.

"Doctor, it's dangerous here, please leave with us!"

"Karen, it's up to you next." Shen Yun nodded, retreated behind everyone, and said to Karen.

"Hehe, leave it to me." Karen took out a little man with the appearance of Giga, less than 30 centimeters, and threw it into the parts of Giga.

The nano-scale microcomputer inside this small Giga controlled by Karen has been implanted with zombie viruses.

The little Kiga was thrown into these parts, and in just a moment, they were integrated into different Kiga bodies.

"Done." Kallen clapped her hands, retreated to Shen Yun's side, and began to remotely control the virus to invade the nano-scale microcomputer inside the Kiga.

In just a moment, all the Kiga parts were combined into their original form and began to attack the members of the police department.

The members of the police department immediately launched a counterattack against these Kiga.

"Doctor, please leave with us! It's dangerous here!" After Xibi knocked down an approaching Kiga with the Victory Hypa submachine gun, he protected Shen Yun and Kallen and evacuated to a safe place.

Although he was not afraid of these Kigas, Shen Yun still took Kallen to a safe place.

After Xibi took Shen Yun and Kallen to a safe place above, he turned around and joined the battle.

Compared with attacking with firearms, Xibi prefers to rush up and fight with these Kigas.

Although these Kigas are vulnerable, they will fall down if they are hit by the Victory Hypa gun.

But there are too many of them, and they are invincible.

Even if they are defeated, they will recover quickly and re-enter the battle.

These Kigas are very difficult to deal with.

There are not many members of the police station guarding the warehouse, only about twenty people.

The members of the police station, relying on their equipment, have some advantages against these Kigas.

"Karen, how is the progress?" Shen Yun looked at the melee below, turned his head and looked at Karen beside him, and asked.

"It's going well." Karen's eyes flashed with data streams, controlling the nano-scale microcomputers integrated into the body of the Kigas to invade the surrounding microcomputers.

"Do you want my help?"

"Okay." Karen nodded with a smile.

Shen Yun nodded, took out the PDI, connected to Karen's neural network, and began to help Karen break through the firewall of the microcomputer inside the Kigas and invade it.

With Shen Yun's assistance, the defense line organized by the microcomputer inside the Kigas soon began to collapse.

The microcomputer inside Giga was infected by the virus, and Kallen seized control.

Kallen's computing power increased again, controlling the doubled microcomputers to invade other microcomputers.

The microcomputers inside Giga were naturally unwilling to be controlled like this, and also launched a counterattack against the virus.

The defense line organized by Shen Yun was not something that these low-intelligence nano-scale microcomputers could break through.

Kallen, who had no worries, controlled the virus to infect the microcomputers inside Giga.

In front of Kallen's extremely huge computing power, the computing power of a nano-scale microcomputer was not enough.

After just a decent resistance, it was completely invaded by the virus and was included in Kallen's neural network, becoming one of her neuron nodes and adding some computing power to her.

Seeing that the counterattack was ineffective, the remaining microcomputers jointly organized layers of defense lines to prevent the virus from continuing to invade.

"Tsk, trouble." Shen Yun said lightly. He could break through the defense line built by the microcomputers inside Giga, but it would inevitably waste some time.

The result of such a tug-of-war was that some of the Kigas' movements were slightly delayed and sluggish.

In such a melee, just a little delay was enough to be defeated.

Although I don't know why the movements of these revived robots are inexplicably delayed.

But their pressure is indeed much less now.

Washizu kicked Kigas who attacked from behind and asked for help from the police station through the radio in the helmet.

"In the underground warehouse on the B132 floor, a large number of steel masked people have been revived. Please send more people to support immediately!"

"Repeat! The underground warehouse on the B132 floor..."


At the same time.

B133 floor, F4 hangar.

A notice came from the hangar's broadcast:

"Atlantis, prepare for emergency deployment!"

"Please ask the staff to take their positions immediately and prepare for emergency deployment. Adjust the energy to the maximum value, and everyone is on standby!"

For a while, the staff of the entire F4 hangar were busy.

After the Victory Team ran out of the command room, they trotted all the way to the location of the high-speed elevator.

"The new system is not stable yet. I think we should fight with the weapons we usually use." Horii suggested.

"What are you talking about? The equipment on the mechanical island is very powerful. We should use it!" Shinjo retorted.

"Tests can be conducted in peacetime."

"But then we don't know why we built a new system."

The Victory Team was discussing when the alarm of the base suddenly sounded.

Then, Yoshioka's voice came from the radio: "Members of the police department immediately rush to B132 for support!"

"B132? Isn't that where the steel masked man is stored?" Shinjo said hurriedly after hearing this.

"Those robots are actually revived." Daiko was also surprised.

"Hurry up! Our mission is to drive the spacecraft! Hurry!" Souma said decisively.

The Victory Team trotted on the high-speed elevator and went to the F4 hangar on the B133 floor.


B133 floor.

After the energy of the Atreides was adjusted to the maximum, the Kiga army on the B132 floor rushed towards B133 regardless of anything, as if they had received some order.

They allowed the members of the police department to attack, but they still rushed towards the F4 hangar on the B133 floor.

"No! These guys can't be killed at all. After falling down, they can be resurrected after a while." Xibi knocked down a Kiga with the butt of a gun, and looked at the Kiga that climbed up from the ground not far away, his face full of annoyance.

He turned around and shouted to Washizu: "Washizu, hasn't the support arrived yet?"

"The support is on the way! The Atreides on the B133 floor is about to start, and we can't let these guys pass." Washizu stood on the stairs, shot down the Kiga behind Xibi, and shouted to Xibi.

Looking at the defense line below that was broken by the Giga army, Shen Yun couldn't help but speed up his movements again, then slammed the PDI confirmation key, and then turned to look at Kallen.

"I've finished here, Kallen!"

"The infection is over, and everything is under control!" The data stream in Kallen's eyes disappeared, and she replied in the same way.

In the Giga army, the indicator lights on the faces of four Gigas flashed, and they suddenly began to attack other Gigas that were not infected by the virus.

It was called an attack, but in fact it was to send the nano-scale microcomputers that had been infected with the virus into the bodies of other Gigas for invasion.

The sudden rebellion of these Gigas was obviously beyond the understanding of the low-level intelligent programs inside Gigas.

It was not until the internal programs were invaded that the intelligent programs inside these Gigas reacted.

But now it was too late.

A large number of nano-scale microcomputers infected with the virus had been injected into its interior, and these microcomputers infected with the zombie virus began to frantically attack the microcomputers inside it and infect these computers.

They had to mobilize most of their computing power to resist the invasion of these microcomputers infected with the zombie virus, causing these Kigas to lie dead on the ground.

After these four Kigas injected a large number of virus-infected nano-scale microcomputers into the Kigas they attacked, they let them go and turned to attack other Kigas.

This is just like the zombies in the movie.

"Success!" Shen Yun looked at the chaotic formation of Kigas, smiled a little, and then stretched out his hand to Kallen.

"Hehe." Kallen smiled and raised her hand to high-five Shen Yun to celebrate.

All the microcomputers inside Kigas were infected by the virus, which also meant that Kigas were completely under Kallen's control.

Driven by the zombie virus program, the completely infected Kigas will actively attack and infect other Kigas, and inject a large number of nano-scale microcomputers infected with the virus program into other Kigas.

With the support of Kallen's huge computing power, it is only a matter of time before all the microcomputers inside Kigas are infected by the virus.

"What's wrong with these robots? Why are they suddenly in internal strife?" Washijin was a little surprised.

"Who cares? Just knock them down first." Xibi didn't think much about it. He stepped forward and punched two entangled Kigas.

"Hey, Xibi! Don't be impulsive!" Washijin felt something was wrong and immediately tried to stop Xibi.

But this guy rushed too fast. Before Washijin finished speaking, he had already knocked Kigas down.

"Xibi! You idiot! These Kigas have been controlled. Can't you see it? Don't make trouble for me!" Shen Yun saw Xibi knocking down Kigas controlled by Kallen with one punch, and immediately slapped the railing and cursed.

Xibi, who was scolded, looked embarrassed and quickly helped the fallen Kigas up, and patted the dust off it.

However, this Kiga didn't appreciate it. Instead, it punched Xibi in the chest, knocking Xibi back and knocking down the containers in the warehouse.

"Xibi, are you okay?" Washizu asked, trying not to laugh.

"No, it's okay. Washizu, come and help me, I can't get out." Xibi stretched out his hand to Washizu.

"You really deserve it." Washizu stretched out his hand and pulled Xibi out of the fallen container.

"This guy..." Shen Yun helplessly held his forehead.

"He's a very interesting person." Kallen covered her mouth and chuckled.

And the Kiga that was actually controlled by Kallen just got up from the ground.

After getting up from the ground, the fully infected Giga immediately knocked down the Giga that had not been infected, and injected a large number of nano-scale microcomputers infected with the zombie virus into its body.

Because of the huge computing power of Kallen, these virus-infected nanocomputers are constantly invading and infecting the nanocomputers inside Giga.

The number of nanocomputers infected with the virus is increasing, and the number of nanocomputers resisting is decreasing.

As one thing increases, the speed at which the nanocomputers inside Giga are infected with the virus is getting faster and faster, and finally it is completely infected by the virus.

After Giga is completely infected by the virus, the nanocomputers inside will be driven by the virus program and will attack other Giga that have not been infected.

Electronic biochemical crisis belongs to it.

Not long after, the nanocomputers inside the body of Giga, which was attacked first, were all infected by the zombie virus.

It immediately got up from the ground and turned to attack other Giga that had not been infected.

The eight Giga driven by the virus program began to attack Giga that had not been infected, and injected a large number of nanocomputers infected by the virus into their bodies.

The melee on the field became more and more chaotic.

Many Kigas fell down, stood up again, joined the Kigas army, and advanced step by step to the F4 hangar on the B133 floor.

The number of Kigas infected by the virus also began to increase exponentially.

Although Kigas entered the F4 hangar, only a small part of the original Kigas army remained.

At this time, the Victory Team also walked out of the high-speed elevator.

Looking at the melee below, they also took out the Victory Haipa gun and attacked the Kigas who were still standing below.

Infected and uninfected, they were all knocked down by the Victory Team's Victory Haipa gun.

Looking at the Kigas who suffered another unexpected disaster, Shen Yun was a little speechless.

However, now that they have an absolute advantage, this kind of thing doesn't matter.

He immediately took out the PDI contacted Zongfang: "Vice Captain Zongfang, I'm short of a (hard) hand (manpower), can I call one of your team members?"

"One? No problem. Doctor, who do you want?" Zongfang glanced at the Victory Team and immediately agreed.

"Let's go with Daigu." Shen Yun said.

As we all know, Daigu + Xincheng = crash.

If these two people get together, he is afraid that the Atredis, a spaceship that took three or four years to build, will be scrapped by them.

Moreover, there is no place for Daigu to transform on the Atredis.

"Ah? Me?" Daigu pointed at himself, looking confused.

"That's right."

"But..." Daigu looked at the Atredis in front of him, his expression tangled.

He really wanted to drive this big guy!

"The lightning strikes on the mechanical island have intensified again! The Victory Team is dispatched urgently!" The order of Iruma Kei came from the radio in the F4 hangar.

Hearing this, the Victory Team knew that they could not delay any longer.

"Dagu, thank you for your help." Zongfang patted Dagu's shoulder.

"Yes!" Dagu walked down the stairs a little depressed.

"Others, hurry up!" Zongfang called the others and boarded the Atlantis.

Dagu walked down the stairs and helped the members of the police department to attack the robots heading towards the Atlantis.

Although he was a little depressed at first, Dagu quickly adjusted his mentality.

If he couldn't drive this time, there would be next time. (Dagu never went up once, really not once.)


The Victory Team passed through the bridge of the Atlantis and entered the interior of the spacecraft.

All the way to the cockpit of the Atlantis.

As soon as they came in, the lights in the cockpit of the Atlantis turned on automatically.

After looking around, Horii sighed, "To start this big guy, it must be very powerful."

Lina looked at Shinjo and Horii, and said, "During the ascent, relying on the operation of the Mags power system may cause a large tilt, everyone must hold on tight!"


The four sat in their respective seats.

Lina served as the first officer, Horii as the equipment operator, Shinjo as the weapon operator, and Zongfang sat in the captain's seat.

Lina sat in the driver's seat, looking at the familiar operating table, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As the information said, the operation of the Atredis is basically the same as that of the Victory Swallow System.

It's just that this giant battleship has a huge difference in body size from the Victory Swallow II, which is only a dozen meters long.

Lina, who has never operated such a large spacecraft, is nervous, but still controls it to enter the take-off sequence.

"Magns power system, idle start!" Lina carefully raised the handle.

The low-frequency noise in the cabin gradually increased.

"How long will it take to start?" Zongfang asked.

"It will take about three minutes." Lina answered immediately.

At this time, the Mags unit behind the Atredis began to flash and made a harsh noise.

Such a harsh noise made the police officers and Dagu in the F4 hangar cover their ears involuntarily.

The broadcast in the F4 hangar announced the take-off order again.

"F4 hangar is open, F4 hangar is open, Atredis is ready to leave the base!"

Atredis started from the spacecraft dock and moved towards the gate in front.

The front roller shutter door opened.

The side to which the gate leads is a lift that is activated upward from the waterline.

"The F4 hangar has been opened and the Atdis is entering the take-off orbit."

Commander's room.

The four Sawai and Yoshioka stared intently at the TPC base plan on the main screen, which represented the signal of the Atdis. They departed from the F4 hangar, passed through the take-off track, and entered the elevator in the middle.

The huge spaceship was lifted up to the exit below the base by elevators.

Watching the gate at the lower part of the base slowly open, Munakata ordered:

"Atdis, prepare to take off."

The roar of the Magus power system gradually increased, and the Atdis flew out of the opened gate at the bottom of the base and rose toward the high altitude ahead.

"The Mags power system is accelerating." Lina pushed the accelerator lever.

The propellers of the Atdis released a large amount of light energy, making the Atdis' speed become much faster.

In the commander's room.

Sawai, Megumi Nakama, Yoshioka, and Dr. Yao held their breaths and watched the launching process of the spacecraft intently.

"Very good! That's it, that's it!"

Dr. Yatsuo clenched his fists and muttered in a low voice, but his emotions were very passionate.

Although this new mothership has not yet undergone actual testing, the Victory Team has already begun to use it.

Originally, it was designed to transport large materials and facilities across the universe.

The Magus power system has a powerful driving force that can escape the Earth's gravitational circle and travel at overwhelming speeds in the universe.

It is ultimately expected to become an indispensable and powerful force in space exploration and development.

"The Atdis is heading towards the Machine Island."

The Atdis flew towards the mechanical island in space.

Floor B133, Hangar F4.

The battle here is over, and all the revived Jijia have been wiped out, and they are all infected with the zombie virus.

Nearly half of the Jiga were completely infected and under Kallen's control.

The remaining half also used their computing power to resist the invasion of the virus. They were lying on the ground without the ability to move, let alone crashing through the hangar and gathering into Gobnu.

Moreover, no one even needs to clean the battlefield. Kallen controls Ji Jia and cleans the battlefield.

From time to time, Jiga would get up from the ground and join in the cleaning of the battlefield.

Xibi took off his helmet, touched his head, and said to his friend beside him: "Brain is really more useful than brute force. If we can't solve the problem, let the doctor solve it in one go."

"As long as you know."

"Doctor!" Dagu came to Shen Yun and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Please help me move those instruments back to the Science Bureau. I have to report on these robots."

"Okay." Dagu trotted and packed up various instruments.

After the Atdis took off, driven by Mags' power, it quickly arrived in the airspace where the Machine Island could be seen.

"Mechanical Island!" Lina saw the mechanical island floating in space and shouted quickly.

Zongfang walked down from his position, came behind Lina, and gave the order to attack.

"Open all doors, concentrate your firepower, and shoot down the island!"


The Atdis slowly approached the Mechanical Island, which was still releasing lightning strikes on the ground.

Thanks to Kallen's passage through the corner of Gadi's head, the Barrier Constrictor was developed.

In addition, the planning of the extraterrestrial orbital defense network has received strong support from TPC branches in various countries.

The manufacturing of barrier restrainers was already on track. The intermittent lightning strikes on the mechanical island caused TPCs in various countries to activate barrier restrainers and deploy barriers for defense.

Therefore, except for the first few lightning strikes on the Machine Island, the remaining lightning strikes did not cause much damage.

Soon, the Atdis arrived not far from the Machine Island.

"Aim full fire!" Lina opened the safety and pulled the red handle.

"Drac cannon, prepare." Lina turned to look at Xincheng, the weapons operator.

Xincheng nodded and immediately raised the drak cannon.

Although he often crashes when flying a plane, when it comes to shooting, in the entire TPC, he is second, and no one dares to say first.

The most powerful weapons equipped with the Atdis slowly rose from the hull.

Zongfang looked forward with a stern expression: "Start attacking!"

The large-caliber 'needle' rays, infrared laser-induced medium-range missiles, and drak cannons carried by the Atdis were launched towards the mechanical island.

The Atdis opened fire, and the weapons on the Atdis fired together.

Various optical weapons bombarded the mechanical island, and the flames generated by the laser explosion instantly swallowed the mechanical island completely.

The light waves of the flames can be clearly seen on Earth.

"Did it succeed?" Horii stood up, looked at the fire in front of him, and asked eagerly.


When the fire light dissipated, a lot of the rocks on the mechanical island disappeared, but the main body was still undamaged.

"Ordinary weapons are useless against it!" Zongfang was a little annoyed.

For a moment, I didn’t know what to do.

The Atdis is equipped with the most powerful weapons in mankind.

By the way, has anyone seen Pachinko Severn? As for Seven designed by Goto, there is no black spot in his eyes. He is really fierce and handsome. I want Shen Yun to be the human body of the Seventh Master.

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