The old soldier was very angry, but the old man was very angry.

Long Xiaoyun immediately saluted the old soldier.

"Old comrade, I know what to do. Thank you for reminding us at the critical moment." Long Xiaoyun said.

When the charge horn sounded, Long Xiaoyun could naturally feel it, but he didn't expect that it was such an old soldier who blew it.

And there were many old soldiers like this in this difficult area, but they gradually withered away with the passage of time.

Chen He chased the killer desperately for the safety of this old soldier, which made Long Xiaoyun very happy.

This also reflects what kind of person Chen He is from the side, just as he said to himself when he saved her grandmother, I am a soldier, I just did what I think I should do.

"Girl, you are also a soldier? Not bad, not bad, our Yan country has successors, we have successors." The old soldier said happily.

Long Xiaoyun nodded and immediately walked towards the assassin who was unconscious on the ground.

The opponent's face was deformed and swollen like a pig's head, but the professional disguise on his body showed that he was a killer and could not escape. As long as the opponent's sniper rifle was found, it would be confirmed.

I really didn't expect that he would be caught so easily by Chen He.

Long Xiaoyun turned his head to look at Chen He, looking him up and down.

Suddenly saw a huge footprint in his crotch, and his pants were wrinkled and looked like they were about to break.

She immediately thought of something and her face changed drastically.

If a man is injured there, he will be useless!

Chen He chased the assassin, and he must have fought with him at close range. With the assassin's fighting ability...

Long Xiaoyun immediately asked: "Are you... okay?"

Chen He frowned and said: "It's a bit troublesome."

Indeed, he is also a weak body after all. After [Enlarge and Bold] just now, it will take some time to change back.

This... is indeed a bit troublesome, fortunately the pants are loose enough.

Long Xiaoyun's head buzzed when he heard this.

"It's over, the trouble is hopeless!"

Chen He is still so young, if it's because of this... what will happen in the future?

Long Xiaoyun grabbed the unconscious assassin and said to the old soldier: "Let's go back first, you should be careful, there may be hidden armed elements, we all know."

The old soldier also noticed Chen He just now, showing an expression that all men understand.

"This kid is really good, handsome, sunny, loyal, indifferent to life and death, and good at talking. I owe him a life. What a good young man, I'm afraid he will become a father-in-law. It's a pity. The girl cares about him so much, what will happen to his happy life in the future?"

"Hey, I hope I can hold on. It is said that technology is very advanced now. Maybe there is still hope? Young people have strong vitality, so it should be possible."

At this time, Long Xiaoyun grabbed Chen He's shoulder with his other hand and said, "You can still walk, don't force it, Leng Feng and others are coming soon. If not, let's rest here for a while."

Chen He was a little confused.

Walk? Oh my god!

Now I can have a wedding night on the spot without any problem.

Chen He didn't expect Long Xiaoyun to think so far. He smiled bitterly and said, "Fortunately, that guy's strength is really strong. His pants were almost torn. Let's go, it's okay."

As he said, Chen He also helped Long Xiaoyun to support the assassin to move forward.

Long Xiaoyun half-believed and half-doubted, "If you can't hold on, you must say it. You can't hold on, understand?"

Chen He couldn't explain it.

But thinking back, the opponent's kick was really insidious. If it weren't for [Enlarge and Bold], that kick would have definitely crippled him.

As expected, in actual combat, don't underestimate any enemy. A wrong judgment will have fatal consequences.

If it weren't for [Enlarge and Bold] today, his military career would have ended here.

Chen He nodded and said, "Okay."

Behind them, the veteran watched them leave and saluted their backs.

"The country has such soldiers, who are injured like that, but still talk and laugh, and don't care at all. Then are you still worried that the troops are not strong enough? Are you still worried that the country will not rise?"

The veteran's eyes flashed with excitement.

Long Xiaoyun led Chen He to a slope, avoiding the old man's sight, and immediately threw the assassin aside. He walked in front of Chen He and said in a commanding tone: "Take off your pants, I'll take a look at your wound and see if you can be saved."

Chen He was stunned, and the next moment, his face was full of embarrassment. He never expected Long Xiaoyun to be so direct.

"Isn't this a bit bad?" Chen He said.

Although this place is facing the slope and surrounded by wild mountains and ridges, there are not many people passing by, but...

Long Xiaoyun curled his lips and said, "You are a grown man, I am not embarrassed, why are you embarrassed? I have seen it during the days when I took care of you in the hospital. Hurry up, don't dawdle."

Chen He was even more embarrassed.

That time in the hospital, he was curious [enlarged and bolded], and used it for a while, and the result was... embarrassing!

"I tell you, that thing is related to your dignity as a man, don't blame me for not reminding you, you may not feel anything now, but... why am I telling you this, take it off quickly, I am worried about your parents now, understand?"

Chen He was a little speechless.

This Long Xiaoyun knows everything...

"That, Captain Long... I really don't have anything to do with it, it's very good, I'm not lying to you, don't worry about my parents..."

Long Xiaoyun saw Chen He was there, hesitating, just for that pitiful dignity, she really couldn't stand it.

Without saying anything, the domineering Long Xiaoyun grabbed Chen He's pants and pulled them down.

Chen He covered his face and couldn't bear to look.

Damn, Long Xiaoyun is really domineering!

The next moment, Long Xiaoyun exclaimed: "You little bastard, you are still excited at this time, why are you so excited, you almost hit me in the face..."

And at the bottom of the hill, dense footsteps sounded.

"Hurry up!"

Leng Feng roared, his eyes full of anxiety and tension.

He held a 95 rifle and a 88 sniper, rushing forward frantically, the speed was like a leopard chasing prey.

After receiving the rescue call from Team Long, Leng Feng was the first to rush out.

He was worried!

If it was just Team Long, he would not be so nervous, the key is that she had the rookie Chen He by her side.

With Team Long's skills, it would be no problem to avoid the enemy's attack, but with Chen He, it would be different.

The Dragon Team might take risks to protect Chen He.

"Chen He, if you drag the Dragon Team back, I'll never let you go!" Leng Feng's eyes were extremely sharp, staring at the front, like a beast looking for prey.

Suddenly, the leader's voice came from not far away.

"Little bastard? Are you still excited?"

Leng Feng's originally narrowed eyes widened.

"Who the hell is excited?"

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