The old man was very tired, but he was still very tired.

Chen He was complaining, his eyes fell on [Virus Removal].

This function is also a supernatural ability, a bit mysterious.

But the key is that he can't use it now.

With Chen He's current physical condition, with [Comprehensive Physical Examination], it is enough for him to deal with many emergencies, so there is no need to waste a hard-won choice for the time being.

"After looking around, anti-fraud is relatively better. At least it looks pretty awesome. No one can fool me. It can also figure out other people's personalities. It is most suitable for dealing with various situations of communicating with people."

"This ability can improve my ability to communicate with people. I always feel that someone is trying to fool me recently."

"This is it!"

Chen He made up his mind and immediately chose: "Activate function 1 anti-fraud skill package."

The next moment, [Anti-fraud skill package] was integrated into Chen He's mind. In just a moment, Chen He had a feeling that his eyes seemed to have wisdom, like an old man with vicissitudes of life, insight into people's hearts.

This is a kind of precipitation like countless years, seeing more things, meeting more people... and having a deeper understanding of human nature.

Insight into the world is knowledge, and understanding human nature is writing.

This is the crystallization of wisdom!

Chen He felt that if he became a psychological counselor, he would definitely be the top existence.

And as Chen He integrated [Anti-fraud skill package], his inner world also changed subtly, and the aura on his body also changed significantly.

He just sat there without saying a word, but he gave people the feeling of a wise man.

A calm mind is what Chen He is now.

"I didn't expect the anti-fraud skill package to bring such a big change, I like it!"

People should not only arm their bodies, but also their brains.

Chen He is now arming his brain, and it feels like he is armed to the teeth!

And this is not a big deal. When Chen He subconsciously looked at Long Xiaoyun, a piece of information automatically appeared in his mind.

Name: Long Xiaoyun

Identity: Captain of the Wolf Warriors

Personality: Black personality, authoritative indifference, easy to be depressed, lack of security.

"Fuck! This anti-fraud skill is good!"

Chen He's eyes lit up.

Directly scanning the identity of the other party is very amazing, even more awesome than the [Scanning Function].

After all, with this ability, no matter who you meet in the future, just scan the other party and confirm the other party's identity immediately. How can the other party pretend in front of you?

Especially when facing the enemy, you can identify them at a glance!

Another point is that you can analyze the other party's personality, which is equivalent to knowing what kind of person the other party is.

Personality determines the other party's way of doing things and thinking. If the other party is an enemy, you can find a breakthrough from the other party's personality.

For example, in a sniper battle, if you can master the sniper's temperament, you can start from the other party's temperament, formulate various strategies to fight, and seize the initiative.

If you are a commanding general, master the enemy's personality, you can make a layout based on the other party's personality.

The ancients said: "Know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger!"

[Anti-fraud skills] is such an ability given to Chen He.

"This ability is really awesome!"

"Long Xiaoyun still lacks a sense of security? No wonder... so strong, wanting to seize the initiative everywhere, and firmly control what he has obtained, is it because of insufficient sense of security and always worrying about losing?"

Chen He has a deeper understanding of Long Xiaoyun.

He shifted his gaze to Leng Feng again, and a line of information appeared the next moment.

Name: Leng Feng

Identity: Wolf Warrior Sniper.

Personality: Red personality, passionate and unrestrained, easily impulsive, suitable for acting as an executor.

Chen He nodded secretly: "Sure enough, this guy always does what he says, and when he gets impulsive, no one can stop him. This is the most suitable for acting as an executor."

"As for passion and unrestrained... When drinking, he is really generous and passionate. At this point, it is indeed easy to move girls. If it is in some special occasions, it is definitely a man with overflowing charm. No wonder in the original drama, he can finally catch up with Long Xiaoyun and become his fiancée."

Chen He's eyes fell on Shao Bin again without expression.

Name: Shao Bin

Identity: Wolf Warrior Deputy Captain.

Personality: Yellow personality, rigorous and decisive, easy to lose patience.

"Shao Bin, the deputy captain, has the ability

, but he doesn't have enough patience. No wonder he often does impulsive things when Leng Feng instigates him. "

Chen He looked at Shi Sanba and Ban Zhuan again.

Shi Sanba's personality is green, humorous and tolerant, but he is also easy to attract hatred.

No wonder this guy is so lively no matter where he is. He is just a life regulator.

But his name can tell this. Who the hell named a man Sanba?

From the name alone, no one can associate him with a tall and mighty man.

Ban Zhuan is actually a white personality!?

Originally, Chen He thought he was wooden, not good at communication, rigid, and difficult to get along with.

But the anti-fraud judgment on Ban Zhuan is harmless, but in fact he is very sober at all times, more rational than Shao Bin.

"Damn, this guy turned out to be the biggest Lao Liu. "

Chen He had a very good impression of Banzhuan before, but now he thinks that he is still too naive.

Chen He looked at everyone and couldn't help but sigh: "No one who can be a special forces soldier is a good person."

"Yes, it seems that this is the right choice. This [Anti-Fraud Skill] is absolutely awesome in terms of knowing people and assigning them to the right positions. It will definitely play a good role in employing people in the future."

After Chen He joined the army, as his abilities continued to increase, he had more and more ideas, and he also wanted to move to the position of commander in the future.

Leading troops to fight, which man doesn't have such an idea?

Chen He certainly has, and his ambition is not small.

"Now that I have this ability, it will definitely be of great use in the future."

At this time, Leng Feng patted Chen He's shoulder from behind and said, "Well, is your injury really not serious? This is not a small problem. If a man destroys that place, there will be absolutely no happiness, and women will suffer as well. "

As soon as the other party finished speaking, a warning light suddenly lit up in Chen He's mind, and then a red light flashed on Leng Feng's face, like a red light when crossing the road.

This made Chen He dizzy.

"What does this mean?" Chen He said in astonishment.

The system immediately explained: "This is an anti-fraud skill package that can infer the enemy's true or false. The caring words just now are red warnings, neutral is white, and friendly is green flashing. "

Chen He was instantly relieved.

"Fuck, does Leng Feng want me to become a eunuch! "

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