Chen He immediately opened the video call.

Soon, the screen flashed, and in the video, Chen He saw Long Xiaoyun was hung up with his hands behind his back, his head down, and his messy hair covered his face, but the figure of the dealer dealing cards online made him very familiar.

Chen He suddenly felt angry.

He actually hung his wife up!

Immediately afterwards, a wooden face appeared in the screen, without any expression, his eyes were narrowed, and the cold light flashed like a sharp knife. It was the old cat.

The old cat faced the screen and stared at the mad bull in the picture.

"Yes, it's a mad bull. His facial muscles are hard and his expression is fierce. He looks like a mad bull. Who else could it be but a mad bull?"

The old cat smiled and said, "Mad bull, how did you get out?"

The mad bull in front of him was naturally Chen He who used the ability of [Interface Switching] to change his face to look like a mad bull. The effect lasted for 4 minutes.

If Leng Feng or other people saw Chen He at this moment, they would definitely be scared, because he looked too much like a mad bull. From facial features to skin and even hairstyle, they were exactly the same. They were simply carved from the same mold.

If the mad bull faced Chen He at this moment, he would think he was facing a mirror.

This is the terrifying effect of [Interface Switching], which is definitely better than any top makeup artist in the world.

The most difficult part of disguise is the eyes. Chen He, who switched to a mad bull, even changed his eyes.

It was because of this that the meticulous old cat made a mistake.

Chen He suppressed his anger and said, "I don't know what happened. They let me go. Boss, where are you? I beg you to do one thing. Don't touch the female prisoner from Yan State. The assassin is still in their hands. Let me go. This is their sincerity."

Old Cat frowned and narrowed his eyes. He said, "How is the assassin?"

Chen He said, "He is fine and has not been abused. The news that Yan State does not abuse prisoners is true. They also gave us a separate room and the food is very good."

"As a sign of sincerity, they let me Go first, but I feel someone is following me and can kill me at any time. Boss, don't touch that daughter. I just saw and heard it. For my sake, treat that woman well. I don't want to die here, and I don't want the assassin to die in their hands. "

"If they see their captain being abused, they will definitely attack the assassin and fight back!"

Old Cat thought for a moment and said, "Okay, you come to the town, I will send you the location, remember to get rid of the tracking before coming."

"Understood, I know what to do." Chen He said.

Immediately, the video was hung up.

Chen He immediately restored his original handsome look, and his whole face felt more comfortable, otherwise the rough and dry feeling on his face was very uncomfortable.

This [Interface Switching] is too scary, it actually feels the same.

The next moment, a murderous intent burst out from Chen He's eyes.

"Damn, damn old cat, you have no martial ethics, you hanged my wife up, don't let me catch you, otherwise, I will make you a eunuch plus 250, and beat your entire family!" Chen He couldn't help cursing.

Just a glance at Long Xiaoyun's appearance, I knew that the old cat was going to use force on her.

With Long Xiaoyun's hot body and appearance, how could a pervert like the old cat not be tempted? If it was under normal circumstances, you can imagine what kind of abuse Long Xiaoyun would suffer?

The end must be miserable!

Signal Chen He disguised himself as a mad bull and made this call. The old cat did not have martial ethics, but he was very loyal to his brothers. If he promised, it would still count.

So before receiving the confirmation from the mad bull that he was safe, he would not touch Long Xiaoyun.

"Now hurry up, the faster the better!"

Chen He turned and ran towards the direction of the kitchen squad, ready to borrow a car from the squad leader of the kitchen squad.

The town is more than 100 kilometers away from here. Chen He ran there, but it would also take a lot of energy.

He was going to save people and fight with the old cat, so he had to save energy. Driving was the best way.

But before Chen He ran many meters, a voice came from behind, shouting in a bad tone: "That soldier, what are you doing? You are still swearing, what eunuch, idiot, ancestor, say another word!"

Chen He looked up and saw a guy wearing white gloves and a white helmet walking towards him, his hands

He was holding a notebook in his hand.

The other person was very young, about the same age as Miaomiao, and certainly not as handsome as Chen He. He also looked very annoying. He stared at me with eyes that seemed to have a grudge against me.

White Helmet Dog!

The three squads were arrested, and they were asked to reflect on their thoughts. Leng Feng had his bonus deducted. It was the work of the White Helmet Dog.

Chen He had no good feelings towards them, and now he was caught again?

When Fang Tang saw Chen He, he was overjoyed.

I finally caught you, kid!

In the morning, Fang Tang saw Miaomiao and Chen He walking very close, and they went to the dormitory together, which made him very angry.

The reason why he chose this remote place and gave up the prosperous life in the big city was because he wanted to get closer to Miaomiao, catch up with Miaomiao, and then go back together.

In this way, he would have both beauty and career.

But who would have thought that Miaomiao seemed to have no feelings for him at all, but was interested in this barbaric recruit. How could Fang Tang not be annoyed?

Therefore, Fang Tang had been thinking about how to catch Chen He's handle, teach him a lesson, and let him stay away from Miao Miao.

He was worried that he could not find an opportunity, but he did not expect the other party to take the initiative to bump into him.

Fang Tang said loudly: "You are Chen He, the deputy squad leader of the third squad of the third row. I have remembered you. In the morning, I called your third squad by name. Now..."

"Chen He, why are you running? Stop!"

"Stop right there. Resisting discipline inspection is aggravating your crime. Stop right now."

Fang Tang saw Chen He suddenly speed up and rush to the other side of him, and his face changed drastically.

This guy wants to run!

When he was patrolling, he encountered too many such things. Those old-timers often hid to smoke. After being discovered, they ran like rabbits for fear of being caught.

But that was when he did not see the other party clearly, and did not know which company the other party was in. Now he has called out the other party's class and name, and he is still running?

Openly resisting!

Fang Tang ignored his handsome image and rushed towards Chen He, trying to grab his shoulders.

But Chen He was too fast. He had already increased his speed. Suddenly, he raised his leg and kicked Fang Tang in the crotch.


Fang Tang jumped up like a rabbit with his legs clamped together.

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