The two of them were still together, but the two of them were still together.

Chen He was a little nervous. He had been single for 18 years and had rich theoretical experience, but zero practical experience.

He was not a stud like Leng Feng, so it was inevitable that he was nervous.

"You have to do foreplay first, you can't get straight to the point, you need to build up your emotions, you can't be impatient, you can't eat hot tofu if you're impatient..."

Chen He muttered to himself, like a little monk chanting a spell.

He closed the window again and sat on the sofa waiting.

But after waiting for more than ten minutes, Long Xiaoyun still didn't come out.

Chen He was a little speechless.

"It's really troublesome for women to take a bath. If you don't come out, I'll go in."

Chen He heard the sound of flushing inside. It seemed that he would not come out so soon, so he lay on the sofa and took a nap, while also feeling the changes in his body.

After blowing the [Beast Call], Chen He gradually felt the excitement of his body, and both of his heads were big.

However, this reaction was obviously not as strong as the first time, and it was still within Chen He's control.

"Sure enough, my guess was right. The superimposed effect will produce a certain resistance. I have such a reaction, and my wife should be the same."

Chen He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that his judgment was wrong. The side effects of [Beast Call] not only did not weaken, but increased.

"It's a pity." Chen He grinned and turned to look at the bathroom.

Maybe he was too relaxed. Not long after, Chen He actually fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, Chen He felt someone gently pushing him and woke up immediately.

Long Xiaoyun wore a long women's shirt as pajamas and shorts.

Because of years of training, her body shape is perfect. Except for the weapon, there is no extra fat on her body.

The perfect body lines, the dealer's figure is like a work of art.

Really interesting!

This is the first time Chen He has felt it so close. Unexpectedly, it is more perfect than he imagined.

No wonder Fan Tianlei said that if he married Long Xiaoyun, he would really make a fortune.

Maybe because she had just taken a shower, Long Xiaoyun exuded a faint body fragrance.

Chen He was refreshed.

The wife is really beautiful and fragrant.

Long Xiaoyun's pretty face seemed to be dyed red, and she cursed softly: "Aren't you very fierce? You killed the wolf king, so you are so sleepy."

Chen He looked at Long Xiaoyun and said: "Why did I fall asleep? How long has it been?"

Long Xiaoyun said: "About thirty minutes."

From Chen He's eyes just now, she could see the other party's ill intentions, but she didn't take it to heart.

She knew how attractive her figure and this kind of dress were to men. If Chen He had no reaction at all, that would be a problem.

Long Xiaoyun had already had very little defense against Chen He.

In such a private space, it was okay to give him some benefits appropriately.

Chen He said: "It's been so long? It seems that you are really tired. Well, your sofa is too comfortable to sleep on. How about I stay here tonight?"

Long Xiaoyun said: "You wish!"

Chen He grinned and said: "It's always okay to think about it. If I don't even dare to think about it, how can I be your man?"

Long Xiaoyun turned around and poured water for Chen He.

"How do you feel? It shouldn't be as uncomfortable as before." Chen He said.

Long Xiaoyun said: "It's much better now."

Chen He laughed and said: "I just said that only I can help you solve it."

"Why is your whistle so special? Did you come up with it yourself?" Long Xiaoyun couldn't help asking.

She had checked a lot of relevant information on this, and none of them was as weird as Chen He's.

Chen He said, "I said yes, do you believe it?"

Long Xiaoyun snorted and said, "You are always mysterious, with so many secrets on you, be careful not to be caught and studied."

Chen He smiled and said, "There are many things in this world that cannot be explained, just think of me as having special abilities."

It is really difficult for Chen He to explain this issue. Even if he explains it according to the system, Long Xiaoyun may not believe it.

Long Xiaoyun said, "You performed well in the wilderness survival training that just ended. In theory, you have made meritorious service. Let's see what Li Lian says."

Chen He said, "Thank you, my wife."

Long Xiaoyun looked at Chen He and said, "You were lucky in this fight with the old cat, but don't be so impulsive next time, understand."

Chen He said, "Don't worry, I know what to do. I am not an impulsive person. I don't know what to do.

Dare to do it, I know what extent to do it. "

"I have fought with Lao Mao so many times, and I am considered an old hand. Until now, he has not taken advantage of me at all."

"I am not as impulsive as Leng Feng. I will not do anything without confidence. I don't want to die and be cuckolded."

Long Xiaoyun didn't say anything. Chen He was still a new recruit. He had done well enough, far exceeding her requirements.

"When will your parents come?" Long Xiaoyun asked suddenly.

Chen He said: "It should be soon. Why is a beautiful daughter-in-law afraid to meet her parents-in-law? They are very satisfied with you and can't wait for you to give them a grandson as soon as possible."

Long Xiaoyun's pretty face condensed, and said: "Nonsense."

Chen He stood up and relaxed his muscles. When he looked out the window, he felt a red light bulb hanging outside.

"Fuck, the squad leader is here again? Is he done yet? It's okay to spy once, but he comes twice. "Chen He was a little annoyed.

It was rare for him to have time alone with his wife, but a big light bulb was staring at him. No one would feel comfortable.

"Is there something wrong with the squad leader's mind?"

Chen He thought for a moment, turned to look at Long Xiaoyun, and said, "Wife, I'm a little hungry and want to drink milk."

Long Xiaoyun shivered and immediately said, "I cooked some noodles, let's eat together. "

If it was in the past, it would be fine to take care of a child who lacks milk, after all, they are husband and wife in name.

She is afraid that she can't control herself now. She was almost unable to control herself by being stimulated by Chen He's whistle just now. If she does it again now, it might go off accidentally.

Long Xiaoyun didn't dare to take the risk.

After saying that, she walked towards the kitchen on her own.

Suddenly, a whistle sounded from behind her. Her body softened involuntarily and she hurriedly held onto the wall next to her. She almost fell down.

Long Xiaoyun's pretty face flushed slightly. She was about to scold Chen He for whistling, when suddenly there was a bang outside the window, followed by a muffled groan.

"There's someone outside! "

Long Xiaoyun resisted the discomfort and rushed to the window, pushing it open.

I saw a figure lying on the grass in a certain font. The next moment, he got up quickly, like a wounded hound, dragging his third leg, rushed into the flowers nearby, and disappeared.

Is this Leng Feng!?

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