The two of them were so embarrassed that they had to face each other.

Long Xiaoyun looked at Leng Feng's embarrassed figure and couldn't help but curse: "Little dog!"

She never thought that Leng Feng would come to eavesdrop, this is too shameless!

Why didn't she know that he was such a person before.

Before, she felt that someone was eavesdropping outside, but she didn't catch him.

As for why Leng Feng did this, Long Xiaoyun could guess it, but this guy didn't use his brain to do things?

Climbing the window to eavesdrop... is he still a man?

Is the special forces' skills used to do this?

Fortunately, the window has curtains, if he saw what he just did...

Thinking of this, Long Xiaoyun became even more annoyed.

Chen He walked over and saw the font below, it was really like this.

The squad leader is still haunting us. He escaped last time, but was caught this time.

This guy must not be too arrogant, otherwise it will be easy to get into trouble.

"Squad leader... is quite interesting. What is he thinking?" Chen He said.

Long Xiaoyun swished and closed the window, saying, "Don't worry about it. I'll give you food."

Chen He shuddered and almost couldn't help it.

Is my wife driving? I almost couldn't resist!

Not long after, Long Xiaoyun's food came over, and Chen He sat down at the table obediently.

Two bowls of noodles, covered with poached eggs and sprinkled with chopped green onions, steaming hot, and the appearance seemed okay.

"Eat it." Long Xiaoyun called.

Chen He smiled and said, "Thank you, wife."

He was not polite, picked up the chopsticks and ate.

To be honest, the noodles were not very delicious, but they were edible, and with the poached eggs, they were just okay.

For the picky Chen He, that was all.

As for why it was done like this, Long Xiaoyun was a female leader and rarely cooked in person. She had three meals a day in the cafeteria. How could her cooking skills be that good?

However, the meaning was different. Even if it tasted bad, Chen He had to swallow it all.

The lights were on at the table, and the charming wife was sitting there, looking delicious!

Chen He swallowed a mouthful of noodles with satisfaction, looked at Long Xiaoyun with a smile and said, "Wife, your noodle is really delicious."

Long Xiaoyun was stunned, glared at him, and said, "Do you want to hear about Leng Feng?"

Chen He ate slowly and said, "You tell me, I'll eat your noodle."

As for Leng Feng's affairs, Chen He didn't need Long Xiaoyun to tell him, and he knew it. Don't forget that he was a crossover.

But of course Long Xiaoyun wanted to say it, so let him say it. Is this considered frank? Afraid of misunderstanding?

Anyway, this is a good thing!

Judging from the current development situation, Leng Feng has no chance.

Long Xiaoyun looked at Chen He with a strange look, feeling that this guy was driving again, but so serious.

This guy is really... a master of driving!

Long Xiaoyun took a bite of noodles, thought for a while, and said: "I had a past with him. In fact, that situation was mainly instigated by Chief Shi. Strictly speaking, it is not a relationship, but it is similar to what you and I are doing now, examining each other to see if we are soul mates."

Chief Shi also had good intentions, but Leng Feng was too manly and impulsive. Once he got impulsive, he didn't care about anything.

This made Long Xiaoyun very dissatisfied, and it was because of this that the two of them had not come together for a long time.

It didn't work out before, and it's even more impossible now.

The more Long Xiaoyun came into contact with Chen He, the more he found that there was always something about him that attracted him, and that he had countless secrets waiting for him to explore.

He dug a life passage from the trapped tunnel with inhuman willpower. When faced with an enemy sneak attack, he could burst out fighting power that ordinary people did not have. He had never touched a gun, but his shooting ability was so strong...

Even the incredible whistle that stimulated human physiology was understood. There were too many secrets in Chen He.

Chen He grinned and said, "It turns out that I am more suitable for you, right?"

Long Xiaoyun glared at him and said, "I didn't expect you to be so shameless."

Chen He shrugged and said, "On TV, aren't it only hooligans who can chase beautiful women? Nerds will only meet fox spirits."

Long Xiaoyun snorted and said, "What a mess. The reason why nerds meet fox spirits is that the people who write these stories are all scholars."

Chen He smiled and said, "My wife's analysis is good. She is worthy of being a female leader. She is really knowledgeable. No wonder I was surprised. Why do fox spirits in ancient ghost novels go to provoke poor scholars, and I also see them go to provoke rich sons."

Long Xiaoyun said: "You are the only one who can say that. Tell me about yourself. Your size is more suitable for an experienced driver like Miaomiao, or a golfer like Guan Lin. And that shepherdess is also pretty good. Why don't you consider it?"

"Don't you men like to have three wives and four concubines, and think that this is the winner in life."

Chen He suddenly thought of what his life mentor Lao Fan said. When a woman compares other women, she often wants to recognize her, let her feel the preference, and the arrogance and prejudice of women towards women.

Long Xiaoyun took the initiative to raise this question, isn't it just to get Chen He's recognition?

"Here I come. Old Fan is a life mentor with rich experience. He knows everything. He's an expert."

Chen He put down his chopsticks and said seriously, "That's different. I like mature, steady, and elegant queens like you, my wife. That Miao Miao little loli doesn't know anything and can only scold people. It's hard to get along with her. Whoever marries such a woman in the future will definitely have a headache every day."

"As for Guan Lin, the golfer, let alone, she is a withered flower. How could I like such a girl? As for the shepherdess, what's the difference? She only does her own thing and doesn't care about others. It's very tiring to get along with such a girl."

"Oh, you made my wife suddenly feel uncomfortable. Can you not mention other women? I just want to talk about you. Can you consider my feelings?"

Looking at Chen He's exaggerated expression, Long Xiaoyun couldn't help but burst out laughing, laughing so gorgeously.

What a smile, what a cloud makes clothes, what a flower wants beauty, it's not as good as this laugh.

This was the first time Chen He had seen Long Xiaoyun smile so happily.

She always looked cold in front of others, as if she was keeping people at a distance. Who would have thought that she would look so beautiful when she smiled.

"Wife, you look so beautiful when you smile. It must be my blessing to marry a wife like you in my life." Chen He said subconsciously.

Suddenly, the system's voice sounded in Chen He's mind: "Computer system main task reminder: You have obtained 95% of Long Xiaoyun's favorability. If you complete 100%, you will be rewarded with 1,000 experience points."

Oh my god!

Chen He almost sprayed!

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