Chen He was slightly stunned.

"Is this how he passed? So easy? As expected of male No. 3, he also has an aura."

You know, the reason why Chen He was able to pass just now was because he used the golden finger [Enlarge and Bold] to strengthen his body locally, and barely passed Long Xiaoyun's level.

Li Erniu looks tall and strong, but that's just puffiness, and his physical fitness is very average, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to take a second-level chef certificate and enter the Iron Fist Regiment's cooking class after the new recruits trained for a month.

Long Xiaoyun just let him pass?

Chen He let Li Erniu pass, originally just to give it a try, without much hope.

"Sure enough, this guy is just lucky, everything goes well for him."

The trend is the same. He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others are much stronger than Li Erniu, but they are indeed no match for Li Erniu's good luck.

In terms of military quality, he has nothing, but he can be assigned to the best Iron Fist Group with a chef certificate.

During the exercise, he was like a headless fly, running around in fear, but he saved Kang Tuan inexplicably...

Chen He showed a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth.

"But these 100 upgrade experience points are indeed easy to come by, Li Erniu is a gift boy."

Chen He felt very happy.

The next moment, the system list automatically popped up in his mind.

Host: Chen He

Level: Level 1

Data flow attributes.

Motherboard performance: 1.5 (ordinary people: 1)

Memory size: 1.5 (ordinary people: 1)

CPU speed: 1.5 (ordinary people: 1)

Activation function: comprehensive physical examination, enlarge and bold

Comprehensive strength evaluation: 1.5

Upgrade experience value: 100/200

Chen He glanced at it and found that there was one more upgrade experience value than before.

"Is it 100 points away from upgrading?"

System explanation: "Yes, the host computer level is now 1, and 200 upgrade experience points are required to meet the upgrade conditions. This is analogy. Once the upgrade is successful, the host can choose to activate new computer functions."

"Upgrading can activate new computer functions, this is the key point!"

Chen He went from a weak chicken to a comprehensive strength of 1.5, which is 0.5 higher than ordinary people. All of this is the effect of the computer's [comprehensive physical examination] and [enlarge and thicken]. Otherwise, he would definitely not pass the physical examination.

"As long as I activate the computer functions more and strengthen them continuously, will I still be afraid of not being strong enough? No matter how difficult the place is, it is not a problem."

"System, you are awesome, I like it!"

At this time, Li Erniu excitedly walked to Chen He and said excitedly: "Brother, I passed it too. Maybe we will be comrades in the same unit in the future."

Chen He nodded and said: "I will leave my back to the other comrade."

Li Erniu grinned and said: "Brother, I like to hear this. I have to tell my partner. I'm leaving first. By the way, what's your name, brother?"

Chen He smiled and said: "Chen He, Chen Sheng Wu Guang Chen, He Bird He."

"Brother Chen, I hope we can see each other next time, and then we will be brothers back to back."

Li Erniu walked away happily.

Others failed the physical examination, but he passed it in one go. This is a good thing. It means that he may have a promising future in the army in the future. He also met a brother like Chen He, which shows that it is right for him to join the army.

After Li Erniu and Chen He left, several soldiers with solemn expressions came out from Long Xiaoyun's original position. It was obvious that they were not ordinary soldiers.

One of the soldiers, who was in good shape and looked very capable, said to Long Xiaoyun: "Instructor, how come the two of them, one was a fool and the other was just bloated, both passed?"

Long Xiaoyun glanced at Leng Feng, who had an awkward smile, and cursed in a low voice: "How dare you say that? It's you!"

As she said that, she turned her head and looked at the others with a cold face.

"And you guys, each of you is a special forces soldier, and the old special has no discipline at all. You have the nerve to say that others are not good enough? You are good enough?"

Speaking of this matter, Long Xiaoyun was full of bitterness and helpless.

In a recent military exercise, Wolf Warrior suffered a heavy blow for the first time, and Yu Fei died, which dealt a blow to the spirit of all Wolf Warriors.

But who would have thought that when Leng Feng sent Yu Fei's ashes back to his hometown, he had another conflict with the developer, knocking down dozens of them in one breath. Later, when Ban Zhuan, Shi Sanba, Shao Bing and other three guys came over, they also had a conflict.

Fortunately, the cause of the incident was excusable, and the upper level did not go deep.

After further investigation, even so, Chief Shi was furious and ordered all the members of the Wolf Warriors to be sent back to the southwest area No. 1 to undergo ideological transformation.

The Wolf Warriors were temporarily disbanded, and Leng Feng and others were directly assigned to ordinary companies, demoted to ordinary instructors of the company, and asked to lead new recruits.

These elite special forces on the front line returned to the pre-liberation period in one move, and all became squad leaders. Only Shao Bin was in a slightly better situation and served as acting company commander.

The people were temporarily saved, but the Wolf Warriors lost all their face, and they were embarrassed that they were special forces.

Therefore, Long Xiaoyun, the squadron leader, brought a small stool here to recruit people, otherwise would she condescend to sit here and be a vase with her status?

Long Xiaoyun was very angry just thinking about it.

Leng Feng narrowed his eyes, almost forming a line, and said: "Instructor, we all know that we are wrong. We have been punished. Don't we all admit it? This matter is over, please don't hold on to it. If the old doesn't go, the new won't come. We will definitely be able to stand up again."

"It's just a matter of time. Believe us, we will never embarrass you in the future."

Long Xiaoyun snorted coldly and said: "You know how to give in now? What have you done before? You are now out of the company, stay well, don't make a fuss, don't say you are a member of the Wolf Warriors, I can't afford to lose this person."

Leng Feng nodded and said: "Yes, you are the boss, you can say anything, we have our own sufferings, and we promise not to cause trouble for you, but the two just now should also tell us the reason, since If you want to reorganize the Wolf Warriors, you can't just stuff in all the bad guys, that's not your style."

Shi Sanba also nodded and said, "Instructor, I know you are more anxious than anyone else, but you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. After all, this is a selection, not picking cabbages. It will be difficult to withdraw at that time."

Ban Zhuan's stiff face suddenly said, "You must trust the instructor. The instructor must have a reason."

Shao Bin also said, "This does require caution, but the instructor must have advantages that we can't see when he chooses them."

Long Xiaoyun raised his eyebrows, and stood up and said, "The first one has good talent, and the second one is definitely better than you in obeying discipline. Forget it, I'm too lazy to explain to you. I still have to pick up my grandma. You continue to recruit people here!"

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