The first time, the second time, the second time.

Suddenly, everyone's brains seemed to explode.

Ban Zhuan is a special soldier, a soldier king, and he personally teaches fighting skills. How rare is this opportunity?

Other recruits can't even dream of this opportunity.

Everyone's eyes became hot, just like those guys who have a good life, seeing women.

As a man, who doesn't want to be a fighting master, one against ten, dozens of people?

To put it bluntly, every man has a martial arts dream, dreaming that one day he will become a peerless master.

Isn't learning advanced fighting skills now to fulfill this dream?

Banzhuan continued, "In a fight, everything can be used as a weapon, and one move will kill!"

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly stared at Chen He.

"Chen He, step out!"

Chen He immediately stepped forward.

Is this a demonstration?

Sure enough, he was stared at, but this is a good thing.

Banzhuan shouted, "Come and attack me, I will show them."

Chen He's eyes lit up completely.

You know, if you challenge your superior once and knock him down, you will get 100 experience points. Where can you find it?

Just now, Chen He knocked Li Lian and the squad leader down, and he was a little embarrassed. Now Banzhuan is automatically delivering it to the door?

Is he a boy who delivers points?

While talking, Banzhuan had already drawn a path on the side.

"You all see clearly, you must carefully observe every action and understand the truth here, not just watch, but think carefully." Banzhuan shouted.


Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused on Chen He and Banzhuan.

Just now, Chen He knocked down the company commander and Leng Feng. They saw it very clearly. Chen He must have fighting skills, but it is hard to say whether he can beat Ban Zhuan.

Ban Zhuan looks stronger than Leng Feng. The feeling he gives people is really like his name, Ban Zhuan!

As for Leng Feng, he is a bit greasy... and he gives them a feeling of floating. He doesn't look like a person with great ability, otherwise he would have let them fend for themselves.

Ban Zhuan's cold momentum gives people a sense of strength and mastery as soon as he appears.

Li Erniu shouted excitedly: "Deputy squad leader, come on!"

Ban Zhuan glanced at Li Erniu, and Li Erniu immediately shut up, feeling like he was being stared at by a beast.

"My God, he didn't even give me encouragement."

At this time, Chen He stood up and stared at Ban Zhuan. The distance between the two was about 5 meters, and he took a deep breath.

The next moment, he suddenly stepped on his feet and sprinted forward directly. His figure was like lightning. The moment he approached Ban Zhuan, his right fist whistled and smashed the opponent's jaw!

Fast, fierce, accurate!

Ban Zhuan was shocked.

"What a fast speed!"

However, Ban Zhuan was prepared. He moved faster. He slipped and swayed to the right, dodging Chen He's attack.

"Stop!" Ban Zhuan shouted.

Chen He stopped after hearing the voice and did not continue to attack. He looked at Ban Zhuan in confusion, not knowing what it meant.

Banzhuan stared at Chen He and said, "You started attacking me from the jaw. Although this position is a vital point, once hit by gravity, you will be dizzy for a short time and bleed from the nose and mouth, but it is still a little worse than other parts, and cannot form the maximum effect of a one-hit kill. If I attacked your temple just now, forcing you to give up attacking and only defend, you would have been lying on the ground."

"If the enemy is fast enough, you can't escape. Remember, in the fighting technique, you force the enemy to defend itself, not the opponent's moves. You can ignore his moves. In your mind, there is only one idea, which is fighting, just like a cheetah pouncing, biting the prey's neck with sharp teeth and biting off the opponent's artery..."

Banzhuan was talking to Chen He and everyone in the third class.

This was to explain to them with the help of actual combat demonstrations, so that they could quickly have a concept of fighting techniques.

After all, this attack concept is very different from the fighting techniques of conventional troops.

The fighting skills of conventional troops focus more on the use of moves, practice makes perfect, and then counter the moves, and finally control the opponent, or kill the opponent.

The fighting skills focus on attack, using the attack to resolve the opponent's attack, forcing the opponent to switch from offense to defense.

Li Erniu and others' eyes lit up. The move that Banzhuan dodged just now was flexible and fast.

Although he did not launch an attack, he said that if he attacked Chen He's temple, Chen He would be in trouble.

As expected of a special forces soldier, his combat ability is strong!


Ban Zhuan said this to them, and everyone seemed to understand, feeling that they understood a little, but also seemed to not understand.

It's no wonder, they haven't even mastered conventional fighting techniques, let alone fighting techniques.

Their first feeling now is that fighting techniques are awesome!

"Come on, continue!" Ban Zhuan shouted to Chen He.

A hint of excitement flashed in Chen He's eyes. This is also the principle explained in his Soldier King Basic Fighting Technique Package, but he was embarrassed to hit the vitals directly just now.

If Ban Zhuan said this, wouldn't it be for him to let go and attack him as an enemy?

Chen He growled: "Squad leader, I'm coming!"

Ban Zhuan growled: "Come on, attack boldly, use your most powerful moves, treat me as your enemy, don't treat me as a delicate flower..."

The next moment, Ban Zhuan's face changed drastically.

Damn, groin?

Chen He kicked at his vitals!

This kid is so insidious.

Ban Zhuan immediately blocked, but at this time Chen He had already [Enlarged and Thickened] his legs, and his legs were like hammers, and the power of his hands could not directly block it.

When Chen He was trapped in the tunnel, he used the skill [Enlarged and Thickened] to dig a passage with the power of his hands.

You can imagine the terrifying power that will burst out after [Enlarged and Thickened]. What's more, Chen He's current physical attribute has reached 3, which is much stronger than his physical fitness at that time. After using [Enlarged and Thickened], the power will naturally be improved by a level.

The next moment, Ban Zhuan only felt that his hands were hit by a high-speed locomotive, and his body could not help but retreat backwards, no, it should be said that he flew backwards!

Ban Zhuan is much stronger than Leng Feng, and his reaction speed is fast. At the moment of flying backwards, his body quickly stabilized downwards and used a move of a thousand-pound drop.

But under the huge force that Chen He burst out, he couldn't control it at all.


The falling wild goose rubbed against the ground, leaving a large mark. Because of the strong friction, the fabric on the west side of the buttocks smelled of burning.

Even so, Banzhuan still couldn't stabilize his body. He flipped back and felt his body floating up, and finally sat on the ground with his buttocks.

Banzhuan felt dizzy, his eyes rolled, and he was stunned.

He shook his head vigorously.

"Fuck, what happened, who am I?"

Banzhuan was confused!

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