Chapter 1845 Tianqing Town

It's not just Lei Qian who covets the secret of the mist on the top of Lin Kaidong Immortal Mountain.

There are many more people who have hit Lin Kai's black dragon suit with their abacus.

Everyone on the scene that day felt that Lin Kai's aura had at least doubled after putting on that black dragon suit.

The two great masters were like ants in front of him.

If they get this set of equipment, they believe that they can also get more powerful strength.

Lin Kai has no time to pay attention to everything outside.

Sitting cross-legged in the villa, he was surrounded by white mist, his chest undulating rhythmically.

Lin Kai seemed to be in the celestial palace where the fairy qi was fluttering. With every breath he took, the pure and rich spiritual qi was sucked into his body, and every cell in his body cheered and jumped for joy.

Lin Kai's face had the purest smile ever.

Since he cultivated immortality, he walked in the mortal world like a fish in the desert, unable to breathe, very painful.

Now, the environment here finally gives him the feeling that the fish are returning to the sea, free and fun.


Every time Lin Kai breathed, it was like a giant exhaling, breathing long and profound.

A puff of spiritual energy formed a cyclone, swept across and was inhaled into the body by Lin Kai.

In the Lin Kai Dantian, there is a group of pale golden entrapment, that is Lin Kai's fake Dan, it blooms with a faint golden light, greedily absorbing the aura of the outside world.

Lin Kai will truly enter the Golden Core Realm after it has been condensed and completely transformed into a golden core.

Donghai Province, Tianqing Town.

This is a small town with less than a hundred households, and all the residents are official forces under the jurisdiction of Jiulong Mountain.

They live here all year round for the annual Tokai Underground Budo Tournament.

They will not interfere with anything that happens in the small town.

Even if they killed someone, they would ignore it.

However, once things go beyond the scope of the town, they have the power to push a button.

That is the button to apply for missile bombing.

In an instant, the entire town would be razed to the ground.

No more than ten people know about this matter in the entire Donghai Province.

On this day, these dozens of households all opened their doors.

They set up a variety of small stalls in a familiar way.

Some residents temporarily opened hotels.

No matter who it is, as long as you pay enough money, you can rent a small villa.

They are full of enthusiasm, and their faces are harmless to humans and animals.

At this time, a variety of luxury cars also drove into the small town of Tianqing.

Some powerful families have already chosen villas and moved in directly.

Some small families searched for a place temporarily and lived there.

The Qian family is a family with assets of only 100 million yuan.

Ten years ago, Qian Ming, the second son of the Qian family, was a concubine and was not taken seriously in the family.

When he went out once, he accidentally got an ancient martial arts secret book.

Qian Mingru won the treasure, studied hard and practiced hard.

In just a few short years, he was trained to become a martial artist.

On the day Qian Ming succeeded in his cultivation, he appeared in front of the family forcefully.

He directly subdued all the family members with strong force and became the Patriarch smoothly.

After Qian Ming became the Patriarch, all the forces in the East China Sea Province also knew about the existence of Qian Ming, a martial artist.

Since then, the power of the Qian family has rapidly expanded, and the family property has directly increased tenfold.

Everyone in the Qian family knew how convenient it was to have an ancient warrior in the family.

It was at this time that Qian Ming received an invitation to the underground martial arts conference.

In this conference, the winner can get more resources.

The loser needs to give up most of the resources in the family and distribute it to the triumphant family.

Of course, this conference is also the time to resolve the past grievances of various martial arts families.

Qian Ming has clashed with another martial arts family Wang Clan during the expansion of his power in the past few years.

This time, Qian Ming wanted to resolve grievances with the Wang family in this conference.

Qian Ming led eight of his subordinates, and a little girl who was fifteen or sixteen years old followed by his side.

Those eight subordinates were all new martial artists, which was cultivated by Qian Ming after spending countless resources in the family.

On the contrary, his daughter Qian Lian'er has a very strong martial arts aptitude.

At a young age, he became a warrior.

Qian Ming also hesitated for a long time before he gritted his teeth and brought her to gain a long experience.

Qian Ming spent one million to rent a villa for one day.

Qian Lian'er almost fainted after hearing this.

Qian Ming smiled bitterly, and explained to Qian Lian'er: "This million is money for life. Fighting is not allowed in the villa. We are safe for the time being."

Qian Lian'er couldn't believe it. In her heart, her father was very powerful.

However, her father was very humble.

After arriving in the small town, Qian Ming was very nervous.

He has heard of this small town.

There will be many powerful martial arts families, and master-level masters above all are very common here.

Even the legendary great master will appear here.

Qian Ming is just a small martial artist. If he encounters a bad master and is killed by others, he will have nowhere to cry.

It was not until after spending a million to rent a villa that Qian Ming was completely relieved.

Qian Ming stayed in, so he didn't plan to go out.

He will not enter the venue until the beginning of the underground martial arts conference to resolve past grievances with the Wang Family Patriarch.

However, after half a day passed, Qian Lian'er couldn't sit still.

She held Qian Ming's arm and pleaded: "Father, take me out for a walk. I am very curious about this small town. Don't you want to meet the legendary master?"

Qian Ming hesitated, but he really wanted to see it.

Qian Ming's face was solemn, and he repeatedly asked: "You must follow me closely. Don't take the initiative to cause trouble."

Qian Lian'er agreed with a smile.

The two left the villa and entered the center of the town.

The two of them were in a trance, as if they had come to ancient times.

The buildings here turned out to be what they looked like in ancient times.

Even on the street, there are many men and women in ancient costumes.

In addition, there are many people holding long swords, or carrying long knives, all holding weapons.

On the street, those small vendors are even more dressed up as ancient people.

This made Qian Lian'er wonder if he had crossed.

Not only that, there are many street performers that are no longer available in modern times.

Qian Lian'er looked at a juggling place and was lost for a moment.

Suddenly, there was a fierce fighting sound on the street.

Along with the sound of fighting, there were bursts of screams.

The crowd on the street suddenly rioted, some of them were bold and wanted to move forward; others were timid and wanted to get away quickly.

For a time, the whole street was in a mess.

The crowd made Qian Ming panic.

What made him even more alarmed was that he and his daughter were separated.

"my daughter…"

Qian Mingru fell into the ice cellar, and his mind sank into the bottom of the valley.

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