Chapter 1846

In a corner of the street, two clan forces that have always been hated happened to meet.

When they didn't agree, they couldn't bear the anger in their hearts and moved their hands.

With this shot, both sides made a deadly move.

All moves are towards the other side's vitals.

In an instant, blood dripped and screamed again and again.

The broken arms and limbs were scattered all over the streets, and there were even heads rolling, and the deaths were extremely tragic.

Qian Lian'er looked at the horrible situation in front of him, stunned in shock, and lost the ability to think.

Although she was bullied when she was a child, she had never seen such a miserable situation.

Qian Lian'er screamed and ran out in a panic, completely forgetting her father.

When Qian Lian'er came back to his senses, she found out that her father had disappeared in a very strange place.


Qian Lian'er's pink face was panicked, and a layer of mist overflowed from his bright big eyes.

She didn't dare to talk to passers-by, she could only rely on her memory to walk in one direction.

As he was walking, a large group of people greeted him on the opposite side.

They are different from other cautious people, but walk in the middle of the street swaggeringly.

Some people are very upset, but seeing so many people can only endure it.

There are also forces who know this group of people, and their complexion changed drastically, hiding on the side of the street, looking very humble and waiting for this group of people to pass first.

This group of people is luxuriously dressed, with extraordinary bearing.

The bodyguards behind them had sharp eyes and bulging temples, and at first glance they were powerful ancient warriors.

Walking in the center is a young man. Although he is handsome, his look is somewhat frivolous.

A group of princes from the martial arts family hugged him and walked forward, with an expression on everyone's face.

Only him, his face looked boring and boring.

The young man sighed boredly: "Tsk, this broken town is such a big name. What is the difference from the outside world?"

The princes who accompanied him could only laugh.

For this existence, this place is very boring.

But for the children of their families, it is a very glorious thing to be able to enter here and to walk in the streets with a sway.

Not to mention, as long as they tell this dogfuck thing, not only will it not be ashamed, but it will be of great benefit to their family.

Seeing the appearance of the group of young men next to him, the young man was even more boring.

He is not going to go shopping anymore, very boring!

In the group of elder brothers who were all very far behind, the inconspicuous elder brother glanced at the side of the street and was slightly taken aback.

He rolled his eyes, a trace of reluctance in his eyes, but was quickly replaced by a trace of cruelty and greed.

He stepped forward and said respectfully to the young man: "Master Lei, you think this small town is no different from the outside, it's a big mistake!"

"Hey...this kid is dying, how dare to talk to Lei Gongzi like this?"

The elder brothers took a deep breath and looked at this person in horror.

Young Master Lei glanced at him in surprise, and asked lazily: "What's wrong."

The man laughed a few times, and suddenly his figure moved, and he grabbed a man who was hiding from the street tremblingly.

"Prince Prince, what are you doing with me?" The man struggled and shouted.

This person is a casual cultivator, just the cultivation base of a newcomer.

He and the prince once had a fate.

The prince pinched his neck and said respectfully to Mr. Lei: "Mr. Lei, you can do things you can't do outside here. For example..."

At the same time as he said, there was a trace of fierceness in his eyes, and he broke the loose repair neck directly.

He threw it away, like a trash, and threw it to the side of the street.

The prince spread his hands and said with a smile: "You can kill people on the street at will. No government will arrest you."

Master Lei's eyes lit up and he muttered to himself: "It's interesting."

Wang Gongzi was even more shocked when he saw Lei Gongzi raised his interest.

He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand in one direction, and whispered softly: "Master Lei, how do you think that girl looks like?"

Young Master Lei followed his fingers and couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

This is a pretty girl about sixteen years old.

She doesn't use Fendai, but she is naturally beautiful and full of youthfulness.

A delicate face seemed to be able to pinch water out, and the figure of Xiaohe with pointed horns, coupled with the look of helplessness, really made me feel pity.

Young Master Lei looked straight. He likes such an innocent student girl the most.

The girl in front of me is surprisingly in line with his aesthetics.

Young Master Lei sighed: "It's not bad!"

The prince smiled and said, "Since it's good. Lord Lei, you can take her back to the villa and please her."

Master Lei blinked and said, "Will she agree?"

The prince said in a puzzled manner: "Why do you have to agree with Lord Lei if she is acting?"

Wang Gongzi said meaningfully: "This is Tianqing Town, and all behaviors are reasonable."

Young Master Lei seemed to have opened the door to the world in an instant.

He looked at the prince and asked admiringly: "What is your name?"

The prince was overjoyed. He did all this for the sake of what Lei said?

The prince resisted the trembling, and said excitedly: "The villain Wang Shitao, from the Wang family of East China Sea, Pennsylvania."

Young Master Lei nodded and said seriously: "I remember you, you are very good."

The prince said in surprise, "Thank you, Lord Lei!"

Many young masters behind him saw this scene, and envy, jealousy and hatred suddenly appeared in their eyes.

Why didn't they think of this, come to give Son Lei what they like.

Most of their families are much stronger than the little Wang family.

However, the Wang family was tied to Lord Lei’s chariot, and it was only a matter of minutes to surpass their family.

Wang Shitao smiled and asked for instructions: "Master Lei, let's talk to the little girl. If she refuses to go with you, it won't be too late to take it away by force."

Young Master Lei nodded in satisfaction, this kid is really good!

The group of people swaggered to Qian Lian'er.

When Qian Lian'er saw everyone avoiding Lei Gongzi and the group, she also hid on the side of the street.

Suddenly, she only felt that her eyes were dark, and when she looked up, she saw that the group of elder brothers were all standing in front of her.

This group of elder brothers had wretched smiles on their faces, and their naked eyes seemed to be a group of big bad wolves staring at a little white rabbit.

Qian Lian'er trembled and asked tremblingly, "What are you going to do?"

Lei's eyes were obsessed, and the **** in his body was already burning fiercely.

He took a step forward, grabbed Qian Lian'er's delicate little hand, and said with a squint:

"Beauty, what's your name?"

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