Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1874: Swept away at a glance

Chapter 1874

"Bah, you are dreaming!"

"Talk to us with your face as a traitor!"

"Go away, the farther you die, the better!"

Everyone in the Qian family did not hesitate at all, and yelled at them.

Qian Xiaofang looked ugly, and said coldly: "Then you all go to die!"

Qian Tong said coldly: "Although you are crowded, we are not vegetarian."

Qian Tong said loudly: "Everyone, it's time to fight for your life. Kill one is enough, kill two and you will earn!"

The other three warriors burst into wolf-like gazes, looking fiercely at everyone in the Wang family.

Wang Tao smiled slightly and said faintly: "Do you think you still have the qualifications to fight with us?"

Wang Tao stepped forward and shouted coldly: "Now let you feel desperate!"

Wang Tao stepped down, releasing his inner strength with a ‘teng’.

"It's a martial artist!"

Everyone in the Qian family felt Wang Tao's inner strength much stronger than them, and their faces became hard to look.

Wang Tao looked at the faces of the people on the opposite side and smiled triumphantly.

He has been hiding his identity as a martial artist, just to surprise everyone.

Wang Tao said triumphantly: "Now, do you still feel qualified to work hard?"

Everyone in the Qian family looked bleak and completely lost hope.

"Why God treats our Qian family like this!"

The people of the Qian family felt the despair facing Wu Sheng today. The hope had already come, but they didn't expect despair to engulf them again soon.

When Wang Tao spoke, his eyes were fixed on Qian Lian'er.

He saw that Qian Lian'er remained unchanged when he revealed his identity as a martial artist.

There is not even a trace of fluctuation in his eyes!

This made Wang Tao a little uneasy. Is it bluffing or confident?

Wang Tao looked at Qian Lian'er coldly, and asked in a cold voice: "Qian Lian'er, now we have far more people than you. You must die. But, you don't seem to be afraid?"

Qian Lian'er glanced at Wang Tao lightly, she was really not afraid.

She has met so many big people today, and even Wu Sheng died in her hands.

A martial artist can hardly cause her mood swings.

Qian Lian'er's indifferent eyes deeply stimulated Wang Tao.

Wang Tao encouraged his inner strength and said coldly, "Don't you think I can beat me?"

Qian Lian'er thought about it, shook his head and said, "I am not your opponent now."

Wang Tao did not relax, but his expression became more and more tense.

A trace of contempt flashed in Qian Xiaofang's eyes. This Wang Taokong had the level of a martial artist, but did not have the consciousness that swept the audience.

If it were him, he would shoot without hesitation and directly kill Qian Lian'er.

Wang Tao asked angrily: "Then why are you not nervous or afraid?"


Qian Lian'er's eyes waved, and his indifferent eyes became tender.

In that direction, a young man in white was leaning lazily on the door frame, looking at Qian Lian'er with a smile on his face.

A slanting sun just sprinkled on him, making his whole body shining.

Because, my son is looking at me there.

Qian Lian'er and Lin Kai looked at each other bravely, their admiration and love in their eyes did not hide at all.

Lin Kai couldn't help but averted his gaze, touched his nose and whispered, "This stinky girl."

Qian Lian'er smiled triumphantly at the corner of his mouth, as if he had won a big battle.

Everyone followed Qian Lian'er's gaze and saw the lazy young man.

At the same time, they all felt the strong sour smell.

"Qian Lian'er is relying on him?"

Everyone looked at Lin Kai up and down, and they looked like ordinary people.

Lin Kai walked up slowly and said calmly, "It seems that it's my turn to shoot."

A royal guard squinted at Lin Kai and asked with a grin: "What kind of person are you? Get out of here!"

Wang Tao's eyes flashed, and he didn't stop the guard.

He wants the guard to test what the young man has.

"Kneel down and talk!"

Lin Kai glanced away and looked at everyone in the Wang family.

A coercion that was vast like a cloud of smoke, boiling like a blazing sun, appeared instantly, sweeping across the square.

At this moment, everyone in the Wang family looked down on sentient beings as if they were facing a high god.

The invisible coercion seemed to have turned into substance, like mountains falling on them.

Everyone, including Wang Tao, trembled in their hearts and fell to the ground, shivering.

Lin Kai looked at Qian Lian'er and smiled lightly: "It's solved."

Qian Lian'er smiled sweetly and said softly, "The son is so amazing."

"What's the matter? Why are these people paralyzed?"

Everyone in the Qian family blinked, and the scene in front of them was even more outrageous than Qian Lian'er beheading Wu Sheng.

This young man just said a word on his knees, and these people kneeled down obediently?

Qian Lian'er looked at Qian Tong and said in a deep voice, "Uncle San, tie these people up and take it with you."

"Just **** like that?"

Qian Tong was puzzled, but did not dare to ask.

He brought people forward and found that all the members of the Wang family were broken down and seemed to be in a nightmare.

Everyone in the Qian family was overjoyed and found the thick iron chains one after another and tied them all up.

"Bah, traitor!"

A Qian family led the big thick chain and walked in front of Qian Xiaofang.

Qian Xiaofang had also collapsed and collapsed on the ground.

Qian Tong saw that they didn't struggle at all, and even if they were tied with a thick chain, he accepted all this.

Qian Tong ordered the guards to bring everyone from the Wang family into the boss and let out a sigh of relief.

He turned around and invited: "This son, please move your footsteps, and Yajian tells you how."

Qian Lian'er also looked at Lin Kai hopingly.

Lin Kai naturally gave Qian Lian'er the face, so he nodded faintly.

A group of several people walked into a guest room dedicated to VIPs, and asked the servants to serve tea.

Qian Tong invited him: "My son, this is the tea made by our Qian family. Please taste it."


Seeing Qian Tong's expression very confident, Lin Kai picked up his teacup and took a sip.

The bitter taste entered the mouth and then melted away instantly, becoming a tangy aroma.

"Not bad!"

Lin Kai's eyes lit up and he applauded softly.

Qian Tong smiled respectfully and said respectfully: "The son, you can bring some with you when you leave."

Lin Kai nodded slightly, this tea is indeed good, it is one of the best teas he has ever drunk.

Qian Tong asked cautiously, "I don't know where your son's surname comes from?"

Lin Kai said lightly: "Mr. Qian just asks me to Lin Kai."

Qian Tong nodded, suddenly remembering something.

He turned his head to look at Qian Lian'er, took a deep breath, and asked in a trembling voice: "Lian'er, where's eldest brother?"

Qian Lian'er's face turned gloomy, and tears overflowed in his eyes.

With a cry in her voice, she whispered softly: "Uncle San, my father has been killed!"

Like a bolt from the blue sky, Qian Tong's face turned pale with a scream!

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