Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1875: Back to the villa

Chapter 1875

Qian Tong looked sad, sat down in his seat decadently, a sadness exuded all over his body.

Qian Lian'er said softly: "Father's body is still in Tianqing Town, let's invite him home together."

Qian Tong's body was shaken, and he quickly said, "Yes, I will make arrangements right away."

Qian Lian'er turned his head and looked at Lin Kai with pitiful eyes.

Lin Kai waved his hand slightly and said lightly: "You can handle your father's funeral with peace of mind. I am waiting for you in Dongxian Mountain."

Qian Lian'er little chicken hurriedly nodded as if eating food, and repeated apologetically: "My son, I will go to Dongxian Mountain as soon as possible to find you."

Qian Tong frowned, somewhat puzzled by Qian Lian'er.

After Lin Kai left, Qian Tong found Qian Lian'er and looked at her seriously.

"Uncle San?" Qian Lian'er looked at Qian Tong in surprise, not understanding what made him so serious.

Qian Tong frowned and asked, "Which Dongxian Mountain do you want to go to find Mr. Lin Kai? Why?"

Qian Lian'er eyes drooped and said softly: "Yes. I have decided to follow the son for the rest of my life."

Qian Tong's expression changed, and he scolded angrily: "Nonsense! Do you know how long your life is? Are you still married?"

Qian Tong looked at him and asked, "Could it be that he promised to marry you?"

Qian Lian'er looked longing, if he could marry Lin Kai, his life would be worth it.

However, Qian Lian'er shook his head with a sad expression, and said, "I am not worthy of him. Probably, I will only be the son's maid for life."

After Qian Tong heard what Qian Lian'er said, his face suddenly flushed, and he stretched out his finger to Qian Lian'er, shaking constantly.

Qian Tong said angrily: "I will never allow you to be a maid. Now that your father is gone, only you can take on the important task of revitalizing the Qian family. Are you going to let your father's ten years of hard work be wasted? "

Qian Lian'er's expression remained unchanged, and said, "Uncle San, let's invite my father home first."


Qian Tong knows Qian Lian'er very well, her current expression has already indicated her determination.

"Forget it, Lian'er has to stay in mourning. These days, please persuade her more."

Qian Tong could only sigh, and walked out with an ugly look.

Qian Lian'er lowered his head, looked at his toes, and muttered to himself softly: "Father, I am going to pursue my happiness. Would you agree?"

Lin Kai drove directly back to Dongxian Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, I discovered that more than a dozen luxury cars had been parked here.

At the forefront, a slender girl was bored and admiring the surrounding scenery.

Lin Kai stepped forward and smiled in surprise: "Miss Tang Ying, you are here so fast."

Tang Ying pouted her small mouth, and said in a sour tone: "Yes, I shouldn't have come. Excuse you and sister Lian'er Qingqing, I and I."

Lin Kai shook his head and said, "Lian'er has gone to do her father's funeral."

Hearing Lin Kai's words, Tang Ying's expression also became awe-inspiring.

"Sister Lian, are you okay?" Tang Ying asked softly.

Lin Kai said lightly: "This is all she has to experience, she will want to open it."

Lin Kai turned the subject away and invited, "Miss Tang Ying, would you like to go to my villa for a stroll?"

"Of course I am going, otherwise what am I doing."

Tang Ying gave him a glance. This look was full of charm and spring, which made Lin jump for joy.

Lin Kai gave a light cough and walked up the mountain first.

Tang Ying ordered: "You are all waiting under the mountain."

After speaking, she bounced behind Lin Kai and walked up the mountain.

The many bodyguards behind him looked at each other, their expressions a bit complicated.

Their goddess seems to have fallen in love with the man in front of them.

"Wow, I haven't seen you in a few days, a lot of flowers on this mountain have bloomed."

"There are many beasts and birds. Many kinds, I haven't seen them yet."

Tang Ying was chirping, like a happy lark, flying around Lin Kai.

Lin Kai had a faint smile, and a beautiful woman playing happily in front of him made him feel pleasing to the eye.

Lin Kai was in a happy mood and walked up the mountain with Tang Ying while introducing her to the scenery.

It didn't take long for the two to reach the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the surrounding environment has become a vast expanse of whiteness, and there are no five in sight.

Tang Ying was a little nervous, approached Lin Kai, and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Standing in front of Yunwu, Lin Kai stretched out his hand and took out the Chuanguo Yuxi.

Tang Ying poked her head out from behind him, curiously looking at the Chuan Guo Yu Xi in Lin Kai's hands.

This is a blue jade seal, and there is a golden dragon hovering in it.

It seemed to perceive Tang Ying's gaze, and even raised its golden eyes to look at Tang Ying very humanely.

Tang Ying was startled, and stammered in Lin Kai's ear: "Lin Kai, is this a living dragon?"

Lin Kai nodded slightly, and said with a slightly surprised expression: "I can feel the rhythm of its life. Maybe one day, it can really live as a real dragon."

"True dragon."

Tang Ying exclaimed: "This is a legendary beast."

Tang Ying said jokingly: "Lin Kai, you also sent me a dragon."

Lin Kai rolled his eyes, then turned to stare at Tang Ying.

Unexpectedly, just turning his head, his face touched Tang Ying's soft, rosy lips.

It seemed that Tang Ying stretched her head from behind Lin Kai and kissed Lin Kai's face.

Lin Kai was startled slightly, Gu Jing Wubo's Dao Heart suddenly seemed to have been thrown into a stone, causing ripples.

Tang Ying was also dumbfounded, and just kissed Lin Kai's cheek like that, without moving.

Lin Kai smiled at the corner of his mouth and chuckled softly, "How long will you kiss?"

"Ah, badass!"

Tang Ying's small face turned red with a ‘swipe’.

She quickly backed away in a panic, as if avoiding a pervert.

"Be careful."

Lin Kai noticed that there was a cliff not far away, and stretched out his hand to grab Tang Ying's little hand.

Tang Ying's body suddenly stiffened, and she looked at Lin Kai nervously.

She thought in fear, now that she is alone and widow, is Lin Kai going to plot against her?

Do I pretend to refuse or agree?

Lin Kai looked at Tang Ying dumbly and nervously, so he let go, and said angrily: "What are you thinking? There is a cliff not far behind. Don't you fall down."

Tang Ying nodded quickly and returned to Lin Kai's side.

However, this time she left a few inches away.

Lin Kai didn't care, and directly threw Chuanguo Yuxi into the clouds.

"Bad boy, why did you throw it away?" Tang Ying asked anxiously.

Lin Kai had a black line in his forehead, when did he become a villain.

Lin Kai smiled faintly: "It's just returning to its standard."

Lin Kai read the formula silently, and made several handprints in an instant.


The clouds on the top of the mountain rolled violently!

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