Chapter 1876

Under Tang Ying's shocked gaze, the clouds and mist all over the top of the mountain were rolling violently, as if an inexplicable force appeared.

Let the entire cloud split in two halves, separating the two sides.

Tang Ying was about to scream as she covered her small mouth.

Lin Kai smiled slightly, and suddenly wanted to show off in front of Tang Ying.

He chuckled: "It's not over yet!"

Lin Kai's fingers glowed with golden light, and he stretched out his fingers and lightly tapped them in the void in front of him.

I saw clouds and mist rolling, converging continuously, forming a avenue of clouds and mist.

This avenue of clouds and fog is hundreds of meters long.

At the end of the avenue, there is a villa indistinct, like Xianjia Dongfu.

On both sides of the avenue, the scene was also vaguely revealed.

There were even strange flowers and weeds, and the rare birds looked at the two people with their heads tilted. In their bright eyes, they were very curious.

"What a nice view."

Tang Ying murmured.

Lin Kai whispered: "Let's go."

He first walked on the avenue of clouds and fog, like a **** in the sky, driving in the fog.

Suddenly, he turned around and saw Tang Ying standing still hesitating, but did not follow.

Lin Kai raised his brows in doubt and asked, "Come on."

Tang Ying pursed her lips and whispered softly, "I'm afraid."

Lin Kai shook his head helplessly, then returned to take Tang Ying's little hand, and walked forward.

Tang Ying smiled and followed Lin Kai obediently.

How could she be afraid of the mere Yunwu Avenue.

She is the future heir of the Tang family, even death can't change her color.

She is just willing to become a well-behaved little girl at the right time, satisfying a man's face while still being in close contact.

These are the abilities that the mother gave her personally by precepts and deeds.

Otherwise, her mother would not be able to subdue her father's treatment.

Tang Ying walked curiously on the avenue of clouds and fog, which seemed to be a cloud, but in fact, there was a solid ground below.

In the clouds and mist, they are like a couple of gods and goddesses, traveling in the mist.

When they reached the end of the mist, the two stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the clouds and clouds in the distance, a vast scene.

Tang Ying looked at everything in front of him obsessively, and sighed, "It's so beautiful."

"In such an environment, I will live here my whole life and I won't be bored."

Tang Ying's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Kai boldly, seeming to imply.

Lin Kai looked up at the sky, silent, as if he hadn't heard it.

He looked at the clouds in the distance, where two twin sisters seemed to appear there, with beautiful faces.

Tang Ying looked dark, and suddenly said, "Bad, how come I feel warm."

Tang Ying looked surprised, she only felt comfortable, as if she was in a hot bath, her whole body warm.

Lin Kai explained: "The clouds and mists here are different from elsewhere. The clouds and mists here are all transformed by aura."

"In the spiritual fog, even mortals have the benefit of prolonging life."

"For the ancient warriors, there are many benefits. It can subtly improve the ancient warriors' physique, and even strengthen the internal strength of the body."

After listening to Lin Kai's explanation, he felt the spiritual fog all over his body.

Tang Ying also had to admit it in surprise.

"Is this aura? It's amazing."

Tang Ying took a deep breath and felt the unprecedented freshness.

The two enjoyed the beautiful scenery for a while, and then returned to the villa.

Lin Kai let Tang Ying walk around, took out the special paper, and began to write and draw in detail.

He drew five pictures in a row, and they were densely filled with words.

Tang Ying glanced curiously next to him, only to feel dizzy, like a ghost painting.

Lin Kai laid out the five pictures one by one, and said: "The arrangement of the Spirit Gathering Array and the required materials are all recorded on it."

"You will send someone to send them to the great masters. Of course, you will also give a copy to your uncle, Tang Feng."

Tang Ying frowned, and said unhappily: "Do you really tell them for free?"

She has initially felt the beauty of aura.

The Spirit Gathering Array can simply turn an ordinary mansion into a blessed place, which can be passed on for thousands of years.

In such an environment all the year round, the aptitude of the ancient martial artist will become better and better.

Perhaps in the future, great masters will no longer be rare, but will walk everywhere.

Such treasures were given to these great masters for free, which made her feel very distressed.

Lin Kai said funny: "You still have your uncle here. Don't you want me to give you the Tang family for free?"

Tang Ying's expression was a little tangled, and she smiled half-jokingly and said, "We can't afford such a precious thing. Then I'll accept it by myself."

Lin Kai gave Tang Ying angrily, why this Xiao Nizi kept hitting his attention.

Lin Kai showed a slightly treacherous smile, and said: "I have not concealed the materials and arrangement of the Spirit Gathering Array at all."

"However, there is only one way to activate the Spirit Gathering Array, and that is to use spiritual power to activate it."

Lin Kai smiled triumphantly: "In this world, only I have spiritual power."

"After they arranged all the materials, they found that they couldn't activate the formation."

"You said, this time. What will they do?"

Tang Ying said thoughtfully: "They will find you, please help start the formation."

Lin Kaitan smiled and said, "That's right. But it's not free to start the formation. At that time, it's up to me to charge it."

Tang Ying said angrily: "Huh, you really are a badass!"

However, her eyes were full of smiles, as if she was very appreciative of Lin Kai's cunningness.

After finishing the business, Tang Ying thought on a whim and said, "Shall I cook for you?"

Lin Kai rubbed his chin and said, "The kitchen utensils are all complete, but there is no rice and vegetables."

Tang Ying slapped her chest, making Lin Kai's mind rippling.

With great perseverance, Lin Kai turned his gaze to one side.

In the past, why didn't you find that Tang Ying developed so well?

Tang Ying blushed slightly, and said softly: "I'll let the bodyguard deliver the food."

Lin Kai waved his hand, and a mark appeared from the void, and he was bounced on the back of Tang Ying's hand.

Tang Ying looked curiously at the back of her smooth hand, and the mark slowly dissipated on her hand.

Lin Kai explained: "With this mark, you can enter and leave the villa at will."

Tang Ying stroked the mark on the back of her hand, and thought happily: Is this a wedding gift?

Tang Ying called her bodyguard, and within half an hour the bodyguard came to the top of the mountain.

The two bodyguards carried two back baskets and stared blankly at the clouds in front of them.

"Can this go in? Will it just fall down the mountain?"

When they didn't know what to do, they saw the clouds suddenly separate.

A woman who looked like a fairy walked out through the clouds.

She walked up to the two bodyguards and looked at the fresh vegetables and rice noodles in the back basket with a satisfied look.

"You go back."

Holding one in one hand, she walked back into the clouds.

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